how does your media product represent particular social

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In my magazine I feel I have represented the middle class as my magazine is about the dance music genre and it shows the middle class side of the genre. It features music festivals, party holidays and middle class DJ’s. The audience will be able to relate to this easier. My character in the magazine is quite posh and middle class which shows a reflection of the audience as I aiming to an audience that is similar to this. The language I use in my magazine is good as it can appeal to both genders but my magazine doesn’t especially represent any ethnic groups very well as I only have pictures of white people and only really talks about white people.


My magazine only features a male character and only really talks about males as the dance music genre is dominated by males. In my research I found that dance music magazines are mainly read by males and dance music is listened to by mainly males so my magazine appeals to the audience as they may see themselves in the characters in my magazine.

My magazine has kept the dance music genre being dominated by males stereotype true to an extent as it only features males but that may attract more females to read it as it has a photo of a male on the cover.


My magazine features people of the 16-24 age group which is the group that have been found to read the most dance music magazines and listen to the most dance music. It reflects my audience as they are in this age group.

My magazine is partly going with and partly disagreeing with the stereotype that comes with the 16-24 age group. The stereotype is negative as in they all commit crimes and have a bad attitude. My magazine is disagreeing as it is proposing that this age group has more class than usually thought but agrees saying they spend lots of money.


In my magazine it is mainly middle class people that feature in my magazine. This reflects my audience as they are mainly this class. Some are working class but the middle class is more dominant which is shown in my magazine as only middle class people feature.

My magazine represents the middle class as it features things that appeal to the middle class as it has articles about music festivals which are expensive are middle class people have money and a job usually.

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