how kids changed the way we design for adults

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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Kids don’t have patience for user experience research. They don’t care what your marketing team wants, and they won’t make an effort to please your developers. They’re not loyal to your brand. And, of course, the youngest among them can’t even read. But rather than thinking that kids are clueless, we need to view them as a clue to designing better digital products and services for people of all ages. After all, don’t your users sound a lot like the description above? Adults are also impatient, uncooperative, unloyal, and can — but won’t — read information on a screen! By adapting your research and design processes to align with the preferences, cognitive abilities, social skills, and attention spans of kids — you’ll be better armed to create innovative, intuitive, and delightful products and services for adults. We'll show you how to evolve your methodologies and take advantage of an emerging set of digital design principles inspired by today’s youngest users.


How Kids Changed The Way We Design for Adults


This is just a taste of what we’ll share at SXSW 2015.

Kids can’t read. Kids don’t have patience. Kids don’t care what you want. Kids won’t make an effort to please you. Kids aren’t loyal to your brand.


Kids may not seem serious. But we need to take them seriously.


Vad tyckte du om...

Smileymetern - funkar bra med små barn också. De drar ett streck upp från ledsna gubben mot den glada, olika långt beroende på hur roligt det var.

1. It’s ok to be wrong. Dare to guess!


Our seemingly kid-friendly surveys failed miserably.




A mental health first aid kit. Is it perfect? Not yet.

2. Kids want to play. Adults do, too!




Adults don’t read. Adults don’t have patience. Adults don’t care what you want. Adults won’t make an effort to please you. Adults aren’t loyal to your brand.


We have much more with you at SXSW 2015!

Thank you!


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