how to create effective landing page ctas

Post on 12-May-2015






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In this presentation, we will look at how important CTAs are for landing pages. Let us kick it old school, shall we! You announce a 30% discount in the papers (the digital counterpart would be your PPC campaign). People come swarming in to your emporium (going too far back, am I?). However, without proper cues guiding the visitors’ actions, what will be the result? More Bounces! Check out the image in the presentation: Though there is a signpost for the 30% Discount Sale, people coming from the opposite direction might miss it entirely. Maybe a banner at the shop entrance saying 'Come In to get 30% off on Groceries' would have helped bring in more traffic. In case of your landing page too, the visitors would bounce off to someone else’s website, if your CTAs are confusing. In newspaper ads, there was the advantage of onetime cost, but in PPC campaigns, you pay every time a visitor clicks your ad. Therefore, marketers, time for a big kibosh to poorly designed and copy edited CTAs. This is how you can stop wasting those clicks: How to create Landing Page CTAs that work? 1. "It is all about the Placement" I know it’s getting old, but seriously, some clichés are clichés for a reason (another cliché, I know): This is one of them. Can it get any simpler than: a) Keeping it above the fold, and b) Keeping from shoving it right in the face of your visitor without any prior context. 2. Keep a CTA below the fold as well 3. Make it stand out 4. Let it flow, people 5. Nobody likes a liar 6. Design, design 7. One thing sums it all: Content 8. Be proactive; reassure the visitors 9. Secondary CTA 10. A/B Testing These were our suggestions on how to create landing page CTAs optimized for conversion. If you have some ideas of your own that worked for you, please let us know.


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How important are CTAs?

The advertisement about a “30% discount” can only be seen by people walking in from the left. Those walking behind it or on the right, cannot see it. Had this been on the grocery store hoarding, it would have been more effective. The same logic can be applied to CTAs. Therefore, it is important to create effective landing page CTAs.

30% discount




can see it

Ineffective -


people can’t

see it

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Give them: an easy action, without the need to scroll back up.

Keep a CTA below the fold as well 2

Most people these days do not want to read. However, there are those rare ones, who would actually read through before taking a decision. These visitors are important. They are DEFINITELY not the casual tourists.

Sign Up for Free 6

Nobody likes a liar - Never promise what you cannot deliver! 5

Designs make all the difference 6

If you are thinking of collecting information from your visitors and then reneging, rethink. Not only is this wrong but you would lose your credibility. Promising free XYZ and providing diddlysquat isn’t going to get you anywhere. Keep your word.

CTA design would vary, depending on what you wish to achieve. Use easily recognizable icons for the more common CTAs. One great example here is the ‘Add to cart’ phrase; people recognize it from far away.

Sign Up for Free 7

Download E-Book Now


One thing sums it all: Content 7

Be proactive; reassure the visitors 8

Choice of words is one of the most important aspects of any conversation. Therefore, on the CTA, choose the message wisely. ‘Submit’ or ‘Contact Us’ below the form are not good Calls to Action. ‘Download E-book NOW’, sounds enticing, and lets the people know that an e-book is what they would gain on that click.

Your visitors have been swindled out of their information before, and like it or not, they would be skeptical. Premeditate the skepticism: words like ‘your details are safe with us’ help.

Sign Up for Free 8

Secondary CTA 9

Most importantly: A/B Testing

If your landing page is trying to hard sell something; have a bolster CTA in addition to the main one. For instance, in addition to ‘Buy NOW’, have a ‘Sign up for a FREE Trial’ button as well. However, there should be a clear indication of the priority (For instance, low-priority CTA can be duller in colour).

It is very important to analyze what kind of message, positioning and design of the CTAs are working the best for you. Therefore, to really learn how to create landing page CTAs, keep testing. However, to identify the causative element of any change successfully, try to test only one element at a time.

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