how to conduct effective performance appraisals april 2011

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Half day open interactive workshop on performance appraisals held in Toronto.


How to conduct effective performance appraisals

by Toronto Training and HR

April 2011

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3-4 Introduction to Toronto Training and HR5-6 Definition7-8 Drill A9-15 Aims of regular performance

appraisals16-19 Case studies A & B20-21 Goals and standards for performance22-23 Designing a performance appraisal

system24-27 Different methods to evaluate

performance28-29 Golden cycle of performance

management30-31 Types of performance appraisal32-34 Problems with performance appraisal35-36 Areas to improve; collaborate don’t

assassinate37-39 The performance appraisal interview40-41 Drill B42-46 Points to bear in mind47-50 Case studies C & D51-52 Conclusion and questions

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Introduction to Toronto Training and HR

• Toronto Training and HR is a specialist training and human resources consultancy headed by Timothy Holden

• 10 years in banking• 10 years in training and human resources• Freelance practitioner since 2006• The core services provided by Toronto Training and HR

are:- Training course design- Training course delivery- Reducing costs- Saving time- Improving employee engagement &

morale- Services for job seekers

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Page 6

Performance Appraisal:Setting work standards,

assessing performance, and providing feedback to

employees to motivate, correct, and continue their


Performance Management:An integrated approach to

ensuring that an employee’s performance supports and

contributes to the organization’s strategic aims.

Differences betweenPerformance Appraisal

and Performance Management

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Drill A

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Drill A

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Aims of regular performance appraisals

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Aims of regular performance appraisals 1 of 6

Check that the needs of the employee and employer are being metConfirm the employee’s understanding of company expectationsIncrease the employee’s knowledge of his or her personal strengthsProvide an opportunity to discuss areas for improvementFoster a spirit of co-operation and teamwork

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Aims of regular performance appraisals 2 of 6

WHAT CAN THEY ACHIEVEperformance measurement - transparent, short, medium and long term clarifying, defining, redefining priorities & objectives motivation through agreeing helpful aims and targets

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Aims of regular performance appraisals 3 of 6

WHAT CAN THEY ACHIEVEmotivation though achievement and feedback training needs and learning desires - assessment and agreement identification of personal strengths and direction - including unused hidden strengths career and succession planning - personal and organizational team roles clarification and team building

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Aims of regular performance appraisals 4 of 6

WHAT CAN THEY ACHIEVEorganizational training needs assessment and analysis appraisee and manager mutual awareness, understanding and relationship resolving confusions and misunderstandings reinforcing and cascading organizational philosophies, values, aims, strategies, priorities, etc

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Aims of regular performance appraisals 5 of 6

WHAT CAN THEY ACHIEVEdelegation, additional responsibilities, employee growth and development counselling and feedback manager development - all good managers should be able to conduct appraisals well - it's a fundamental process

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Aims of regular performance appraisals 6 of 6


Satisfactory—Not Promotable



Outcomes of Appraisal Interviews

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Case study A

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Case study A

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Case study B

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Case study B

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Goals and standards for performance

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Goals and standards for performance

Assign Specific Goals

Encourage Participatio


Assign Measurabl

e Goals

Assign Challengin

g but Doable Goals

Guidelines for Effective Goal


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Designing a performance appraisal


Page 23

Designing a performance appraisal system

Gaining support for the systemChoosing an appropriate rating instrumentSelecting ratersDetermining timingEnsuring fairness

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Different methods to evaluate performance

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Different methods to evaluate performance 1 of 3

Peer reviewsSelf evaluationUpward appraisals

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Different methods to evaluate performance 2 of 3

TYPES OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISALFormal annual performance appraisals Probationary reviews Informal one-to-one review discussions Counselling meetings Observation on the job Skill- or job-related tests Assignment or task followed by review, including secondments (temporary job cover or transfer)

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Different methods to evaluate performance 3 of 3

TYPES OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISALAssessment centres, including observed group exercises, tests presentations, etc. Survey of opinion of others who have dealings with the individual Psychometric tests and other behavioural assessments Graphology (handwriting analysis)

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Golden cycle of performance management

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Golden cycle of performance managementGoal setting and planningOngoing feedback and coachingAppraisal and reward

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Types of performance appraisal

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Types of performance appraisal

Graphic rating scaleBARS( Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scales)Alternation rankingForced distribution methodCritical incident method Narrative FormsPaired comparisonMBO (Management by Objectives)

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Problems with performance appraisal

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Problems with performance appraisal 1 of 2

Unclear standardsHalo effectCentral tendencyLeniency or strictnessBiasHorns EffectRecency ErrorFirst ImpressionFixed Impression

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Problems with performance appraisal 2 of 2

Know Problems

Control Outside


Use the Right Tool

How to Avoid Appraisal Problems

Train Supervisor


Keep a Diary

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Areas to improve; collaborate don’t


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Areas to improve; collaborate don’t

assassinateEmphasize the positive with the negativeCouch your criticism in terms of the shared greater good rather than framing it as a personal indictmentEnlist your employee as an ally in troubleshooting a vexing issueOffer the employee flexible options in resolving a shortcoming

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The performance appraisal interview

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The performance appraisal interview 1 of 2

How to conduct the interviewChecklistHow to handle a defensive appraiseeHow to constructively criticize the appraiseeHow to ensure the interview leads to improved performanceHow to handle a formal written warning

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The performance appraisal interview 2 of 2

GIVING NEGATIVE FEEDBACKWhy candour is importantThe importance of documentationThe importance of the correct wordingEncouraging employee feedbackEnding on a positive note

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Drill B

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Drill B

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Points to bear in mind

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Points to bear in mind 1 of 4

Reduce surprisesLook back before you look aheadKnow the effects of documentationAvoid extremesGet employees involvedSeparate performance and pay increase discussionsKnow how to use the performance review for disciplinary purposes

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Points to bear in mind 2 of 4

SELF-EVALUATIONAddress your overall performance/track record for the review periodIn what areas do you need additional support, structure and direction?What are your goals for the next year or next review period?

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Points to bear in mind 3 of 4

WATCH YOUR LANGUAGEAvoid discriminatory referencesAvoid the term “attitude”Use “for example” frequentlyDocument how the supervisor has tried to help the employee meet performance standards

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Points to bear in mind 4 of 4

REVIEW TIMELINEOne month beforeTwo weeks beforeOne week beforeOn the dayThree to five days after the review

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Case study C

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Case study C

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Case study D

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Case study D

Conclusion & Questions

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