how caring for each design element changes everything!

Post on 21-Apr-2017






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How caring for each design element changes everything!

BRAND is a set of expectations,

memories, stories and relationships that in

combination drives the decision of choosing

the particular company, product or service.

Seth GodinLegendary Marketer

The first touch point of your brand becomes the

perception for the customer. For example, a FMCG

product like a head wash, the first time you see the

bottle lying at the grocery store you like to grab it and

read about it. That is the first time a brand is


The same way, in digital world, the moment a

visitor opens your website, landing page,

Facebook or Twitter page, you create a

perception in the visitors mind and a decision

of re-visiting or not.



“Perception is Reality”Lee Atwater (Advisor to U.S. President George H.W. Bush)

Brand perception Vs Reality

According to recent Gallop survey, American

public perceives that 23% of American are

Lesbian and Gays but in actual only 3.8

percent of the people are lesbian, gay or

transgender. That’s a huge difference

between reality and perception.

We did the same!

You can get advantage of this, you can come across as a brand which is being perceived as a thought leader with just

few fixes in the designs you create.

Story line


A performance management product used for 360 degree review,

setting SMART goals and giving peer reviews.

Business Requirement

Capture the leads through a landing page and make

the target audience understand the importance of goal alignment.

The product landing page looked like this

Brand Perception- A lot of information confuses the visitor and might even switches off

the user.

QTip: Humans understand visually better, their brain doesn’t want to do extra work to


Brand Perception: The difficulty to read the below test makes the user agitated and makes them fell that you are trying to

hide something behind the text.

Qtip: Make sure if you are using headlines, sub-headings or pointers to explain something take care they are in genuine


Brand Perception: This gives the brand perception of incompleteness. You need to complete the page and give a good

ending to the story. Without an end the story doesn’t end!

Qtip: There needs to be a story in the design a starting and a complete ending.

What changed the perceptionPaying attention to every big or small element. Let’s see…

Giving the reason for the user to sign-up by adding trusted experts

Ending the page with a form after gaining trust


Sign ups increased by


How did we increase the brand perception with more iterations

• The message changes

• The visual representation changes

• The color palate changes

• The copy changes to better

• The way to represent the screen


• The font changes

• The visual representation of

features content changes

First Thought

• This first thought had lot of content

• Improper icons

• Abrupt ending

• Different size fonts with no consistency

• No whitespaces to breathe

• No STORYline!

Iteration 2

• Got a STORYline!

• Most of the content was removed

• Consistency in fonts

• Product showcase by screens

• Added trust by adding industry leader’s verdict

• Showcased features

Final Design

• Improved upon the icons

• Improved upon the language

• Improved upon the way screens are shown

Designed by- Manisha Sharma I Evangelist I

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