how to improve exam answers. starter i am confident with how to answer exam questions

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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How to improve exam answers


I am confident with how to answer exam questions

Paper 1

Two Hours Part 1 – Aspects of International Relations Part 2 – USA Depth Study

In part 1 answer section B The Cold War 1945 – 1975 question 1 and one other

In part 2 answer question 4 and one other

Types of questions - sources

Both sections have sources to start them off. This is a test of your analysis skills linked to

your knowledge BUT you should also consider it as a trigger

to help you get into the theme of the question.

Types of questions - sources Study the TYPE of question. Is it asking you: ‘how far’ ‘how useful’

‘how reliable’ ‘why published in that year?’ ‘supporting or criticising’

Now use the exam skills you have been taught:

How useful, how reliable, how far = BALANCED ANSWER It is useful because…. However, it is not useful because…


Remember to quote or refer to the sources

Types of questions – essay/knowledge

A) is usually a ‘What’ or ‘Describe’ question for 4 marks

For these answers it is a variety of answers that are acceptable: 4 bullet points (after a starter sentence) 2 facts explained

Types of questions – essay/knowledge

B) Normally asks you to explain of r 6/7 marks

It is crucial to use the words from the question to start and conclude your answer.

Focus on the topic and do not wander off task Give at least two reasons from your subject

knowledge Directly conclude

Types of questions – essay/knowledge

C) ‘How far do you agree with the statement?’

You MUST give a balanced answer It is not ok to only argue that you support one side You MUST show that there are other opinions. Aim for at least two more paragraphs including other

factors A conclusion that directly answers the question and

gives your overall opinion.

Source question on paper 1

How far does the source explain why the USA had serious economic problems by 1929?

Use the source and your own knowledge to explain your answer. (6)

1. Highlight the key words in the question

2. Think about what the examiner would want you to write about. At this point annotate the source with your ideas.

3. Plan your answer – ALL source answers in Paper 1 have THREE parts to them. What would be your THREE steps to answering this question?

4. Write your answer using words from the question in your opening and closing sentences.

THE STEPSHow far does the source explain why the USA had

serious economic problems by 1929?Use the source and your own knowledge to explain your answer. (6)

1. What reasons does the source explain for the economic problems? (Provide evidence from the source).

2. What other reasons do I know about that it does not refer to? (Use you background knowledge about the reasons for the Wall Street Crash).

3. How far does it explain reasons for the economic problems? (Conclusion that refers back to the question).


How far does the source explain why the USA had serious economic problems by 1929?Use the source and your own knowledge to explain your answer. (6)

This source identifies some of the reasons why the USA faced serious economic problems in 1929. It refers to the problems caused by speculation on the stock market by people who had little or no experience of how the system worked. Added to this were the often exaggerated stories in the press which reported big easy profits to be made, often over night. It is true that prices of shares had risen sharply during the 1920s and inexperienced people got used to the idea that prices would always go up. People borrowed money ‘on the margin’ but when prices started to fall there was panic as they could not repay the loans they had taken out. Companies and banks went bust leaving the financial markets in ruins. Whilst a major reason for the problems it was by no means the only one as by the end of the 1920s the ‘boom’ was slowing down for a variety of reasons. Demand for consumer goods was falling as people already had all that they needed coupled with this was the fact that government tariffs had backfired when it came to US businesses wanting to sell abroad and so they could not expand their markets. There was also the underlieing issue that whilst there had been a boom much of the nation had remained in poverty throughout the 20s and only a few were prospering. Therefore, overall, this source does explain some of the reasons for the problems, mainly naïve inexperience, but by no means all.

Your Task

In pairs look at the answers in front of you. Before looking at the answers read the

questions and highlight the key words. Now highlight the three sections of your

answer. The aim is to understand if as a class you

stay focused on the question.

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