how to find a niche market online

Post on 14-May-2015






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Ultimately almost all markets are niche markets but it's worth spending some time to find the best niche market for you.


How to Find a Niche Market Online

Niche markets are everywhere online. Which is why some people struggle to find them - anything that hides as much in plain sight as niche markets is often unnoticed.

A niche market is simply a part of a much larger market.

But the definition can vary.

For instance, a diet drink could be a niche within the beverage market or a niche in the weight loss market or simply a niche in the much larger food and drink market.

Which is what can confuse people.

Copyright Trevor Dumbleton

There are cases to be made for each of those definitions and probably quite a few more.

The only difference is the slant or angle that you'd put on your content so that it had a better fit with your intended niche.

So if you were in simply mentioning the diet drink on a blog that was mainly about beverages you may well focus on taste, versatility (what it could be mixed with for example) and so on. Whereas if you were in the weight loss market you'd probably focus on how consuming the drink wouldn't pile on the extra pounds.

Or, if your niche within the weight loss market was selling a particular formula then maybe you'd concentrate on the ingredients of the diet drink and how things like Aspartame have associated health risks that aren't always brought to the forefront when they're promoted as an ingredient.

Copyright Trevor Dumbleton

So it's not really so much about finding a niche market online as how you decide to tackle the area you're concentrating on.

Because your niche will determine your focus but equally your focus will determine your niche.

If that doesn't make sense the first time you read it, read it again and then apply it to whichever niches you've already done some marketing in or - if you've not got to that stage yet - to the niches you're considering.

There are at least two sides to every coin in niche marketing. Often many more.

There are almost as many places to search for a niche online as there are websites.

Copyright Trevor Dumbleton

My favourite way is to use the "wisdom of the crowds" in the form of the suggestions that Google makes as you type.

Start out with the broad word or phrase in the general market that you're thinking about finding a niche in.

Then drill down using the suggestions that Google makes as you type.

The phrases that show up are in popularity order and there are a lot more than the 4 or 10 that initially appear once you start drilling down.

Copyright Trevor Dumbleton

Incidentally, if you're only shown 4 suggestions as you type then you need to go into the settings area of Google (usually a picture of a cog near the top right of the search results) and turn off the instant suggestions option. That will have the additional benefit that Google doesn't try to outguess what you're searching for with every extra letter you type.

Once you've got a few suggestions, play around with adding a space at the front of the phrase. Or between words. You'll get extra suggestions.

Copyright Trevor Dumbleton

Once you've hit a phrase you like, click the search button and you should get plenty of niche ideas on the first page of the results. Plus some extra related phrases near the end of the results because Google knows that if you get that far, you've not found what you were looking for.

Use these suggestions to come up with a niche market to target fast.

Then do it - because all the research in the world is useless if you don't act on what you've found.

Copyright Trevor Dumbleton

Once you've decided on a potential niche, it's worth developing a niche marketing strategy so that you can exploit it fully.

Copyright Trevor Dumbleton

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