how can you innovate to grow your organisation?

Post on 29-Jul-2015






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H G Wells15th April, 2015

• How can you help each other?

• who you are?

• what do you sell?

• what markets?

• Your strengths?

• what do you need?

• ALSO, hand out your business cards

It’s your turn now!

© C2I Ltd April 2015

Has your Idea machine broken down?

© C2I Ltd April 2015

Our speaker today

Nigel Biggs

© C2I Ltd April 2015

Entrepreneur-in-Residence,University of Surrey

How can you innovate to grow your


Nigel BiggsPassionate Innovation Ltd

Entrepreneur-in-Residence, University of Surrey

Share your Dreams




Spark new ideas

Get new perspectives

Think with Strangers!

Ask WHY – and why not?

Then HOW?

PILOT Better Brainstorming

Think Creatively

Be Passionate

Live your Vision

Stay Open Minded

Use a Process

REAL Innovators DO Stuff!



ReviewYour Old


The world moves on. Have you?

Think about thelittle things too

3 Actions Now to Start

Book time to THINK

Plan how & when to SHARE

Create Ideas and DO STUFF

Share , Think, Create. INNOVATE

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Product Innovation ?

© C2I Ltd April 2015

The Animal?

Continuous innovation is not easy and if you keep using the same method you will experience diminishing results.

Copy someone else’s idea. One of the best ways to innovate is to find an idea that works elsewhere and apply it in your business.

Ask customers. If you simply ask your customers how you could improve your product or service they will give you plenty of ideas for incremental innovations.

Observe customers. Do not just ask them, watch them. Try to see how customers use your products. Do they use them in new ways?

Use difficulties and complaints. If customers have difficulties with any aspect of using your product or if they register complaints then you have a strong starting point for innovations.

Combine. Combine your product with something else to make something new. It works at all levels.

Eliminate. What could you take out of your product or service to make it better?

Ask your staff. Challenge the people who work in the business to find new and better ways to do things and new and better ways to please customers.

Plan. Include targets for new products and services in your business plan.

Run brainstorms. Have regular brainstorm meetings where you generate a large quantity of new product ideas.

Have you considered?

© C2I Ltd April 2015

Have you considered? Examine IP. Check through your IP – you have more than you think!

Collaborate. Work with another company / partner who can take you to places you can’t go.

Minimize or maximize. Take something that is standard in the industry and minimise or maximise it.

Run a contest. Ask members of the public to suggest great new product ideas. Offer a prize.

Ask – what if? Do some lateral thinking by asking staff and customers WHAT IF?

Watch the competition. Do not slavishly follow the competition but watch them intelligently. The small guys are often the most innovative.

Outsource. Subcontract your new product development challenge to a design company.

Use open innovation. Big consumer products companies like Proctor and Gamble or Reckitt Benckiser encourage developers to bring novel products to them.

Adapt a product to a new use. Find an entirely different application for an existing product.

Try P.I.L.O.T - it’s a systematic method for solving problems.

Go back in time. Look back at methods and services that were used in your sector years ago but have now fallen out of use. Can you bring one back in a new updated form?

Use social networks. Follow trends and ask questions on groups like Twitter or Facebook.

Don’t be afraid – just try some approaches that are new to you in order to boost your innovation capability.© C2I Ltd April 2015

Alwaysbe innovating

Unfair, but firm•We need to innovate and improve our offering(s) continually, or someone else will either steal our market or leave us working hard for pennies, as a commodity supplier.

We are in business to make money?•Studies show that it pays to be innovative.

•So, why not target 30%, or more, of sales from new products or services annually

© C2I Ltd April 2015

Do you need assistance?

“Growth through Innovation” & “Growth Accelerator” are both subsidised government schemes to assist SME business which can help realise IP and business potential

Enterprise Europe Network

Our Speaker can help you – take the opportunity & discuss your business issues with them today

© C2I Ltd April 2015

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