hot desking changes

Post on 12-Aug-2015



Art & Photos



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Taking advice from my “hot-desking” feedback, I have decided to change the drop shadow on my ‘Jade Lou’ layer on Photoshop from a bubbly red to a standard, clean cut black. After making these changes I have realised how much more professional and neat it looks. I still think the use of the drop shadow is effective because it adds dimension, however, I now realise that the pink was completely overwhelming and slightly childish looking.I have also realigned the text to ensure that it wasn’t squashed against the edge of the paper which I now think looks a lot better realigned than it did previously.

For this part of my front cover, I have edited the ‘350’ text to make sure it was properly aligned with ‘page of pure music bliss’ text; as originally it didn’t sit properly. I had also jumbled too many typefaces up in order to create an effect which actually had looked a little too confusing. Taking this from my feedback, I changed all of the fronts to ‘Mangal’, except for the number which is in ‘Times New Roman’, because it brings organisation back to the front cover. I have also realigned it as well to keep that distance.

Not only have I realigned the text to make it look neater and to leave a gap between itself and the edge of the paper, I have dropped the text size down on ‘upcoming collabs’ from 18 to 16 so that it doesn’t look so overpowering. I think doing this has restored some order back to my front cover and has balanced out the size difference. I intended to use a bigger size font for this part of my magazine as I wanted it to stand out, but I think it looks much more effective being this size than it did being size 18 which was far too big for the rest of the elements on my front cover.

Similarly to what I have done with the text on the rest of my front cover, I have realigned the text on the left hand side to “Right alignment” so that the distance between the edge of the page and the text is a clear line. This makes it look much more organized and neat, as well as keeping the distance equal. I am really grateful that this criticism was given, as I don’t think it could look much better now.

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