how to build a responsive list in 30 days

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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List building is the main asset within Internet Marketing and within this report I will show you how you can do this.


“How To Build A Super Responsive List”



Introduction To List Building If you want to make serious money within Internet marketing the truth is you need to build and have your own subscriber list and there are no ifs, or buts about it. What a list gives you is the ability to make money when you want to. Think of all the possibilities in the near future when you have your own responsive list:

• Create your own products and make money by just promoting to your list • Become a “super affiliate” • Easier To JV with the “Top guys” as you have a killer list • Money on demand

So with all the possibilities why would you not want to start building your own list? What you have been taught about list building in the past is probably all rubbish! When I started Internet marketing I was always told, “the money is in the list” which to be truthful to you is all WRONG. If that was the case do you not think that spammers who have millions of email addresses would be very rich? But as you know that is not the case. So the real theory when it comes to list building is that “the money is in a responsive list!” Think of it like this, you could have a list of 10,000 people but if only 10 people open your emails your conversion rates are not going to be the best. On the other hand if you have a list of 500 people and 300 people read your emails don’t you think you are going to make more money from the list of 500 rather than the list of 10,000? So I am not only going to show you how to build a super responsive list I am going to show you the fundamentals of finding subscribers who are literally going to want to give you money on a regular basis. When it has come to building lists in the past using these techniques sometimes it has taken me a few weeks to start making money from a list in some cases within 30 days.


It does all depend how you take this information on board and how quick and effectively you implement the strategies I am going to share with you. So take as long as you want to start building your list and fill in the blank as this report is for you. The key fundamental about building a list is that you can actually build a list without actually having to spend money on advertising! Which is great when you just start out within Internet Marketing. Then once you use these techniques you can then go and invest money and take your list to the next level.

Just Think What It Is Like To Have Your Personal ATM Machine?

That is the power of having your own list! You can send an email out to you list and within a couple of hours you could have made some serious money! Once you have mastered the techniques of building a super responsive list that is the time when you know you have a business as no one can take your list away from you.

What you also have to remember is as well you can continue to grow your list for as long as you so the sky is actually the limit.

Lets Get Started… Before you start to build a list you need one important thing and that is your lead magnet! Also called the “bribe.” The reason for this is because you are offering a bribe in order to obtain your subscribers email address. So what sort of bribe should you offer? Depending on your niche there are many types of bribes you can offer and here are a few ideas for you to keep in mind:

• A Webinar • A Video • Audio • Report • Software


They are the five main bribes you should really try to offer as these are going to get you the best results. If you can go and offer five separate bribes using each idea I have given you then even better, it is all just about thinking outside the box.

Do some research into what others in your niche are offering and try to make it basically better in a shape or form. The best way to go about this is if you see someone offering a report in “cat juggling” if you were to create a video showing people how to juggle cats it would be perceived different even though the information is similar.

First Impressions Are The Most Important You more than likely have heard the saying “first impressions are the most important” and this is no different when it comes to list building. You have to remember that you want your prospect to give you their email address so you have to think that your bribe is going to be the make and break of this happening

and also for building a relationship in the long run. I have coached and taught many people when it comes to list building and most people wonder why there opt in rate is really low. The reason for this is because their lead magnet is not up to scratch. Usually when I create my bribe I make it as if I could actually go out and actually sell it! Put yourself in your prospects shoes and think to yourself “Can you take someone serious within your niche if what they have to offer is rubbish?” So before you get into list building promise me you will put together something of great value that even you would want to buy. ☺

Note: Try to stay away from offering “part courses” when you offer your subscriber a little bit of information day by day the fact is this does not work in this day and age as many people who are looking for information want it all straight away. If you starve them day after day then when it comes to day three onwards, they would have given up and stopped reading your emails or even in some cases unsubscribed from your list.


What You Need To Ask Yourself Before You Start To Build Your List This is the key to list building which many people do not do and wonder why everyday they have people unsubscribing is down to these questions that I ask myself every time before I get ready to start building my list.

You may think that these questions are useless but believe me this is the difference between having a super responsive list and a list with a high unsubscribe rate. So what you need to ask yourself is as followed: Questions What type of person is my prospect? What do they actually want? What can I offer in order to help them achieve the results they are looking for? They are three simple questions, which help massively when it comes to dominating list building. So for example if I was in my favourite “Cat Juggling niche” here is how the questions would go: What type of person is my prospect? An expert in regular skittle juggling but now wants to expand into the cat-juggling field What do they actually want? Tips and ways in how to correctly juggle cats What can I offer in order to help them achieve the results they are looking for? My experiences with the basics of cat juggling and then I can find affiliate products in order to make it easier for them to master cat juggling.


Like I say you may think of these questions as petty but if I didn’t go through them how would I know if I am looking for subscribers who are experts in cat juggling or complete newbie’s to cat juggling altogether? This is why I said this would stop people unsubscribing from your lists, as you know what they actually want and you are the person to give them exactly that. So now we have our bribe, our questions in place so all that is left now is for us to go and find subscribers.

The Techniques Revealed… These techniques I am going to share with you if used right can start to build your list within weeks, do not get me wrong list building is a graft but the rewards at the end of it are great as you can imagine. What I am going to show you is four FREE methods, which will help you to build your list and start to reap the rewards. Adswaps (The Correct Way) If you know anything when it comes down to list building then you will know that adswaps are one of the most effective ways to build a list fast. What a “normal” adswap consists of is you find a partner who has a list of a similar size to your own, you both exchange ad copy with your lead magnet and then you watch the subscribers come in. Well as you can guess this is all good but we’re in the game of not only creating an email list but we want a responsive list. So what you want to be doing is completely different. There are many places where you can find places full of people wanting to arrange AdSwaps and here are the three top ones where you can go and get started with Adswaps:

Note: It is best to try the other methods before Adswaping, as you need around 300 subscribers before adswapping would be beneficial to you.


Warrior Forum

The warrior forum is a place where many Internet Marketers hang out from newbie’s all the way up to the Guru’s this is mainly full of people within the IM niche but you still can find the odd few partners in other niches. List sizes vary from small up to hundreds and thousands. IM Adswaps


This forum is designated just to Adswaps. Personally it is the best place to start of with and start to build relationships with other list owners. List Swapper

List Swapper is a good place to start if you are involved in niches away from Internet Marketing whereas the other two examples are mainly aimed towards the IM niche List Swapper has many different niches from self-improvement and Forex and more. So when looking for potential partners to swap with you are looking for:

• Partners with the same number of subscribers


• They must have a decent “bribe” • Have a responsive list

So once you have found potential partners with around the same number of subscribers as yourself what you then need to do is in get in contact with them. Like I said we are not going to just ask them to do a swap like others do, but we need to find out a little bit of information before we decide to go ahead with the swap. So it goes a little like this: Hi {name}, How’s it going? I currently am looking to do adswaps with my list of {number of subscribers} I found you on {warrior forum, IMAdswap} and really love your squeeze page and offer. I would love to adswap with you but what I need to know is... How many subscribers do you currently have now? Where have most of your leads come from? What is your average Open and CTR? I look forward to hearing from you Your Name Once you get a response they will probably ask you the same question so just reply with your answers.

When starting off look for partners who are getting around 7% Open Rate and 5% Click Thru Rate. The more you build your list the more you want these percentages to increase. So once this is all done you are all set. You do want to provide your own email copy as you can test headlines and copy for the future to increase conversions.

Note: Never ever lie when it comes to list building. I know you never will but it has to be said, if you ever think someone is lying to you don’t be afraid to ask them for screenshots etc. Believe me when I say not everyone is as sweet as pie!


You do not want to do an adswap everyday, as this will really annoy your current subscribers. Try when starting out to do 2 a week and then ease off when your list starts to grow in size. Guest Blog Posting When done correctly this can be very effect. Many people know of this method but do not actually use it to the full potential. With guest blogging the reason why it works so well is because the audience is very targeted to your specific niche. For example if you are in the "fish dancing" niche all you need to do is look for blogs that are in the fish dancing niche and get in contact with the blog owner. It is very easy to get in touch with most blog owners as they usually have a contact us page, or an email on the website, if all else fails you can always send them a comment as they will read it before it is approved. This is a template of what I would send to potential blog owners. Hi {name} I have been reading your blog now for a while and I enjoy what you write about and your style. I am also interested in {niche} aswell and was wondering if you would like me to contribute an article related to {niche} to your blog. It will be beneficial for the both of us as you get free extra content and all I ask for in return is a link back to my website which is also related to niche. I look forward to hearing from you and also look forward to your next post! Thanks Your name This works very well as like I said you are offering the blog owner free content. At the same time this post will remain on their blog for as long as the blog lives, which means you, are always going to attract new subscribers. This method works the best when you find 5-10 blogs who don’t mind that you post each and every week. So once you get a “yes” from the blog owner all you need to do is produce a good article and a resource box (which will have your website link.)


Like I said for you to get the most out of this you need to get in touch with as many blog owners as possible, the worst they can say is no! Thank You Page Swap This is a very good method and an auto pilot method at the same time when

done correctly, I do warn you from now it is easier to do this out of the Internet Marketing niche but nevertheless it still works. The whole purpose of this method is to get in touch with someone in your niche who are also collecting subscribers and what you are going to do is offer to

give them a bonus to give to there new subscribers. This method works so well as you are doing no work but are gaining new subscribers! Let me show you how it works:

So this method looks and you’re probably thinking what is so different to this method? The difference is the thank you page and the fact you do not have to do anything! So all you have to offer to your partner to put on their thank you page is basically a link to your bribe where they will opt in and become a subscriber on your list. If you offer to do it in return you are bound to get a good response but you only want to add no more than two “bonuses” on your own thank you page. It works like a treat for you and remember when we spoke about first impressions are the most important? Well if you are over delivering on free gifts from now then your new subscriber will already be happy to be a subscriber of yours.

Prospects Opt In Page Thank You Page

Your List


Auto Responder Swap This again is another method that when in play can run on complete autopilot and with not much effort. What it requires is for you to again go and find someone who is creating a list just like yourself and instead of requesting a original adswap what you are wanting to request is that you get your partner to add your email copy to their auto responder sequence. Now you think of the power of this. If your partner is getting for example 20 people sign up on average each and every week, when it come to the 2nd week for example of them been subscribed to your partners list they will come across your email copy! Then guess what’s in your email copy? Copy referring to click and get your bribe! The best way to get this is to swap The reason why in some cases this works better in the long run rather than your everyday adswaps is down to the fact that every subscriber your partner gains will have the chance to also optin to your list also. Hi {name} I came across your squeeze page earlier and decided to optin to your list. What I was also wondering is if you would like to build your list on autopilot? What I mean by this is, as I am also building my own opt in list I was wondering if you would like to do an “auto responder swap” what I mean by this is that we both schedule in our autoresponder sequence when we want to send our new subscribers to our respectable offer. As you can imagine this is a win, win situation as we can both help one and other to build our lists easier. All I need to know form you is as followed: How many subscribers do you obtain on a daily basis? If you are interested please let me know and we can take it from there. Thanks again and I look forward to working with you in the near future. {Your Name}


Hopefully you should get a response because as I said it really is a win, win situation, you do want to keep in touch with this partner as you may want to test and change your copy with them and visor versa.

Conclusion Well I hope that these tips that I have shown you within this report will help you to go and achieve great results when it comes to building your super responsive list. Always remember the money is not in the list but… “In a responsive list” One thing I want you to keep in mind is that you are not only building relationships with your subscribers but also with your partners who are actually helping you build your list! So do keep them in mind for the future when it comes to JVs etc. I wish you look and do look forward to hearing from you and even working with you in the near future. All the best


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