how i work

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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this is how i work

step 1: discovery session

this informal meet-up allows us to get to know each other and unearth your wants and needs.

i ask a lot of questions, share a lot of ideas, and we have a rather marvelous discussion

sometimes this is done over coffee or a meal or a few late afternoon drinks, and other times it's done over skype or a phone call.

whatever the medium, the aim is always the same: discover what your story is all about 

step 2: vision meet-up

this is where i come back with my interpretations and ideas on how we should move forward.

together we tinker away until good-turns-to-great, clear-into-crystal, and from marvelous-to-marvelest

depending on the size of the project this can take several meetings.

the aim is to get things just right before we continue onward. perfection and happiness is always the aim at this stage.

step 3: creating process

this is where i get my hands dirty and start creating your story in a way that showcases your unique traits.

sometimes this involves working on my own, other times it means bringing together numerous teams to craft an epic tale.

as you can imagine, this stage of the process lasts anywhere from a few days to several months.

each story is unique and requires a bespoke timetable.

step 4: completion period

at some point we reach the end, but things are rarely perfect first time around.

this is where we work together to align what has been created. We don't want good, rather out-of-this-world-amazing 

step 5: sharing sign off

once everything is perfected we have a few final gatherings where i help you share your story in a unique way and personal way.

this is where my marketing background flourishes.

sometimes this is a simple get-together, whereas on other occasions it requires liaising with your team or external agencies to ensure your story gets the best treatment

this is how i work

i consider myself an architect throughout this entire process.

my job is to unearth what you're all about, who you are, and craft a story that showcases your band in a unique and bespoke manner.

sometimes this involves only me, other times it requires various individuals coming together to craft an epic tale.

whatever the parameters, i always strive to discover, create & share your one true story

get in touch & arrangea discovery session

call (+44) (0)7837 995 265or click the link below

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