how to improve your vocabulary

Post on 11-Nov-2014



Self Improvement



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This course is your personal portal to vocabulary enrichment. The 10 free lessons which discuss proven methods in vocabulary improvement will equip you with a vast knowledge of useful words you can utilize in your everyday dealings especially your professional encounters.


How to Improve Your Vocabulary (A No-Cost Vocabulary Improvement Course)

by Ultimate Vocabulary Software

This course is your personal portal to vocabulary enrichment.

The 10 free lessons which discuss proven methods in vocabulary improvement will

equip you with a vast knowledge of useful words you can utilize in your everyday

dealings especially your professional encounters.

You can also take advantage of the various links to other resources to help you in

your journey to building a better English vocabulary and moving forward in your

career or business.

Take the first step now, read on to the first lesson and cultivate your knowledge of


Pertinence of a Capacious Vocabulary

Leveling up your word powerhouse is one of the best things you can do for yourself

because this will allow you to improve on your English communication skills. Whether

English is your first language or you are learning English to be your second language,

building your English word list will benefit you in many ways. We've heard of the

quote "the right words at the right time" and it is so popular simply because

communication is essential in all aspects of our lives whether it'd be personal or

professional. We just need to communicate at all times.

This is why a wide vocabulary is very helpful to many because it allows a person to

adapt his language to his current situation and the persons he's with.

So congratulations to you since in viewing this webpage, it shows you are already

contemplating on how to improve your vocabulary and that is a great first move

towards your advancement. Yes, we often get by with just the thousand words we

constantly use every day but letting yourself become better and building far-reaching

word knowledge is a big investment in your personal development.

An extensive vocabulary is one of the main ingredients in mastering the art of

communication. It will help you get out of tight situations where you may grapple due

to loss for words especially the right ones fit for your circumstance. An intensive

knowledge of proper words along with proper grammar usage will also help you in

interacting easily with different kinds of situations such as interviews or discussions

and your good command of the language will give a good impression to others about

your competency too.

It also makes talking to you easier for those with a vocabulary in the advanced level

because they would not need to simplify their words just to accommodate your limited

understanding of the leading-edge words they may be using. This ability to play with

words will simply contribute to your professional progress and will make you radiate

in your daily living and socialization.

Making this improvement on your vocabulary will also make you smarter and witty

simply because when you know more words, you will understand more ideas easily

too. Your brain cells will get a much needed workout when you build your vocabulary

and this will make you smarter because the more the brain is made to think and

exercise its muscles, the better it gets in its cognitive skills.

English vocabulary improvement is also not only for adults but for children too.

Children whose mother-tongue is not English are more challenged with the language

as much as adults. It's possible they are taught English in school and they speak it at

home too but their vocabulary may be limited to those they just use on a daily basis

so widening their word knowledge is still needed so they can easily cope with the

changing times as they grow up. When this development is incorporated early on in

their lives then they would not have a difficult time anymore when they grow up in

adapting to more complex English words used in higher grades and in the corporate


Simplest Ways to Improve Vocabulary

Vocabulary improvement is not a difficult course unlike other self-growth or

advancement courses. Because you would not need to train yourself to learn new

skills anymore nor do you need to do away with old habits to learn new words. Aside

from the more intense methods to improve on your vocabulary, there are also simple

ways to widen your word knowledge which you can start with immediately.

Consider the following methods below to kick-start on your vocabulary improvement:

1. Good Reading

I stress here that it should be good reading because the kind of material you should

choose when you intend to increase your word list are quality materials. Tabloid

newspapers and comic books may not count in these but look for top newspapers

with quality articles and topics and a good selection of books on various topics, even

if they look like boring to read because they are so thick and the title is not too

entertaining. These types of materials will introduce you to new words you may have

not heard of before. The dictionary and a pen and paper or a handy notebook will

become your new best friends in your journey to having an expanded word list. While

reading your quality materials and you come across a new word or even one you've

heard of before but don't know its meaning, write it down and look for its meaning in

the dictionary, then write down the meaning too in your notebook. This way it would

be easier for you to review the new words you've come to know while reading.

Contemporary vocabulary software also provide quality selections for reading

materials. To find the best, look into vocabulary software reviews such as this one.

2. Browse the Internet

This is a fun way to improve your vocabulary but again be selective of the materials

you will read. Search for quality articles and content on the internet and explore

beyond your own field to learn new terms in other industries. Try to understand the

meaning of the new words you may see from the words surrounding it this is called

getting the meaning through context clues.

3. Talk and Socialize

Make sure to use the new words you've known in your conversations. It may be

through talking with friends personally, commenting on forums and social networking

sites, over chat or through your email messages. The point is to use the words so its

meaning and usage will be imprinted on your mind.

4. Vocabulary Building Books

You may go to your local library and look for specific books on vocabulary

improvement or purchase one from a bookstore. These kinds of books will provide

you with other methods to enrich your vocabulary.

5. Repeat the words in your mind

Aside from keeping track of the new words you've learned by writing it down on a

notebook, take some time to repeat the words in your mind and use it in your own

sentences even if you just think about it and not say it aloud. Practicing this even just

5 to 10 minutes a day will strengthen your memory of these words and will also

make it easier for you to use them during conversations.

How to Use the Dictionary and Other Resources

As mentioned in the previous lesson, the dictionary will be one of your best friends in

terms of vocabulary build-up.

So you should know how to properly use it. Yes, this may be elementary to many of

us but it would still be beneficial to know how you can get the most out of your

handy dictionary.

There are a lot and I mean, a lot of dictionaries in the market which you can choose

from but you would need a dictionary appropriate for vocabulary expansion and not

just one which will give the meaning of words.

A dictionary is a reference book with words listed in an alphabetical order. The most

relevant information a dictionary provides is the meaning of the words but it may also

contain other facts such as the etymology or root word, pronunciation and usage of

the words.

The dictionary of your choice for vocabulary improvement should be one which

contains not only the meanings of the words but also how the word is used. It's best

if you can find one which also provides the synonyms and antonyms of the word for

better comparison with other words and to better understand how it is used

specifically. Online dictionaries usually have all these characteristics but of course, in

reality, you cannot be online all the time so make sure you can have a handy

dictionary with some if not all of these details.

Another good resource similar to the dictionary is the thesaurus. It is a reference

book but it often only contains the synonyms and antonyms of its word lists. But a

thesaurus is a great source for alternative words which you can choose from for

different situations and topics.

There are two ways in which you can use the dictionary and thesaurus in enriching

your word knowledge. First is by doing the step described in the previous lesson

wherein you refer to the dictionary for the meaning of every new word you encounter

when reading or second, by looking up the word lists in the dictionary, which is in

alphabetical order and learning or memorizing their meanings directly from the

dictionary, then using the words in your own sentences. The same way may also be

done with a thesaurus.

Another resource which you should rely on in building your vocabulary is grammar

books or references like online sites for proper English grammar usage. The new

words you get to know will not be useful at all to you if you would not know how to

properly use it in conversations and in writing. As mentioned, some dictionaries may

contain other details about a word like what part of speech it is and how is it used in

a sentence and then a sample sentence is also given but if your dictionary does not

provide these details then a grammar resource will be a practical and invaluable


If you will choose to learn words from the dictionary's word list then do not force

yourself to learn 100 new words in a day. It's okay to start out slowly then increase

your rate as you get better. In memorizing the meaning of the words, make sure you

understand how and when that word should be used so making your own sentence

with that word is crucial that's why it's alright to start out slow.

Take advantage of the spelling and grammar check available in software like Word or

Pages, these will serve as a guide if the sentence you formulated uses the new word


Root Words, Affixes and Homonyms

Most of the words in English come from Greek or Latin origins while others have

their roots from German, French and the older form of English so knowing the root

words or origin of the words will help you get or guess its meaning immediately even

without referring to the dictionary right away. In addition to that knowing the

meaning of affixes or prefixes and suffixes will help you comprehend the word and its

proper usage too. Homonyms on the other hand are both homographs and

homophones which we'll expound on later in this lesson.

Root Words

Root words or word origins as mentioned are the main words from which longer

words come from. This is like the ancestor of words. For example, the word "tele" is

the Greek origin meaning far off. The new words which grew from it are telephone,

telecast, telecommunication, telegraph, telephony, telegram, and television. Knowing

the etymology or origin of words will help you get an initial understanding of it

especially in English words where a lot of words have expanded due to additions from

other languages. Names of persons have also added to the English vocabulary and

developments in different industries such as TV for television and COD for Cash on

Delivery are accepted English words.


Affixes, commonly known as prefixes and suffixes are also root words. They have

their own meanings by themselves but they are often not used by themselves. They

expand other words to give them more definite meanings. Both affixes and root

words make up many English words more often. Click here1 for a list of common

root words and affixes which you can refer to in building your vocabulary and

understanding of new words.


Homonyms on the other hand are the homophones and homographs. Homophones

are the words which sound alike but are spelled differently while homographs are

words which have the same spelling, may or may not sound alike but have different

meanings.2 Often a homonym is referred to as a homophone but rarely as a

homograph. Examples of homonyms are seen/scene, site/sight, and knew/new.

Building your vocabulary from learning homonyms first will expand it quite fast

because you get to learn two to three words at a time. Learning homonyms for

vocabulary expansion is also a fun approach to training for the skill because you get

to play with the sounds of words as you pronounce them and then learn their

differences through their meanings. It is also easier to remember the words because

another word will remind you of the other one. Click here3 for a good list of

homonyms which you may start with in building your vocabulary. It is a growing list

because of many contributors. You may add your own if you have some which are

not on the list yet or you may make up your own homonym list to personalize your


The same goes for the affixes and root words but that may take some time from you

since you would still need to do some research. However, there is really a vast

reference for word origin, affixes and homonyms in the internet so take advantage of

the longer lists





An Unfathomable Word a Day

Even from our grade school years our English teachers would encourage us to

memorize a word a day to build our vocabularies. This is still a good approach when

you are establishing your word list for a larger English vocabulary. However to make

it fun, interesting and compelling so you would be continuously motivated to continue

and be committed to learning new words aside from its main benefits to your

personal and professional development, it would be a great idea to learn an obscure

or unfathomable word per day. These are the words which are not easy to

understand when you first hear it because it just sounds so deep or vague.

These words may be the long ones or the very short ones which are seldom used in

conversation and even in articles or other reading materials. Click here1 for a very

comprehensive short to medium word list which you may refer to in learning one

word per day. As well, here3 is another site you may visit which provides A Word a

Day for you.

Below is also a word list with their meanings but this time for the lengthy ones which

are also not so often heard of but which you may use in your conversations, writings

and word guessing games if it comes up to make your learning more interesting and

fun too:

WORDS MEANINGS Animadversion A remark of blame, accusation or criticism

Agrestic Uncultured or unsophisticated

Bailiwick A domain or field of interest or expertise

Banal Common, ordinary

Corpulent Obese. fat

Callipygian With well-shaped buttocks

Deipnosophist An expert in dinner-table conversation

Euphony Harmony of sounds

Foppotee A silly person

Facetious Funny, amusing

Heebee-jeebies Jitters, worry, tension

Hebetudinous Lethargic, listless or slow

Hubris Arrogance, pride

Ichthyophagous Eating on fish

Jocularity Fun, amusement, comedy

Jejune Immature, insensitive

Kvetch Complain chronically

Kakistocracy A government appointed by the worst

Loquacious Chatty, talkative

Lynch To kill or destroy

Mammiferous Having mammary glands

Mendacity Being dishonest, untruthfulness

Obloquy Criticism, verbal attack

To add to this, click this link2 for another collection of obscure words you can use for

a whole week.

Remember, the rule in learning these new words is to memorize each one per day

and use it in your conversations and your other approaches to using the English

language especially when it is not your mother-tongue like when you are a learner of

English as a Second Language. The more you use it and recite or say it out loud, the

more you will be able to imprint its meaning in your mind. For words which you are

not sure what part of speech it is, do look it up in the dictionary so you can get an

insight about how to use it properly.





Context Clues and Elaboration

Now let's start off with the more advanced methods in building vocabulary. These

methods may still need the assistance of our friendly dictionary and thesaurus but

most of these rely on our personal knowledge and experiences in order to get the

meaning of new words you may encounter.

Context Clues

This method of learning the meaning of words through its surrounding sentences has

been taught to us from our elementary years in school. Using context clues in getting

the meaning of the word means making an intelligent guess of the meaning. This

method is best used by those whose mother-tongue is English and those who are

very familiar with the language already. But for those who are still in the beginner's

level, context clues may prove to be a challenge.

In learning the meaning of new words through context clues, one simple method in

vocabulary building becomes a supporting technique to context clues and that is

reading1. The only way to make an inference about the meaning of the main word

is by reading its surrounding elements. So read more to catch more new words and

discern their meanings.

When learning the meaning of new words through context clues, it is best to

substitute a familiar word to it which you think may be similar in meaning. If it makes

sense then consult a dictionary to confirm. So for example, after reading a new word

and you infer its meaning, look it up in the dictionary to gauge if you understood its

meaning correctly. If not then try again in another word.

Learning words through context clues is a technique which cannot work by itself

alone but needs another back-up technique which is referring to the dictionary


Context clues may be in the form of antonyms or opposite words, examples to show

the meaning of the word, or simply a synonym or a word similar in meaning2. So

watch out for these clues in the surrounding language.


Another advanced vocabulary building technique is elaboration. It is linking a word to

something similar or very important to you when you learned it. It can be learned by

looking up more usage examples and substituting your own words to the samples or

by associated words such as antonyms and synonyms.

Usage examples can be found in most kinds of dictionaries especially online

dictionaries along with proper pronunciation. Another way to see how a word is

actually used is by looking it up in Google search. Key in the word and browse

through the result and even without going to the exact pages of the links. Just the

search result alone can give you a clear idea of how a word is used in a complete

sentence. Sometimes, usage examples are in Google news too so try using CTRL + F

and find the word in the news article.

When you are already familiar with how the word is properly used, use it in your own

sentences with the elaboration technique in mind. This means the sentence you

formulate with your new learned word is something which is very familiar or

significant to you or which you have just recently experienced. This way it will make

an impression in your mind making it easier for you to recall.




Visuals and Audios

Using visualization or imagery and audio in building your vocabulary is primarily for

recall purposes. Many people easily remember things when they can visualize it or

they have already seen and heard the word. However the applicability of this is

limited to concrete things. For abstract words or those of emotions then visual aids

are not often applicable.

Another way to visualize a new word you have learned whether it's concrete or

abstract is by using flash cards. Flash cards are applicable to any kind of learner and

using these have been a proven learning method through the years. You may write

the words in a piece of cardboard in bold letters and assuming you already know its

meaning and usage then what's left is to keep on remembering the word. So having

written the new words down on a flash card, you may repeatedly go over it and may

even do it several times in a day.

Another way to give this technique a tweak is to write the definitions, synonyms or

antonyms of the word on the opposite side of the flash card for better recall of its

meaning. Adding colors to it will make the word more readable and the colors will

also help remind you of the word and its meaning.

If it would be appropriate and convenient for you to bring ready yet blank flash cards

around then go ahead and do so, so that whenever you get to encounter a new word,

you may write it down and add it to your word list or collection.

But technology has come so far and software providing flash card exercises for

vocabulary building are already available. You may take advantage of these too.

Vocabulary charts and tables are also useful in remembering words and their

meanings. Click here1 to view a sample of a vocabulary chart and here

2 for a sample

vocabulary table. Organizing your word list in these patterns help you create a system

map which can remind you of how the word looked like when it was listed on your

chart or table.

Another very simple way to help you recall the new words you are learning is to put

them on sticky notes, either the application on your PC or the real life 'post its' and

stick it on a corkboard or whiteboard or any wall you prefer which you have easy

access to and can look at it anytime you're at home. Writing the words in different

colored 'post its' will accentuate it more and will help your mind to remember it in a

breeze too.

Online references such as Lex Tutor's Corpus Concordance English will also help you

add words to your vocabulary because the site provides word associations and

combinations when one word is searched on this engine. Click here3 and give it a try.

It's a free site as well.

Building your vocabulary through audio resources is also for the intention of recall.

You may look into these vocabulary audio sources and podcasts for your


1. Just Vocabulary - this podcast provides 2 English words per day to master.

2. Merriam Webster - this site provides words directly from this dictionary and a

speaker pronounces the words.

3. Alpha Dictionary.Com - this podcast gives additional information about the word

such as its origin and story.





Word Games for a Richer Vocabulary

Games are used for the improvement of a number of things like our memory and

games are also beneficial for the enrichment of our vocabulary. Games, just like

imagery assist and challenge our minds to easily recall the word, its meaning and how

it is properly used in a sentence. Building a vocabulary is not only about having a

word list but more so of remembering the new words and using them in your daily

conversations and writings. That is the primary purpose and use of vocabulary


Good thing, for us, word games are very rampant nowadays even for those who

don't have or do not utilize their internet access, one can still play word games to

enhance their word knowledge. The old age crossword puzzle is still one of the best

word games to improve your recall of words and to learn new words at the same

time. If you do not know the answer to one or two questions, it's alright to check the

answer key when you are done with answering the other questions. When a new

word is presented in the crossword puzzle, check the question again to know its

meaning and then look up the definition too in a dictionary. You may now include

this in your new words list.

Scrabble is also another long-time game which will sharpen your recall of the words

you know and have learned already. You can play this with the aid of a dictionary

when you run out of words to use. This way you get to read new words straight from

the dictionary while having fun. The website of the National Scrabble Association also

provides one word a day to reinforce the word knowledge of those who love scrabble.

Click here1 to visit their site and see their recommended word for this day.

You may also scout your local bookstore for word games like boggle or books with

word games such as word hunt. Sometimes this is in the children's section but many

books have words which are not limited to children's ages and can cater to adult

learners as well. Just be keen to get the one suited for you before making any


As we have noted earlier, the internet is a great resource now for word games or all

kinds of games for that matter. No wonder many children are so hooked to it. Here

are a few recommended links so you can start challenging your word knowledge and

recall as soon as possible:

1. and Free Rice - these sites give vocabulary challenge games by

asking learners to choose the definition of the word presented.

2. Write Better English Vocabulary Test - this is a test to gauge how vast or limited

your current vocabulary is. Take it to challenge yourself more.

3. - this site has numerous word games to provide learners. Games

range from the games for kindergarten ages to word games fit for adults like suffix or

prefix games and synonym and root word games.

4. Many - this is a site particularly for ESL students or those studying

English as a Second Language but is still a good resource for word games for native


Start building your vocabulary now in a more fun and interesting way!



Build Your Vocabulary the Way Children Do

Children learn words since birth. This is a natural ability for them. They learn by

recognizing the sounds and associating it with things or persons around them to

know the word meanings. But before they enter school age, children learn more

words not just through sounds but by other means as well to prepare themselves for

the bigger world of school. So let's look at how children add more words to their

vocabulary and see what we can learn from them.

Children are very observant and alert. They listen to every word an adult says and

when they hear something new they imitate the sound right away. So the key

learning methods they use is observation, listening attentively and imitation.

As adults learning new words to improve your vocabulary, you may do how the

children do it too. Be attentive to words being spoken around you especially by the

higher management if you are in the corporate world whether it'd be through

conversations, meetings, emails, memos or presentations. The television, internet,

radio and other media will also always present new words to you, so be on the

lookout all the time for these uncommon words.

When you hear a word spoken, either by a person or through speakers in audio

dictionaries, say it aloud to yourself too so you can ensure if you are saying it

correctly or not. Just like children, imitate how the word is spoken and used.

Children are not afraid to ask. They really ask a lot of questions because they are a

curios lot. The same way may go for you, don't hesitate to ask of the meaning and

pronunciation of a new word when you come across one during conversations. It's

alright to ask and this may lead to an even more fruitful conversation or additional

new words for you to learn. If it's through an email message or an article or eBook in

the internet, then go ahead and look it up in the dictionary or through search engines

like Google, Bing and Yahoo. Curiosity may have killed the cat but not a person

increasing his English vocabulary.

Children as we have said are very curios human beings. They just put themselves in

situations where they can explore and learn. So often, they read books they are

interested in and even those which are not very interesting, as long as there are


Do the same thing. Don't limit yourself. Read a variety of topics to be able to explore

other kinds of terms. Yes, it's alright if you want to increase your business vocabulary

for example. Focus on increasing that for a while but delve into other kinds of

reading materials too. This will broaden your knowledge and will also help you

advance as a conversationalist which is an asset when you are a professional.

Although scientists still consider it a mystery how children from infanthood learn

language with just being exposed to sounds1, we can still learn a lot from the

examples of this younger generation.



How to Develop Your Business Vocabulary

More often than not, the main reason for many persons, native English speakers or

not, to improve on their vocabulary is because of professional reasons. To be aligned

or be more competitive in university; to go up the career ladder and be promoted; to

move to higher management positions; to have more business clients. These are only

some of the reasons why many people, including you may be seeking for vocabulary

enrichment. This is because having excellent and effective English communication

skills is a big plus and a primary contributing factor to being considered as a

competent professional in any field. The impressions words make are really lasting in

the corporate world. Several researches have also shown that those persons in the

higher management positions have far better vocabulary than the rest of the

employees in a company1. Our own words, verbally or in writing, simply tell what

kind of person we are to others.

So having a wide grasp of the business vocabulary is a must for any professional. The

appropriate words should be used for all sectors and members of the business world

to understand your message even with just a small feat such as an email blast to your

team or company department. Being able to communicate and comprehend properly

business terms and ideas will also add to your sense of accomplishment and self-

worth because you can listen and respond appropriately to any kind of conversation

pertaining to business.

The first step you can take is to familiarize yourself with the basic vocabulary words

related to your industry or field. This should not be so hard for those who have

earned college degrees in their fields of work but if your degree is not too close to

the job you landed then you need to exert extra effort to learn the appropriate words

for the industry of your job.

Read magazines and books related to your job and look for online articles and news

discussing the same area too. Make sure you talk with those who are already experts

in the field within your company to gain some insights and new words from them.

When your circumstances permit, do attend seminars or workshops for career

development in your field. Expose yourself as much as you possible to reliable


Take note of all the new words you get to learn. Write it in a handy notebook or

flash cards too. Include the meaning and usage in your notes most especially how it

was used when you came across it. When a word's meaning and pronunciation is still

not clear to you just by learning its meaning from context in writing or conversation,

check out an online source or dictionary to properly comprehend it. Then define it in

your own words too. Then you may include the synonyms for that word in your


Take your advancement further by searching for a collection of terminologies just

pertaining to your field of work. A highly recommended free site for business

vocabulary terminologies is BusinessVocabulary.Org which you may visit through this


Having this special knowledge of the proper business terms in your field of work will

really give you that much needed edge from others. Your efforts will eventually be

very fruitful.





1. Common Root Words


This is a page from Cuesta College's Academic Support of a chart with root words

and their definitions.

2. Homonym


This is the Wikipedia page discussing the definition and use of Homonyms.

3. Alan Cooper's Homonyms


This is an alphabetical list of homonyms and their meanings.

4. Improving Your Vocabulary: Word Lists


This page contains Thorndike's word list which is a good word list to start with in

building vocabulary.

5. A Few of My Favorite Words


This is a page in Paul McFedries' Word Spy which has some unusual yet useful


6. A Word A Day


This is a link to the featured word for the day in which contains its

pronunciation, meaning, etymology and usage examples.

7. A Study on the Practice of Guessing Word Meanings from a Context


This is an online copy of a page of this book which partially explains how meaning

of words can be derived from context clues.

8. Vocabulary in Context


This is a page from the Montgomery College's website which provides information

about the type of context clues from which word meanings can be derived from.

9. Example Vocabulary Chart


This page shows a sample vocabulary chart which can be utilized to help keep track

of word meanings.

10. Example Vocabulary Table


This page shows a sample vocabulary table which is another way to list down newly

learned words and their meanings.

11. NSA's Word of the Day


This is a link to the National Scrabble Association's Word of the Day page wherein

the NSA provides a useful word and its meaning.

12. How Children Acquire Language: The Motor Theory Account


This page shows the study conducted by Patricia Kuhl, a Speech and Hearing

Sciences professor in the University of Washington, on how children learn language

even without speech orientation since birth.

13. Vocabulary as a Business Solution


This article explains why having a wide vocabulary is important to any business and

in moving up the corporate ladder.

14. BusinessVocabulary.Org


This is a link to a website with free Business Vocabulary Training and a collection of

business terminologies.

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