how to growth hacking your content by naming the unnamed

Post on 12-Feb-2017






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THE NAME GAMEHow Naming the Unnamed Makes Your Content Unforgettable


Who is Patrick Vlaskovits?

CEO & Founder at Superpowered Inc.,

2x NYT bestselling author and speaker,

And content marketer.

Why Bother to Name the Unnamed?

Originating unique names for problems in your customers' industry draws you a bigger audience.

And creates hooks and seeds your product in future customers, and of course, positions your company as a thought leader.

(Assuming you have great content.)

Why does Naming Work?

Naming a ‘felt need’ gives a problem a ‘name and face’.

Names identify problems. Simply by naming the problem, we now know we can overcome the problem.

Names create the necessary space in our heads to articulate the problem that we feel in our hearts.

Some of the Many Things I’ve Named (acquired),

Coined “Growth Hacking” with Hiten Shah & Sean Ellis. Named many concepts in my books.

And “Android’s 10ms Problem”.

The Power of Naming the Unnamed

Amplify conversation, traffic, backlinks, and leads.

Your stories will have bigger impact and will be repeated and retold.

Listen for people repeating back to you the name you just created. Works for blog posts, talks, white-papers, URLs, books

How Writers Name Things

1) What is the ‘felt need’ or unnamed phenomena?

2) Opportunity for counter-intuitive hook?3) Alliteration?4) Does the reader now feel smarter?5) Promise?

Examples from Books and Common Expressions

1) ‘Brilliant Blunders’2) ‘The 4 Hour Workweek’3) ‘The Iron Curtain’4) ‘Audacity of Hope’5) Pivot/MVP

Last Thoughts

Understand your customers and their pains and then watch, listen and learn.

Spitball names on whiteboard. (No judgement.)

Play with words. Alliteration. Sentence structure.

Test on colleagues and friends. But don’t tell them. Watch reaction.

Q&A and Contact

Patrick Vlaskovits


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