house of bernarda alba

Post on 03-Mar-2015






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A Foucauldian Study of The House of Bernarda Alba


A Conceptualization of Michel Foucault‟s Abstract Ideas Through a

Power-Oriented Play


The whole paper deals with an analysis of the following concepts in the

play The House of Bernarda Alba by the Spanish playwright: The

concept of power and its productivity, Anti-authority struggle, The

concept of resistance against power, The outcome of coercion to silence,

The notion of identity and its restraining outcome, The notions of

abnormality and normality.


Discipline, Hidden Transcript, Panopticon, Victorian Moral Codes



The play The House of Bernarda Alba which conveys the story of a

dominant mother whose imposition of power on her five daughters result

in resistance, uprising, and a catastrophic end is an obvious criticism

against the Victorian Moral Codes which were associated with Shallow


Morality, Conformity, Silence nd a great deal of endeavor to maintain


Michel Foucault, the French Postmodernist Thinker and Philosopher,

whose ideas revolved mainly around concepts such as Power,

Knowledge, and Discourse was one of the rough dissidents of Victorian

Moral Codes which according to him led to suppression and repression

of the individual under the reign of the Supreme Power.

The writer of the article is determined to consider, analyze, and

discuss the following concepts found in the aforementioned play i.e. The

House of Bernarda Alba written by the Spanish playwright Frederica

Garcia Lorca:

The Concept of Power and Its Productivity

Anti-authority Struggle

The Concept of Resistance Against Power

The Outcome of Coercion to Silence

The Notion of Identity and Its Restraining Outcome


The Notions of Abnormality and Normality

The Concept of Power and Its Productivity

The concept of Power has been one of the most polemical notions

throughout the history of philosophy and thought. Scrutinized and

discussed by various outstanding features such as Nietzsche, Marx, and

so on and so forth is not a new concept followed and defined by

Foucault. To be precise and to the point, the only and the most

significant difference of Foucauldian definition of power and that of

those preceded him lies in Foucault‟s perception of power in other

words, Foucault sees power not only repressive but productive;

something which brings about forms of behavior and events rather than

simply curtailing freedom and constraining individuals. He also points

out that power is not possession in the hands of the powerful but it is a

performance, a strategy that permeates the whole social body.


In The House of Bernarda Alba, being the dominant power in a small

society like family, Bernarda Alba constantly strives for controlling her

five daughters by initiating binary oppositions such as decency vs.

indecency and exercising permanent Surveillance which act as tools in

her hands. This power penetrates into the minds of the individuals to the

extent that each individual acts as a monitor and observer of the others.

In this play Adela in act 2 is heard talking aboit her sister Martirio as


Adela: She follows me everywhere. Sometimes she peps into my room to

see if I’m asleep.

The whole house resembles a prison, Panopticon, with a domineering

mother functioning as a guard and surveillance and the whole

inhabitants of the house as prisoners that persuade Bernarda to struggle

to take and have the control of the whole house:

Adela[standing up to her]: This place has sounded like a prison long

enough…[Act 3]


The imposition of the power on the people living in the house paved

the way for the appearance of certain forms of behavior such as

tendency to nicknaming her as leopard-face by Bernarda‟s mother Maria

Josefa or lizard by the servant if the house Poncia.

Anti-Authority Struggle

In his profound essay „The Subject and Power‟ Foucault argues on Anti-

Authority Struggle in which the powerless or suppressed inaugurates a

struggle against the prescriptions of the authority in that society. In this

local or immediate struggle, people criticize the conditions of their lives

and take action to set them free from the dominance of the authority.

In this play, several hints of this struggle taken by daughters

especially Adela can be detected:

Martirio[softly]: Adela [Pause. She moves right up to the door. [Loudly]

Adela!Adela appears. Her hair is somewhat disheveled.

Adela: Why are you looking for me?

Martirio: Keep away from that man


Adela: who are you to tell me what to do?

Martirio: that’s no place for a respectable woman.

Adela: and haven’t you just longed to be there?

Martirio[loudly]: the time has come for me to speak out. This cannot go


Adela: this is only the beginning. I had the strength to take action, the

spirit and courage that you haven’t got.

Power and Resistance

In volume one of the History of Sexuality Foucault asserts that “where

there is power there is resistance”. In other words. Foucault is willing to

convey that in power relations there is no master/slave relation but there

is struggle against master. According to him, to exercise power there

should be someone who resists i.e. where there is no resistance, there is

no power relation. Those resistant individuals should pay physical costs

to themselves.


In this play, being the most resistant figure, Adela dies at the end of

the play. Her death can be considered as atonement for her all struggles

and resistance against her mother.

Foucault also states that in the presence of their equals, both

powerless and powerful, develop a “hidden transcript” that is a critique

of power spoken behind the back of the dominant. In order to analyze a

power relation, we must analyze a total relation of power i.e. the hidden

transcripts as well as the public performance. For instance, in the scene

where poncia and the Maid are alone these hidden transcripts can be


Poncia:…she doesn‟t want to be seen in her own kingdom. To hell With


Maid: she has been good to you

Poncia: Thirty years washing her sheets, thirty years eating her

Leftovers…but damn and blast her all the same, may she roast

In hell.

The other features enormously discussed by Foucault is Discipline as

self-regulation that “is a set of strategies, procedures and ways of


behaving which are associated with certain institutional contexts and

which then permeates ways of thinking and behaving in general”

The Outcome of Coercion to Silence:

As discussed by Foucault: “within the ninetieth century, there was an

attempt to silence discussion of sexuality and restrict social practices.

We should not assume that this repression was effective, or effective in

the ways in which it was envisaged it would be. The seeming repression

of sexual discussion and sexuality itself had an unintended effect, that‟s

to increase the desire to speak about sexuality and increase to pleasure

gained from violating these taboos”. As it can be seen in this play, Adela

gains pleasure from violating the taboo of relationship with would-be

husband of her half-sister i.e. Angustias. Bernarda, does her best to put a

ban on sexual discussions and practices but this restriction leads to no

way except failure.

The Notion of Identity and its Restraining Outcome:


Foucault is among the philosophers who advocate dissolution if

identity, rather than its creation or maintenance. As discussed by Siegel:

“… [he] sees identity as a form of subjugation and a way of exercising

power over people and preventing them from moving outside fixed


In this play, Bernarda Alba constricts her daughters due to her

tendency to maintain her reputation; in other words, her identity. Being a

model for Victorian Moral Codes, Bernarda cares excessively on what

other people may say about her and they may stain her reputation. This

maintenance of identity leads her to subjugate her daughters which

results in the catastrophic outcome.

The Notion of Abnormality and Normality:

Foucault constantly argues on the definition of two terms of

Abnormality and Normality. He poses the two significant questions who

determine the abnormality and normality in a society? And why is a

person dubbed abnormal?


In this play, Bernarda‟s mother is expected to be known as Mad

which is a type of Abnormality. But, in the course of the story, she is

depicted as the mouthpiece of the five girls, that is to say; she strives for

going away, marrying, and procreating.

Maria Josefa:…just because I have white hair you think I

can’t have Babies and babies…[ACT 3]

Maria Josefa:…I must go away from here,…[ACT 3]

She is dubbed as Mad and is locked due to defying the orders of

supreme power i.e. Bernarda Alba who is an executive and a follower of

Victorian Moral Codes.

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