how to grab attention on a business website... and keep it

Post on 13-Jan-2015






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Your website has got just 7 seconds to make a good impression. How can you create website copy that wows quickly?


How to grab attention on a business website… and keep it.

By Splash Copywriters

It’s estimated that your website has now got just 7 seconds to make a good impression.

For businesses, there’s a lot at stake.

Your website copy needs:

• a hook.• to be visually appealing.• to read well.• to be succinct.• to serve your business effectively.• to simultaneously be as bespoke, yet

as wide as possible.

Here are 5 tips to help you achieve all that.

1. Decide who your best customer is.

Find a niche.

You can’t please all the people all the time, so work out where you make your money.

2. Brainstorm.

Having an overall picture of what you want your words to achieve will help you.

3. Think about messaging.

What you want to say about your business isn’t important.

What’s important is what your customers need to hear.

4. Give yourself a word limit.

Not only will this prevent you from writing too much, but it will force you to think hard about every word.

Is every word serving a purpose?

5. Read what you’ve written out loud.

Business copy will be far more effective if it’s written in normal, everyday language.

That’s especially true of website copy.

If what you’ve written doesn’t sound right, change it.

Splash Copywriters are experienced, creative copywriters who have written for some of the UK’s biggest companies.

We know how to write words that work, so if you think we can help you in any way, get in touch.

Call Matt on 07812 581 297 or take a look at our website:

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