how special needs schools of nyc target the common challenges of autism

Post on 26-Jan-2017






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How Special Needs Schools Of NYC Target The Common

Challenges Of Autism

Autism And ASD

• Autism is a developmental challenge that is caused by neurological problems; it affects the normal functioning of the brain, social interactions and communication (verbal and non-verbal).

• Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are developmental disorders caused by brain abnormalities which affect communication and social interaction skills.


Common Issues Faced By Children On The Spectrum

• As autism is a wide spectrum disorder, children with autism and ASD show a variety of symptoms; no two children will show the same type of symptoms.

• Read on to find out more about how the special needs schools of NYC deal with the common symptoms and characteristics of autism and ASD-



• Development of speech skills depends on the severity of the disorder- some children do not talk at all, some repeat what they hear, which is known as echolalia.

• The schools provide speech therapy to enhance communication both verbally and non-verbally.



• Autistic children often find it hard to understand/empathize with others’ feelings- this can be worked upon effectively with practice and repetition.

• The instructors at the special schools often repeat concepts and activities to naturally inculcate a feeling of empathy in the students.


Social Involvement

• Social skills develop to different degrees but very rarely reach the optimum level for children on the spectrum.

• Special needs schools of New York conduct a host of group and individual activities and exercises that help in building social skills and increasing the desire to communicate and get involved with others.


Physical Contact

• Children on the spectrum are quite averse to making any form of physical contact like hugging, cuddling or tickling.

• For this, practice and anticipation can be helpful in reversing this averseness significantly.


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