how to crack iit jee main under 10

Post on 28-Oct-2015






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How to crack IIT Jee Main under 10,000 rank: top 5 exam tips5 days ago by Yogesh 8

Every budding engineer have a dream of stdying among the  India’s top Engineering College i.e IIT’s & NIT’s

etc.Almost all the students(dedicated towards engineering) after completing their 12th standard appear in IIT JEE

exam but 90% of them fail.

The reason is not that rest 90% didn’t work hard but reason is of Smart Work. Believe me its 21st Centuary,if you

believe in Hard Work than result is not that much up to the mark but if you do Smart work + Hard work you will surely

get success.

Today on livelikeroyal I am going to tell you How to crack IIT Jee Main exam  with top 5  iit preparation tips.

These tips will not guarantee you among the top ranks but will surely guarantee to clear the exam with a average


1.) Prepare yourself mentally first :-


“Well Began,Half done” if your beginning is good than half of your work is done. Believe me  first you have to control

your Mental stress first. Most of the students fail to compete in exam due to mental stress. Most of the students think

that the exam will going to be very tuff.

If you think the same than you are absolutely wrong. Gone are those days when IIT  prepare tuff exam but now-a-

days IIT want to check your concept. The exam will be of your level only. Every four out of one question might be

hard but if you want to clear the exam with an average rank than you no need to worry about hardness of question.

2.) Focus on Chemistry:-

Believe me its my personal experience that chemistry part will attract more score than Physics and Mathematics.If

you go into the history of IIT Jee topper most of them score good in chemistry.

Dont forget to study NCERT book and try to solve each and every question from excercise.I already told you that IIT

only try to focus on concept.As there are only few days left for exam dont read new chapter.

ALSO SEE :- Top 5 tips: How to appear in IIT jee exam without good preparation

3.) Time Management :-

Please..please..please study hard now onwards.I know most of you are not dedicated about the preparation from last

two years.Atleast study 14 hour a day(my advice)than only you will get an average rank.Distribute your study time

into 3 parts for Chemistry,Physics and Mathematics repectively.

Only engineer know the value of studying at last level. If suppose you follow my advice than give 3 hour to each

subject and  in the last 2 hour try to solve as much problem as you can.

4) Don’t Focus on New Chapter :-

Don’t focus on new chapter which you haven’t read.I am not saying even you teacher will also suggest you these

thing.”Little knowledge is also injurious“.

Because if you want to  study a new chapter for IIT Jee exam level than it will take around 4-5 days to prepare

well(for average student).So don’t waste your time rather revise what you know.

5) Practice Makes a Man perfect :-

Revise as many times as you can as you have just few days left for exam.I can advice you to practice question paper

of Jee exam from 2000 year onwards,it will surely give you an idea about the question.

By following these tips only i got a rank of 11,529 in 2011 IIT JEE entrance exam. Hope you got the aswer of your

question i.e How to clear iit main with good rank. Follow these tips you will surely get a rank under 10,000 in

yourJee main exam.

You can also share your Jee exam preparation tips via comments.And anyone have any kind of doubt regarding

preparation you can contact me via comments ,i will surely give solution from my experience.

Best of luck for your exam. 

Tags: how to crack iit jee main, iit entrance exam, iit exam preparation tips, iit preparation tips, jee exam preparation

tips, prepare for iit exam

YogeshHi !! Yogesh Kumar currently pursuing B.Tech from NIT-Delhi into my first year from ECE branch.A part time

blogger ,usually writes about bollywood,hollywood,facebook tricks and technology.You can find me on


Top 5 tips: How to appear in IIT jee exam without good preparation4 days ago by Yogesh 0

Most of the students are not able to get expected rank after good preparation.And most of the student

who haven’t prepare well do quite well in jee exam.The difference between faliur and success is of

smart work.On this post you will get to know about Top 5  IIT jee exam tips which will tell  you

– How to appear in IIT jee exam without good preparation.

These tips are not written by any expert but a 2011 IIT JEE rank 11,529 holder student of NIT-DELHI.So

it’s my personal experience which i am going to share with you.I am also a student without good

preparation who appeared in IIT JEE exam of 2011 but got a unexpected rank.

1.) Mental Game  :-Believe me,most of the students lost the chance of getting into IIT because of their mental stress

during the exam.Their mental stress/tension didn’t allow them to perform well in the exam rather it

takes them in another world with full of doubt like – will i able to get into IIT,will i able to solve this

problem,may be this answer is wrong any many more.

So i request to control your mental stress most of the students in exam hall is like you only(not well-

prepared).Don’t surround yourself in the web of doubts that i discussed earlier. Be confident and

crative. Have a winner like attitude.

2) Section to attempt first :-Smart work will take you to great height.Attempt that section in which you are master may be its

chemistry,physics or mathematics.It will attract maximum of your marks and increase your rate of

getting a good rank.

Don’t try to attempt that topic which you haven’t study.It will waste your time.Exam time is not for

experiment its for putting your knowledge into answers.Be confident on your answers.Don’t try to

resolve each and every question 2-3 time.It will again waste your time.

ALSO SEE :- How to crack IIT Jee Main under 10,000 rank: top 5 exam tips

3) Focus on each section :-Each and every section of  exam have some minimum marks to qualify wheather it is

mathermatics,physics or chemistry.So try to divide your time according to number of section equally.It

will help you to get into the criteria of passing the exam.

Give you 100% in each section for getting a good rank.

4) Avoid Guess Work :-Most of the students are in a habbit of guessing the answer of MCQ(multiple choice question) type of

question.Believe me its not going to work.Because the probability of getting the right answer is very

low i.e 0.25.It will again waste your time and energy.

It’s not a game where your guess will work out rahter its a chance to build up your future.So don’t

apply your talent called guess work during exam.

5) Weightage to each question :-Give weightage to each and every question equally.It’s a trick which even top ranking students of IIT

exam use during exam time.90% of the students don’t apply this and after that they fail to get a good

rank.Exam time is for smart work my dear friends not for experiment.

Suppose you have total 90 question and with 3 hour exam time.So divide that 3 hour in such a way

that each quesition get 2 minutes or a maximum of 4 minutes(not every question). This trick will surely

boost your rank upto 5,000-10,000 down(for average student).

Follow these tips you will surely get into  IIT if your preparation is average.If you find this post useful

than don’t forget to share with your friends.You can also share your iit jee exam preparation

tips via comments.And if you have any doubt you can contact me via commments i will surely give

you solution.

Best of Luck for your exam 

Top 5 tips :How to crack IIT jee advance exam with good rank2 days ago by Yogesh 0

According to new pattern of IIT jee 2013 every student have to apply for 2 exam i.e iit jee

main(conducted by CBSC) and iit jee advance(conducted by IIT) to get into the india’s top most

college IIT.1.5 lakh student who clear IIT jee main are eligible to give IIT jee advance.

ALSO SEE :- Top 5 tips: How to appear in IIT jee exam without good preparation

It easy to qualify in Jee main exam than jee advance exam.Top 1.5 students from all over India are

sitting in exam and there is cut through competition and a minor mistake by student can destory his

dream to get into IIT.Here on livelikeroyal i am going to share some useful tips to crack iit jee

advance exam with good rank from my personal experience.The tips are as follows :-

1) Mental Preparation :-Mental preparation during the exam time is the first step to crack IIT jee advance exam specially

when you have hardly 30-45 days left.Be mental prepare while preparing for jee advance.Have a

winner like attitude.You will find exam of your level only if your preparation is average.

2) Revision . . .Revision . .Revision :-Revise all the topics which you are master at.Don’t jump for new chapter as it is the biggest mistake a

student do and fail.Practice and revise the topics and become a master blaster in your niche.I can

prefer you to solve last 10 years jee exam question for your practice.

And you can also join test series programe conducted by different institute like Aakash,Vidyamandir

classes.As IIT jee advance exam is conducted by IIT.If you are getting a rank under 1,000 under

these test series you can definetly clear the iit jee advance exam with a good rank..

3) Focus on Criteria :-As you know each and every section of exam have some minimum marks which you have to score to

fulfill the criteria to pass the jee advance exam.So focus on every subject to crack advance jee

exam.Some students not able to crack iit exam after having very good score in 1 or 2 subject

because of  less marks in 3rd subject.

Your all hardwork is of no use if you don’t give weightage to every subject.

ALSO SEE :- How to crack IIT Jee Main under 10,000 rank: top 5 exam tips

4) Clear all your Doubt :-It’s my personal experience that most of the students don’t clear their doubt with teacher.It’s not time

of lethargy or shyness,clear all your doubt with your teacher or any senior regarding any topics which

is not clear to you.Exam time is going to decide your future.

5) Avoid negative marking :-Negative marking is one of the biggest reason for the faliure of student in jee exam.So tick the

answer when you are confident about it( above 70%) otherwise you will be among the race of student

who fail due to too much negative marking.

These tips will surely help you to boost your rank in jee advance exam.If can also share your jee

exam preparation tips via comments to help other students.If you have any query contact me via

comments.Don’t forget to share with your friends if you appreciate this article.

Best of luck from livelikeroyal. 

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