how to get free lawn care customers with local listings

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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DESCRIPTION - In this video I show you how to get free customers from Google, Yelp, bing, and Yahoo using their Local listings. this is a great way to get new customers for your lawn care or landscaping business.


Welcome to this short video on how to use

Local listings for your lawn care business

to get new customers for free

To start you might be asking..

What are local listing sites?


Why are they important?

Local listings Defined:

A special section on search engine result pages, usually at the very top, reserved for local businesses that match the current search. These listings are usually accompanied by a map.

Local Listings will be one of your best sources for getting free customers off the internet

Local listings break down into two types

Search Engine Local Listings

Local Listing Websites

We will look at each

Lets take a look at search engine local listings first

Here is a typical search your customers would do to find you

Here is the search on Google

Here is the same search on Bing

Here is the same search on Yahoo

As you can see local listings take up a large part of the free listings in search engines for your lawn care business

Local listings also get preferred treatment and are "more visible" to your customers

Your listing also shows up on a map

It shows up again on a list

It takes over the entire right hand of the search page when you highlight it

The first step to using Local listings for your business is quite simple

Take 5 minutes and just list your lawn care business on

Take 5 minutes and just list your lawn care business on

I will make future videos going into the details of each

For now just know ANY listing is much better than NONE

So head over and enter your business info into the 3 major search engines

It will be time well spent

Next are Local listing sites

They are large sites that draw an audience for local businesses

People go there to find a good restaurant

They also go there to find a good lawn care service

Yelp is the biggest and the market leader

72,000,000 monthly users

But there are many others too

You really should have your business listed at all these sites

Since they all have an audience

You can see it takes a lot of time to just list your lawn care business on all these sites

The good news is

Your competitors probably are thinking the same thing

... that is even if they know about local listing sites

They are most likely not even listed on most of these sites

That means just by having your business listed you "win"

If you want the results of being listed in ALL the top local listing sites

But you do not have the time to do it



My team can do it for you at a very affordable price

So step one is to just get your lawn care business listed on



Do them in this order too

Then you can do the others later or hire my team to do them all for you

So how do you get more free customers from local listing sites?

The currency of local listing sites is customer reviews

The more 5 star reviews you have the more new free customers you will get

It is just that simple

Most local sites have "power listings" that you can pay for

You should only pay for these if you have a way to track how many customers they are sending you

That way you know if your ad buy was effective

The best way to get more reviews for your local listings is to just ask your customers

Add a Yelp or Google Local link to your email signature

For printed materials

Make a redirect link on your site

Here is an example:

Redirects them to:

If you do not know how to do this contact me

I can do it for you

Add the link on your business cards

Include links in your bills or invoices

Happy with our service?

Leave us a great review:

“Leaving a great review is the highest compliment you can pay us”

Ask for reviews when you email your customer list too

The single strongest thing to influence your customer's reviews is customer service

Here are some examples

As you can see good customers service is even more critical than ever in the information age

Next only actively drive reviews to Google or Yelp

Reviews there will move-the-needle more than the other sites

They are just larger more active communities

... and you really can't ask your customers to leave reviews at 20 different places

If you really only want to pick one then pick Yelp

It is much easier for customers to leave reviews

Google makes it a little harder for them

Then check your reviews on these sites monthly

If you see a bad review dispute it

You can get them removed

It is worth the time

As you can see getting your lawn care business into

Local listing sites is not hard

It only takes a few minutes

and it will send you new free customers for YEARS

Do it and you will be glad you did

If you want even more tips visit

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