how can congress restrict the power of the president?

Post on 11-Feb-2017






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o·ver·sight (vr-st)n.1. Watchful care or management; supervision.2. Management by overseeing the performance or operation of a person or group

scru·ti·ny n. pl. scru·ti·nies 1. A close, careful examination or study.2. Close observation; surveillance.

Examining the work of Congress

Could you be a political analyst?

What is scrutiny?

What is oversight?

Can you define these key terms?

Enquiry Question: How can Congress restrict the power of the president?

Learning Objectives

• To identify and explain the concepts of scrutiny and oversight

• To examine congressional checks on the power of the executive

Oversight of the Executive Branch• Scrutiny of the executive branch is an implied power of Congress• Absence of the executive from Congress makes scrutiny difficult so

Congress has given itself specific powers in addition to the existing checks and balances by the legislature on the executive

“an important and positive role to ensure the executive branch

adheres to limits to its powers and discharges its duties in a proper and timely manner”

“a polite phrase for trying to embarrass

the president and his administration”

How useful is oversight of the executive branch?

Learning Objectives

• To identify and explain the concepts of scrutiny and oversight

• To examine congressional checks on the power of the executive

Checks & Balances ExampleAmend/delay/reject legislation Rebuild American Jobs Act

filibustered in Senate 03/11/11

Override president’s veto George W Bush - Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act 15/07/08

Power of the purse House Resolution 29202/06/11

Declare war Iraq War (follows War Powers Resolution)Libya (controversial)

Ratify treaties (Senate) New START (The New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) 22/12/10

Investigation Solyndra Loan Investigation 2011

Impeachment, trial, conviction and removal from office

Bill Clinton 1998

Specific Powers of Congress


Subpoena documents and testimony

Solyndra documents November 2011

Hold individuals in contempt

Harriett Miers and Joshua Bolten 25.07.07

Illegal to lie to Congress Roger Clemens 19.08.10

Reject presidential nominees

John G Tower 1989

Learning Objectives

• To identify and explain the concepts of scrutiny and oversight

• To examine congressional checks on the power of the executive

How effective is Congress’ oversight of the executive branch?

45 marks = 45 minutes

Check Effective?

Amend/delay/reject legislation

Override president’s veto

Power of the purse

Declare war

Ratify treaties (Senate)


Impeachment, trial, conviction and removal from office

Subpoena documents and testimony

Hold individuals in contemptIllegal to lie to Congress

Reject presidential nominees

How effective is Congress’ oversight of the executive branch?


Independent Research• Example Bank – Obama presidency 2nd term

examples of powers (i.e. 2012 onwards)Further Reading• House Resolution 292• Presidential Vetoes 1989-2000• White House defends continuing US role in Libya• How effective is Congress? (Handout)

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