how linkedin can help job holders, businessmen, students and other professionals

Post on 18-Oct-2014






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You will learn many LinkedIn benefits in the following categories: 1. Build your personal brand 2. Search for work 3. Find business partners, leads, clients, vendors and service providers 4. Recruitment 5. Expand your network professionally 6. Groups give you access to experts 7. Connecting with your Alumni groups 8. Benefits for students 9. Keep in touch with former colleagues 10. Free access to professional information 11. Get access to people with good financial health 12. Advertising 13. Attract new business by boosting your company’s credibility 14. Learn a lot from others 15. Miscellaneous benefits *** Please feel free to embed this presentation on your website and share with other people. *** Your comments and questions are appreciated.


Your educational background, professional background, recommendations, endorsements and all other information help you to build a personal image.

These endorsements and recommendations will work as testimonials for you and help you to stand out in the crowd.

A professionally written profile can create a positive first impression.

If you can develop a strong personal brand, many people and companies will contact with you and offer jobs, contracts, investments, Etc.

Google, Bing users may find your profile on search results and contact you with offers.

You will get traffic to your to your blog / company site. You can convert some of this traffic to your clients.

Your profile is your mini website.

Many companies have already joined LinkedIn and offering jobs on this site.

They are not only providing lots of information about the company but also hiring using this site.

Many people have got jobs using this site and you can get one too.

You can do some research about a particular company’s LinkedIn page before appearing in the interview.

You will find two very important pieces of information – (a) the hiring process of the particular company and (b) what other people think about this company.

You can set email alerts for jobs and receive notifications of recommended jobs.

Since LinkedIn is an international platform, it can also help you in finding out a job in a foreign country.

Many people have got contracts and clients from LinkedIn.

This site has many users who are potential buyers of many services.

Business owners and marketing people from different backgrounds have reported that they have achieved small to medium to big deals from this site.

There are thousands of people who can be your business partners, clients, vendors or service provides.

You can also showcase your products and services on your company page.

You can add compelling product description, image, testimonials and success stories to attract potential customers.

Vendors, service providers, investors etc. may also find your page through searches or any other ways and contact with their offers.

If you work in human resource department or you are in recruiting business, LinkedIn can be an excellent resource and tool for you.

Because LinkedIn has huge number of members who are talented job candidates and/or professionals for local and international jobs.

Conducting background research of a candidate is very easy using LinkedIn.

You can send direct message to potential candidates.

You can post jobs too.

When your network grows, you will be able to use it more efficiently in recruiting people.

You will find many professionals of your industry on LinkedIn.

You will also find your friends, family members, classmates, professors, colleagues etc. on this site.

You will find many other like-mind members in specific groups.

You can connect to them by sending invitations.

You can not only meet new people joining such groups but also ask for help on these groups.

When you are an active networker, there is a higher chance that you will be noticed by more companies and members.

You can increase your visibility by adding more connections to your network.

LinkedIn networking is so good that you can also take advantage of your connection's second and third tiered contacts.

Your connections can introduce your prospects outside LinkedIn too.

Do you know people prefer to work with people who their friends know and trust?

You may find several groups related to your profession.

When you join these groups, you will see that many experts have already joined such groups.

Many members seek expert advice on these groups and experts help them with their experience, expertise and knowledge.

You can also learn a lot of things and the views of many others by reading their comments.

Interesting posts and questions can attract many quality comments from the group members.

Alumni members are very helpful to help their fellow members.

There are many evidences that an alumnus has got a job or contract with the help of other alumnus.

You can also see what kind of jobs in which companies your fellow classmates are getting.

You can see the career path of the senior students of your department.

Few students know that they can find internship using LinkedIn.

They can even find jobs even when they are still in school.

When you are a student and performing very well in groups that are related to your industry, your activities may be noticed by decision makes and they can offer you opportunities.

It is a great platform where students can promote themselves to large professional audience.

Once you are connected to your former colleagues, you will be able to see their updates on your news feed.

Getting connected to your former colleagues can be very helpful when you need a job, a client, a recommendation or an introduction to someone you need to meet.

If you join LinkedIn news channels and influencers that are related to your industry, you can learn a lot of things from these sources.

These are very good sources to keep you up-to-date.

You may even find helpful career advice from the experts.

About half of the American LinkedIn users have household incomes over $100,000.

It is not only a source of a lot of wealthy users but also a source of millions of MBA and other highly qualified graduates.

There are millions of C-level executives, presidents, and VPs too.

These members are high likely to have smart phones and tablets.

LinkedIn can be a very helpful resource if you are targeting professionals.

When you advertise, you can target LinkedIn users by job title, company name, industry, company size, job function, seniority, school, skills, gender or even age.

You can target a particular group too.

A company can receive recommendations from past employees.

Clients, vendors or any other people who have done business with your company can recommend your company too. Many companies have achieved thousands of followers too.

All these things can boost your company’s credibility to your potential and existing customers.

Thus it can not only help growing your business but also attract talented job candidates, vendors, clients etc.

Business owners can monitor how their competitors are doing.

An owner can monitor his own company’s performance too.

When you study how LinkedIn users are responding to company updates, job postings or any other news, you can get valuable insights.

Individuals can learn a lot from experts and can try to become thought leaders.

They can study how thought leaders are interacting and networking with other people.

You can increase your visibility.

You can improve your Google PageRank. So, you will appear more in Google searches and it will be easy for other people to find you out.

You can track startups and other companies.

It is easy to find out and research on competitors, investors, employers, job seekers, customers, industries etc.

Many individuals and companies created successful campaigns and gained benefits from these campaigns.

You can meet new people with shared interests and get insights from thoughts and activities.

You can create content and distribute with hundreds of thousands group members.

It is a great place to represent and promote your business.

Learn more from my blog:

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