how can i get more leads from my ad words campaign

Post on 19-Jan-2017






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How can I get more leads from my AdWords campaign?

A lot of people are searching high and low for that “secret formula” that will magically generate more leads. Like many other things, there is no secret formula: just knowing the basics and practicing it with tweaks

here and there, until your campaign takes off.

Google AdWords is an excellent lead generation tool if you understand the following basics:

Who your target audience is and what they are looking for How to increase the click through rate (CTR) of your campaign How to increase the conversion rate of your website's landing page How to track and measure the results of your campaign

AdWords and PPC, however, let us target an audience as we want based on a combination of geography and specific keywords. Avoid broad keyword searches that are likely to attract the wrong kinds of people and be prepared to do some creative experimentation.

Plan ahead: First and foremost, you should have proper objectives in mind: more

calls? More newsletter or email signups? More actual sales? Set yourself a budget. And be careful – because it’s easy to

overspend when you become involved in keyword bidding and, eventually, multiple campaigns.

Determine a start and end date for your campaign.

Determine your adequate customer acquisition cost. Appraise your maximum cost per click (CPC) Max CPC = (profit per

customer) x (sales conversion rate) x (1 – profit margin) Estimating your test advertising budget Sneak a peek at your direct competitors: There are tools that allow

you to check out the competition, the keywords they used and their success rate.

Keywords: Use Google’s Keyword builder to build up your initial keyword list. Identify

and block negative keywords. Identify and sort buying-intent keyword searches vs. research keywords.

Now, one might think that the more keywords the merrier – but that’s not quite true. One, this isn’t a Vegas buffet, so it will end up costing you a pretty penny; and two, more keywords does not necessarily mean more targeted keywords, which is what you want. The optimal number of keywords is usually 5-20. If you have a hard time coming up with keywords, you can use Google’s automated keyword suggestions.

Check up on the performance of your keywords on a regular basis. Keep an eye out for keywords that are driving traffic but not conversions or keywords that send traffic with a high bounce rate. You’re paying for those clicks so if they’re not turning into leads, pause those keywords right away.

Check up on the performance of your keywords on a regular basis. Keep an eye out for keywords that are driving traffic but not conversions or keywords that send traffic with a high bounce rate. You’re paying for those clicks so if they’re not turning into leads, pause those keywords right away.

Give them an offer they can’t refuse:Whether it’s a special discount, free shipping, money back guarantee or another added value such as a free E-book or webinar. Set your keyword match type: unless you want the broadest audience as possible (at the cost of irrelevant search results), avoid the default Broad type and go for either Phrase or Exact match.

Think Quality:The more relevant your keywords and ads are to a user’s search, the higher quality score you can receive, which means you can pay less for your ad to appear on the first page of search results, which in turn can mean more business, etc. KISS AdsYour ad should keep it simple while including 4components: Relevant keywords Clear benefit to the user Call to Action Display URLExample: Mens Sandals - FREE Shipping & Exchanges | › Departments › Mens ShoesMens Sandals with FREE Shipping & Exchanges, and a 100% price guarantee. Choose from a huge selection of Mens Sandals styles.

Powerful USP:What’s your selling point? What can you offer the searcher that others can’t? For instance:Shoes at - FREE Shipping &

FREE Shipping & Exchanges. 1200 Brands and a 100% Price Guarantee. Save on women's shoes, men’s shoes, kid's shoes, boots, sandals, slippers, ... 

Bid Management:Bid management is very important for a successful campaign. You can increase the bid for the keywords that have higher conversion rates and pause or decrease the bids for the keywords which are not performing well. It will improve your ranking on google search results pages and drive more traffic to your website.

Dedicated, Clear Landing Page:Don’t waste your user’s time. Create a landing page that explains exactly why your business/product/service is a good match for them and provide a CLEAR call to action for next steps. Verify that it loads quickly and meets the customer’s expectations: if the customer clicked on your ad that promises “the best avocado,” don’t lead him to a page that cries out “

Support your claimWhat makes your product/service better than your competitor? Why should they trust you? Customer testimonials An added value such as white paper, article or eBook download A video or presentation Any trust seals that you are allowed to use (i.e., Better Business

Bureau, Web of Trust,, etc.)

Track everythingUse Google Analytics, Reports and Conversion Tracking to track your campaign’s performance. All of the data you collect should be used to see how your campaigns are performing. In Google Analytics, you can see information like bounce rate, time on site and conversions to help you determine the strong and weak points of your campaigns.Some key performance indicators to track: Conversion rate: the probability of web visitors turning into qualified leads % of new (or unique) visitors to your website Ratio of new to returning visitors on your site Amount of time a visitor remains on your site during an average visit Page "stickiness:" the landing pages' probability to successfully retain a


Ad Groups:Organize your keywords into ad groups based on common themes. For example, if your website is devoted to selling desserts, you might want to devote ad groups, each with ads and keywords for cakes, cookies and baked goods.

Test, test and….test again:Test your ad's communication in the live environment to learn which version and combination of headline and description gets the highest CTR. Continue to test your ads on a regular basis. Always run two versions of the same ad and see which one works better.

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