how do i do that? b uilding a g aming pc:. t oday ’ s l earning t arget selecting the right video...

Post on 17-Jan-2018






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PC T ECHNOWIZARDS — 2 TYPES OF PC OWNERS :  1. Gamers  2. Those who don’t know that they are gamers. Yet.


How do I do that? B UILDING A G AMING PC: T ODAY S L EARNING T ARGET Selecting the right video card What is GPU? PC T ECHNOWIZARDS 2 TYPES OF PC OWNERS : 1. Gamers 2. Those who dont know that they are gamers. Yet. H ARD - CORE G AMERS V ERSUS SPORTS CAR OWNERS GAMER COMPUTERSPORTS CAR OWNERS MODDING The customizing that PC gamers undertake to create a truly unique look for their favorite computer. M OST I MPORTANT : V IDEO CARD ( OR CARDS !)!! You may boost performance to an unbelievable degree by linking more than one video card A FAST CPU NEVER HURTS ! However, the lions share of the work is the video card! D ON T FORGET ! Secondary 12 volt, 4 pin power connector Connects the power supply & the Mobo Draw enough power for additional lights, fans, and some high-end video cards M EMORY IS #1! 3-D games need memoryand lots of it! W HAT ARE T EXTURES ? Textures are graphics designs that are wrapped around a 3-D model to create the inticrate, realistic objects you see onscreen. Bricks in a wall Grass on the ground Long flowing hair W HERE ARE T EXTURES STORED ? In part of your video card! Not the system memory installed in your Mobo. Go to or and see what the latest amount of RAM is recommended for gaming video cards. W HAT IS GPU A NYWAY ? GPU stands for Graphic Processing Unit Its the video card equivalent of your Mobos CPU A video card needs its own processing power To draw all those objects Juggle those textures Produce realistic affects (clouds & rippling water)

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