how journalists can think like entrepreneurs

Post on 22-Jan-2015






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What is an entrepreneurial journalist, and why are people saying they will save the world? Whether you already work for a news organization or want to break out on your own, thinking like an entrepreneur will help you reinvent your role as a journalist in ways readers will notice.


  • 1. Think like an entrepreneur Alaska Press Club May 8, 2010

2. Who is this Suzanne Yada? Social media strategist San Francisco Public Press Web producer Silicon Valley/San Jose Business Journal Online editor Spartan Daily, San Jose State University Journalism and business student at SJSU Previously: Copy editor/designer, Visalia Times-Delta 3. Who is this Suzanne Yada?And who is she to talk about entrepreneurship?Worked for these startups: Unlimited Zine Evolution Literary Magazine Visaliyoung Truth/Xposed Magazine KFSC-LP 94.1 FM Visalia Explore Central Valley Downtown San Francisco Public Press CoPress SHiFT Magazine 4. Who is this Suzanne Yada?And who is she to talk about entrepreneurship?Only these still exist: KFSC-LP 94.1 FM Visalia San Francisco Public Press SHiFT Magazine 5. Entrepreneurship: Whether youre employed or starting something new, heres how to do it. 6. %@*$ fear. The biggest risk right now is doing nothing. 7. Ideas. You have them. 8. Three questions to ask What do you wish your newspaper could do? Great graphics? A new beat? Better way to organizenewsroom? New tool that would make life easier? What would readers like? New ways to contribute content? Interact with eachother? Better ways to find information? Whats the biggest pain in the butt? No stable Internet connection in your community? Too much information? Not enough? 9. Steal ideas. They have them. 10. Get feedback. If you're afraid to ask, you suck as a journalist. 11. But not too much feedback."If I had asked people what they wanted,they would have said faster horses." --Henry Ford 12. Lets hear it.Did any ideas cross your mind? 13. Pitch it. Journalists pitch stories very well. Now lets do it for ideas. 14. Network. It really is all about who you know. 15. Personal brand.You have one already. Sorry. 16. Looking to start your own thing? 17. Get big funding.All the cool kids are doing it. 18. Or not. Bootstrapping is the new black. 19. Free tools rule. They keep costs down and creativity up. 20. Free tools startups can use WordPress Skype 21. Things worth paying for Hosting (DreamHost has been good to me) Website domain a lawyer sigh. 22. Money is awesome. Fancy-schmancy people call it "monetization." 23. Diversify that income! Advertising Subscriptions Events Community workshops/seminars Special publications/databases E-commerce (wine lists, travel clubs, etc) Services (graphic design, web development, etc) 24. Get help. What? You dont know everything? 25. Where to get help Small Business Association: Alaska Commerce, Community and EconomicDevelopment: RJI Collaboratory: Google Alaska entrepreneurs 26. You are all awesome. Keep in

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