hotel crew manual 2011 working copy copy

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LUNAHotel Crew Manual

Version 2.0Issued 22nd August 2011ContentsLUNA1Introduction5Purpose of this manual5Sources of Information5Overview of Familiarisation & Training for Hotel Crew6Work Place Familiarisation6Operational Training6Defects and Reporting7Operational Procedures7General guidelines and practical advice for the Provision of Food and Fresh Water on LUNA8Health and Safety issues8Food Hygiene9Service9Dry Stores9Cold stores9Cleaning10Cleaning detergents and chemicals10Pests11Maintenance of Freshwater Systems11General introduction12Social Etiquette12Job Descriptions/Rank Structure14Rosters14Example guests off and guest on Rosters:14Laundry15Work place familiarisation16Guest areas16Crew areas16Everyday use cleaning products17Crew Areas Daily cleaning duties17Lower crew mess detailing19Crew Gym detailing19Sick bay cleaning20Captains cabin20Chief Engineers Cabin / Officers cabins21Day heads detailing21Ships office detailing21Weekly maintenance job list - Guest on & guest off22Weekly maintenance job list Guest off22 Checklists daily, weekly & monthly.23Crew areas cleaning checklist23Crew mess cleaning checklist23Pantry cleaning checklists24Laundry cleaning checklist25Cleaning caddies and pantry cupboards25General Safety Advice for the Ship;26Guest Interior27Your Cabin27Vacuum Cleaners28Crew mess dishwashers30Cleaning air vents31Detailing32Crew Dry and Drink Stores32Bonded Store32Servicing cabins when guests are on board32Work schedules with guest onboard33Housekeeping33Early Morning Duties33Morning Duties33Breaks34Afternoon & Evening Duties34Turn down36Rounds36Service37Daily work Schedule with guests off40Duties from 08:00 14:0046Duties from 17:00 20:0047Hazardous housekeeping chemicals and safety precautions47General info47Cleaning products instructions for Guest Interior48Waste Sorting and Disposal50Waste sorting50Waste Disposal50Stowing52Interior Uniform Boss on/ Boss off53Uniform issue & control:53Manual Handling54Risks associated with operation within the Hotel department56

IntroductionPurpose of this manual

A collection of manuals are available for all crew joining Luna:

Masters General Standing OrdersDepartmental Manuals Safety Familiarisation Introduction (to be completed by all crew members upon joining)

The purpose of this Hotel Departmental Manual and the introduction process is to provide general guidelines and safe instructions to all Hotel crew onboard Luna and to help train new crew when signing on for the first time. All Hotel crew will have access to this manual which should be used for reference throughout your time onboard. The manual is available on-line in QDMS and as hard copies.

All Hotel crew are required to read through this manual and to sign the signature sheet in the front of the Manual.Sources of Information

Hotel Crew must all be familiar with following publications and sources of information:

Masters General Standing OrdersHotel Department ManualGeneral Muster List, Security Muster List and SOPEP action planThe Code of Safe Working Practice for Merchant Seaman (CoSWP)BOYM SMS & Fleet Manual (FM)Fleet Notices (will be posted on crew board)Garbage Management PlanSOLAS Training Manual & Luna Fire Fighting Training ManualCOSHH system; Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all chemicals and potential harmful substances used on deckRisk assessments and Permits To WorkThe Code of Conduct for the Merchant NavyDesignated Person Ashore (DPA)

HODs must in addition be familiar with:

Emergency, Fire and Damage control plans.Procedures for obtaining quotations and raising Purchase Orders (PO)

Overview of Familiarisation & Training for Hotel Crew

All crew onboard LUNA are required to complete a safety familiarisation introduction.It is imperative that all crew take the process of familiarisation with the vessel very seriously. These tasks will start when you first sign on and will be an ongoing process throughout your employment.Work Place Familiarisation

The initial Safety Familiarisation induction tour is to make sure you are thoroughly advised of the emergency and safety procedures onboard Luna.In addition to this you will undertake Workplace Safety Familiarisation. This will initially come from your Head of Department or Training Officer. Work Place Familiarisation is an ongoing process and you have a responsibility to gain knowledge on all procedures and the safe operation of equipment according to your place of work.

Work Place Familiarisation for hotel crew includes;The use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and introduction to Code Of Safe Working Practices (CoSWP) and the Health, Hygiene and Safety organisation onboard.SOPEP and Environmental regulations and pollution preventionSafe work procedures and tasks for the various modes of operations (i.e. Guests On or On Standby)Hotel maintenance, the use of various products, liquids, chemicals and cleaning detergents.Rigging or setting up of outside guest areas and guest services.Training in onboard potential hazardous operations as: Life boat / raft preparation Safe use of electric/mechanical household equipment.The use of Risk Assessments and Work PermitsHow to access and record your hours of rest.

Never start a job if you are unsure of the safety precautions always ask your HOD or the OOW for advice.Operational Training

Specific training will be conducted for the following;Safe procedures for preparing and launching life boats and rafts.Assisting crew and guests during abandon ship emergencies.Safe operation of watertight doors.Safe procedures for search and casualty recovery during emergencies.Safe procedures for operation glass sliding doors for emergency exit.Safe laundry procedures and minimizing risk of fire.Safe galley and galley equipment operation.Health and hygiene proceduresThe safe operation of hydraulic shell doors and gangways.Medical assistance and first aid.General emergencies, fire fighting, damage control, incidental spillages etc.Water sports and diving equipment

Training in all potential hazardous operations onboard must take place before crew are assigned any duties and authorized by the Chief Officer to operate specific equipment. The training will be based on CoSWP Chapter 21 for guidance.

Defects and Reporting

All crew should be aware of the importance of reporting defects as soon as they are discovered. All defects should be reported to the HOD or OOW who keeps a log and monitors the corrective process.If you have any concerns or have noticed any potential hazards then please report them to your Head of Department and they will discuss it with the Safety Officer or raise It in the Health, Environment, Safety and Security meetings.It is important to remember that insignificant defects such as a defect bulb, hinge, handle etc or an insignificant squeaking noise in a cabin, can later on lead to a major complaint from the guests and/or turn out to be a safety issue.

Operational Procedures

The following is intended as a training guide onboard. All operations should be carried out in line with the CoSWP and Fleet Notices at all times. If any doubt exists as to operational or work procedures, seek the advice from the Bosun or the OOW.

General guidelines and practical advice for the Provision of Food and Fresh Water on LUNA

Food hygiene principles and the provision and maintenance of fresh water must be applied at all times.Bacterial contamination is the most serious risk to food and fresh water safety.Crew preparing or serving food must be properly trained and demonstrate a working knowledge of the principles and practices of food hygiene.Prevention using Risk Assessments and management approach is one of the most effective means of ensuring food and fresh water safety.Onboard Luna the galley, storerooms and fridges, garbage room, pantries, sanitary and cabin accommodation must be maintained to a very clean and habitable condition and all equipment and installations related maintained in good working order at all times.Crew must be aware of the potential problems associated with food allergy and intolerance and have a basic understanding of how to avoid cross contamination.

Weekly inspections onboard my Luna will be carried out by the Master or deputy and findings will be recorded in the Ships Official Logbook.

Health and Safety issues

There are obvious hazards within the galley and store areas, such as wet greasy deck, extreme temperatures and humidity, congestion around the galley range and hot plate area. Cleaning materials, electric appliances, fumes, knives and equipment. Practical measures in place in order to reduce risk of injury:

Protective clothing and anti slip foot wear.Knives and other sharp utensils must not be left in the sink or washing bowl submerged in water.Stowage, items must be properly secured.Pots and pans should be secured during cooking and only filled to safe levels particularly in heavy seas.Protective guards shall be fitted on mechanical fans, food mixers and other kitchen equipment with exposed blades or dangerous parts.

Burns and scalds are common injuries and a first aid box is provided in the chefs office.

The use of anti bacterial hand cleaners, moisturising cream and barrier creams is encouraged to reduce the risk of skin infections particularly dermatitis.

Food Hygiene

Traditionally the basis for food hygiene standards has been the use of clean well maintained catering spaces and the avoidance of unsanitary conditions. Even in clean well maintained galleys however, food may be handled carelessly with insufficient regard to food safety. Good food hygiene is more than cleanliness; it requires food to be protected from the risk of harmful contamination by bacteria, chemicals and other foreign bodies from point of delivery to point of consumption. Bacterial contamination is the most serious risk to food safety and causes the majority of food poisoning cases but physical and chemical contamination may also occur accidentally. For example, from loose buttons, jewellery, other foreign bodies or from cleaning agents.


Ideally food should be consumed as soon as it is prepared/cooked. If there are significant delays, cold cuts can be stored in the fridge but must be used within 2 days.

Hot food can be safely left in the pot over a very low heat so long as it is regularly stirred to maintain a safe temperature of 63C.Reheated food (within the 2 days limit) must have a core temperature of 75CDry Stores

All store rooms must be kept clean and tidy.Inventory lists must be maintained and expiry dates must be observed and stock should frequently be rotated.In the dry store the deck should always be kept clear of stocks and a weekly cleaning with thorough inspection for insects etc must have priority.Perishable provisions should be checked daily.

Cold stores

Safe temperatures for cold stores are generally considered to be 5C or colder and minus 18C or colder for chill and freezer cabinets respectively but a slight tolerance of one or two degrees is unlikely to create any significant risk to food safety.All temperatures readings will be checked and recorded by the engineers but please advise them if the temperature fluctuate.Chilled raw food must always be kept away from cooked food or milk for example that requires no further treatment before consumption. Food must always be covered or wrapped to prevent drying out, cross contamination and absorption of odour. Cleaning

The Head Chef has produced a Cleaning Schedule which consists of:Daily cleaning, clean as you goWeekly thorough systematic cleaning of assigned areas in rotation.Monthly thorough systematic cleaning of assigned areas in rotationQuarterly thorough systematic cleaning in difficult accessible areas.Galley spaces must be cleaned and disinfected at the end of each working day.

Trays, knives, cutting boards, food preparation machinery and work tops etc that come into contact with food should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected on a daily basis.

Cloths and towels are a perfect breeding ground for bacteria so they must be washed regularly or discarded. Mops and waste bins should also be regularly washed and stowed in designated places.Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly systematic cleaning schedule should include:

Store rooms and fridges/freezersCupboards and storage facilitiesDeck and bulkheadsExtractor fans and canopiesGrease traps and ventilation ductingDishwashers and equipmentMacerator, compactor and garbage disposal equipment.Drains and scuppersOther areas not easy accessible for daily cleaning

Cleaning detergents and chemicals

Cleaning detergents can burn or irritate the skin and are poisonous if swallowed. They must be treated with caution and should not be mixed together or used more than the recommended strength.

The Head Chef and Head Housekeeper will advise what detergents and disinfectants can be used on the different surfaces in the galley, store rooms etc.

NEVER use anything abrasive on the stainless steel.NEVER use chlorine or corrosive liquid on the marble tops or other sensitive surfaces.ALWAYS check for further advice from HOD if any doubt before commencing the job.


Good housekeeping obviously minimises the risk of infestation and it is important to ensure that areas, particularly refuse areas are kept in a clean and tidy condition. Waste bins should be emptied regularly and garbage bags kept closed for storage.Flies, cockroaches and rodents present a serious hazard. Food suspected of being contaminated by rodents, flies or cockroaches must be destroyed immediately.

Fruit should only be brought out on display in smaller quantities and continuously monitored for fruit flies etc.

Maintenance of Freshwater SystemsAll elements of the freshwater production, treatment and delivery systems including filters, pumps, calorifiers, pressure tanks etc will be inspected, cleaned, flushed out or item replaced where appropriate, according to manufacturers instructions and the ships planned maintenance system. This is under the Chief Engineers responsibility.

However, the Hotel department will on a three months interval be cleaning all shower heads in a 50ppm chlorine solution. This must be supervised and recorded by the Chief Engineer. In addition to this, the interior department, flush the toilets every day and run the taps and showers once a week on Fridays.

These Guidelines are in accordance with MGN 397 (M+F) and safe working procedures in accordance with CoSWP

General introduction

The purpose of this guide is to help you better understand the processes by which we operate as a department, as well as your own responsibilities within that operation. As a member of the Luna Interior team you will have close contact with our owners and guests throughout the charter. Always remember that the quality of our service determines the quality of the entire cruise experience for our owners & guests. They must be assured that every effort is being made to provide them with only the highest standard of service that we can offer them. Service starts before the guests actually arrive. Preparing the guest areas, acquiring any information we may have on the guests before their arrival. Ensuring that we ourselves are presentable and well groomed, as well as mentally prepared to deal with guests whatever their requirements, attitude, and personality may be. All problems should be solved prior to guest arrival.

The Interior department is only as strong as its weakest link. It is important to work together as a team, and look out for each other. Steward/ess should maintain a positive attitude at all times, and perform to the best of their abilities.

Social Etiquette

Excellent service consists of the ability to relate to people as human beings as well as establishing a professional relationship with them and tuning in to their needs as human beings and as our guests on board Luna.

The Luna Attitude:A positive attitude reflects willingness or desire to provide service to guests without objections and regardless of the position held on the ship. This positive attitude is important when dealing with guests problems or remarks. Guest complaints should be handled tactfully, calmly and in a way that suggests to guests that their feedback is always welcome.

Attentiveness:As attentive service personnel we should be motivated by a concerned and genuine interest in the welfare of guests. We also realize that our success depends on polite, friendly and respectful service. With these concepts in mind, we should approach every guest contact situation as an opportunity to offer the Luna touch that is the essence of personal service.

Smiling Body Language:The term body language refers to the facial expressions, eye contact, smile and hand and body movements that control and express your feelings. When you use body language that smiles you are communicating the Luna Attitude.

Tactfulness:The use of tactfulness indicates a genuine concern for the feelings of other people. Avoid remarks that are offensive or sarcastic.

Using Guests Surnames:One of the best indications of alert and attentive service is the use of a guests surname whenever possible. Using the guests surname communicates respect for the individual and personalizes the service offered.

Friendly Tone of Voice:Superior service is characterized by an open and relaxed manner that is reflected in a friendly tone of voice. A condescending, harried, cold or sarcastic tone alienates people.

Helpful Suggestions:We can also show special care and concern for guests by making special suggestions, especially with guests who are indecisive, confused or unfamiliar with anything on board. It would be to your advantage to be thoroughly familiar with menus and cuisine available in order to make the most appropriate suggestion, for example. It would also be advantageous to understand and be able to explain how to operate the entertainment systems, in-cabin safes and any other equipment a guest may be likely to use.

Guest Assistance. Never Say No: The word No can be very discouraging to someone seeking information or assistance. When a guest asks you for information and you do not know the answer, direct the guest to the right person or seek the answer yourself from your HOD. Successful guest assistance is a vital part of service excellence. Rather than say No to a guest, seek advice or assistance from your HOD.

What not to discuss with guests: Never discuss personal matters such as religion, politics or crew life on board with guests.

Language:Always speak English in public areas and in the presence of guests.

Job Descriptions/Rank Structure

For job descriptions and rank structure please refer to the SMS RostersExample guests off and guest on Rosters: (All subject to change)

There will always be a copy of the stewardess roster up in the laundry and the Bridge Deck Pantry. You will also be given a copy for your cabins.

Example guest off working hours: (All subject to change)

Crew Mess / Watch - 08:00 10:00 break 30 mins. At 14:00 Break until 17:00. Finish at 20:00 then do rounds and keep your radio on until 22:00.Interior Everyone else works the following- 08:00 10:00 break 30 mins. Lunch from 12:00 until 13:00. Break at 15:00 for 30 mins. Finsh at 17:00.

Guests on Roster: (Example of a typical interior guest on shift)

Shift 106:00 10:00 03:00 - 20:00

30 min breakBreak30 min breakTOTAL HOURS


Shift 209:00 - 15:0018:00 - 23:00

30 min breakBreak30 min breakTOTAL HOURS


Shift 312:00 - 18:00 21:00 - 03:00

30 min breakBreak30 min breakTOTAL HOURS


Shift 4 C/mess08:00 - 14:00 17:00 - 20:00 stby 20:00 -22:00

30 min breakBreak30 min breakTOTAL HOURS


HousekeepingShift 1Shift 2Shift 4










The laundry on Luna is in action every working day, we have two laundry personnel.

You will be issued with a laundry bag which is used to drop off laundry. You will also be issued with a net bag which is used for your underwear. Please ensure this net bag is closed and put inside your laundry bag.

Your personal clothes, as well as your uniform, need to be numbered with your personal laundry number which will be issued to you.

Laundry must be dropped off at the laundry before you start work on your allocated laundry days. During Guest Off periods these are as follows:

-Monday and Thursday:Housekeepers, Stewards, Purser & Galley

-Tuesday and Friday:Deck, Engineers, Security

-Wednesday:All crew linen and towels

During Guest On periods your uniform can be dropped off every day. You may still follow the above schedule for personal clothes and linen. During these busy times however please remember that guest clothing and uniform take priority.

Your clean laundry can be collected at the end of the day in your allocated pigeon hole situated inside the laundry. (Housekeepers and Stewards, please note that Guest On evening uniform can be collected on hangers inside the laundry).

Please respect the laundry rules- with such a large crew it is important to keep the laundry running smoothly.

Uniform should be washed inside out in order to preserve colours.

You are welcome to do your own laundry out of working hours but please ensure you leave the laundry clean and tidy. You may use the iron and ironing board if needed but for safety reasons please do not turn on any of the machines.

For instructions on how to operate any of the machines, please refer to the Laundry Guidelines laminated sheet located in the laundry.

Work place familiarisation

As a member of the Interior Team you will be on a rotation and will do all duties. This includes housekeeping, service and laundry. You will be expected to maintain and clean the following areas on a daily basis. You will be advised how to clean them and with what materials by your Head of Department. You are also expected to help other departments when required.

Guest areas

Observation deck Observation lounge, day head, guest lobby, and heli receptionOwner deck Master cabin, day head, corridor, owner saloon, owner deck aft.Bridge deck Office and conference room, 2 day heads, guest passage, lounge, dining room, bridge deck aft.Main deck 8 guest cabins, guest passage, 2 day heads, pool area (outside)Cabin deck Guest stairwells and lift, gym corridor, gym, 2 day heads, spa area, sauna, steam room and massage room.Crew areas

Wheel houseShips officeCaptains CabinChief Officers cabinChief Engineers cabinAll pantriesBridge deck, cabin deck and lower deck day headsAll crew corridors and crew stairwellsUpper crew messLower crew messCrew GymLaundry

Everyday use cleaning products

Delphis ECO glass & stainless - Stainless steel like fridges, bain-marie, microwave, macerator and light switches, table legs, the outside of bins, outside of toaster and sandwich machine, dishwashers.Spray on a cloth and use a clean cotton rag to polish afterwards.Delphis ECO glass & stainless - Glass like ledge over the bain-marie, windows, tiled wallSpray on a cloth and use a clean cotton rag to polish afterwards.Ecover floral fresh spray - Other surfaces like floors, ceiling, tables, counter tops, cupboards, walls, wooden part of chairs, under both crew mess seats etcSpray on a cloth, no need to wipe or polish afterwards.Delphis Antibacterial sanitizer Use in food service areas to sanitize. In both crew messs the tables, coffee and tea stations, snacks jars, bins, used towel basket, taps, drains, door handles, hand railings, bathrooms, light switches, inside fridges, phones, computer keyboard and mouse, TV remote buttons (not screen)PS! For TVs and other electronics do not use any products! To get rid of fingerprints, use a little bit of water on the cloth.

Please refer to MSDS sheets located in the cleaning cupboard, for precautions and correct usage of cleaning products.

Crew Areas Daily cleaning dutiesStarting from top to bottomBridge DeckWheel HouseShip OfficeBridge day headBridge corridorCorridor next to Bridge deck pantryCrew stairs leading down to main deckCrew stairs leading form observation deck down to cabin deckMain DeckCrew passage wayCrew stairs leading down to cabin deck

Cabin DeckCrew passage way from outside cabin 10 all the way to the laundryIncluding corridor outside the fridges to the provision roomsCrew stairs leading down to lower deckCrew stairs leading up to guest cabins on main deckDay head outside crew messStairs leading up to pool pantry including pantryStairs leading down to Engine roomCrew messLower DeckCrew corridor outside cabin 27 to ECRCrew GymLower crew messDay headCrew stairs leading down to Tank deck (uniform store)

Tank DeckUniform storeAll these areas need to be vacuumed on a daily basis. The hand railings, doors handles and edges and surfaces where dust gathers need to be wiped using the guidelines given below for different products and materials.

Bridge daily dutiesEmpty the binsVacuum the floor, carpet, the seats and sofaVacuum all surfaces with the brush head except for the control area with sensors and buttons; use the soft blue duster for that.Wipe surfaces with floreal freshWipe the handrails with antibacterial productWipe the rim on the deck head by the air vent with floreal freshWipe the computer screens with a dry cloth. To get rid of hard marks on it use a little bit of water on the cloth. NO PRODUCTS!!Wipe the windows with glass cleaner and polish with a dry clean cloth.Clean coffee machine with Ecojetscan liquid and Franke tablets While at seaClean fridge with antibacterial product and restockMop the floor on Tuesdays and Fridays Use Pallmans clean diluted in water

Lower crew mess detailing Wipe all walls & ceiling, clean the vents using floreal fresh. Clean all stainless and skirtings with stainless cleaner. Vacuum & wipe underneath all seats using floreal fresh and sanitize the seats and curtains with Febreze. Clean inside and out + items inside all cupboards & drawers using floreal fresh. Wash all cutlery from the drawers in dishwasher. Check the exp. Dates on any food/snacks. Wipe all items inside the fridge with hot water and a cloth. Clean and disinfect the fridge, the sink and tap with antibacterial product. Bring the blankets and cushion covers to the laundry and back after they have been washed. Clean the cups & glasses cupboard using floreal fresh, take everything out and wash in the dishwasher. Refill the cleaning products if needed in cupboard.Decalcify the coffee machine if needed and the hot water maker with the Tecno calc cleaner if needed.

Crew Gym detailing Clean the ceiling, walls and all surfaces with floreal fresh, use cotton butts to clean the little corners and edges. Clean the cupboards inside and out with floreal fresh. Use antibacterial product to wipe over the gym equipment, door handles- and cupboard handles. Use glass cleaner on the mirrors. Vacuum and mop the floor with floreal fresh. There needs to be an antibacterial spray and paper towel roll for everyone to use after they have worked out. Use the soft blue duster for electronics and sensitive areas.Stow the vacuum after every use and put back to main deck lockerRinse wet and dry mops after every use and put back to main deck lockerRinse all buckets and dry them, put back to main deck lockerBring all used cleaning cloths/rags to the laundry for washingPut all cleaning products back to the cleaning cupboard on cabin deck neatlyPut all cleaning caddies back to main deck locker re filling if necessary.

Sick bay cleaning Wipe all surfaces, door, skirtings etc with a cloth and shelves, inside drawers, port holes, on top of doors and lights, table, walls, etc with antibacterial product. Wipe the electronics with a clean dry cloth. Vacuum the floor and bathroom. Vacuum the top and bottom vents and wipe them with floreal fresh.Clean inside the toilet with the toilet cleaner and scrub with the toilet brush. Scrub the bathroom floor with simple green or A12 strong clean and a strong brush. Clean the ceiling and vents with floreal fresh, use cotton butts to clean the little corners and edges. Clean the out- and inside of cupboards with antibacterial cleaner. Clean the walls with floreal fresh. Use antibacterial cleaner for on and around the toilet. Clean the toilet brush and its holder. Clean and refill the soap dispenser. Disinfect the taps and showerhead with antibacterial product. Take up the drain cover and clean with antibacterial product. Clean all stainless with stainless cleaner. Clean the sink with cream cleaner and clean the plug in the sink.Captains cabin Change linen Clean outside all cupboards, shelves, drawers and surfaces using floreal fresh. Vacuum the floors. (Be careful of electronics). Wipe the ceiling and vents with Floral Fresh. Clean the window with glass cleaner. Use the soft blue microfiber duster for electronics and sensitive areas. Scrub the bathroom floor with simple green or A12 strong clean. Clean the ceiling with floreal fresh, use cotton butts to clean the little corners and edges. Clean the walls with floreal fresh. Use antibacterial cleaner for on and around the toilet. Clean the toilet brush and its holder. Clean and refill the soap dispenser. Disinfect the taps and showerhead with antibacterial product. Take up the drain cover and clean with antibacterial product. Spray the curtains with Febreze every other week. Clean the fridge with antibacterial product and refill.Chief Engineers Cabin / Officers cabinsChange linen Clean outside all cupboards, shelves, drawers and surfaces using floreal fresh. Vacuum the floors. (Be careful of electronics). Wipe the ceiling and vents with Floral Fresh. Clean the window with glass cleaner. Use the soft blue microfiber duster for electronics and sensitive areas. Scrub the bathroom floor with simple green or A12 strong clean. Clean the ceiling with floreal fresh, use cotton butts to clean the little corners and edges. Clean the walls with floreal fresh. Use antibacterial cleaner for on and around the toilet. Clean the toilet brush and its holder. Clean and refill the soap dispenser. Disinfect the taps and showerhead with antibacterial product. Take up the drain cover and clean with antibacterial product. Spray the curtains with Febreze every other week.Day heads detailing on the bridge, outside lower and upper crew mess.Scrub the bathroom floor with simple green or A12 strong clean. Clean the ceiling with floreal fresh, use cotton butts to clean the little corners and edges. Clean the cupboards inside and out with antibacterial cleaner. Clean the walls with floreal fresh. Use antibacterial cleaner for on and around the toilet. Clean the toilet brush and its holder. Clean and refill the soap dispenser and paper towel holders. Disinfect the taps with antibacterial product.Ships office detailing Clean-wipe all shelves, portholes, walls, blinds and all surfaces with floreal fresh. Empty bins. Mop the floor on Tuesday and Friday with floreal fresh. Clean the ceiling and vents with floreal fresh. Clean the windows with glass cleaner. Use the soft blue microfiber duster for electronics and sensitive areas. Take up the drain cover and clean with antibacterial product. Spray the curtains with Febreze every other week.Please refer to MSDS sheets located in the cleaning cupboard, for precautions and correct usage of cleaning products.Weekly maintenance job list - Guest on & guest off

MONDAYSCaptains cabin change linen

TUESDAYS & FRIDAYSMoping day & Lower crew mess detailing Use Amtico floor maintainer throughout crew areas when mopping. Use Pallmans product for the bridge floor and dayhead. Mop the skirtings. Wet floor signs need to be used during moping until the floor is dry. PUT SIGNS BACK ONCE DRY!WEDNESDAY- Day head detailing, chief engineers cabin

THURSDAYClean Captains cabin, Detail crew gym, Ships office, Chief Officers cabin, wipe over doors. Do not change linen in captains cabinUse antibacterial sanitizer to wipe over doors, rails and handles.FRIDAY Chief officers/engineers cabin.Change linen in C/O and C/E cabin.Weekly maintenance job list Guest offMONDAYS Vacuum through all guest areas

FRIDAYS Flush through all the taps and showers in guest areas

Checklists daily, weekly & monthly.

To ensure the correct cleaning of the yachts interior is maintained to the highest levels of standards, with health, hygiene and safety in mind. Checklists are in place for the following areas, Crew Mess, Crew Areas, Laundry and Pantrys. They are located in the crew mess by the macerator, in the laundry opposite the pigeon holes and in the Bridge deck pantry.Fill in the form every day when you have completed the necessary job. This will then be double checked by the Senior Housekeeper, who will keep a record of the maintenance logs in the crew mess folder, situated in the bottom draw of the crew mess.

Crew areas cleaning checklist

Crew mess cleaning checklist

Crew Mess cleaning checklist

Pantry cleaning checklists

Laundry cleaning checklist

Cleaning caddies and pantry cupboards Wipe with floreal fresh and fill up all the cleaning caddies from main deck locker and cleaning cupboards in all 6 pantries

Cleaning caddies

Here is a list of items that you would usually find in the cleaning caddies/pantries. Please familiarize yourself with the products and the instructions on how to use them. If in any doubt, just ask anyone in housekeeping for assistance or refer to the MSDS sheets situated in the Main cleaning cupboard outside the Galley.

List of cleaning products and items that we keep in caddies:1x sanitizer & clean cloths 1x toilet cleaner + brush & rubber gloves1x glass & stainless cleaner 1x lime scale remover1x floreal fresh 1x Pallmans spray 1x Febreze1x water spray 1x cream clean 1x brush for sofa1x microfiber cloth 1x floor scrubber 1x paper towel

List of cleaning products and items that we keep in pantry cleaning cupboards:1x sanitizer & clean cloths 1x vinegar spray 1x washing liquid1x glass & stainless cleaner 1x K2R (except own/main p) 2x bin bags1x floreal fresh 1x Pallmans spray 1x gloves1x water spray 1x cream clean and sponges 1x Febreze1x microfiber cloth 1x silver polish (except spa/pool p) 1x paper towel 1x duster General Safety Advice for the Ship;

On the Bridge ensure that it is safe and clear to clean, if at sea ask the Officer On Watch and in port ask the Officer on Duty.Always take care when moving around the boat, especially at sea. Do not run.Take care when opening doors as there may be someone at the other side. Also be careful not to open doors on your feet if you are not wearing shoes.To find out any information about the cleaning chemicals we use on board you can look at the MSDS sheets. Material Safety Data Sheets. This includes all safety requirements, hazardous chemicals and what to do in an emergency should something go wrong whilst using the products. Do not use any products if you are unsure what the correct procedures are. Please ask your HOD for more information.When working in the interior ensure that you have enough light in your workspace, do not work in the dark or inadequate illumination.When using hazardous housekeeping chemicals, please use gloves and protective eye wear where necessary.When mopping floors, use wet floor signs to make other crew members aware that the floor is wet. Make sure the signs are put away when the floors are dry.Also, if making a sign for general use aboard, ensure it is legible and clear.Do not use hazardous chemicals in confined placesDo not use step ladders while at seaDo not leave vacuum cleaners or cleaning products lying around.Especially with guests onboard or in guest areasUpon noticing anything unsafe during work inform the Safety Officer or your HOD as soon as possible.You will be trained on how to open and close water tight doors properly by one of the Officers. It is vital that you wait until it is either fully open or fully closed before passing through.

Guest Interior

Take care when working in the interior. The surfaces and materials are very fragile and can be damaged with the wrong cleaning product or cleaning equipment. Great care should be taken when using the vacuum cleaners. They will damage the floor and walls if they are banged.Take care when working around the Spa Area, especially the plunge pool. You will cause serious damage to yourself if you fall in when there is no water in it.No shoes are to be worn inside the interior. Take care when opening and closing doors so no toes or fingers get trapped.Only wear small and subtle jewellery. No long earrings, big rings or dangly bracelets as these can easily be caught and cause damage to you and the interior. Nails are to be kept reasonably short as it is easy to scratch things. Especially leather surfaces.Any questions or if you are unsure of how to do something always ask the Head Housekeeper first.Any defects must be made aware to the Head Steward, senior housekeeper and reported to the bridge on 5100.

Your Cabin

You must make sure you always keep your cabin clean and tidy. Inspections are regularly done by the Captain due to flag state authority regulations.Always respect your cabin mates.You will work different shifts when the guests are on board so it is important that you are courteous and are aware of each others duties.No food is allowed in your cabin as we have to keep the cleanliness standards at its highest. Do not slam doors or cupboards.It is up to you to make sure that before you go on leave, your cabin is ready for another crew member to move in. Change bed linen, place clean towels in the bathroom, new toiletries and maybe a bottle of water by their bed. It is important to make every crew member welcome.Keep noise levels down.Personally report any defects you may have to the bridge on 5100 as soon as they arise.

Bain Marie

The Bain Marie is situated in the crew mess and is designed to keep the food at the correct serving temperature according to health and safety regulations. For operating instructions please see laminated sheet located underneath the Bain Marie.

The most important thing to remember is to fill it with water before you turn it on and, to turn it off before emptying.

DrainDrainHot waterHot waterPowerPowerLightLightHeating LampsHeating LampsAnother 2 controls situated underneath are the drain function and the hot water operationAnother 2 controls situated underneath are the drain function and the hot water operationThere are 3 controls for the 3 machines, usually heating No1 is only requiredSet the temperature to 65cThere are 3 controls for the 3 machines, usually heating No1 is only requiredSet the temperature to 65cLight and heating lamp operation controlsLight and heating lamp operation controlsVacuum CleanersOn board Luna we have two different types of vacuums. The pink Hetty vacuums are for use in the crew areas only. There is the option of a quiet mode for when crew could be sleeping. The other yellow Miele vacuums are for guest areas only. Please take extra care when vacuuming around guest areas, as floors can be scratched and soft woods can be damaged. Using caution and the correct tools or attachments will prevent any damage. Hetty Vacuum cleaners are for crew areas only.Hetty Vacuum cleaners are for crew areas only.Crew


Dishwasher salt goes in hereDishwasher salt goes in here

The parquet flooring head is the only vacuum head that is to be used on the wooden floors in guest areas to prevent any damageThe parquet flooring head is the only vacuum head that is to be used on the wooden floors in guest areas to prevent any damage

Crew mess dishwashersThere are two dishwashers in the crew mess that are in constant use, so care and daily maintenance must be carried out. Cleaning out the filters daily and correct stacking of dishes should avoid them breaking down. God help us if they do!!

Please take extra caution when unloading the dishwashers as the crockery and glassware at the end of a cycle are extremely hot and become fragile.

Open/unlock door buttonOpen/unlock door button

Set the dishwasher to the following settingSet the dishwasher to the following setting

Push the green button to turn on the dishwasher and start washing cyclePush the green button to turn on the dishwasher and start washing cycle

Insert dishwasher tab here before cycleInsert dishwasher tab here before cycle

Dishwasher salt goes in here by the filtersDishwasher salt goes in here by the filters

Cleaning air vents

Throughout the whole of the crew areas on board Luna, there are air conditioning ducts that collect a lot of dust. Once a month they are taken down and cleaned. See below for how they are removed. Take caution when removing as the corners are sharp.

Simply twist vents off to remove and to attach

Clean the cover and also inside the air vent

Detailing (When detailing always start from the top of the room and work your way to the bottom)

Use cotton tips, toothpicks and tooth brushes to clean cracks, corners, joins, crevasses, wedges, sink fittings and inside taps.

Wipe down deck heads, bulkheads, ledges, skirtings, railings, benches, panels, doors, handles, windows, mirrors & inside cupboards.

Clean inside lights, air vents, high fogs, sounders, deck heads, speakers, tap handles, filters, nozzles, pipes connections.

Remove stains on carpets, vinyl, tiles, lino, stainless steel, and other artificial surfaces.

Flush through all water outlets, soaking stainless bathroom fittings in diluted chlorine. Descale bathroom sinks, plugs, showers, drains, soaking everything or scrubbing with diluted chlorine (quarterly).

Cleaning toilet lids, seat, under seat, inside bowls, toilet brush and holder, toilet roll holder, flush button, etc. Toilet seat clips are to be lifted and undone for proper cleaning. Clean soap dish and holder, toiletries cupboards, cupboards under sinks, shower hose and head, shower door, etc.

If you are unsure about what product to use on a specific surface always ask for advicePlease refer to MSDS sheets located in the main cleaning cupboard, for precautions and correct usage of cleaning products.Crew Dry and Drink Stores Duties include, keeping both these areas clean, tidy, and always stocked. Keeping an updated inventory (weekly) and making sure all items are in-date, throwing out anything expired. We try to avoid this by making sure the stock is always rotated and the closest expiry date is used first. Weekly and monthly checklists are in place. There is one interior girl in charge of each area to ensure these duties are carried out. Bonded StoreThe bonded store consists of guest stores which include beverages, food, tobacco, alcohol, spirits, and wine. There must always be an updated inventory of these items for customs inspections. This is very important! Other duties include keeping this area clean, tidy, and stocked. Thinking ahead when provisioning for this area is essential, as we may be re locating to an unknown area where such stores required are not available.

Servicing cabins when guests are on boardThe Senior Housekeeper will instruct you how to service a cabin, and the interior and how to turn down on an evening. Rounds will be conducted every 15 minutes to maintain a high standard. The daily duties, routines and schedules will be explained to you.Work schedules with guest onboardHousekeeping

Early Morning Duties

Two housekeepers start at 7am. One starts on Main deck and one starts in the Spa area.

1st Housekeeper Starts Main deck

Put lights on day 2 setting for all lobbiesPut blinds up in the study and conference room and put lights on day 2.Open blinds and turn lights to Off in all unoccupied cabins.Dry mop all the stairs from top to bottom with Pallmanns cleaner.Vacuum the study and conference room. Make sure the fridges are full.Check all dayheads, mirrors, counters and floors.Dry mop all empty cabins and vacuum if necessary.Put out baskets and towel baskets on the main deck. Clean powder room.

2nd Housekeeper Starts Spa area

Put lights on day 2 in all areas including the gym. When the Owner is on make sure the Spa area lights are OffVacuum and mop, stairs, steam room, Sauna, gym, Spa lounges, changing rooms. Ensure steam room is on. If the switch does not come on then call an Engineer.Check fridges baskets and make sure there is enough water.

Morning Duties

One housekeeper starts at after 9 hours rest

Check to see if any of the early morning duties are still outstanding and help as needed.Service cabins.Water plants when required.Re-stock cupboards with water.Do a round every 15 minutes. Check t-shirts, shorts and caps baskets and top-up if required.Check inside lift for finger prints.Return laundry from previous day.Help with bridge/crew area duties when possible.


12pm 3pmThe two housekeepers who started at 07:00 go on their break from 12pm 3pm. Meet at the crew mess at 3pm to take over from the other girls.

3pm 6pmThe remaining housekeepers go on their break from 3pm 6pm.

Tea breaks30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening are given for tea breaks. The times depend on guest movements

Afternoon & Evening Duties

12pm 3pm

Finish any outstanding morning duties.Finish as many outstanding bridge duties as possible.Do rounds every 15 minutes. Tidy and clean cabins as required. Iron sheets on beds, wipe sinks, fold toilet paper, etc. Check baskets in Spa areas and pool deck. Tidy up as required.Re-stock caddies and cloths.Check laundry and return guest clothes.Help in the pantries/assist in making drinks in quiet periods.

3pm 6pm

Finish any outstanding early afternoon duties.Return linen and towels to cabins and re-stock towels in cupboards.Check laundry and return remaining guest clothes.Rounds every 15 minutes. Check baskets etc.Usually also at 7pm, bring in baskets from Main deck pool area. eHelHelp in the pantries/assist in making drinks in quiet periods.

6pm 8pm

Re-stock drinks, t-shirts, shorts and caps in all baskets ready to go for the morning.Do a round every 15 minutes.8pm turn down cabins or when they are having dinner.

Servicing cabins


Open black out and wooden blinds fully.Turn lights to day 1.Turn all lamps off. Making sure they are in the correct position.Make the bed, change linen if necessary. Use the Jo Malone linen spray to freshen and always use an iron to remove the creases.Put day pillows on the beds. (Except in special circumstances, where you keep the night pillows on the bed, e.g. children on board/guest request.) Vacuum and mop with Pallmanns wood cleaner.Dust all surfaces with vacuum brush head.Clean windows and mirrors.Wipe Crestron.Empty bins.Re-fill fridge.Check inside the wardrobes and neaten clothes if required.Replace water, six small Evian bottles. Top-up chocolates, 2 milk, 2 50% and 2 72%. Put any linen, towels and dirty clothes in a laundry bag and take straight down to the laundry. Make sure you fill in the Guest Laundry Sheet and pin it with the correct color ribbon.Remember to knock on every door before you enter a room. Even when you are servicing a cabin, if you leave to get something knock again before you enter just in case a guest has gone back into that room. If a guest enters the cabin when you are servicing it, always offer to come back later.


Vacuum.Clean sinks, bath and bidet with anti-bacterial sanitizer.Clean the wooden counter only with Pallmanns cleaner.Clean toilet with toilet cleaner. Wipe all over with anti-bacterial sanitizer.Clean mirrors- check from all angles to make sure all the marks have goneTidy any products in the trays around the sinks.Remove any hair from the hairbrush and comb.Clean the glasses.Top up any products next to the bath or in the cupboards as required.Empty the bin.Fold diamond on toilet roll, replace if its getting low.Replace towels.

Turn down

Turn lights in all cabins, day heads, lobbies, Study, Gym and Spa areas to Mood. Turn down top corner of sheet into a triangle on the side nearest to the door or whatever side the guest is using at the time. Replace day pillows with night pillows. Use an iron to remove creases in sheets and pillows. Use Jo Malone linen spray to freshen.Turn bedside lamp on.Top-up chocolates, water etc.Put lamps on in study and conference room.


Rounds on board Luna are conducted with guest on and off. They are to make sure that when guests are off - that everything is sound and in working order, and when guests are on - they are receiving enough attention. Luna is a large vessel and a lot of things can go wrong so when guests are off you will be given a Data accusation device, it looks like a black torch and basically registers that you have completed the necessary checks in the correct places. When doing rounds use all of your senses to make sure everything is in order, if you smell something peculiar report it, if you hear something irregular report it, and if you see something abnormal report it!

When guests are on;Rounds are done every 15 minutes throughout the day.Start at the top of the ship and work your way down.Liaise with the Service department to find out the location of the guests if you are unsure.Carry a cloth with you.Knock on every door before you enter.Check Main deck by the pool. Take used towels to the laundry, top-up baskets (make sure sunglasses wipes are always out), wipe sun screens, etc. Check the day-heads. Lift up lid and toilet seat, wipe if required. Check bin and empty if required.Check cabins, study, spa area and stern etc. Only enter if you are 100% sure that it is not occupied by a guest. Take dirty clothes to laundry, iron sheets, wipe sinks, empty bins, top-up fruit bowls if in cabins due to guest request, vacuum if required etc.


Morning Person 1

Lift the blinds up in the Main Lounge and Dining RoomSet the breakfast tableSet up BD aftHoover and dust Main Lounge and Dining RoomClean the Main Lounge and Dining Room, attention mirrors, glass and sliding doorsPrepare fruit bowls & berry bowls. Make sure all fruit is FRESH, washed, checked and dried carefully. They should be firm, ripe and tasty without any marksMake sure galley is informed when fruit, berries or anything is low in fridgeCheck the BD pantry fridge and restock where needed: drinks, lemons, milk.Check all cupboards for restocking (i.e.: Evian, San Pellegrino, coffee, teas)Serve breakfast

Morning Person 2:

Lift the blinds up in Observation Lounge and Owners Saloon, turn off all lights & lamps (dont forget outside)Set up outside (please be quiet in this area, you are above RA sleeping)Prep juices and take to breakfast pantry, clean up afterPlease empty bin with the used fruit.Hoover and dust the Observation Lounge Clean the Observation Lounge, attention mirrors, glass and sliding doorsClean all crestron screens and sunglasses etcCheck the OBS pantry is clean, tidy and restocked, attention to the crestronAssist with breakfast

Once all jobs done please check on other jobs to do with the chief Steward, head housekeeper or senior stewardess

Morning Person 3

Communicate with other Girls for priority jobsSet up OD Aft Hoover and dust Owners Saloon (make sure both doors are closed)Clean the Owners Saloon, attention mirrors, glass and sliding doorsClean all crestrons screens and sunglasses with special wipesCheck OD pantry is tidy and stocked, including fridge

Check drinks bags if any and replenish where needed

Assist with breakfast

Once all jobs done please check on other jobs to do with the chief Steward, head housekeeper or senior stewardess

Late Morning Person 4: 8.00 am start (Breakfast 10.00) (Main break 3 to 6)

Communicate with other girls for priority jobsCheck MD pantry fridge and stock butter, yogurts etc (check expiry dates)

Assist with breakfast

Evening duties 8PM

Change into evening uniform

Observation LoungeLights on night.Blinds left open.Check for finger prints on Crestrons, glass and stainless etc.Owners Deck AftLights on mood. Check for finger prints on Crestrons, glass and stainless etc.Sun creams into cupboard.

Owners SaloonLights on mood.Turn on desk lamp.Blinds down and open.Check for finger prints on Crestrons, glass and stainless etc.Bridge Deck AftWill auto be turned on by the ridge but should be set locally to mood.Check for finger prints on Crestrons, glass and stainless etc.Sun creams into cupboard Main Lounge and Dining roomLights on Lounge 2 and dim down onceTurn on desk lampBlinds down and openCheck for finger prints on Crestrons, glass and stainless etcLate evening duties from 9pm

Check Pantry fridges- Look for expired items and make sure all drinks and milk are stocked up Yoghurts and butter stocked up in MD pantryMake sure everything is set for breakfast (paper napkins, linen napkins, placemats, coasters, under plates for condiments etc). Cutlery should be polished and be out neatly on a tray in the pantry.Make sure there are zip lock bags and cling film in cupboard in MD pantryCheck bins and clean the sinks etc in all pantriesCheck all dishwashers are emptyCheck cupboards under the sinks for restockingRun water through the coffee machines and cleanEmpty and wipe out kettlesClean out the juice jugs and bring the juice down to the crew mess.Set up the juicing station for the next day

After guest have left or gone to sleep.

Make a call on supergroup channel that All guests have gone to bedBring in all the fruit and berriesFruit bowl in the fridge, leave bananas outBring in all outside items like: tissue boxes, bin, ashtrays & lighters, water baskets and trays etcBring in candles, if usedClean the last area used, BD aft?Clean the pantry, BD pantry.Wash all dishes and tidy up the pantry usedPlatters and bread baskets to the galley for breakfastTake out the garbage, bring all dirty linen to laundry and bring up all clean laundryLeave a note: what time guests left/went to sleep and what time you finished and start the next dayLeave a note about any kind of new information about guestsLet deck know you are going to bed

Daily work Schedule with guests off

Bridge duties

These duties are required to be done daily. Please ensure that these products are kept stocked and neat and tidy. When we are at sea or coming into Port, ask the officers when it suits them for you to clean the wheelhouse.

Pursers office: (approximately 10 minutes)Empty all bins, including shredder machine. Wipe down all surfaces. Wipe Screens - DO NOT USE ANY PRODUCT ON COMPUTER SCREENS!All keyboards to be cleaned with anti-bacterial spray.All light switches to be cleaned.Vacuum.Clean windows, make sure blinds have no dust on them.

Captains cabin: (approximately 30 minutes)

This has to be cleaned twice a week, on Monday and Thursday. Stock up fridge in Captains cabin (if he requires). Ask which drinks would be preferable.Change the sheets only on Monday and make the bed neatly.Take away any laundry to be washed (check the laundry basket).Wipe down all surfaces, clean windows.Clean bathroom thoroughly shower, toilet, basin and floor. Stock up any toiletries needed, and change towels. Ensure there is enough toilet paper available.Vacuum.Make sure vents are clean.

Chief Officers cabin: (approx 30 minutes)

This is to be done on a Friday. Please always ask permission before entering and check with the Bridge that he is not on a break. All bed linen to be changed and all laundry taken down to be washed.Towels to be changed and replaced with clean ones.All surfaces in the cabin to be wiped down. If you need to lift things, please do so.Wipe down the TV and any computer screens.Clean the window.Tidy up anything that is lying around.Pay particular attention to wiping down light switches, telephone handles, remotes and computer keyboards with anti-bacterial sanitizer.Empty bins.Clean mirror in the cabin.Clean the bathroom thoroughly- scrub toilet, scrub shower, tidy cleaning cupboard and ensure there are enough toiletries and toilet paper in the bathroom. Please clean the bathroom floor. Vacuum the cabin.

Wheelhouse: (approximately 1 hour)

Bins to be emptied.All windows to be cleaned.Console to be vacuumed with small brush head be careful when you do this. Always ask for the cleaning switch to be turned on. Be aware of accidentally pushing buttons, and warning notices put up e.g. Working on mast this is very important to deck/engineer crew safety.All screens on bridge to be wiped with dry cloth only. If there are any finger prints, a small amount of water on a cloth is acceptable, but be aware of the damage you can cause to the screens if you use product.All computer keyboards, phones and mouse to be wiped with anti-bacterial spray on a cloth.Leather should be checked for any marks daily, but only cleaned every 3 months to avoid build-up of product with 2 part leather clean. Wheelhouse to be mopped with Pallmans wood cleaner only. Do not use any other floor product on the teak. When vacuuming the bridge, be careful about the vacuum cleaner hitting the sides of the walls. Bridge corridor: (approx 10 minutes)

The walls along the passage way should be checked for marks.The skirtings and ledges should be wiped down.Passage way to be vacuumed. Check carpet for any stains. Use K2R for removal.Day head: (10 minutes)

Toilet to be scrubbed.The toilet and the bottom of the toilet bowl to be wiped down with anti-bacterial sanitizer on your cloth.The door handle and the light switches to be wiped.The basin and the tap to be washed.Used towels to be taken to laundry and replaced with clean ones.Ensure there is enough toilet paper in the cupboards and that there is always a antibacterial hand wash available.Please empty the bin.

Crew areas

All these duties have to be carried out daily. Please sign the crew areas daily, weekly and monthly checklist which is in the laundry once the job has been completed.Please ensure that when you are mopping crew area you use the Amtico floor maintainer to keep the floor in good condition. Give the used product to Engineers once finished as it is harmful to the drainage system.

Lower deck (5 minutes)

Lower deck needs to be vacuumed.Mopping is done twice a week, on Tuesday and Friday.All walls to be checked for marks.

Crew Gym: (20 minutes)

All machines to be wiped down thoroughly with anti-bacterial sanitizer. All mirrors in gym to be cleaned properly.There should be anti-bacterial sanitizer and paper towel available for crew to use after they have used the machines, please ensure this is there every day.Empty laundry basket.Empty dustbin.Lower crew mess: (30 minutes)

Empty all binsMake sure the coffee and tea station is clean and tidy and stocked up.Wipe down tables, and underneath the tables.Wipe all computer keyboards with anti - bacterial sanitizer.Wipe all light switches.Wipe all computer screens. Please DO NOT use any product on the screens, if there are finger prints on the screens, a small amount of water on the screens is acceptable, but be aware of the damage you can do with product on the TV screen and the computers. Tidy up book shelves.If there are any crew goodies lying around take them to the laundry no crew should leave there personal belongings lying around.Look out for dusty vents and ensure the security televisions have also been wiped clear of dust.Vacuum thoroughly.

Lower Deck Day head: (10 mins)

Toilet to be scrubbed.The toilet and the bottom of the toilet bowl to be wiped down with anti-bacterial sanitizer.The mirror to be wiped.The door handle and the light switches to be wiped.The basin and the tap to be washed.The toiletries and cleaning products to be kept stocked up and neat and tidy.Please ensure that there is enough toilet paper in this day head.Please ensure the floor is cleaned especially around the toilet area. Make sure the soap, hand sanitizer and paper towels are topped up.Empty the bin. Cabin deck (30 minutes)

All passage way from outside cabin 10 and up to the pool pantry needs to be vacuumed. Include the stairs going down to engine room.Including corridor outside the fridges to the provision rooms.Mopping is done twice a week on Tuesday and Friday with Amtico floor maintainer.Remember to vacuum and mop behind any open doors.Any items which have been left outside crew cabins, need to be put back inside the cabins, absolutely NOTHING may block the passageway. This is for safety as well as tidiness.All walls on cabin deck need to be checked for marks. All skirtings need to be cleaned.When vacuuming look out for dusty vents, and clean them.Any stainless steel runners need to be cleaned.If the rubber on the stairwells needs to be scrubbed please do so using water, Ecover cream clean and a toothbrush or small scrubbing brush.The day head needs to be cleaned. (please refer to Lower deck day head for cleaning information)Main deck

Main deck needs to be vacuumed.Include the area leading up to the Fore deck.The same instructions as above.

Crew mess/watchkeeping duties

The duty watchkeeper is in charge of the crew mess all day. The Head Steward organizes the Rota for the watches which will be posted on the crew information board, outside the galley.

For more information on watchkeeping requirements, please refer to the Masters standing orders and or the crew notice boards located opposite the galley.

Watchkeepers are to turn their radios onto deck channel when we are in guest off mode

Start at 8:00 am.Luna uniform must be worn while on duty.Break between 14:00 and 17:00.Completer your rounds with deck at 20:00.Morning tea starts between 09:45 and 10.00; it is spread out between departments. You can check with the Bosun what time the deck will be having tea break as sometimes it changes. When it is Boss on tea break could be anytime.Lunch for crew is at Midday, but occasionally earlier on the weekend.Dinner for crew is at 18:00 until 18:30. Only plate for those who are on duty and who have requested it. The food is then kept in the vegetable cool room unless we have kosher guests on board it is then kept in the dairy cool room.Ensure you communicate with the galley regarding food for the day. Sometimes it is a cold lunch therefore the bain-marie shouldnt be filled. Label all dishes that are put out for lunch and dinner.When you are restocking fridges with milk and yoghurts from the fridges in bottom deck, make sure you check the dates, and use the date closest to expiry FIRST!

Duties from 08:00 14:00

There is a daily checklist which is kept in the cupboard under the sink as a guideline.

Wash dishes, glasses and cutlery.Wipe down all surfaces, cupboards, under tea/coffee station, bread tray, tables etc.Clean coffee machine and clean milk container before morning tea break use Frank coffee cleaning tablets and the Puly milk liquid cleaner for the milk container.Stock up teas and coffees, sugars and other hot drinks.Clean fruit bowl, and make sure the fruit is still edible. When filling up fruit bowl again, please wash fruit and remove any stickers.Stock up cereals, fridges, wine, beer, chocolates and snacks as soon as possible, preferably before morning tea.We are allocated two units of alcohol per crew member per day. Restock so that there are one bottle of white wine, one of rose and one bottle of red wine and 24 beers a day do not allow it to accumulate. It does change depending how many crew are onboard.Make sure that you log and sign the alcohol checklist which is in the folder in the bottom drawer in the crew mess.Ensure that there is enough ham and cheese if necessary replace the containers with new ones from the galley.Check all condiments - make sure they are clean and stocked up.Empty all bins, take rubbish out.Clean the microwave thoroughly inside and out.Vacuum and mop floor. (The crew mess is the only area that is mopped daily.)After tea, wipe all surfaces again, wash dishes, cutlery, make sure sandwich toasty machine is clean and turned off.Set up for Lunch (refer to evening meal set up for information)Clear up after lunch, wipe all surfaces again with anti-bacterial sanitizer. Wash dishes, cutlery, glasses, vacuum and mop, and restock drinks fridge again.

Duties from 17:00 20:00

Wash any dishes, glasses and cutlery. Set up for dinner.After dinner, clear away all condiments, wash dishes, cutlery, glasses etc.Wipe all surfaces, including cupboards.Restock drinks fridge ensure that there is milk, yoghurt and fruit for the morning.Take all dirty dishtowels and cloths to laundry.Empty all bins and take out rubbish.Drain dishwashers and clean the filters.Clean and scrub the macerator.Set up for lunch and dinner: Salt and pepper on tableOlive oil and vinegar on tableNapkins1 bottle of sparkling water1 bottle of still water Fill bain-marie with water and set them at 65C.Turn on plate heaterPut out butter if there is fresh bread provided. (check with galley first) Hazardous housekeeping chemicals and safety precautions General info

When using hazardous housekeeping chemicals, please use gloves and protective eye wear where necessary.When mopping floors use wet floor signs to advise people that they are wet.DO NOT use hazardous chemicals in confined spaces it may cause you to pass out.Use gloves as often as possible.DO NOT use ladders/step ladders when you are sea.DO NOT leave vacuum cleaners, cleaning products or any other equipment lying around, even for the shortest amount of time, as it is a safety hazard. (Especially when at sea).Please note anyone may refer to the interior MSDS sheets (material safety data sheets) for specific instructions on how all interior cleaning products should be used, including detailed instructions on any precautions that should be taken. It is located in the L:Drive, Public, Marine Safety Data Sheets, Interior. There is also a hard copy inside the first cleaning locker on cabin deck. For the laundry products there is a hard copy in the laundry.

All other safety requirements can be found in the SMS and the Interior Training Manual which can be found in the Ships office.Cleaning products instructions for Guest Interior


Wooden: Daily maintenance: Vacuum with the parquet head only. Spray a fine mist of Pallmanns daily cleaner over the floor and mop with a dry mop. Special maintenance: To bring back the shine and protection you need to use a two part procedure. This only needs to be done once a year depending on the traffic levels. Clean the floor with Pallmanns Clean. This will remove any of the protective coating. Then mix together 1oz of Pallmanns magic oil2K to 20oz of water in a spray bottle. Spray it evenly over the floor and wipe with a dampened microfiber cloth. Leave to dry for 5 mins. Stone:Use the liquid stone cleaner. HMK P24. Dilute in a spray bottle with water. This can be used daily. Spray a fine mist over the floor and mop with a dry mop. Any stubborn marks or stains can be removed by using Ecover cream clean.


Wooden:The walls throughout the interior do not need to be cleaned daily. They are cleaned when we detail which is before any trip. Use Pallmanns daily cleaner with a cotton rag. Stone:The stone walls are cleaned when we detail. However, any marks or stains must be removed immediately. Use HMK P24 liquid stone cleaner. For tougher stains use Ecover cream clean or magic sponge.Leather/suede:Leather/suede walls do not need much attention. Only a light dust with a microfiber cloth. Every 3 months the leather will be cleaned with leather cleaner to prevent it from drying out.


Wooden:The ceilings throughout do not need to be cleaned daily unless necessary. Use Pallmanns daily cleaner. Spray the product onto a swiffer and then wipe onto the ceiling make sure you wipe in the direction of the grain.Mirrored:In the main deck corridor and guest cabin changing rooms, there is a mirrored ceiling. Only use water and dry cloth for this. For best results use a stool and do it by hand. The swiffer leaves streaks.Leather/suede:The leather/suede ceilings throughout the interior again do not need much attention. They may get dusty in which they will need a wipe with a microfiber cloth or a vacuum with the brush head. There are many rooms with suede ceilings. These are not to be touched at all!Bronze fittings

These fittings include handrails, door handles, bathroom taps. These only need a wipe with water and a soft cloth. Every 3 months they need to be polished with Renaissance wax. Use a soft cloth and rub it in. It needs to be buffed off with a clean soft cloth.Copper finishes

The copper finishes such as some of the sinks and the doors to lounges do not need any product on them. They should be cleaned with a soft cloth and water. They are supposed to look tarnished. However, the sinks do get green stains on them due to the water. They can be polished every few months with Star clean metal polish. This will make them shiny but with time they will tarnish.

Guest cabin doors/wardrobe doors

The guest cabin doors do often get finger prints on them. They can be removed by using a small amount of Renaissance wax. Use a soft cloth to rub in and then buff off.

For specific instructions on how all interior cleaning products should be used, including detailed instructions on any precautions that should be taken. Please refer to MSDS sheets. They are located in the L:Drive, Public, Marine Safety Data Sheets, Interior. There is also a hard copy inside the first cleaning locker on cabin deck.Waste Sorting and Disposal

All crew must take care when handling garbage. It is very important to separate and dispose of waste properly. Sharp or pointy objects must always be well padded/wrapped up before being disposed of.see also Luna Garbage Management Plan and ask the Environmental Officer if you are in doubt.

Improper handling of waste can lead to:

Insect and rat problemsFire hazards and dangerous spillsFines from local authorities Cuts and injuries from sharp objects inside garbage bagsNasty odours and messes

Waste sorting

Waste onboard Luna is sorted as follows,PlasticsFood and Organic WasteAll other GarbageEnsure that all waste is crushed as effectively as possible, to save space in the garbage locker.Ensure that dangerous materials such as glass, sharp metals etc are packaged effectively so as not to cause a hazard when handling in black bags.

Waste Disposal

Whether the vessel is alongside, at anchor or at sea there will be waste produced. Depending upon the situation it will be;Stored in the Garbage lockerTaken ashore immediatelyTemporarily stored before being transferred ashore.It is very important that the whole crew is clear on which of these is to be followed at a particular time, if in an doubt ask your HOD and they will provide assistance and guidance.

At sea it may be permissible to dispose of some garbage overboard. The Bridge (Officer Of the Watch OOW) will need to know before you intend to do this as they may need to provide guidance on what can be lost overboard and what cannot.

Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution by Garbage)Regulations 1998 Statutory Instrument 1998 No. 1377

SUMMARY OF AT SEA GARBAGE DISPOSALREGULATIONSGarbage TypeOutside Special AreasIn Special Areas (1)Plastics-include synthetic ropes and plastic garbage bagsDisposal ProhibitedDisposal ProhibitedFloating dunnage, lining and packaging materials> 25 miles offshoreDisposal ProhibitedPaper, rags glass, metal, bottles, crockery and similar refuse> 12 miles offshoreDisposal ProhibitedAll other garbage including paper, rags, glass, etc comminuted or ground (2)> 3 miles offshoreDisposal ProhibitedFood waste not comminuted or ground> 12 miles offshore`> 12 miles(5)Food waste comminuted or ground> 3 miles> 12 miles (4 & 5)Mixed refuse types(3)(3)

Special Areas are as defined in the regulationsComminuted or ground waste must be able to pass through a mesh with a size of no more than 25mmWhen garbage is mixed with other harmful substances having different disposal or discharge requirements, the more stringent shall apply.> 3 miles for the Wider CaribbeanA UK ship shall not enter the Antarctic unless:It has sufficient capacity for the retention on board for all garbage while operating in the area.It has concluded arrangements for the retention of retained garbage at a reception facility after it has left the area.

StowingStowing is what we do when we prepare the ship for rough seas, this must be done to prevent any damages or breakages from happening. There are many levels of stowing reflecting the different sea states and also the type of passage we are conducting. You will be advised to what extent of stowing is required by the Head steward.

All cabins to be stowed when going to sea.All loose objects that could fall should be moved onto the rug on the floor.Make sure all bathroom doors and shower doors are closed properly.Make sure all sliding doors are closed and sealed properly, and pantograph doors in Master cabin are dogged shut.All wardrobe doors must be closed with the handle turned to secure them.All push buttons pushed in.Make sure furniture that is stowed together is not touching.NEVER stow anything directly onto the floor please make sure youuse a towel or non-skid beneath the object. Non-skid may ONLY be used on wooden surfaces.When stowing statues and other sharp/heavy objects, please wrap them in a towel before you put them on the floor this ensures safety of fellow crew members and also of the interior.Always make sure you protect the furnishings in the interior there are many items you can use to do so such as towels, non-skid, drop sheets, carpets etc. This is so they dont bang into each other.Put all orchids on the floor on a towel/drop sheet.If there are books on the shelves, push them as far back as possible. If you dont think they will be safe, please put them on the floor on a towel/drop sheet. For larger movable items lashing to the deck or a fixed point will be the best option, if you are unsure about how to lash, ask your HOD or the OOW for assistanceIf you are unsure about anything, never hesitate to ask your Head of Department!!

Interior Uniform Boss on/ Boss off

ITEMBRANDDAY / EVENINGBOSS ON / OFFBottomsNavy blue shortsDeckersDayBoss offCapri trousersDeckersDay/cooler climatesBoss off / onNavy blue skortsDeckersDayBoss onBeige skortsLiquid yacht wearEveningBoss onTopsWhite poloHarvestDayBoss onBlack t-shirtKK mandarineEveningBoss onNavy Blue cardigansZara DayBoss onBlack cardigansDeckersEveningBoss onWhite fitted t-shirtsJerzeesDayBoss offNavy blue fleeceRussellsDayBoss offShoesDeck shoesChathamDayBoss onDeck shoesDubarryEveningBoss onFlip flopsHavianasDayBoss off

Uniform issue & control:Head Steward/Senior Housekeeper is responsible for uniform, and if you have any queries regarding uniform she will be happy to help, but there will usually be a housekeeper in charge of this portfolio. Queries or new uniform requests will be best directed at her.The uniform store is located on the Tank Deck.Everyone has a uniform control sheet which is controlled by the person allocated to do the uniform. This way we can track everything being handed out.Everyone is responsible to take care of their issued uniform and make sure it is numbered with your allocated laundry number.When signing off the vessel for vacation or end of contract, all of your uniform will be signed back and checked. This will be crossed referenced with your uniform control sheet.

Manual Handling

The bringing aboard of ships stores, guest luggage and movement of interior furniture are just some examples of times where you will have to manually handle large, heavy or bulky weights. It is important that you understand how to move these loads without over exertion and injuring yourself.The following is supposed to act as guidelines to help you safely and effectively deal with these issues.Use any mechanical aids provided;Follow instructions and take sensible precautions to ensure that they are aware of any risk of injury from the load before picking it up.

Assess the load to be lifted, taking account of any information provided by theemployer.Look for sharp edges, protruding nails or splinters, for surfaces which are difficult to grip.

Factors to Consider;Is the activityStrenuous?Prolonged?Over exerting?

Does it involveAdequate rest and recovery periods?Negotiating stairs or companionways?Team handling?Use of special equipment?A high rate of work?Unstable loads? - Potentially dangerous if dropped?Are you Physically (un)suited to the task?At risk?Wearing suitable clothing?Adequately experienced or trained?Adequately equipped

Risks associated with operation within the Hotel department

Work Area entire vessel

RiskDetailsActionDoors being opened onto feetHeavy doors onboardCare to be taken when opening and closing doors or shoes to be worn at all timesPlugs not being properly placed into sockets & overload of electrical circuitsUse of multi-sockets, strain on electrical appliancesTraining and attention to be paid when plugging and unplugging appliancesDanger of electric shock whilst cleaning electrical appliances.Coffee machines, toasters, water heaters, toasty makersIsolation of appliances before cleaningImproper disposal of waste materials and garbage Towels with oily residue, lacerations from glass, garbage not double bagged or securely tiedCorrect instruction of handling, storage and disposal of all garbage types.Materials with oily residue, flour, sawdust and other rubbish may spontaneously combustGarbage may generate heat sufficient to ignite flammable mixtures.Correct storage of waste materials and other waste until it can be properly disposed ofProximity of materials to lighting and heating sourcesRisk of fireTurn off all unnecessary light and sources of heat, keep items away Loose items moving unexpectedly in a seawayItems falling from shelves and cupboards, objects moving unexpectedly in the interior (chairs, gym equipment etc)Correct instruction on stowage and securing of items for seaDoors swinging and causing injury or damage in a seawayDoors swinging open and hitting personnelDoors to be correctly opened and securely/properly shutInadequate illumination of work/transit areasCan lead to personnel opening doors onto their feet resulting in injuryDue consideration to be taken when opening doors and shoes to be worn at all times if possibleMisunderstanding of directions and instructions due to poor signage or instructionCan lead to improper use of equipment and potential injuryClear unambiguous commands to be issued at all times, signage to be clear and concise


Cross-contamination consideration in heads and galleyCleaning of one area and then moving to another without washing hands or moving from a cleaning capacity into a food handling role with no sanitationCorrect washing of hands and other affected area. Also changing of soiled clothes if necessary when moving from one area or capacity into another.

Incorrect use of WTDs, FDs & SWTDsResulting in the injury of personnel or damage to the ship & doorDoors should only be operated by trained individuals and if they are closed, permission should be obtained from the bridge before attempting to open them.Obstruction of the hi-fog system and sprinklersCan lead to incorrect or impaired discharge in an emergencyLocation & identification of hi-fog system in each room and understanding of the importance of keeping it clear.Candles in guest cabins and on deck and guests smoking on deck and in the interiorFire riskMonitoring of the deck area where candles are set out and awareness of guests smoking in and around the accommodationLaptops left on bed by guests/crew Fire risk due to heat generation, not specific to laptops, could be blow dryers, cell phone chargers etc.Vigilance when cleaning guest/crew accommodation for potential hazards before they become an issueWires trailing in corridorsTrip hazard also a fire hazard if the socket is damaged due to a ripped plug (exposed wires)Appropriate trailing or wires down the side of a passageway and signage where necessary

RiskDetailsActionUnderstanding of the MSDS sheets and chemical properties of cleaning productsKnowledge of how to handle all of the cleaning chemicals onboard and the correct PPE is imperative. Also the results of combining chemicals should be understood too.Informing of the location of the MSDS sheets and their content. Also training in the correct use of chemicals by an officerImproper use of PPE leading to increased risk of harm from chemical and other substances or itemsFor chemical use and protection Correct instruction on the appropriate use of PPE; including location and donningWet floorsSlip hazard as a result of cleaning or accidental spillsCorrect signage and clean-up operationNot emptying vacuum cleaners frequently enoughStrain on the motor can lead to failure/burnout or a fire hazardProper instruction on how and when to empty vacuum cleanersEmptying ash trays into bins and the risk of hot ashesFire riskEnsure ashes are out and completely cool before disposing ofWedging doors and leaving them unattendedIn the event of a fire will hinder response efforts, also can lead to guests entering a potentially hazardous areaClose all doors that are not required to be openWorking in guest areas when sick or illCan lead to the spreading of an illness or contagious diseaseIsolation of crew members that are ill and treating of the illness; also isolation of guests if they are ill to prevent spread of diseaseAscending/descending stairs (and carrying loads on them)Can lead to imbalance and obstruction of sight, risk of falling or dropping load is increased. Some of the stairwells onboard have small steps and additional care must be taken when using them.Lessen load to be carried or ask for help from other crew members to share the load, correct manual handling techniques to be observedBlocking exits with vacuums trolleys and other itemsCan lead to the obstruction of doorways and a potential unexpected trip hazardAll doorways and companionways to be kept clear of all unnecessary items


Hot foods and liquids spilling from their containers

Appreciation of hot liquids and items around the work place, also do not overfill containers that have hot loads in themFont loading doors to the dishwashers opening unexpectedlyCan lead to the contents being ejected over the deck, leading to broken glass or crockery. Also the door opening on its own can hit someone and cause injuryAppropriate training in ensuring the machine is correctly closed and openedLeaving hot items such as stove tops, kettles or microwaves unattendedHot items and appliances pose a burn risk if they are not properly appreciated by all in the areaAttention being paid when dealing with hit foods and liquids also alerting others to the situationSharp implements such as knives causing injury or damage

Correct practice and stowage of knives and other sharp implementsLarge numbers of people working in a small areaCan lead to people colliding and stepping on each other's appendagesCommunication and consideration of others when working in an enclosed environment

For pantries; guests coming into the pantry and injuring themselves on appliances or items

Ensure the pantry is clean and tidy at all times and all unnecessary objects are out of sight, specifically hazardous items.Contamination of foodFood can be contaminated by other foods, unclean practice and incorrect preparation. If in any doubt always refer to the head chef for guidance on food handling and preparation.Hands to be washed before and in between handling food, Hair to be tied back, clean aprons and clothes to be worn. Nails to be kept short and clean.

RiskDetailsActionHot foods on stove tops and in ovensPoses a burn risk, the food as well as the vessel it is contained inDo not keep the containers topped up with food, allow for the ship's motion when putting food in pots and pans on the heat or in an ovenSpread of disease through food handling due to contaminationIllnesses can be spread by either sneezing, coughing or an open wound that comes into contact with food by a crew member handling food.All crew members reporting for work in the galley shall be fit and well for work, also all cuts, no matter how small, shall be reported immediately and receive appropriate first aid.Jewellery becoming caught in food processing equipment

No jewellery to be worn other than a plain wedding bandBroken glass or crockery coming into contact with food stuffsVery small fragments of broken glass and crockery can still remain in the food despite efforts to clear it all awayAll foodstuff that come into contact with broken glass or crockery should be immediately disposed of and the area cleared intensively to negate any further riskRisk of injury to feet from any number of itemsA large proportion of injuries occur to feet as a result of falling items, burns, scalds or other similar incidentCorrect footwear should be worn at all times and it should have a closed toe and sturdy sole


Unawareness of hot items around the galley A crew member in the galley could easily injure themselves on a hot item if they are unaware of the hazard

Communication and awareness of the situation and risk by allHot clothes and dryer drums burning personnelThe hot settings on the drying machines can easily heat clothes to a temperature hot enough to burn, as can the drums when clothing is retrieved from the insideCare should be taken when using or retrieving clothes from the machine and awareness of the potential for burnsIrons and the BIG STEAM IRONIrons due to their nature are very hot and can easily burn personnelCommunication of the hot iron to others, awareness of the potential risk of irons, steam iron should be drained daily and care should be taken over the liquid that emits forth as it could burn your hideRoller pressing machineCan crush fingers if guards are not fitted correctlyEnsure the safety bars are fitted correctly and take care to not allow your fingers become entrapped in the rolling partsDanger of fire with dryers due to build up of lint

Dryers should be emptied frequently, potentially after every use, to prevent build up of lint and allow for good efficiency.

____________________________________Lui AnphinLUNA Captain, August 2011

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