how mobile ads are better than web ads

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Mobile Ads Are Overpowering The Dominance Of

Web Ads


Mobile Ads Tops over Web Ads

Ease of Engagement With Target Customer

Outdoor Media Advertising & Marketing

Mobile Ads Enables Geo-Targeting Aspects

In-App Advertising Growth and Focus

High Response Rates

Retargeting to Drive Engagement


Mobile Ads Tops over Web


Growing popularity of smart phones has resulted in gaining the

popularity of Mobile Advertising.

The user-friendly mobile platforms and interfaces available

today, has helped most of the marketers to target and reach

potential customers.

The users are more attracted towards the Mobile gadgets and

Mobile Apps available In-store.

It is the right time to know how to get start and gain the

competitive edge in the Mobile ad market.

Ease of Engagement With

Target Customer

The Viewer may loose their focus on Desktop advertising as the

screen size is bigger.

Attracting the focus in Web Advertising is difficult when

compare to the Mobile Advertising,

On the other hand, the Mobile Web Advertising grab attention

most of the times.

If your ad is compelling and offering some great offer or

content, the viewer may instantly develop curiosity to check it


Mobile Ads helps the brands to connect and engage with the

potential customers.

Outdoor Media Advertising &


The way that mobile are convenient and conveyed to working

environments, gatherings, shopping centers keeping in mind

making a trip to any piece of the world clearly amplifies the

span of Mobile Ads.

Mobile Ads have the ability to be reach and focused on target

users at any time and any place.

This sort of freedom is constrained for web ads that are

noticeable just over the desktop tables.

Mobile Ads Enables Geo-

Targeting Aspects

Location-based marketing never neglects to impact the

gatherings of people's choices.

Assume, you have a restaurant and your target audience are

searching for an incredible spot to eat in your general vicinity,

your Mobile Ads can easily bring them to your premises.

In the same way, it is conceivable to rapidly dispatch coupons

and discounts offers to mobile phones that are dynamic inside

a characterized sweep of your business area.

Improving in-store buying experience is another dimension of

mobile ads being explored.

In-App Advertising Growth

and Focus

Mobile applications, ranging from health monitors and

business tools to entertainment and gaming, have emerged as

the awesome platforms for advertising.

Your ads gets pop up on mobile when he or she is using a

particular application.

Mobile Ads get high Attention and creates an impression in

minds of your Customers.

Geo-targeting is integrated with Mobile Applications through

which Mobile Ads of your business are flashed on the

application which is dynamic as the users enters your range.

High Response Rates

Mobile ads impact the viewers to react rapidly and there are

a several strategies to create these reactions.

Click to Call (asking the viewer to contact), Click to Watch

(asking the viewer to watch a video) and Click to Install

(asking the viewer to download) are some of them.

The greater part of the reports about Mobile Advertising

claim that these response methods have better statistics as

compared to the web ad response methods.

Retargeting to Drive


Emails sent after a successful deal made through web ads are

normally disregarded, leading to less extension for re-focusing

on the client.

In any case, a SMS is most probably viewed. Mobile Ads have

more prominent power to bring a customer back to your

business, particularly in the event that you re-target him or

her with a compelling offer.

With all such great aspects, Mobile Ads can be required to

overwhelm the predominance of web ads soon. Make

sure you are a part of the revolution.

Read more on Mobile Advertising:

3. Role Of Hyper Local Targeting In Mobile Advertising Platforms

2. How Mobile Advertising Has Grown In Smartphones Era?

1. How Lack Of Mobile Marketing Affects Your Business

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