how to be true to yourself reading aloud audiovisual supplements section one: pre-reading activities...

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How to Be True to Yourself

Reading aloud Audiovisual supplements

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

I. Reading aloud

Read the following sentences aloud, pay special attention to liaison.

1. They understood instinctively that integrity means having a personal standard of morality and ethics that does not sell out to expediency ...

2. Self-respect and a clear conscience are components of integrity and are the basis for enriching your relationships with others.

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Reading aloud

Audiovisual supplements

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

II. Audiovisual supplements

Watch the film episode and then answer the following questions.

Questions:1. Why did all the students stand up?2. Why didn’t Mr. Nolan’s order work ?

Film Episode: Dead Poem Society

Answers to the questions for reference:

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

1. Because they, believing that Mr. Keating was wronged, tried to defy the stringent school rules.

2. Because the students’ integrity in considering Mr. Keating as a passionately good teacher outweighed Mr. Nolan’s order.

Reading aloud

Audiovisual supplements

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Todd: Mr. Nolan: Todd: Keating: Mr. Nolan:Todd: Mr. Nolan: Mr. Nolan:

Mr. Nolan:Todd:Mr. Nolan:Mr. Nolan:

Mr. Keating! They made everybody sign it. Quiet, Mr. Anderson.You gotta believe me. It’s true. I do believe you, Todd. Leave, Mr. Keating. But it wasn’t his fault! Sit down, Mr. Anderson!One more outburst from you or anyone else, and you’re out of this school! Leave, Mr. Keating.I said leave, Mr. Keating.O Captain! My Captain! Sit down, Mr. Anderson!Do you hear me? Sit down! Sit down! This is your final warning, Anderson. How dare you? Do you hear me?

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

Reading aloud

Audiovisual supplements

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Knox:Mr. Nolan:Mr. Nolan:Mr. Nolan:Mr. Nolan:


O Captain! My Captain! Mr. Overstreet, I warn you! Sit down!Sit down! Sit down. All of you. I want you seated. Sit down. Leave, Mr. Keating.All of you, down. I want you seated. Do you hear me? Sit down! Thank you, boys. Thank you.

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

Reading aloud

Audiovisual supplements

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

Text introduction Structural analysis

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

The writer realizes the present scarcity and the real importance of integrity. He wants to convince us that only by standing firmly for our convictions in the face of personal pressure, by always giving others credit that is rightfully theirs and by being honest and open about what we really are, can we live a rich life of principle and success.

I. Text introduction

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

Text introduction

Structural analysis

Section Two: Global Reading

II. Structural analysis

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Paragraphs 2 - 14 the introduction of the Integrity Triad and the examples for each of the three

Paragraph 1 the beginning and the writing purpose

How to Be True to Yourself

— Paragraphs 15the conclusion of the essay by further explaining what integrity means and what benefit and prospect a life of principle will bring you

How to Be True to Yourself

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My grandparents believed you were either honest or you weren’t. There was no in between. They had a simple motto hanging on their living room wall: “Life is like a field of newly fallen snow; where I choose to walk every step will show.” They didn’t have to talk about it — they demonstrated the motto by the way they lived.

They understood instinctively that integrity means having a personal standard of morality and ethics that does not sell out to expediency and that is not relative to the situation at hand. Integrity is an inner standard for judging your behavior. Unfortunately, integrity is in short supply today — and getting scarcer. But it is the real bottom line in every area of society. And it is something we must demand of ourselves.

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

A good test for this value is to look at what I call the Integrity Triad, which consists of three key principles:

Stand firmly for your convictions in the face of personal pressure. There’s a story told about a surgical nurse’s first day on the medical team at a well known hospital. She was responsible for ensuring that all instruments and materials were accounted for during an abdominal operation. The nurse said to the surgeon, “You’ve only removed 11 sponges, and we used 12. We need to find the last one.”

“I removed them all,” the doctor declared. “We’ll close now.”“You can’t do that, sir,” objected the rookie nurse, “Think of

the patient.”

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Smiling, the surgeon lifted his foot and showed the nurse the 12th sponge. “You’ll do just fine in this or any other hospital,” he told her.

When you know you are right, you can’t back down.Always give others credit that is rightfully theirs. Don’t be afra

id of those who might have a better idea or who might even be smarter than you are.

David Ogilvy, founder of the advertising firm Ogilvy & Mather, made this point clear to his newly appointed office heads by sending each a Russian nesting doll with five progressively smaller figures inside.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

His message was contained in the smallest doll: “If each of us hires people who are smaller than we are, we shall become a company of dwarfs. But if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are, Ogilvy & Mather will become a company of giants.” And that is precisely what the company became — one of the largest and most respected advertising organizations in the world.

Be honest and open about what you really are. People who lack genuine core values rely on external factors — their looks or status — in order to feel good about themselves. Inevitably they will do everything they can to preserve this facade, but they will do very little to develop their inner value and personal growth.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

So be yourself. Don’t engage in a personal cover-up of areas that are unpleasing in your life. When it’s tough, do it tough. In other words, face reality and be adult in your responses to life’s challenges.

Self-respect and a clear conscience are powerful components of integrity and are the basis for enriching your relationships with others.

Integrity means you do what you do because it’s right and not just fashionable or politically correct. A life of principle, of not succumbing to the seductive sirens of an easy morality, will always win the day. It will take you forward into the 21st century without having to check your tracks in a rearview mirror. My grandparents taught me that.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

How to Be True to Yourself

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My grandparents believed you were either honest or you weren’t. There was no in between. They had a simple motto hanging on their living room wall: “Life is like a field of newly fallen snow; where I choose to walk every step will show.” They didn’t have to talk about it — they demonstrated the motto by the way they lived.

They understood instinctively that integrity means having a personal standard of morality and ethics that does not sell out to expediency and that is not relative to the situation at hand. Integrity is an inner standard for judging your behavior. Unfortunately, integrity is in short supply today — and getting scarcer. But it is the real bottom line in every area of society. And it is something we must demand of ourselves.

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

How to Be True to Yourself

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

A good test for this value is to look at what I call the Integrity Triad, which consists of three key principles:

Stand firmly for your convictions in the face of personal pressure. There’s a story told about a surgical nurse’s first day on the medical team at a well known hospital. She was responsible for ensuring that all instruments and materials were accounted for during an abdominal operation. The nurse said to the surgeon, “You’ve only removed 11 sponges, and we used 12. We need to find the last one.”

“I removed them all,” the doctor declared. “We’ll close now.”“You can’t do that, sir,” objected the rookie nurse, “Think of

the patient.”

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Smiling, the surgeon lifted his foot and showed the nurse the 12th sponge. “You’ll do just fine in this or any other hospital,” he told her.

When you know you are right, you can’t back down.Always give others credit that is rightfully theirs. Don’t be afra

id of those who might have a better idea or who might even be smarter than you are.

David Ogilvy, founder of the advertising firm Ogilvy & Mather, made this point clear to his newly appointed office heads by sending each a Russian nesting doll with five progressively smaller figures inside.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

His message was contained in the smallest doll: “If each of us hires people who are smaller than we are, we shall become a company of dwarfs. But if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are, Ogilvy & Mather will become a company of giants.” And that is precisely what the company became — one of the largest and most respected advertising organizations in the world.

Be honest and open about what you really are. People who lack genuine core values rely on external factors — their looks or status — in order to feel good about themselves. Inevitably they will do everything they can to preserve this facade, but they will do very little to develop their inner value and personal growth.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

So be yourself. Don’t engage in a personal cover-up of areas that are unpleasing in your life. When it’s tough, do it tough. In other words, face reality and be adult in your responses to life’s challenges.

Self-respect and a clear conscience are powerful components of integrity and are the basis for enriching your relationships with others.

Integrity means you do what you do because it’s right and not just fashionable or politically correct. A life of principle, of not succumbing to the seductive sirens of an easy morality, will always win the day. It will take you forward into the 21st century without having to check your tracks in a rearview mirror. My grandparents taught me that.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

… integrity means having a personal standard of morality and ethics that does not sell out to expediency and that is not relative to the situation at hand.


… integrity means that one should have a personal standard for judging what is morally right and wrong. He does what he thinks he should do, not what he thinks will help him and his judgment is not affected by any external circumstances.


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

But it is the real bottom line in every area of society.


But it is the most important consideration in every social activity and, therefore, you must accept it, even though you may not like it.


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

“You’ll do just fine in this or nay other hospital,” he told her.

Explanation:The word fine is used as an adverb, meaning well, in some conversational expressions.

You’ll do just fine in this or any other hospital,” he told her.e.g.

That machine works fine if you oil it.e.g.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

People who lack genuine core values rely on external factors…


People who do not have real and fundamental moral principles rely on their looks or status.


Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Don’t engage in a personal cover-up of areas that are unpleasing in your life.


Don’t be involved in any attempt of concealing personal unpleasant secrets.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

A life of principle, of not succumbing to the seductive sirens of an easy morality, will always win the day.Explanation:

In ancient Greek literature, a siren was one of the creatures who were half woman and half bird, whose beautiful singing charmed sailors and caused the wreck of their ships. In this sentence, the seductive sirens of an easy morality refers to the lure of the use of methods that bring the most immediate benefits, based on practical rather than moral considerations. We are always tempted to do what we think will help us. However, if we do what we do because we believe it is morally right and not just fashionable or easy to do, we will go through life successfully.


Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

motto n.

e.g. “Waste not, want not.” was my mother’s motto.

a short sentence or a few words taken as the guiding principle of a person, of a school, of an organization, etc.

Translate the following sentences into English:1 )家训写在门上方。

2 “ ”)校训是 努力学习,努力玩耍 。


The family motto is inscribed above the door.

The school’s motto was “Work hard and play hard.”

e.g. The motto of the university is “Freedom of thought and coexistence of different doctrines.”

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

demonstrate v.

1) to prove or make clear a fact, esp. by reasoning or providing examples

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

e.g. Galileo demonstrated that objects of different weights fall at the same speed.

2) to show or describe clearly

e.g. The first-aid instructor demonstrated the correct way to bandage a wound.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

demonstration n.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself



Tell the meanings of demonstrate in the following sentences:1) Hitchcock’s films demonstrated that a British filmmaker could learn from Hollywood.

2) They will demonstrate how to handle modern, high performance cars.

to show or prove something clearly

to show or describe how to do something or how something works



Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

instinctively adv.

in a way resulting from instinct, without having to think about it

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

e.g. Instinctively, I knew that she was ill.

instinct n. instinctive adj.


e.g. He ducked instinctively as the bullet whistled past his head.

2) Animals have a natural for survival.

3) He’s considered a smart, politician.

1) He knew that she would not forgive him.







Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Fill in the blanks with instinct, instinctive or instinctively:

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

integrity n.

1) strength and firmness of character or principle; honesty or trustworthiness

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

e.g. He is respected and admired as a man of great integrity.

2) a state of being whole and undivided; completeness

e.g. Our integrity as a nation is threatened by the separatist forces at home and foreign intervention.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

integration n. integrated adj.



Translate the following sentences into English:1 ) 格林先生的正直是不容质疑的。

2 ) 完善的公共交通系统可以提升城市人的生活质量。

Mr. Green’s integrity is unquestioned.

An integrated public transport system can raise people’s living quality in cities.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

morality n.

rightness or honesty of behavior, of an action, etc.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

e.g. Anyone who carried out such an attack obviously has no morality whatsoever.

morally adv. moral adj. moralize v. moralist n.


morale, ethicmorale: the level of confidence and positive feelings that people have, especially people who work together, who belong to the same team, etc. ethic: a general idea or belief that influences people’s behavior and attitudes


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Translate the following sentences into English:1) 我认为我们应该对禁止难民进入的道德性加以置疑。

2) 胜利总是对提高士气大有好处。I think we should question the morality of turning away refugees.

A win is always good for morale.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

ethics n.

moral rules or principles of behavior governing a person or group

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

e.g. They delivered a report on the ethics of gene therapy.

ethics , ethnicethics: n. moral rules or principles of behavior for deciding what is right and wrongethnic: adj. relating to a particular race, nation, or tribe and their customs and traditions


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Translate the following sentence into English:


The ethics of his decision are doubtful.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

sell outto be disloyal or unfaithful to one’s principles or friends, esp. for money

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

e.g. They sold us out after they’ve got what they wanted.

sell (somebody) out, sell (something) up, sell (something) offsell (somebody) out: 1) to change your beliefs or principles, especially in order to get more money or some other advantage (used to show

disapproval) 2) if a shop sells out of something, it has no more of that particular

thing left to sell sell (something) up: to sell most of what you own, especially your house or your business sell (something) off: to sell something, especially for a cheap price, because you need the money or because you want to get rid of it


1) We try to any leftover cakes before we close.

2) Liz decided to and move abroad.

3) We’ve completely of those shirts in your size, sir.

sell off

sell up

sold out




Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Fill in the blanks with sell out, sell up or sell off in their proper forms:

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

expediency n.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

e.g. The governor vetoed this bill out of political expediency rather than principle.

what is useful or necessary to do in a particular situation, even if it is morally wrong

expedient adj.


e.g. These are not politics of honest principle; they are politics of political expediency.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Translate the following sentences into English:1)我们将采取非原则性的权宜行动。

2 )他会继续在有利于军方的基础上做出他的大多数决定。

We are going to take actions that were expedient rather than principled.

He would continue to make most of his decisions on the basis of military expediency.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

at hand

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

e.g. When he writes, he always keeps a dictionary close at hand.

1) near in place

e.g. Recent economic performance suggests that a major crisis is at hand.

2) likely to happen soon

in hand, by hand, on handin hand: in one’s possession and available for useby hand: done or made by a person rather than a machineon hand: close by and ready when needed


1) We had to wash our clothes .

2) Our staff are always to help.

3) He lives close .

4) I still have some money .

by hand

on hand

at hand

in hand





Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Fill in the blanks with in hand, by hand, on hand or at hand:

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

inner adj.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

e.g. She can’t help speaking out her inner feelings.

of the mind or spirit

Translate the following sentences into English:1)我不得不靠我内心的力量来忍受住这些流言。

2 )他从不显露内心的任何疑惑。I’ve had to rely on my inner strength to weather the rumors.

If he has any inner doubts, he doesn’t show them.


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

in short supply

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

e.g. Gasoline was in short supply after the war.

scarce or not enough

e.g. If fresh water is in short supply, all creatures will die.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Translate the following sentences into English:1 )我们必须节约紧缺的能源。

2)洪灾地区食品供应短缺。We must save energy that has already been in short supply.

Food in flooded areas is in short supply.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

scarce adj.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

e.g. Food was often scarce in winter.

if something is scarce, there is not very much of it available

scarcity n. scarcely adv.


make oneself scarce


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Translate the following sentences into English:1 )对稀有资源的争夺激烈。

2 )医疗物资供应的短缺正在加剧。

There was fierce competition for the scarce resources.

The scarcity of medical supplies was becoming critical.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

demand of

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

e.g. It seemed that no matter what she did, more was demanded of her.

to need or require in order to be successful

demand something of somebody


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Translate the following sentences into English:1 )有些家长对他们的孩子要求太多。

2 )从个人职责的角度上讲,你还要我做些什么?

Some parents demand too much of their children.

In terms of personal duties, what else do you demand of me?

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

triad n.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

a group of three closely related things

e.g. The Hong Kong police special triad squad responded with pressure of its own, according to McNicol.


Translate the following sentences into English:1 )在他身后是牧师三人组。

2 )三根柱子一起支撑起很重的屋顶

Behind him are three priests triad.

The triad columns support the heavy roof.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

principle n.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

a truth or belief that is accepted as a base for reasoning or action

e.g. He’s got no principles at all!

principal adj. principal n.principal adj. most importantprincipal n. (American English) someone who is in charge of a



e.g. In this way, the principle of induction is justified.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Translate the following sentences into English:1 )他为了赚钱不择手段,毫无原则。

2 )他曾在一所只有三位教师和一位校长的小学校里就读。

He’ll do anything to make money. The man has no principles.

He studied in a small school with just three teachers and the principal.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

stand for

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

1) to have as a set of aims or principles; to support

e.g. It’s hard to tell what the party stands for these days.

stand by, stand out, stand instand by: not to do anything to help someone or prevent something from happening stand out: to be much better than other similar people or things stand in: to temporarily do someone else’s job or take their place


2) to be a sign or short form of; to represent; to mean

e.g. What does ATM stand for?

1) That day still as the greatest day in my life.

2) Would you mind for me for a while?

3) I don’t think we even knew what the O ; perhaps he lied about it.

4) I’m not going to and see her hurt.

stands out

standing in

stood for

stand by





Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Fill in the blanks with stand for; stand by; stand out; stand in in their proper forms:

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

conviction n.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

1) a very firm and sincere belief

e.g. They have a deep conviction that marriage is for life.

2) a decision in a court of law that someone is guilty of a crime, or the process of proving that someone is guilty

e.g. They had no previous convictions.

e.g. The students possess the conviction that they can make a difference to their community.

e.g. Applicants are checked for criminal convictions.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


carry conviction; conviction for a crime


Translate the following sentences into English:1 )他因酒后驾车被判有罪。

2 )美国人坚信,只要努力工作,任何人都可以变得富有。

He got a conviction for driving while drunk.

Americans held the conviction that anyone could become rich if they worked hard.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

in the face of

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

in spite of; against

e.g. It is amazing how he has survived in the face of such strong opposition from within the party.


Translate the following sentences into English:1) 最了不起的是他在没有什么经验的情况下表现出的冷静。

2) 他们在巨大的困难面前是无助的。

The most remarkable of all is his coolness in the face of massive inexperience.

They are vulnerable in the face of severe difficulties.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

surgical adj.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

relating to or used for medical operations

e.g. They need other surgical instruments.He needs a surgical operation after a car accident.

surgeon n.Derivation:

Practice:Translate the following sentences into Chinese:1) This operation demand professional surgical skills of a doctor.

2) She wasn’t a dental surgeon.



Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

ensure v.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

to make it certain that something will happen properly

e.g. The hospital tries to ensure that people are seen quickly.

assure, insure, guaranteeassure: to tell someone that something will definitely happen or is definitely true so that they are less worried (to assure somebody of something / to assure somebody that…)insure: to guarantee monetary compensation in case of lossguarantee: 1) to promise to do something or to promise that something will happen 2) to promise that you will pay back money that someone else has borrowed, if they do not pay it back themselves


e.g. All the necessary steps had been taken to ensure their safety.

3) We the instrument for five thousand dollars.

1) The use of a spectroscope us of a high level of accuracy.

2) The operator must that Valves A and B are never open at the same time.







Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Please choose the best answers from the four choices:

a. assured b. insured c. ensured

a. insured b. ensured c. assured

a. insure b. ensure c. assure

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

account for

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

1) to give or be a satisfactory explanation for

e.g. Can you account for your movements that night?

2) to form a particular amount or part of something

e.g. Afro-Americans account for 12% of the US population.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Translate the following sentences into English:1 )高等教育约占总消费量的 13%。

2 )他的行为可以解释一切。

Higher education accounts for about 13 percent of general fund expenditures.

His behavior accounts for everything.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

abdominal adj.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

of a part of your body between your chest and legs which contains your stomach, bowels, etc.

e.g. They can not put up abdominal pains any more.

abdomen n.Derivation:


Translate the following sentence into English:腹部肥胖是女人们的困扰之一。

One of the obsessing troubles for women is abdominal obesity.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

surgeon n.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

a doctor whose job is to perform medical operations

e.g. A famous brain surgeon came up from Boston and operated on him for three hours.

surgery n. surgical adj.


e.g. Jennie had to go to see a dental surgeon because she had a seriously decayed tooth.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Translate the following sentences into English:1) 显然,外科医生的工作很辛苦。

2) 这个医院里没有一个心脏外科医生可以做这个手术。The surgeon apparently did a very hard job.

None of the heart surgeons in this hospital can conduct this operation.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

sponge n.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

1) a simple sea creature from which natural sponge is produced

e.g. Use a sponge to clean up the excess water.

2) a piece of a sponge, or of a similar artificial substance made from rubber, which can suck up and hold water and is usually used for washing

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

declare v.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

to state officially and publicly that a particular situation exists or that something is true

e.g. A majority of Republicans declared their support for the bill.

declaration n. declared adj. declarative adj.


e.g. A state of emergency has been declared.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Translate the following sentences into English:1 )最后,医生宣布这个人已经死亡。

2)总统宣告战争结束。Finally, the doctor declared that the man was dead.

The President declared the end of the war.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

rookie n.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

somebody who is new to and has no experience of an activity, esp. a new soldier or policeman

e.g. Don’t be too hard on the guy, he’s just a rookie.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

back down

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

to admit that you are wrong or that you have lost an argument

e.g. Both sides have refused to back down.

back up, back away, back offback up: to provide support or help for someone or somethingback away: to move backwards and away from something, especially because you are frightenedback off: to stop telling someone what to do, or stop criticizing them, especially so that they can deal with something themselves


e.g. The speaker’s forceful words persuaded his opponent to back down.

back up

Back off

backed away

2) , Marc! Let me run my own life!

1) When you write a history essay, you should all your points with facts.

3) We slowly from the rattle snake.




Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Fill in the blanks with back up, back away, back off or back down:

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

credit n.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

1) approval or praise given to somebody because of something they have done

e.g. Credit for this win goes to everybody in the team.

2) an arrangement with a shop, bank, etc. that allows you to buy something and pay for it later

e.g. Fifty-six percent of the new cars were bought on credit.

credit for something be in credit


e.g. What’s the credit limit on your Visa card?

e.g. They never give Gene any credit for all the extra work he does.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

a) credit account 1. 赊销

b) credit card 2. 导演和制片人等的名单

c) credit line 3. 赊购账

d) credit sale 4. 信用卡


Match the English phrases with their Chinese meanings:

creditor n. credibility n. credible adj.


a) 3 b) 4 c) 2 d) 1Key:

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

rightfully adv.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

in accordance with what is just right or legally correct

e.g. I’m only claiming what is rightfully mine.

rightly, righteous, rightist, rightfulrightly : adv. correctly or for a good reasonrighteous : adj. considered to be correct or justifiablerightist : adj. supporting right-wing ideas or groupsrightful : adj. according to what is correct or what should be done legally or morally


e.g. We live in our rightfully owned house.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Translate the following sentences into English:1 )我会把钱物归原主的。

2 )我说不准那天到底是星期二还是星期三。I’ll return the money to its rightful owner.

I can’t rightly say whether it was Tuesday or Wednesday.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

appoint v.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

1) to choose for a position or job

e.g. He’s been appointed to the State Supreme Court.

2) to arrange or decide a time or place for something to happen

e.g. Everyone assembled in the hall at the appointed time.

appointment n. appointed adj. Derivation:

e.g. A committee was appointed to consider the plans.

e.g. The committee appointed a day in June for celebrations.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


appoint (somebody) as somethingappoint somebody to do somethingappoint somebody to something


Paraphrase the following sentences:

1) O’Connell was appointed as chairman.

2) They appointed him to catch all the rats here.

3) Everyone assembled in the hall at the appointed time.

O’Connell was chosen to be the chairman.Key:

They gave the job of catching all the rats here to him.Key:

Everyone gathered together in the hall at the time that was pre-arranged.


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

a Russian nesting doll

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

A Russian nesting doll in the text figuratively shows that a company must hire people bigger than people they have now so as to be an ever-increasing company.


a set of dolls that are similar in design but different in size and have been made for each to fit inside another that is one size larger

2) As the meeting (progressively, progress), Jack became more and more bored.

1) The (progressive, progress) increase in population has made great impact on the city’s economic development.





Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

progressively adv.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

a little at a time; gradually

e.g. The situation became progressively worse.

progressive adj. progress n. progression n.


Practice:Choose the correct words from the brackets to fill in the blanks in their proper forms:

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

dwarf n.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

a person , animal, or plant of much less than the usual size

e.g. “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” is my favorite fairy tale.giantAntonym


1) The cathedral is dwarfed by the surrounding skyscrapers.

2) The ship came slowly into the harbor, dwarfing all the surrounding boats.

The cathedral seems very small and short compared with its surrounding skyscrapers.


Compared with the ship which came slowly into the harbour, all the surrounding boats seemed very small.


If dwarf is used as a verb, can you guess what it means? Try to paraphrase the following sentences in which dwarf is used as a verb:

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

giant n.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

1) a person who is much bigger and taller than average people

e.g. A basketball team usually has several giants.


2) a person of great ability

e.g. Shakespeare is a giant among writers.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Translate the following sentences into English:1 )这些 IT业巨头生意做得很好。

2 )森林里发现了巨人的脚印。These giants in IT industry are doing very well.

Giant’s footprints were discovered in the forest.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

core adj.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

(the values or beliefs) that are most important to someone

e.g. It is not quite easy to fully understand the core value of a country.

core n. core v.


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


1) The government will discuss what they say are the core issues of education and health care.

2) Core the apple and cut it into slices.

3) She had the ability to cut through to the core of a problem.

adj. the basic and most important of something Key:

v. to remove the centre from a fruit Key:

Tell whether the word core is a verb or a noun, and try to guess the meaning of core in the following sentences:

n. the most important or central part of something Key:

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

rely on

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

1) to trust or depend on someone or something to do what you need or expect them to do

e.g. I knew I could rely on David.

2) to depend on something in order to continue to live or exist

e.g. For its income, the company relies heavily on only a few contracts.

e.g. Many working women rely on relatives to help take care of their children.

e.g. They have to rely on the river for their water.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

reliable adj. reliance n. reliant adj.


Translate the following sentences into English:1 )我想我能来,但不确定。

2 )你可以依靠我的帮助。I think I can come, but don’t rely on it.

You may rely on me to help you.


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

external adj.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

1) outward; relating to the outside of something or of a person’s body

e.g. The medicine is for external use.

2) relating to your environment or situation, rather than to your own ideas, qualities, etc.

e.g. This newspaper doesn’t pay enough attention to external affairs.


exteriorexterior: on the outside of something


1) The (exterior) walls are all painted white.

2) They took him into the (external) corridor.





Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Use the antonyms of the given words to fill in the blanks:

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

status n.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

1) one’s social or professional rank or position, considered in relation to other people

e.g. Doctors have traditionally enjoyed high social status.

2) a situation at a particular time, especially in an argument, discussion, etc.

e.g. What’s the status of the trade talks?

e.g. Some people can only get low-status jobs.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

statue, stature, statutestatue: an image of a person or animal that is made in solid material such as stone or metal and is usually large stature: 1) the degree to which someone is admired or regarded as important 2) someone’s height or sizestatute: 1) a law passed by a parliament, council, etc. and formally written down 2) a formal rule of an institution or organization


1) College forbid drinking on campus.

2) Her family name gave her in the group.

3) A bronze was erected in his honor.

4) Bernard was short in , with a large head.









Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Fill in the blanks with statue, stature, statute or status in their proper forms:

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

inevitably adv.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

being certain to happen; unavoidably

e.g. The decision will inevitably lead to political tensions.

inevitable adj. inevitability n.


e.g. Inevitably, the situation did not please everyone.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Translate the following sentences into English:1)如此糟糕的经济状况不可避免地会引起更多犯罪。


Such bad economic conditions inevitably lead to more crime.

An argument will inevitably happen because they disliked each other so much.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

preserve v.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

1) to make something continue without changing

e.g. It is the responsibility of the police to preserve the peace.

2) to save something or someone from being harmed or destroyed

e.g. We must encourage the planting of new trees and preserve our existing woodlands.

e.g. Norma tried to preserve a normal family life in difficult circumstances.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

reserve, protect, conservereserve:1) to arrange for a place in a hotel, restaurant, plane, etc. to be kept for you to use at a particular time in the future 2) to keep something so that it can be used by a particular person or for a particular purposeprotect: to keep someone or something safe from harm, damage, or illnessconserve: 1) to protect something and prevent it from changing or being damaged 2) to use as little water, energy, etc. as possible so that it is not wasted


preservation n. preserve n. preservative adj.Derivation:

1) Do you have to tickets in advance? a. preserve b. reserve c. protect

2) We must our woodlands for future generations. a. conserve b. reserve c. protect

3) As a family, we want to the traditions of Jewish culture and religion.

a. protect b. reserve c. preserve







Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Choose the best answers:

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

facade n .

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

1) the front of a building, especially a large and important one

e.g. We had a close look at the façade of the cathedral.

2) a way of behaving that hides your real feelings

e.g. Behind her cheerful facade, she’s a really lonely person.

e.g. This is an impressive building with a red brick facade.

e.g. She managed to maintain a facade of bravery.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

engage in

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

to be doing or become involved in an activity

e.g. Only 10% of the American adults engage in regular exercise.

engage somebody as something engage with somebody


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Translate the following sentences into English:1 )他说那两个教授讨在讨论光的特性,争论越来越激烈。

2 )虽然她病了,她仍很积极地参与政策制定。

He says that the two Professors have become engaged in an increasingly hot debate on the nature of light.

Despite her illness, she remains actively engaged in shaping policy.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

cover-up n.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

e.g. He accused the government of a cover-up.

cover-up for something


an attempt to prevent something dishonorable or criminal from being publicly known

e.g. Some people suspect that government officials were involved in a cover-up of the incident.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Translate the following sentences into English:1)如果不举行公开会议,人们会怀疑有隐情。

2 )他怀疑她隐瞒实情。People will suspect a cover-up if a public meeting is not held.

He suspected that she has a cover-up of the truth.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

challenge n.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

e.g. The company is ready to meet the challenges of the next few years.

challenge of something; challenge for something; face / take on / accept a challenge


1) something that tests strength, skill, or ability, especially in a way that is interesting

e.g. The stranger was met with a challenge at the town gates.

2) a demand usually by a guard, to stop and prove who you are and what you are doing

Section Two: Global Reading

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Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


challenge v. challenging adj. challenged adj.


1) a challenge for the championship

2) His new book is full of challenging ideas.

a competition to win the championshipKey:

His new book is full of ideas that can cause competitive, interesting action or thought.


Paraphrase the following phrases or sentences:

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

conscience n.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

e.g. I can face them all with a clear conscience.

conscious, conscientiousconscious: adj. noticing or realizing somethingconscientious: adj. thorough and diligent in performing a task


1) one’s own feeling about whether what one is doing is right or wrong

e.g. I can felt a pang of conscience at having misjudged her.

2) a guilty feeling that you have about something bad you have done

e.g. He was a man of strong social conscience.

e.g. They’ve no conscience at all about cheating.

1) He was capable of making the most ruthless decisions with no apparent pangs of .

a. conscience b. conscientious c. conscious

2) A worker seldom makes mistakes. a. conscience b. conscientious c. conscious

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


have no conscience about something


Choose the best answers:




Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

enrich v.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

e.g. Add fertilizer to enrich the soil. Education can greatly enrich your life.

be enriched with something


1) to improve the quality of something, especially by adding things to it

e.g. The discovery of oil will enrich the nation.

2) to make someone richer

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Translate the following sentences into English:1 )这盘菜加了奶油,好吃多了。

2 )读书可以丰富我的人生。This dish is enriched with cream.

Reading books can enrich my life.

enrichment n.


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

succumb v.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

e.g. We will never succumb to the enemies.

succumb to something


1) to stop opposing someone or something that is stronger than you, and allow them to take control

e.g. About 400,000 Americans succumb each year to smoking-related illnesses.

2) if you succumb to an illness, you become very ill or die of it

e.g. Lewis succumbed to cancer in 1985.

e.g. He succumbed to her persuasion.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


1) He succumbed to persuasion.

2) She succumbed to the illness.

Persuaded by others, he gave up.Key:

She died of the illness.Key:

Paraphrase the following sentences:

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

seductive adj.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

e.g. The seductive power of advertising catches the attention of lots of people.

1) something that is seductive is very interesting or attractive to you, in a way that persuades you to do something you would not usually do

e.g. She used all of her seductive charm to try to persuade him.

2) someone, especially a woman, who is seductive is sexually attractive

e.g. This company gave a seductive offer of higher pay.

e.g. He heard a woman’s seductive voice.

1) I was young and ( seductive, seduced, seducing) by New York.

2) She smiled (seducing, seductively, seductive) at him across the table.





Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Choose proper words to fill in the blanks:

seduce v. seductively adv. seduction n.


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

win the day

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself

win through; win somebody overwin through: to succeed, especially after some time or difficultieswin somebody over: to get someone’s support or friendship by persuading them or being nice to them


to be successful; to have the victory

1) We’ll be working hard over the next ten days to win (over, out, through) the undecided voters.

2) As in most of his films, it’s the good guys who win (out, over, through) in the end.





Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

How to Be True to Yourself


Choose the best prepositions to fill in the blanks:

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Writing practice

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Vocabulary analysis

I. Word comparison

II. Word practice

III. Phrase practiceExercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Listening exercises

Vocabulary analysis Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Word comparison

Group 1: A. choose B. pick C. select D. elect


Choose means to decide what you want from a range of things or possibilities.


e.g. Danny, come here and choose your ice cream.


e.g. Pick a card from the pack.

Pick means to take some things and leave others.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities



e.g. There was a choice of four prizes, and the winner could select one of them.

Elect means to decide on or choose, especially to choose a person for an official position, by voting.


e.g. The government is elected for a five-year term of office.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Select means to choose by thinking carefully.

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Group 1: A. choose B. pick C. select D. elect

Vocabulary analysis Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Group 2: A. demonstrate B. show C. express D. display


Demonstrate means to show or prove something clearly. A.e.g. These figures clearly demonstrate the size of the economic

problem facing the country.


e.g. On this map, urban areas are shown in grey.

Show means to make it possible for something to be seen.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities



e.g. I would like to express my thanks for your kindness.


e.g. The British traditionally tend not to display much emotion in public.

Display means to arrange something or a collection of things so that they can be seen by the public or to show a feeling or attitude.

Express means to tell or show what you are feeling or thinking by using words, looks, or actions.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Group 2: A. demonstrate B. show C. express D. display

Vocabulary analysis Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities



e.g. I would like to express my thanks for your kindness.


e.g. The British traditionally tend not to display much emotion in public.

Display means to arrange something or a collection of things so that they can be seen by the public or to show a feeling or attitude.

Express means to tell or show what you are feeling or thinking by using words, looks, or actions.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Group 2: A. demonstrate B. show C. express D. display

Vocabulary analysis

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Group 3: A. inside B. inner C. within


A.e.g. He took a close look at the inside pocket of his jacket.

Inside means in or facing the inner part of something.

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities



e.g. Yoga gives me a sense of inner calm.


e.g. The invading troops came within 50 miles of Paris.

Inner thoughts or feelings are ones that you feel strongly but do not always show to other people.

Within means less than a certain distance from a particular place.

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Group 3: A. inside B. inner C. within

Vocabulary analysis

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Group 4: A. act B. action C. behavior D. deed


A.e.g. The new president’s first act should be to end the war.


e.g. Her prompt actions probably saved my life.

Action means something that someone does.

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Act means one thing that you do.

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities



e.g. The headmaster will not tolerate bad behavior.


e.g. After the morning’s good deeds he deserved a rest.

Deed means something someone does, especially something that is very good or very bad.

Behavior means the things that a person or animal does.Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Group 4: A. act B. action C. behavior D. deed

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Group 5: A. rare B. scarce C. short D. few



e.g. This species of plant is becoming increasingly rare.


e.g. Food was often scarce in the winter.

Rare means not seen or found very often, or not happening very often.

If something is scarce, there is not very much of it available.

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities



e.g. We are short of bread.

D.e.g. There were few people survived in the air crash.

Few means a small number of things or people.

If you are short of something, you do not have enough of it.Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Group 5: A. rare B. scarce C. short D. few

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Group 6: A. main B. chief C. key D. major


A.e.g. As long as you’re not hurt, that’s the main thing.


e.g. He was recently appointed chief economist at the Bank of Scotland.

Chief means the highest in rank.

The main thing is used to say what is the most important thing in a situation.

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities



e.g. Auto manufacturing is one of the key industries in this country.


e.g. The government’s major concern is with preventing accidents on the roads.

Key means very important or necessary.

Major means very large or important, when compared to other things or people of a similar kind.

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Group 6: A. main B. chief C. key D. major

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Group 7: A. promise B. ensure C. assure D. declare



e.g. She promised to do all she can to help.


e.g. The book ensured his success.

Promise means to tell someone that you will definitely do or provide something or that something will happen.

Ensure means to make certain that something will happen properly.

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities



e.g. Her doctor has assured us that she’ll be fine.


e.g. A state of emergency has been declared.

Declare means to state officially and publicly that a particular situation exists or that something is true.

Assure means to tell someone that something will definitely happen or is definitely true so that they are less worried.

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Group 7: A. promise B. ensure C. assure D. declare

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Word practice

Rephrase each of the following sentences with the words given in the brackets. Do not change this word in any way.

Answer: Fish for breakfast is not to everyone’s taste.

Example: Fish for breakfast doesn’t appeal to everyone. (taste)

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

1. The agent said it is a magnificent, eighteenth-century mansion. (described)

Key: The agent described it as a magnificent, eighteenth-century mansion.

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

2. We were just going to bed when the earthquake happened. (point)

Key: We were on the point of going to bed when the earthquake happened.

Key: Tony bought Stella a necklace to make up for not having a holiday with her.

3. Tony bought Stella a necklace as a compensation for not having a holiday with her. (make)

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

4. The doctor says that Stanley’s liver will be all right now, unless he starts drinking again. (provided)

Key: The doctor says that Stanley’s liver will be all right now, provided he doesn’t start drinking again.

Key: The stories he tells about his war experiences are beyond belief.

5. The stories he tells about his war experiences are unbelievable. (beyond)

Key: How fast is one allowed to go on this motorway?

6. What speed is allowed on this motorway? (how)

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Phrase practice

1. at hand


1) Recent economic performance suggests that a major crisis is at hand.


likely to happen soon; close to you and available to be used; needing to be dealt with now


Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

2) Your big moment is at hand.


3) We must face the disaster at hand.


Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

2. in short supply

1) Gasoline was in short supply after the war.

战后汽油供应短缺。2) These goods are in short supply: the price will be high.

这些商品现供应不足, 价格会上涨。


3) We’d better import this product that is in short supply in domestic market.

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Explanation: difficult to find or obtain; not enough

1) It seemed that no matter what she did, more was demanded of her.




我们对别人要求太多,而对自己要求太少。3) We demand much of others, while demand little of ourselves.

2) Patience is something we must demand of ourselves.

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

3. demand (something ) of somebody

Explanation: to require (or to need) (somebody) to have or do something

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

4. stand firmly for


1) He joined a party that stands firmly for racial tolerance.


to be insistent on / insist on / stick to

2) Stand firmly for your own belief, and you will win finally.




3) In terms of bilateral relationship, we should stand firmly for the principle of mutual benefit.

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

5. in the face of something


1) Small grocery stores are not going out of business in the face of stiff competition from the large supermarket chains.


in a situation where there are many problems, difficulties, or dangers

2) How could he win in the face of such united opposition?


Examples: Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

3) He succeeded in the face of great danger.


Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

6. give somebody credit


1) You never gave me proper credit.


to recognize and praise others’ achievements justly

2) Although the invention was mine, I was given no credit for it.



适时而褒扬。3) Credit is given where credit is due.

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

7. be oneself


1) Don’t try too hard, just be yourself.


to behave in a way that is natural, or normal

2) Sorry —— I’m not myself this morning.



在舞台上请放松,别紧张。3) Please relax and be yourself on the stage.

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Grammar exercises

I. The imperative sentences

II. The tag questions for imperative sentences

III. The degree of politeness in imperative sentencesExercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Ⅳ. Subject complements

The imperative sentences express commands, orders, requests, advice, persuasion, warning and prohibitions. The subject of an imperative sentence is seldom expressed. The imperative sentence include the second person imperative, the first person imperative and the third person imperative.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

The imperative sentences

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

The second person imperative1) It has the same form as the infinitive without to. To form the negative, we put do not (don’t) before the verb. 2) The person addressed is usually not mentioned, but can be expressed by a noun placed at the end of the sentence. The pronoun you is rarely used unless the speaker wants to be rude.3) Do can be placed before the affirmative imperative to form an emphatic structure. This do could be persuasive, but it could also express irritation.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Hurry! Wait! Stop!

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Don’t hurry!

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Eat your dinner, boys. Be quiet, Tom.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Do hurry. Do be quiet.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

The first person imperativeForm: let us (let’s) + infinitive without toTo form the negative we normally put not before the infinitive.By using let’s the speaker can urge his hearers to act in a certain way, express a decision which they are expected to accept, or express a suggestion.Exercises for integrated


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Let’s wait for Bill.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Let’s not tell anyone.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

The third person imperativeForm: let him / her / it / them + infinitive without to, had better + infinitive without to, must + infinitive without toTo form the negative, we normally put not before the infinitive.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Let them go by train.They had better go by train.They must go by train.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

They had better not go by train. They must not go by train.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Explain the functions of the following imperative sentences.Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


1. You wait here for a moment.


You is the person addressed. This sentence tells you to wait.

2. Let this be a new start for us.


This is a third person imperative sentence, which expresses our wish.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Key: Giving instruction.

Key: Expressing a wish.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

3. Nobody say a word!Explanation:

Nobody is the pronoun addressed. This sentence tells all the people present to keep silent.

4. Do come in.


Do is used here to form an emphatic structure. This is the second person imperative sentence which means to let somebody in.

Key: Giving an order.

Key: Inviting.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

5. Watch out!


This is a second person imperative sentence, which means to be alert about the near dangers.

6. Do not pick the flowers!


This is a second person imperative sentence, which means to prevent people from picking the flowers.

Key: Warning.

Key: Expressing forbiddance.

Rewrite the following using the imperative.Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

1. You should take a break.


The subject of the sentence, you, shows that the sentence can be rewritten into a second person imperative sentence.

2. I suggest we not stay here any longer.


This sentence expresses my suggestion to all of us, so this sentence can be written into a first person imperative sentence.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Key: Take a break.

Key: Let’s not stay here any longer.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

3. Would you like to have another biscuit?Explanation:

The question actually gives a piece of suggestion that you take another piece of biscuit, so we can put it into a second person imperative sentence.

4. You’d better go and buy yourself a new pair of shoes.

Explanation:Since the subject of this sentence is you, which is the person addressed, we can put the sentence into a second person imperative sentence.

Key: Have another biscuit, please.

Key: Go and buy yourself a new pair of shoes.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

The tag questions for imperative sentences

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

The imperative sentence with Let’s as the beginning has the tag shall we, which implies a suggestion.

e.g. Let’s have a meeting, shall we?Let’s go home now, shall we?

The imperative sentence with Let us as the beginning has the tag will you, which implies a request.

e.g. Let us read the text, will you?Let us go home now, will you?

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

e.g. Open the window, will you?Wait for me, can you?Lend me this book, could you?

e.g. Don’t forget to post the letter, will you?

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

The imperative sentences with verbs as the beginning have the tag will you, or would you, won’t you, can you, could you, can’t you in order to show politeness.

For negative imperatives, we could only use will you as the tag.

e.g. Let me do it for you, may I?Let me have a rest, will you?

For those imperatives with Let me as its beginning, we can use will you or may I as the tag.

1. Stop whistling, ?

2. Don’t turn the lights on, ?

will / won’t / can’t you

will you



Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Add a question tag to the following statements.



This is a second person imperative with a verb as its beginning.


This is a negative imperative sentence.

3. Let’s go to the movies, ?

4. Post this for me, ?

shall we

would / could / can you



Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself


Let’s shows a kind of suggestion.


This is an imperative sentence that shows request.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

The degree of politeness in imperative sentences

To show respect and politeness, most people use modal expressions when making requests. These modal expressions are more polite than an imperative sentence with a verb as its beginning.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Will you ...? Would you ...? Would you please ...?

Could you (please) ...? Could you possibly ...? Would you kindly ...? Would you mind (doing) ...? Would you be so kind as to ...?

Will you open the door for me? Would you open the door for me? Would you please open the door (for me)? Could you (please) open the door? Could you possibly open the door? Would you kindly open the door? Would you mind opening the door? Would you be so kind as to open the door?

1. Can you give me a glass of water?2. Do you have a glass of water?3. A glass of water.4. I want a glass of water.5. Give me a glass of water.6. Could you give me a glass of water?7. I’d like a glass of water.8. I’ll have a glass of water.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Practice Arrange the following sentences according to the degree of politeness.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

From the least polite to the most polite: 3__ 5__ 4__ 8__ 7__ 2__ 1__ 6__

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself


If you just use a noun to order someone to do something, it will be the most impolite way. If you use an imperative sentence with a verb-beginning, it’ll be better. The best way is to use imperative sentences with modal expressions.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Subject complements

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

A subject complement can either be a noun, which renames

the subject, or an adjective, which describes the subject, or a

clause, which specifies the subject.

Certain intransitive verbs, such as linking verbs or copular

verbs, can connect a subject complement to the subject. These

complements complete the meaning of the subject.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

e.g. That is a dove. (Dove is the subject complement.)We are students. (Students is the subject complement.)

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


She looks beautiful. (Beautiful is the subject complement.)

This house seems too small. (Small is the subject complement.)Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


It seems that it is going to snow. (That it is going to snow is the subject complement.)

That is why Jack got scolded. (Why Jack got scolded is the subject complement.)

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Some examples of linking verbs are:

appear become seem feel grow act look

taste smell sound get be (in all its forms)Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


Make sentences with the given words, using “wh-clauses” as the subject complement.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

1. and, is, advertising, precisely, organizations, world, the, what, in, company, that, one, the, and, most, respected, largest, became, of, the

Key: And that is precisely what the company became - one of the largest and most respected advertising organizations in the world.

Key: That is why he was dismissed by his new boss.

2. by, why, he, boss, was, is, his, that, new, dismissed

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

3. definitely, is, did, he, what, that

Key: That is definitely what he did.

Key: That is where they lived five years ago.

4. that, where, years, is, ago, lived, five, they

That psychiatrist, who had talked about his patients, was charged with violating professional ethics.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Translation exercisesTranslate each of the following sentences into English, using the word or phrase given in the bracket. Inflect the word or phrase where necessary.1. 那个精神病医生因谈论他的病人而被指控违反了职业道德规

范。 (ethics)

You can use an attributive clause to tell the reason why the doctor is charged. Another phrase that has the same meaning as be charged with is be accused of, which means someone is guilty of a crime or of doing something bad. Both violate and break can be used to mean to disobey or do something against an official agreement, law, principle, etc. Ethics means moral rules or principles of behaviour for deciding what is right and wrong.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Notes :

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Chinese-English translation

1 ) 他的这一决定是否符合道德规范值得怀疑。

The ethics of his decision are doubtful.

2 ) 行医道德规定:禁止医生与病人谈恋爱。

Medical ethics forbid a doctor to have a love affair with a patient.

3 ) 我们必须遵守成年人的道德规范。

We must obey the adult ethics.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

You can use an appositive clause to explain what the fact is. Account for means to form a particular amount or part of something, to be the reason why something happens or to give a satisfactory explanation of why something happened or why you did something.

The defendant couldn’t account for the fact that the money was found in his house.

2. 这笔钱是在被告家里发现的,被告不能对此做出令人满意的解释。 (account for)

Notes:Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Chinese-English translation

1 ) 非洲裔美国人占美国总人口的 12 %。

Afro-Americans account for 12% of the US population.

2 ) 他的行为可能是由于最近的工作压力引起的。

Recent pressure at work may account for his behavior.

3 ) 你能对你那天晚上的行动做出解释吗?

Can you account for your action that night?

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

3. 我看到他是正确的,我只好放弃原来的主张。 (back down)

Back down means to give up a claim to something or to yield. Other phrases with back: back up, which means to provide support or help for someone or something; back away which means to move backwards and away from something, especially because you are frightened.

When I saw that he was right, I had to back down.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Chinese-English translation

1 )他证明了他是对的,所以那些刁难他的人不得不放弃了。

He proved that he was right and his critics had to back down.

2 ) 双方都拒绝退让。

Both sides have refused to back down.

3 ) 他们打算放弃,因为对方太强大。

They are going to back down since their opponents are so strong.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

For can indicate a reason that can be naturally understood and easily accepted. Both assign and appoint can mean to give someone a particular job, but assign is mostly used as “assign something to somebody” or “assign somebody to do something”, while appoint can be used as “appoint somebody (as) something” or “appoint somebody to do something.”

She has been appointed sales director, for she is both clever and diligent.

4. 因为她既聪明又勤奋,所以被任命为销售经理。 (appoint)

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Chinese-English translation

1 )我们选谁当主席呢?

Who shall we appoint (as) chairperson?

2 ) 他被派去填补那个空位。

He was appointed to the vacant post.

3 ) 我们得指定一个人当秘书。

We must appoint someone to act as secretary.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Storm can be used as a verb, which means to suddenly attack and enter a place by using a lot of force. You’d better re-adjust the order of the Chinese sentence, i.e. to tell the result of the event first and to give the reason and process later, in order to make the translation clearer. Succumb means to stop opposing someone or something that is stronger than you, and allow them to take control.

The enemy succumbed soon after our soldiers stormed its stronghold.

5. 我们的战士们猛攻敌人的堡垒,其势如暴风骤雨,没过多久,敌人就投降了。 (succumb)

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Chinese-English translation

1 )该城被围后不久就投降了。

The city succumbed after only a short siege.

2 )有几个孩子患麻疹了,其他的孩子也必定会染上的。

Several children have measles, and the others are bound to succumb to it.

3 ) 琳达抵不住诱惑,吃了第二份蛋糕。

Linda succumbed to temptation and had a second serving of cake.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Colors have long been associated with emotions and our moods. Consider, for example, (1) someone could be in a “black mood” or “tickled pink” or “green with envy.” But, can you really psychoanalize people (2) on the color they choose? Dr. Paul Golden, a behavioral psychologist, says years of research (3)

him to believe that colors can tell a lot about a person. “We found that if people (4) red and black in a particular sequence on the color spectrum they had migraine,” says Dr. Golden. And based on those (5) “we put together a program so we could analyze people by their (6) to









Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skillsFill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself


color.” At www., people click on rotating colored tub

es based on (7) their preference is. Based on those c

hoices, a psychological profile can be created of your mood and emot

ional (8) at that moment. Dr. Golden says the profile won’t

provide any (9) answers or cures for whatever is troubli

ng you, but it is a good first step. “The idea is

for you to see yourself as you are,” says Dr. Golden. “ (10)

once you know how you are and how other people see you, you can t

hen get into the driver’s seat.”

what (ever)








Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


How introduces an objective clause of the verb consider.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


Base on means to use something as the thing from which something else is developed.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


Lead means to cause something to happen or cause someone to do something .


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


Chose is the past tense of choose which means to decide which one of a number of things or people you want.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


Discovery means a fact or thing that someone finds out about when it was not known about before.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


Response means something that is done as a reaction to something that has happened or been said.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


Whatever means no matter what.

what (ever)

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


State is the physical or mental condition that someone or something is in.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


Direct means exact.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


Because is used here to introduce an adverbial clause of reason.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Oral activities

I. Discuss with one of your classmates on the following topics.

Exercises for integrated skills

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

II. Form two groups. One is to defend the idea stated in the following topics; the other is to challenge it. Air your views as clearly as possible.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Discuss with one of your classmates on the following topics.

Exercises for integrated skills

1. Life is like a field of newly fallen snow; where we choose to walk every step will show.

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

The discussion can be based on the following aspects:1) If you do something wrong, you can not erase it completely by rectifying your behavior later. (Give some examples in your

real life, e.g. If you cheat...; if you steal...; if you idle your time...)

2) Try your best to make the right decisions and avoid doing things that you know are wrong, for you can not go back once you’ve stepped on it.


How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

2. Integrity is an inner standard for judging our behavior.

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

1) What is integrity? 2) People judge a person by his behaviors, while he should

control himself by his inner standard —— integrity.3) If one doesn’t behave with integrity, what will happen? (Give

some concrete examples.)4) How can you be who you are and still please others? How do

you deal with forces pulling you? What is the best way to be strong?

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

The discussion can be based on the following aspects:


How to Be True to Yourself

A Model Essay on Topic Two

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Integrity means to be who you are. Being true to one’s values,

beliefs, and standards is essential when it comes to spiritual

success. Everywhere around us, people and situations are forcing us

to forget our principles and fall back into the old, unwanted,

unsatisfying and unproductive ways. That is why it is difficult to

keep integrity as we like. In order to do and have what is important

to ourselves, we must be strong and courageous and then we can

hold our own in any and all circumstances —— that’s the greatest

manifest of integrity.

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

If you can keep the following points in mind, you may have integrity.1. Avoid compromising situations.2. Keep your conversation on a high level and do not succumb to others.3. Keep your goal in mind and act accordingly.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Form two groups. One is to defend the idea stated in the following topics; the other is to challenge it. Air your views as clearly as possible.1. Integrity is in short supply today even if it is the bottom line in

every area of society.Guidance:Words or phrases that can be used for this topic:

steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical codethe state of being unimpairedutter sincerity honesty candor honor truthfulnessrespect for others dishonest activities that plague our societydo some silly and evil things of great seriousness what we do is in the context of our faithbeing honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous some small sins

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

2. Plagiarism, which is a form of intellectual dishonesty, is now seriously corroding the integrity in academic fields.

Guidance:Words or phrases that can be used for this topic:

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

use someone else’s words, ideas, or works as yoursuse pages or paragraphs from published works without permissionquote the works of others without permissiongive clear and adequate description of your sourcesmaterials from the Internet or obscure sourceschange a few words or the sequence of some sentences or paragraphsclaim the product as your own original workcopyright infringementviolate copyright lawintellectual property

How to Be True to Yourself

Using participles and gerunds to combine sentences:A paper containing sentences of only one short pattern bores both the writer and the readers for two reasons:

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Writing practice

Additional information

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself



The repetition of a single, simple sentence pattern draws the readers’ attention only to the sentence pattern, not to the main ideas in the paper. Simple, short sentences cannot show readers the inner relationships among ideas of different importance.Therefore, you can try using participles and gerunds to combine sentences to improve your paper.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Participles are the -ing form or -ed form of certain verbs. When they are used to combine sentences, they can help to make a paper more concise and more vivid.

e.g. 1) He drove without a license, and later was detained by the police. Driving without a license, he was detained by the police.2) His leg was wounded in a football game, so he is lying in hospital now. His leg wounded in a football game, he is now lying in hospital.

Scientists have watched foxes playing, jumping into the air and turning summersaults.

Young as he is / Although he is young, he can do a lot of things.



Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Combine the following sentences in each group into one by putting the more important information in the major clause.


1. Scientists have watched foxes playing. The foxes were jumping into the air. They were turning summersaults.

2. He is young. He can do a lot of things.Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

As you have seen, some verbs take a complement and some don’t.

Stunned by bizarre noises he had just heard upstairs, the old man staggered down the stairs, gasping for air as he hesitantly held on to the banister.



Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

3. Some verbs take a complement and some don’t. You have seen it.

4. The old man staggered down the stairs. He was stunned by bizarre noises. He had just heard the noises upstairs. He hesitantly held on to the banister. He gasped for air.

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Listen to the following conversation, and fill in the spaces provided with the correct information.A. Listen carefully. Complete the following chart with information about Caroline and George.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Listening exercises

Bosses or Workers

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

script ■

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Caroline GeorgePosition in the firm

Personnel Manager

Problem Everything she deals with is secondhand.

He just sit there in his comfortable office with three telephones but he can make or break a man just by looking at a sales chart.

Sales Manager

Be one of the workers. Go out on the road and try to get orders from people.


Deal with People Facts and figures

There are too many bosses and too few workers.

So long as there’s a good relationship between the managers and the workers the firm will prosper.



B. Listen again and answer the following questions.Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself


1. According to Caroline, what is the trouble with the firm?

2. According to George, what is the key to a prosperous firm?

She thinks every boss should spend at least three months every year working on the factory floor, subject to the same rules and discipline as all the other workers.

In practice, she’d be of no use because she hasn’t got any practical skills.



Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

3. What does Caroline think every boss should do?

4. What does Caroline have to admit at last?

You know, the trouble with this firm is that there are too many bosses and too few workers.What do you mean? We’re all workers.No, we’re not. We’re bosses. I’m in charge of Personnel and you’re Sales Manager. I engage staff and try to sort out their personal problems and generally keep them happy, but I don’t go looking for them. I wait for them to come to me. I don’t go down and work on the factory floor myself. Everything I deal with—aggression, individualism, racial prejudice—is secondhand.Yes, but surely that’s the whole idea. You have to be objective. You wouldn’t be able to give them the right advice if you were mixed up in all their problems.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

(C = Caroline G = George)

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Bosses or Workers


G: C:


Vocabulary analysis

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Grammar exercises

How to Be True to Yourself


Of course I would. I’d be one of them. I’d be able to judge much better if they were telling me their troubles, or if they were just having me on because they’d had a row with someone or thought the foreman had a down on them—things like that. As for you ...What about me?Well, all you deal with are facts and figures, not people. You don’t have to go out on the road and try to get orders from people you don’t like and spend most of your nights in second rate hotels up and down the country.Most of our reps do a pretty good job. Sales figures have been most encouraging this year. I admit there are one or two areas where I think we could do better.

(C = Caroline G = George)


G: C:


That’s exactly what I mean. “You think”—you don’t know. You sit there in your comfortable office with your three telephones and you can make or break a man just by looking at a sales chart. You’re a boss. You don’t do the real work, but you’re paid twice as much as the people who do.Aren’t you getting things a bit out of proportion? Any organization needs managers and managers need the workers. So long as there’s a good relationship between them the firm will prosper.Oh, it’s all too easy from where you and I are standing. I think every boss should spend at least three months every year working on the factory floor, subject to the same rules and discipline as all the other workers.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself




(C = Caroline G = George)

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Would you be prepared to do that yourself?In theory, yes, but in practice, no. I haven’t got any practical skills, you see, so I don’t think I’d be a lot of use. I’d probably always be running to the Personnel Office to try and get myself moved to another department.


(C = Caroline G = George)

Lead-in questions Supplementary reading

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Lead-in questions



How do you make your discoveries of nature? Do your parents always help you in making these discoveries? What do you realize after making these discoveries?If you have children, how will you lead them to know more about the nature?

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Lead-in questions

Supplementary reading

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Memorable quotes

Becoming a Child of Nature :It’s a Twofold1 Task of Parents and Children

If children discover the beauty of nature while they are young, they will respect nature and try to preserve it when they are older. Parents play an essential role in helping their children make this discovery. Although young children are not able to understand the complex relationship of man to his environment, they can be educated in this aspect and learn how to respect nature and gain a simplified understanding of the importance of a healthy ecological environment. Helping children to gain such an appreciation and understanding can be an exciting adventure which is available to all that are willing to explore and use their senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing.

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Wonderful phenomena of nature are all around us. For example, have you ever awakened early to watch the sun rise? Have you ever stopped to observe a setting sun, a star-filled sky, or an October moon? Have you ever gone out after a rainfall and delighted in the scent of the fresh air? Have you ever taken time to listen to the song of the birds, the trees rustling in the wind or the music of the crickets? Have you ever held a seashell to your ear and heard the roar of the ocean? Have you ever tasted fresh berries, melon or spring water? Have you ever shared the above experience with your children?

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Supplementary reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Supplementary reading

How to Be True to Yourself

To help children gain an understanding of the world around them and the importance of ecology, parents can use interesting objects from their children’s everyday lives. For example, most children are familiar with rocks. They have seen them, touched them, and played with them. However, they will not discover the beauty and uses of rocks unless you help them. Collect some rocks and point out that some rocks are minerals, others may be used for decorations, like marbles used in building houses, and still other rocks are used to build roads. Visiting mountains if possible can help them gain a better understanding of rocks.

Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Most young children love to play in dirt. You can help your children to gain the concept that soil is not just “dirt” but something necessary for life. Most plant life grows in some form of soil. Take your children for a visit to gardens and farms where food is grown. Perhaps your children can have their own plants or gardens. You can explain to them that plants are necessary not only for food but also for controlling floods. During a time of heavy rain or snow, plants help to absorb the moisture. It’s difficult for young children to gain an appreciation of rain because rain to young children means that they can’t go out to play. However, you can try to help your children realize that rain is vital to life. Without rain, plants and animals would die of thirst. Your children know what it feels like to be thirsty. If you have plants and allow your children to help you water them, this will help them to start recognizing the importance of water to life.

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Supplementary reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

You can also help your children gain some understanding of the importance of clean oceans. Even young children realize that an ocean filled with garbage is not good for sea life. Many fish can die or become contaminated from the trash that is thrown into the ocean. People, who unknowingly eat fish contaminated by pollutants in the water, can become seriously ill. Many children, through the examples, can begin to become more aware of man’s relationship to his environment. However, even more importantly, you can help them by example to learn to respect their environment. Young children learn not only from first hand experiences but by imitation. If you show your children by your actions that you respect the environment in which you live, this will start them on this path.

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Supplementary reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Do you avoid putting pollutants in the air by never burning your leaves? Have you ever stopped smoking? Do you respect plant life? Do you stop anyone from carving in the bark of trees? Do you avoid walking on fresh grass? Do you conserve water and energy? By setting a good example for your children, you are not only giving them a good model to imitate, you are also helping them to increase their chances for survival. It is not too soon to help your children to appreciate, understand, and respect the environment in which they live.

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Supplementary reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

ecological connected with the way plants, animals, and people are related to each other and to their environment

The destruction of the rain forests is an ecological disaster that threatens the future of life on earth.Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Supplementary reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

an October moon a full moon

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Supplementary reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

contaminate make a place or substance dirty and dangerous by adding something to it, for example chemicals or poison

People feared that dumped waste would contaminate water supplies.Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Supplementary reading

How to Be True to Yourself

this will start them on this path this will help them learn to respect the environment in which they live because it will be good for them

Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Supplementary reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Lead-in questions

Memorable quotes

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Questions for discussion



What is the twofold task of parents and children the author talks about in this article?How important is it for children to discover the beauty of nature? Why is children’s discovery of nature an exciting adventure?What can we conclude from the passage about parents’ participation in the educational development of their children?

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Supplementary reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Answers to the questions for reference:

Lead-in questions

Memorable quotes

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Supplementary reading

How to Be True to Yourself





Children discover and understand the beauty of nature and their

parents take the initiative and help them to do so.

They will respect nature and try to preserve it when they are


By exploring their environment children can gain an

understanding of the world in an interesting and more complex

way and create their own intellectual conceptions of reality.

Parents can provide an education which can fulfill and enrich the

current lives of their children as well as prepare them for the


Lead-in questions

Supplementary reading

Memorable quotes

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Memorable Quotes

Please paraphrase the following quotes:

An honest man’s the noblest work of God.

— Alexander Pope

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

Lead-in questions

Supplementary reading

Memorable quotes

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

How to Be True to Yourself

I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an “Honest Man.”

— George Washington

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