how to cure bed sores fast at home

Post on 23-Jan-2018






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How to Cure Bed

Sores Fast at Home

Aloe Vera For Bed Sores

Apply Aloe Vera

Aloe vera can be used to control infection in bed sores.

Due to its healing and soothing properties, it can also promote healing.

Plus, it keeps the affected skin moisturized, which ensures quick recovery.

Cut open an aloe vera leaf and extract the gel.

Apply this gel on the affected area and rub gently for a few minutes.

Allow it to dry on its own, then wipe it off with a clean damp cloth.

Repeat 3 times a day.You can use aloe vera gel powder, cream

or ointment to help promote healing.

Turmeric accelerates the healing process of bed sores.

It also has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antioxidant

properties that help your body deal with the

symptoms and fight infection.


Clean the affected area with sterile water or a saline solution.

Sprinkle enough turmeric powder to cover the wound.

Cover the area with a clean bandage.

Repeat 3 times daily for quick healing.

You can also drink warm

turmeric milk 2 times daily.

• Honey has natural antiseptic properties and

can also soothe the skin where there are

mild bed sores.

• It can provide relief from pain, reduce itching

and promote healing.

• Honey can also reduce the risk of infection.


• Prepare a thick mixture with equal amounts of honey and sugar.

Apply this mixture to the affected body area and cover it with a

clean bandage.

• Follow this treatment once daily.

• You can also spread honey over a large banana leaf.

• Lie down on this banana leaf for a few hours. Repeat daily.

Coconut Oil

Being rich in medium-chain fatty acids, coconut oil will keep your skin healthy and protect it from

damage caused by constant pressure. Plus, massaging it onto your body will improve

blood circulation.

Smear some warm coconut oil

all over your legs, limbs and


Gently massage until the oil

penetrates deep into the skin.

Apply 3 or 4 times daily to heal

the sores and prevent new

sores from appearing.

Note: While massaging, do

not apply pressure on the

sores. If you do not have

coconut oil then you can

use olive, mustard oil, or

any other massage oil.

Consume Vitamin C To

Reduce Bed Sores

Take 1 teaspoon of Indian gooseberry powder, also

known as amla powder, with warm water every morning

on an empty stomach.

Alternatively, take vitamin C in

supplement form after consulting a


Also, include vitamin C-rich foods in your diet like

oranges, lemons, grapefruit, bell peppers and so on.

Petroleum Jelly Reduce Bed


Another herbal treatment

for bed sores popular in

alternative medicine is

comfrey. Both the root and

leaves of comfrey are rich

in medicinal properties

that can help in

regeneration of the tissues


It can also reduce pain and


Mix equal amounts of

powdered comfrey leaves

and slippery elm.

Add a little water to make

a paste.

Apply it on the sores and

cover it with a bandage.

Leave it on overnight.

The next morning, clean

the wound with saline


Repeat daily.

In alternative medicine, the

herb goldenseal is often

recommended for treating

bed sores. It provides a

soothing effect on the sores

and also helps reduce pain

and inflammation.

Golden Seal

In Plus, its antiseptic

properties help prevent


Prepare a cup of herbal tea

by steeping 1 teaspoon of

goldenseal powder in 1 cup

of hot water. Strain and

allow it to cool.

Use the tea to clean the

wound 2 times daily. This

will help dry up the bed

sores quickly.

Alternatively, prepare a

mixture with 1 teaspoon

goldenseal powder and the

oil of a few vitamin E

capsules. Apply it to the

affected area 3 times a day.

Food That Contains Zinc

Content Reduce Bed sores

Zinc is an important mineral that supports the

immune system and promotes wound healing by

repairing damaged skin tissues.

It is also essential for regular cell growth and

regeneration. Plus, infections and deteriorations of

bed sores can be prevented by taking an adequate

amount of zinc.

Take zinc in supplement form to help the sores heal.

Be sure to consult a doctor first.

You can also apply a zinc ointment on the sores, after

consulting a doctor.

Also, include zinc-based foods like oysters, wheat

germ, spinach, pumpkin, nuts and mushrooms in your


Ask someone to inspect your skin daily,

especially around bony areas like the

spine, lower back, hips, elbows and knees.

Keep skin clean and free of sweat,

wound drainage, urine and feces.

Limit exposure to dry, cold weather

because dry skin is more easily damaged.

Even if you are confined to a bed or a wheelchair, try to

include some exercises in your daily routine.

Consult an expert to learn exercises that you can do as

per your capabilities.

Avoid tight clothing, clothing with

heavy seams and nylon underwear.

Avoid smoking and tobacco-based products.

These products can dry out the skin and

reduce blood supply to the skin.

Use some sort of cushioning on the

bony area to promote healing.

Sleep on a soft mattress or an air mattress.

To reduce pressure on the affected areas, use pillows,

soft cushions, sheepskin or blankets.

If you are using a wheelchair, use a seat cushion

that fits your body well.

Always keep the skin dry because moisture

can worsen the skin condition.

Eat foods that are high in protein to help

build muscle and strengthen the body.

It is also extremely important to drink an

adequate amount of water to

keep the skin hydrated.

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