housekeeping 1. documents on student services website 2. math programs mathletics (tina harms) jump...

Post on 31-Mar-2015






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1. Documents on Student Services Website

2. Math programs • Mathletics (Tina Harms)• Jump Math (Brian Ewashen)

3. Reading programs• Lexia (Janene, Monica, Tina,

Victoria, Ailis, Betty) • Raz Kids (too many to name)

4. IEP framework & resources• COACH3 (Sandy Boscariol)



Writing Measureable Goals and



Levels of Educational ParticipationLevels of Educational Participation

Level of Educ. ParticipationCompetitive





BC Ministry of Education

TermsFull academic, adapted

Adapted/ modified

Fully modified


Integration is not InclusionIntegration = physical presence Inclusion = engaged in

same activities

COACH3 Types of ParticipationSame curriculum with supports (same content, same level)Multilevel curriculum (same content, different level)Multilevel curriculum (different content, different level)Curriculum overlapping (different curriculum area, different level)

Develop a Comprehensive Develop a Comprehensive IEPIEP

Conditions: specific cues, special equipment/materials, or when or where the behaviour will happen

Behaviour/Skill: what the student will do, written in observable and measureable language

Criteria: how well or how often the behaviour should occur in order for the goal or objective to be achieved, ie: frequency (3x/day), percent, rate, quality, duration, or response latency (in less than 5 seconds). Objective should also include a time period: over a 2week period or, for 5 consecutive days, or for 16/20 days. 4

Writing IEP Goals and Writing IEP Goals and Objectives:Objectives:

IEP LanguageIEP Language in the class af ter lunch

on the playground bef ore school starts

Objectives ie. What skills the student will achieve towards the goal, where, when, or under what conditions and with

what criteria f or success.

with full adult support independently with minimal reminders visual cues f requent prompting with occasional support

once a week 3 – 5 times per day at the end of every class 8/ 10 opportunities per week 80% 16/ 20 days 8 times out of 10 observed opportunities

Example – Social Example – Social Non-example Goal: Adam will improve his


Example Goal A: Adam will initiate and sustain social/communicative interactions with peers at least twice/day by June 2013.◦Objective #1: During recess and free time in the

classroom, Adam will use a conversation book to initiate and sustain interactions with peers, for more than 1 minute, at least twice daily by June 2013

◦Objective #2: In the classroom and/or at day care, Adam will play board or card games that require turn-taking and social interaction with peers, without intervention, at least 3 times per week by March 2013 6

Example – Academic ReadingExample – Academic Reading

Non-example Goal: Adam will participate in language arts

Example Goal B: Adam will read at a grade 1 level by June 2013◦Objective #1: At school and at home, Adam

will read grade one-level books and stories out loud, with 80% accuracy over 16/20 days by March 2013

◦Objective #2: Adam will demonstrate comprehension of connected text by orally answering wh-questions at the grade one level, with 80% accuracy over 16/20 days by June 2013 7

Example - IndependenceExample - Independence

Non-example Goal: Adam will be more independent

Example Goal C: Adam will follow instructions and work independently at school for 5 min. or more during each desk activity.◦Objective #1: With verbal and visual cues,

Adam will work independently for at least 5 minutes at a time on assigned work for 16/20 days by March 2013

◦Objective #2: With advance preparation Adam will follow school and classroom rules and basic instructions provided to the entire class, with 80% accuracy over 16/20 days by June 2013


Example - BehaviourExample - BehaviourNon-example Goal: Adam will decrease problem


Example Goal D: Adam will maintain socially acceptable behaviour during transitions by June 2013◦Objective #1: At school and at home, Adam

will make transitions between environments and activities, with socially acceptable behaviour, using First/Then, timer, and visuals, for 16/20 days by March 2013

◦Objective #2: At school and at home, Adam will ask an adult or peer for assistance by saying “help” when he encounters difficulty, without prompting, for 16/20 days by June 2013 9

Example – Academic MathExample – Academic Math Non-example Goal: Adam will participate in math

Example Goal E: Adam will perform addition and subtraction with 2 digit numbers with 80% accuracy by June 2013◦Objective #1: At school, Adam will add 1- and

2-digit numbers with the aid of manipulatives, with >80% accuracy on 4/5 weekly tests by March 2013

◦Objective #2: At school, Adam will subtract 1- and 2-digit numbers with the aid of manipulatives, with >80% accuracy on 4/5 weekly tests by June 2013


Example – Academic MathExample – Academic Math Non-example Goal: Adam will participate in math

Example Goal F: Adam will complete A&W Math 10 (>50%) with a support block, by June 2014◦Objective #1: During his support block and in

the support room, Adam will complete every second question of his math homework and study for tests and quizzes with an adult or classmate 4/5 days.

◦Objective #2: Adam will study for and take a re-test in the support room whenever he achieves <50% on a test or quiz at least 1day/week and 1lunch/week.


Writing IEP Goals and Writing IEP Goals and Objectives: Develop an IEP Objectives: Develop an IEP


The IEP matrix summarizes the IEP objectives that will be targeted across the day

May include classroom routines (ie: opening, free time, lining up, recess, lunch) as well as subject areas (ie: language arts, math, science, art, library, PE)

The matrix provides an IEP goal “map” that can be used by the teacher and the EA

Sample IEP MatrixSample IEP MatrixObjective Readin


Math PE Lunch



1.1 conversation book 2x/day


1.2 turn-taking game 3x/week


2.1 read aloud gr. 1 w/80% acc.


2.2 comprehend gr. 1 text w/80%


3.1 follow rules & instructions 80% for 16/20 d.


3.2 work indep. >5 min 16/20 d.


4.1 transition w/pics 16/20 d.


Writing IEP Goals and Writing IEP Goals and Objectives: Evaluation & Objectives: Evaluation &

Reporting of ProgressReporting of ProgressChoose the method that will work for you and your team!

weekly progress reviews checklists rating scales observation charts tally sheets point systems student self-evaluation student self-monitoring quizzes, unit reviews pre and post-tests daily assignments, tasks journals job lists social responsibility scales performance standards report cards interim reports rubrics DART assessment BC Performance Standards DRA Developmental Reading Assessment review logs (daily tasks, participation, time on task)

Writing IEP Goals and Writing IEP Goals and Objectives: Evaluating Objectives: Evaluating

ProgressProgressObjective M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th

1.1 conversation book 2x/day

1.2 turn-taking game 3x/week

2.1 read aloud gr. 1 w/80% acc.

2.2 comprehend gr. 1 text w/80%

3.1 follow rules & instructions > 80% for 16/20 d.

3.2 work indep. >5 min 16/20 d.

4.1 transition w/pics 16/20 d.

Writing IEP Goals and Writing IEP Goals and Objectives: Evaluating Objectives: Evaluating

ProgressProgressObjective M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th

1.1 conversation book 2x/day

2 1 2 1 2 2

1.2 turn-taking game 3x/week

1 2 0 3

2.1 read aloud gr. 1 w/80% acc.







2.2 comprehend gr. 1 text w/80%





3.1 follow rules & instructions > 80% for 16/20 d.








3.2 work indep. >5 min 16/20 d.

2 m

2m 3m 2.5m



2 m

4.1 transition w/pics 16/20 d.

y n n y y n y

Writing Measureable Writing Measureable Goals Goals


Using COACH3 Learning Outcome: School: Participates in small groups (eg. tolerates situation, takes turn, is actively involved, responds to instructions)

GOAL: During class time Student will participate successfully in small group situations – taking turns, remaining with group, actively involved, responding to instruction – for at least 10 minutes twice a day, for 8/10 days.


GOAL: During class time Student will participate successfully in small group situations – taking turns, remaining with group, actively involved, responding to instruction –for at least 10 minutes twice a day, for 8/10 days.Conditions Behaviour/Skill Criteria

With adult gestures (shaking, nodding head, pointing) & signs (wait, quiet) and during 3 person story reading group

Student will remain with the group

for at least two minutes every day for 8/10 days by Nov. 2013

With same cues and during 3 person story reading group

Student will remain with the group and wait for his turn to turn the page

for at least five minutes every day for 8/10 days by Feb. 2014

With advance preparation and a visual script during 3 person reading group

Student will remain with the group and ask & answer a question about the story

at least once a day for 8/10 days by April. 2014

During small group activities, with occasional prompting

Student will remain with the group, wait for his turn, ask and answer question(s)

for at least ten minutes twice a day, for 8/10 days by June, 2014

Writing measureable Writing measureable goals goals Using COACH3 Learning Outcome: Personal Management - Student maintains safe and healthy behaviours (copes with environmental stresses, shows impulse control, has self-regulation)

GOAL: During recess and lunch, the student will use her calming strategies to control her impulses and remain at a 3 or lower on her 5 pt. scale for 8/10 days.



GOAL: During recess and lunch, the student will use her calming strategies to control her impulses and remain at a 3 or lower on her 5 pt. scale for 8/10 days.

Conditions Behaviour/Skill Criteria

Using visual cues of her at 1 to 5 and verbal prompts using 5 pt scale

student will accurately name emotions and identify where she is on her 5 pt. scale

3x/day for 10 days by Jan. 2014

At the start of the day, and prior to recess and lunch (with the rest of the class and a visual 5 pt. scale)

student will take 5 deep belly breaths, tense and relax her muscles &/or use visual imagery until she lowers her score to a 1 or 2

3x/day for 10 days by March 2014

Prompted by an adult, during stressful situations at recess and lunch

student will use her calming strategies to achieve a 3 or lower on her 5 pt. scale

in 60% of viewed opportunities for 10 days by May 2014

During stressful situations at recess and lunch

student will use her calming strategies to control her impulses and achieve a 3 or lower on her 5 pt. scale

in 80% of viewed opportunities for 10 days by June 2014

Develop Your Own Develop Your Own Measureable IEP Goals and Measureable IEP Goals and

ObjectivesObjectives1. Identify the behaviour or skill in clear,

observable language2. Define the conditions

(where/when/how) under which the behaviour will be performed, ie: in math class, in the hallway, at recess, with adults, with verbal prompts

3. Based on knowledge of where the student’s current performance is decide on the criteria for success, ie: the rate, %, frequency of the behaviour


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