how to be happy alone after divorce

Post on 08-Jan-2017






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How To Be Happy Alone After Divorce

A divorce is one of the

most difficult things anyone

can go through

You are losing someone

that you once believed you

would spend the rest of

your life with

You are going from

married life back to single

life, usually not by choice

A divorce is a difficult thing to go

through, but it is possible to be

happy alone after a divorce as

Anand Mishra Director of Star

Infranet explains

Accepting That It’s Over

The first thing that one has to

do in order to find happiness

alone after a divorce is to find

closure for themselves

Closure allows you to

accept that it is over and

move on with your life

It is not an easy thing to

do; however, it is a

necessary step in finding

happiness again

Closure allows you to stop

thinking about your ex and

instead, turn your focus to

what lies ahead in your life

Looking Forward To What Lies Ahead

The next step in finding

happiness after a divorce is to

stop dwelling on the past and

instead, turn your focus on what

you have to look forward to

By dwelling on the past,

you are preventing yourself

from reaching a happy


It is too easy to fall into the

trap of reliving all the

painful memories that a

divorce creates

Once you are able to stop

yourself from thinking about

them, you will be able to turn

your focus to the exciting

events that you will soon be

experiencing and


Think Of It As A Blessing

You and your ex were not

meant to be. It is better

that the divorce happened

now than down the road

Even though it may not be

at the best time in your life,

it could always be worse

Be grateful that you removed a

cancerous person from your life

and focus on moving forward

from that

Read more on How To Be Happy Alone After Divorce..Visit:

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