how to eat an ugly frog and love it: practical advice on managing workplace priorities

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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Presented at GaCOMO14 by Linda Marie Golian-Lui, Sandra Barclay, Alan Lebish, Jennifer Young, Kennesaw State University. Additional information at


How to Eat an Ugly Frog and Love It:

Practical Advice on Managing Workplace Priorities

2014 GaCOMO/SELA Augusta, GA

Friday, October 3 10:00 -10:50 am

Presented By: Dr. Linda Golian-Lui (Lead Presenter),

Sandra Barclay, Alan Lebish & Jennifer Young Kennesaw State University

Library System


Today’s Materials

I. Eat That Frog Handout II. QR Information Cards III. LibGuide for Bibliography /

PowerPoint IV. Ugly Frog Exercise V. Business Cards

Today’s Outline I. Never Enough Time II. Your Organizational Value – Linda III. Focus – Jennifer IV. Eat Your Frog with Gusto - Sandra V. Find Your Frog and Eat It - Alan VI. Ugly Frog Exercise VII. Conclusion

Part I: You Never Have Enough Time

Law of forced efficiency – there is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the important things.

Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy’s Inspiration

What is a Frog? Your MOST important task at

each moment

More than likely to be the task you would procrastinate

Satisfaction in knowing your most important task for the day is DONE

If you have two frogs – eat the ugliest one first

Tip: Try it for 15 minutes

Begin eating your frog when it is little ……

…. or else this can happen.

Part II: Your Organizational Value

What do I do, that no one else is responsible for doing?

What special role / function can I fulfill in my library?

What type of legacy do I want to leave behind?

How can I make a difference?

Tip 1: Set The Table Decide what you want to

achieve / special role

Confirm with supervisor

Write it down

Set a deadline

Resolve to do something every day (Frog 1)

Tip 2: Plan Every Day 10 minutes of planning can

save over 100 minutes of execution

Have a plan for each day

Consider a plan for each week

Consider 6-month / 1-year plans

Prioritize daily

Tip 3: Apply the 80/20 Rule 20% of the tasks we need

to complete produce 80% of the results we are looking to achieve

The 20% tasks are often the tasks we want to procrastinate on

Choose the important tasks over the unimportant

Tip 4: Consider The Consequences What are the consequences

of you taking OR NOT taking action

Keep a long term perspective

Ask yourself – what can I do that, if done well, can make a real difference

Never be at the mercy of the tasks that matter least

Linda’s Priorities Create a culture of excellence,

especially in service Hire the best

Foster a Learning Organization


Institute Succession Planning Empower

Linda’s Story

Part III: Focus

Tip 7: Focus on Key Result Areas

“What are they paying me for?” 5-7 things you are 100% responsible for Keep all your key areas strong Example for Jennifer: Form a good

relationship with the ITS department at KSU

Tip 9: Prepare Thoroughly “If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend 6

sharpening my axe.” – Abe Lincoln Workspace Mindset

Take the first step. “You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.” – Wayne Gretzsky

Don’t fear failure or rejection. “Do the thing you fear, and the death of fear is certain.” – Emerson

Gets you ready for #10

Tip 10: Take it 1 Barrel at a Time

Crossing the Sahara is no easy task But it can be done! Take 1 step, then another, then another Be confident that you’ll get to the next oil

barrel Everything great is accomplished in single


Tip 11: Upgrade your Skills “Continuous learning is the minimum

requirement for success in any field.” Everything is learnable Three steps to mastery:

Read in your field Take courses and seminars in your key areas Turn driving time into learning time

Teach someone else

Jennifer’s Priorities

Technology “emergencies”

Updating settings in Voyager

Coordinating ITS service requests

Library instruction & reference

Liaison work

Jennifer’s Story Make lists!

Prioritize my priorities

Do one thing at a time

Take care of emergencies first as they have the biggest impact (hint: not all requests are emergencies)

“Work smarter, not harder” – learn

Part IV: Eat your frog with gusto!

Tip 5: Practice Creative Procrastination There will never be enough time

to do everything

Continuously look at your tasks and assess what is really important and what is not

Deliberately decide what you will put off – for now or forever

Tip 8: The Law of 3 What 3 things do you do that make up 90% of

your contribution to your organization?

It’s essential to identify these 3 things accurately

The law of 3 can help you to live a long, happy, healthy life!

Tip 12: Leverage your Special Talents

What are you very good at doing, or could learn to be very good at doing? Throw yourself into doing or learning that thing very well

The top 20% of people discipline themselves to continuously learn new skills

Tip 13: Identify Key Constraints

What is between you and that goal?

Identifying and eliminating that constraint is the most important frog you can eat right now!

80/20 rule applies here: 80% of constraints are internal and 20% are external

Sandra’s Priorities Cataloging and related projects

Liaison related activities

Service to library, university, and beyond

Sandra’s Story

Part V: Find your frog and eat it!

Tip 14: Put Pressure on Yourself Choose your own frogs – don’t let someone

else put the pressure on you Lead the field by raising the bar on yourself

and going beyond the expected Create imaginary, or not so imaginary

deadlines, and plan each step…

Tip 15: Maximize Your Personal Powers

Guard and nurture your energy & health to be more productive!

Overworking can affect quality of work and be unproductive

Work at your own pace – identify the times of day you are at your best

Tip 16: Motivate Yourself

Control your inner dialogue – develop a routine of coaching yourself and being your own personal cheerleader

Develop a positive mental attitude to ensure greater effectiveness in life

Tip 21: Single Handle Every Task

Concentration – keep at your number one task until it is 100% complete

Don’t waste time on other tasks that deplete your efficiency

Self-discipline… stay on task! And, resolve to find the most important task or project

Alan’s Priorities Handling facilities-

related emergencies Planning for renovation

projects for two libraries Reference & instruction Liaison work Department and other

committee work

Alan’s Story In a sea of priorities,

identifying the top one Using daily and weekly

sub-deadlines to make the task less daunting

Working at my own pace and time

Finding the balance!

Part VI: Ugly Frog Exercise

Part VII: Conclusions

It is not easy

You have to work at it every day

Check your attitude Schedule down time /

sharpen your saw

Strive for life / work balance Read EAT THAT FROG! Facebook Brian Tracy


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