how to lose 10 pounds in 30 days workbook

Post on 29-Jan-2018



Health & Medicine



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Lose 10 Pounds In 30 Days

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Contents Index ............................................................................................................................... 3

Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 4

General Rules ................................................................................................................. 5

Why Are You Overweight? .............................................................................................. 8

Why Does 10lbs Matter Anyway? ................................................................................. 10

Body Mass Index ....................................................................................................... 13

BMI Table .................................................................................................................. 15

Which Plan Is Right For You? ....................................................................................... 17

Detox & Energize ....................................................................................................... 17

Whole Family ............................................................................................................. 19

The Fast & Healthy Way ............................................................................................ 20

The Sugar Junkie....................................................................................................... 21

The Plans ...................................................................................................................... 22

Detox & Energize Plan ............................................................................................... 22

Daily Meals ................................................................................................................ 27

Whole Family Plan ..................................................................................................... 30

Daily Meals ................................................................................................................ 35

The Fast & Healthy Way Plan .................................................................................... 38

Daily Meals ................................................................................................................ 41

Sugar Junkie Plan...................................................................................................... 44

Daily Meals ................................................................................................................ 50

The E Factor .............................................................................................................. 54

Activities .................................................................................................................... 55

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10lbs can equate to 1 1/2 dress sizes or a reduction of around 3 inches in a waistband

for men. It is an amount that you can lose healthily in one month, and without feeling

that you are suffering from any kind of deprivation.

Health professionals recognize that 2 – 3lbs a week is a safe and sensible amount to

lose while following a diet that contains sufficient calories and nutrients to supply you

with the correct amount of energy to meet the average lifestyle requirements.

Of course, not everyone will lose exactly 10lbs in 30 days. Weight loss depends upon

many factors, including:

How overweight you are - the heavier you are, the more you will lose. If you are very

heavy and lose more than 10lbs in the first three weeks of this program, you should

either increase your portion sizes slightly or include an extra snack in your daily plan.

So you want to lose 10lbs? You’re in good company. Most of us want to lose 10lbs or

so and that is because it is an amount that is easy to put on gradually and without

noticing, which is what happens to the majority of people.

Happily, 10lbs is also a good weight loss goal as it is reasonably achievable within 30

days or so. Even better, once you are 10lbs lighter the impact on your fitness,

appearance and self-esteem is clearly visible.

It's also important to understand that those extra 10lbs now can easily turn into 20lbs in

five years, 30lbs in 10 years and so on. That is an amount of surplus weight which will

have a considerable impact not only on your health and fitness, but on your lifespan.

It is therefore an extremely good idea to tackle the problem before it gets out of hand

and that is something you can easily do with the help of this program.

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Your age - if you're young, you will probably lose more than average because our

metabolic rate slows down as we get older and are naturally less active.

Your shape - those of you who are apple-shaped rather than-pear shaped will probably

find that you lose weight more easily.

Other factors, including prescription drugs, exercise levels and so on will also have an

impact on how much weight you lose. You should always consult a health professional

before embarking upon a weight loss program, particularly if you have other factors to

consider which may impact upon your weight loss or which require particular care.

General Rules There are four different weight loss plans in this course, which will cover most lifestyles

and preferences. In the following chapters you will be able to work through a series of

questions to decide which is most suitable for you.

Before we get to those, however, there are some general nutritional rules which apply to

all of the plans and which, if followed, will help you not only lose weight naturally but

keep it off while simultaneously improving your health and appearance.

First and most important is the proportion of different food groups you should take in

every day. Take a look at the food pyramid on the next page and you will see

guidelines for those proportions. These rely on simple common sense, with fats, oils

and sweets to be used only sparingly in your daily diet.

Of course, you already know that these food groups cause weight gain when eaten to

excess and it is that which is key. Rather than deprive you of those foods altogether,

which so many people find hard or impossible to do, the plans in this program aim to

achieve that healthier balance in your diet so that you lose weight naturally while still

enjoying the food groups some other diet plans consider ‘forbidden.’

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Food Pyramid:

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As part of this program, you are provided with a daily food and activity diary that you are

encouraged to complete so you can map your progress over the 30 day course. This

diary can be used with any of the plans and is designed to act as a motivational tool as

well as a record of what you have actually eaten.

Studies have found that many people who have gained weight do not realise what they

actually take in each day in terms of calories. Keeping an accurate food diary means

you cannot cheat yourself on that score!

Don't simply skip forward to the different plans without working through the

questionnaires first as the most successful weight loss programs fit in with your lifestyle

rather than the other way round.

Remember to keep this workbook to hand even when you have lost your weight

because it will also help you keep those pounds off in the months and years to come.

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Why Are You Overweight?

Before embarking on any weight loss program, it is essential that you understand how

and why you came to put on those excess pounds in the first place.

Like the majority of people, you probably started to put on weight when you made some

kind of change to your lifestyle.

You may have begun a new relationship or got married. Perhaps you had a baby. You

may have changed your job and suddenly had to do lots of entertaining or you may

have become more deskbound rather than active.

It could be that you left school or college and found you no longer have time for regular

sports or exercise sessions or you may have been incapacitated in some other way

which means you are less active than you used to be.

Weight gain is also closely linked to our emotions and, if you have been going through a

tough time, perhaps splitting up with a partner or losing your job, then you may well

have turned to food as a source of comfort.

Whatever the trigger, putting on weight almost always involves a lifestyle change that

means you eat more calories than you need or burn off less than you ought to through


It is crucial that you understand the reasons behind your weight gain so that you can

make the necessary alterations to your lifestyle or even change it entirely. There is one

other important thing you need to understand and that is the part the media and the

food industry plays in your weight gain.

Food manufacturers, junk food outlets and other major sellers do not want you to be

slim. For that reason they spend billions of dollars a year persuading us to eat not only

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through advertising, but also through sponsorships and even in the sizing of their

products (multipacks, two-for-one offers and so on).

Temptation is constantly placed in your path, for example those potato chips or

chocolate handily positioned by the supermarket checkout desks, as well as in vending

machines, at stations and airports.

One way to combat this is to train yourself to recognise when people are trying to

persuade you to eat and to understand that you don't really need to eat or drink what

they are offering.

There is very little profit to be made from natural foods compared with the profit that is in

what the industry calls added value foods i.e. the kind of over-processed, heavily

promoted foods which we often view as treats.

Think about it: when was the last time you saw carrots advertised on TV? It's almost

always junk food or fatty foods or sugar-laden treats. You can live happily and healthily

without all of those things.

You also need to understand that this persuasion extends to those who are closest to

you, including friends or family who may have their own reasons for not wanting you to

lose weight. You need to be able to develop your ability to say no to them as well. And

to make your own healthier choices which will, ultimately, benefit those around you as

well as yourself.

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Why Does 10lbs Matter Anyway?

A great motivator to losing weight lies in understanding the difference those extra 10lbs

can make.

Let’s look at some of the key reasons why you should lose 10lbs right now:


Appearances matter. Both men and women want to lose weight because they want to

look better. Being overweight affects self-confidence, which can often manifest in not

taking care of your appearance, whereas losing weight tends to lead to a renewed

interest in looking your best. When you slim down you get a wider choice of clothes

and, as many of you know, simply being able to get into a tight pair of jeans again is a

real motivator.

Unfortunately, research shows that being overweight can even affect your chances of

employment and that, in this economy, is something few of us can afford to jeopardise.

Just being 10lbs overweight means that you will probably still look all right in whatever

you choose to wear but, as I've already said, those 10lbs can quickly become 20, 30

and so on. And that is when the impact is all too visible.


The inevitable ongoing weight gain that will result if you do not address the issue now

means that the health problems which result from being overweight become truly

significant. At only 10lbs overweight, you are unlikely to be suffering from serious

health issues due to your size but as your weight increases, so will your body mass

index (BMI).

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Once that has reached an unacceptable level you are at increased risk of high blood

pressure, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, and so on. If your excess weight is centred

round your abdominal area, as so often happens, than the health risks are even greater.

Emotional Wellbeing

I've already talked about the increased sense of self-confidence that comes from losing

weight. Feeling better is every bit as important as looking better and, in my experience,

almost every person who loses excess weight claims to feel more alive, happy,

energetic and alert.

This can mostly be attributed to a healthier diet and exercise regime, but it's also a by-

product of feeling better about yourself and what you have achieved.

When you're overweight, you tend to feel guilty and sometimes angry or annoyed about

overeating or not being able to control your weight. Once you lose the weight, the guilt

and anger disappears along with it. As guilt and anger are both highly negative

emotions, by removing them you are also removing another cause of ill health.

List Those Reasons

Before you go any further, it's a good idea to make a list of reasons why you want to

lose 10lbs or so.

Ask yourself:

Do I really want to lose this weight?

Am I ready to make the necessary changes to my lifestyle and all diet?

Am I ready to make a healthy diet and sufficient exercise a priority?

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Once you have asked yourself these questions, write out the reasons why you want to

lose weight and then commit yourself to doing so by signing and dating your list so that

30 days from commencing this program you will be able to look back and track how far

you have come.

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Body Mass Index

Following this chapter you will see a height/weight chart, which is based on the body

mass index. This is an internationally recognised index, which is worked out by taking

your weight and dividing it by your squared height. The resulting figure is your body

mass index or BMI.

Take a look at the chart and the one below it to see if you're actually overweight or not.

If you're at or close to the lower limits then you clearly do not need to lose weight. If you

are around halfway between the two limits your BMI should be around 22 to 23 and

therefore practically ideal. In this case you need to ask yourself whether or not you

simply need to tone up rather than lose a few pounds.

If your weight is close to the upper limit then, for the reasons I have already given, you

may want to lose those extra 10lbs or so to bring your BMI down to the acceptable

average of 22 to 23. You should always aim for a weight which is not only realistic but

also one at which you feel comfortable.

Many health professionals now prefer to place more emphasis on your waist

measurement then on your weight and this is because research has shown that the size

of your waist can correlate to health problems such as high blood pressure and heart


For men, a waist measurement between 37 inches/94 cm and 40 inches/101 cm means

that you are one and a half times more likely to have serious heart problems and the

same holds for women whose waist measurement is between 31 inches/80 cm and 34

inches/87 cm.

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A waist measurement of over 40 inches/101 cm for men increases the risk factor to

between two and a half and four and a half times while for women that increased risk

starts at a waist measurement of 34 inches/87 cm and over.

What does this mean for you? Basically, if you are apple-shaped, i.e. you carry your fat

around your middle then you may have a more urgent reason to slim down to a lower

BMI than someone who is pear-shaped and therefore tends to carry their weight around

their hips and thighs.

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BMI Table

This table helps identify BMI for adults. First, find your height in the far left column.

Then move across the row to find your weight. Weight is measured with underwear but

no shoes. Once you've found your weight, move to the very top of that column. This

number is your BMI.

Height 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

4'10" 100 105 110 115 119 124 129 134 138 143 148

5'0" 107 112 118 123 128 133 138 143 148 153 158

5'1" 111 116 122 127 132 137 143 148 153 158 164

5'3" 118 124 130 135 141 146 152 158 163 169 175

5'5" 126 132 138 144 150 156 162 168 174 180 186

5'7" 134 140 146 153 159 166 172 178 185 191 198

5'9" 142 149 155 162 169 176 182 189 196 203 209

5'11" 150 157 165 172 179 186 193 200 208 215 222

6'1" 159 166 174 182 189 197 204 212 219 227 235

6'3" 168 176 184 192 200 208 216 224 232 240 248

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This chart enables you to compare pounds to kilos and see a graphic representation of

what is considered overweight:

The Age Factor

The older you are, the less you should think about slimming down to a BMI of under 22.

Many of us try to slim down to the weight we were in our late teens or early 20s but this

is not only unrealistic, it is less healthy as we get older.

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Which Plan Is Right For You?

This program consists of four different diet plans designed to fit around various lifestyles

and eating preferences. Read on to discover how to identify the right plan for you and

then how to implement it so you lose 10lbs in 30 days…effortlessly!

To help you narrow your choice down to the appropriate weight loss plan for you and

your lifestyle, I have put together a series of questions. Answer each series in turn as

honestly as you can so that you get a true picture of your needs and therefore the plan

that will best meet them. You can write your answers in the space below the questions if

you wish.

Detox & Energize

1. Do you feel not quite yourself, low in energy and maybe a little run down?

2. Are you suffering from digestive problems that could include constipation,

bloating and fluid retention?

3. Is improving your health one of your priorities in losing weight?

4. Do you think that your diet is not as healthy as it could be and that you are eating

too many foods that are high in salt, sugar and fat as well as being over-


5. Are you ready to adapt or change your lifestyle so that you eat a lot more fresh

food and make a healthy diet a priority?

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6. Would it bother you to eat less meat and or animal products?

7. Do you feel as if you would like to make a fresh start?

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Whole Family

1. Do you have a family and or a partner to consider when planning your new diet


2. Is it important to you to be able to prepare healthy meals that all of you can enjoy


3. Does your family enjoy a wide variety of foods from the traditional to the more


4. Would you like to be able to prepare simple but tasty meals quickly and easily?

5. Does anyone else in your family need to lose weight?

6. Is your family budget an important factor when it comes to the food that you buy?

7. Would you like to learn how to prepare the foods you normally enjoy as a family,

but with less fat and calories?

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The Fast & Healthy Way

1. Do you have a very busy lifestyle which it will be difficult for you to change?

2. Does that lifestyle mean that you eat a lot of fast or convenience foods?

3. Do you find that you simply do not have the time to cook?

4. Do you live alone and cook just for yourself?

5. Do you prefer grazing or eating little and often to sitting down to three square

meals a day?

6. Are you happy to pay a premium for healthy fast food?

7. Do you enjoy a wide variety of foods, tastes and textures?

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The Sugar Junkie

1. Have you found it hard to stick to a diet in the past because it means you have to

give up your favorite candy or desserts?

2. Do you crave something sweet after a meal?

3. Would you find it easier to stick to a diet that incorporated those sweet treats

rather than banned them altogether?

4. Would you like to learn how to control the amount of sugary treats you indulge in

without feeling deprived?

5. Do you enjoy eating a variety of other foods?

6. Are you prepared to change your diet so that you can include the sweet things

you love in reasonable rather than excessive quantities?

7. Would you call yourself an organised person or are you prepared to become

organised enough to make the necessary changes to your diet and lifestyle?

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The Plans

Detox & Energize Plan

To detox means to rid our bodies of all the toxins or poisons that we accumulate from

food and drink, modern lifestyles and even through illness. Unfortunately the foods we

ingest nowadays often contain high levels of pesticides and herbicide residues as well

as hormones, antibiotic residues, artificial additives and a host of other chemicals.

Our modern lifestyles mean that we take in toxins in other ways, including alcohol and

through chemicals in the atmosphere and even through food wrap. If we fall ill then

both the viruses and bacteria that cause many illnesses are toxins and even the

medicine that we take to treat them can be toxic if taken over longer periods.

If you're young and fit then your body's own systems may well be able to remove these

toxins from the body on their own as waste matter, urine, sweat and through your

breath. If, however, you are frequently suffering from minor ailments or simply feel

bloated and under par, then your body may need some extra help.

A detox plan will help boost your bodily systems and works very well alongside a

revitalising, energising diet. Fruit, vegetables, complex carbohydrates and essential fats

are all foods that can help boost your energy levels as well as containing high levels of

essential vitamins and minerals.

A healthy diet that combines all these foods will be high in the antioxidant vitamins A, C

and E as well as in the essential mineral selenium. Antioxidants are vital to help

neutralise free radicals in your body, these being substances which are a normal by-

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product of your metabolism but which can be produced in excess when you are under

stress or subjected to many toxins.

Free radicals have been linked to the human ageing process and, in excess, to all kinds

of illnesses including cancer and heart disease.

By following the Detox & Energize Plan you will lose weight naturally as the food this

program includes are naturally low in saturated fats and added sugars. This means that

you do not need to spend lots of time measuring and weighing portions or creating

complicated menus.

A lot of detox programs throw you in at the deep end, forcing you to fast or take in very

little food at the beginning, which nearly always means you end up feeling de-energized

rather than re-energized and frequently suffering from a headache to boot. There is

absolutely no need to fast in order to detox if you follow the gentle plan I lay out here.

For a detox plan to work best you need to take moderate exercise as well as altering

your diet. Ideally, this exercise should be taken outdoors to stimulate your lymph glands

and improve your blood flow. Exercising outdoors also means filling your lungs with

oxygen rich air, all of which helps to remove toxins from your body.

As well as exercising and following a healthier diet, you need to make lifestyle

adjustments so as not to take in any of the toxins which would simply overload your

body once more.

This means that while following the Detox & Energize Plan you should not drink alcohol,

smoke or take drugs of any kind, other than those prescribed by your doctor. It is also

best to avoid vitamin or mineral supplements unless these are completely natural and

preferably certified organic.

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Ideally, all the food you eat and drink while on the plan should also be organic as this

guarantees it’s free from chemicals and additives. It is also essential that the foods you

ingest should be wholefoods, in other words, unrefined. This means avoiding white

bread, white rice, white pasta, refined sugar and anything other than wholegrain


Organic food is more expensive but by following the Detox & Energize Plan most people

find that they actually save money on their grocery bill because all those high cost,

highly processed foods are not included and also because overall calorie consumption

is reduced.

While following a detox plan you should make sure you get plenty of rest, including

consistently good sleep, and you should avoid stressful situations while taking time out

to relax on a daily basis.

Unlimited Foods

Here is a list of all the items you can have in unlimited quantities during the detox and

energise plan:

Foods: fresh and frozen organic green vegetables and salad ingredients.

Herbs, sauces and spices: fresh or dried herbs and spices, lemon juice, unsalted

tomato paste or purée, apple cider vinegar, white wine vinegar, unsalted vegetable

stock (cubes or powder).

Drinks: water, mineral water, organic herbal teas, unsweetened fruit teas, green tea,

white tea, fresh home-made fruit or vegetable juices, although you should limit carrot

juice to one glass a day.

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It is important that you remember to drink at least 4 pints of fluid every day.

Over the course of the Detox & Energize Plan you should eat plenty of the following


Foods that contain high levels of vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant and is also

important for the absorption of iron. Excellent sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits,

blackcurrants, kiwi fruit, sweet peppers, broccoli, parsley, strawberries, mango, melon,

tomatoes, leafy greens, fresh chilli peppers, fresh and frozen fruit and vegetables -

although you should avoid canned fruit and vegetables as these contain very little

vitamin C.

Foods high in vitamin E which is another antioxidant that is vital for healthy skin, boosts

the body’s immune system and also has excellent anti-ageing properties. Good sources

of vitamin E include sunflower oil and seeds, safflower oil, hazelnuts, sun-dried

tomatoes, wheat germ oil, almonds, corn oil, groundnut oil, pine nuts, Brazil nuts, sweet

potato. Make sure you store vitamin E-rich oily foods in cool, dark conditions and use

quickly as they can easily go rancid.

Foods high in the vitamin B group which are six vitamins that work together to help the

body maintain its metabolic processes, energy levels and various other vital tasks for

optimum health. Good sources of vitamin B include whole grains, fish, eggs, poultry,

lean pork, as well as a wide range of healthy foods so it is important to maintain a varied


Beta-carotene is an antioxidant which helps to boost the immune system and to mop up

surplus free radicals. Good sources of beta-carotene include sweet potato, dark leafy

greens, sweet peppers, chilli peppers, carrots, orange-fleshed melon, mango, tomatoes,

and broccoli.

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Selenium is an antioxidant mineral which works alongside vitamin E and is highly likely

to be deficient in the average diet thanks to modern farming methods. Excellent sources

of selenium include Brazil nuts. Other good sources include canned or fresh tuna, green

or brown lentils, mullet, squid, sardines, sunflower seeds, white fish, wholemeal bread,

salmon, walnuts, lean pork.

Zinc is another antioxidant mineral that is important in the elimination of toxins and

maintaining liver health. Good sources of zinc include wheat germ, seeds, nuts,

shellfish, lean red meat, Quorn.

Iron transports oxygen from your lungs through your body and therefore boosts the

healing and immune system. Iron deficiency is fairly common in females and can cause

low energy and a general sense of lethargy.

Excellent sources of iron include seaweed, green or brown lentils, ground ginger,

sesame and pumpkin seeds, soy beans, dried peaches and apricots, bulgur wheat, pot

barley, brown rice, dark leafy greens, broccoli. Lean red meat and eggs are good

sources of easily absorbed iron but contain a reasonable amount of saturated fat and

should therefore be consumed in moderation.

As well as the above you need to ensure that you consume enough essential fats which

are found in excellent quantities in seed and nut oil as well as in seeds and nuts

themselves. A number of other plant foods and fish also contain fairly good amounts of

some of the essential fatty acids.

You also need to take in adequate fibre so that food passes speedily through your

system, thereby helping the elimination process. Fibre is also excellent in preventing

hunger pangs. All unrefined plant foods contain some fibre and good sources include

whole grains, peas and beans, dried apricots, figs and prunes, leafy green vegetables,

pulses, pot barley.

To aid the detoxification process you need to support your liver and gallbladder. To help

your liver you can add dandelion root, parsley, peppermint leaves, apples, cucumber,

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onions, artichoke hearts, beetroot juice and olive oil to your diet. Milk thistle supplement,

which is available from health food shops or online, is also helpful.

Daily Meals Choose one from each section.


Brown toast with a scraping of butter, low sugar jelly or jam, natural bio yoghurt, fresh

orange or grapefruit juice

Fresh berry fruits, natural low-fat bio yoghurt, sunflower seeds or oat flakes

One boiled egg, two rye crisp breads, one orange

Smoothie made with skim milk blended with banana and one cupful berries, topped with

wheat germ

Fresh fruit and low-fat bio or soy yoghurt mixed with chopped walnuts, Brazil nuts,

almonds, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, fresh fruit juice

Rye bread spread with a scraping of butter and pure fruit spread, one orange, one small

tub low-fat bio yoghurt, handful Brazil nuts or almonds

Selection of fresh and dried fruit with low-fat bio yoghurt and a handful of no added

sugar or salt muesli, fresh fruit juice

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Large fresh mixed salad that includes a selection of fresh herbs such as parsley and

dark leaves such as rocket or baby spinach, extra virgin olive oil and apple cider vinegar

dressing, small portion of hummus

Broccoli soup, one banana

Cooked brown rice mixed with a little lean cooked, chopped chicken, orange slices and

walnuts with an extra virgin olive oil and orange juice dressing

Cold poached salmon mixed with cooked whole-wheat pasta tossed in pesto sauce,

green salad

Turkey salad sandwich on wholemeal bread, one banana

Whole-wheat pitta bread filled with hummus and salad, one piece of any fruit

Coleslaw made with shredded carrot, cabbage and onion, chopped apple, walnut pieces

and pine nuts tossed in a dressing made with lemon juice and low-fat bio yoghurt, glass

of fresh fruit juice

Small portion of tuna in spring water or brine, drained, tomato and onion salad with leafy

greens, one piece of fruit

Evening meals:

Small fresh tuna steak fried in 1 tablespoon groundnut or extra virgin olive oil, handful of

new potatoes, unlimited green beans and broccoli, fruit juice

Small portion of chicken breast baked in foil with garlic and lemon juice, sweet potato

(boiled or mashed), unlimited broccoli and peas

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Medium baked potato topped with a selection of steamed or oven roasted

Mediterranean vegetables including onions, red and yellow peppers, tomatoes and

mushrooms, sprinkled with extra virgin olive or groundnut oil, glass of fresh juice

Baked trout sprinkled with a handful of almonds, unlimited broccoli and spinach, fresh


Lean chicken or turkey stir fried in extra virgin or groundnut oil with a selection of fresh

sliced vegetables including broccoli and red peppers, one small portion whole-wheat

noodles, one orange

Small lean steak, handful of new potatoes, unlimited leafy greens and peas, fresh fruit


Baked potato topped with baked beans or home-made chilli, large mixed salad


Fresh fruit

Small piece plain organic chocolate

Small piece cheese and an apple

An oat cake with hummus

Handful of almonds

One small pot bio yoghurt

Dried fruit

Smoothie made with skim milk and fresh fruit blended and topped with a little wheat

germ if liked

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Whole Family Plan

So why are family life and weight gain inextricably linked, especially for women?

Generally speaking, women are shorter than men, and they need to eat less to maintain

a reasonable body weight. When they are single, they tend to follow a healthy regime

that helps them to do just that.

As soon as they begin living with a man, however, those pounds start to pile on. Men

like man-sized meals and this tends to encourage women to eat larger portions. They

also tend to be hungry more often than women and this means that the women in their

lives end up sharing extra meals and snacks with them.

For both sexes, once you’re sharing meals it also seems like a good idea to include a

bottle of wine in the evening. If you live on your own, you don't tend to bother with lunch

at weekends but once you have a partner it seems nice to share that too.

As for breakfast, that single slice of whole-wheat toast can quickly turn into another

large, cooked meal. Before you know it, you’re eating way more than you used to. And

of course you weigh more than you used to as well.

Once you have children, the problem simply gets worse. You’re not just eating for two

but for three, four or even more. There may be even more meals to prepare as children

often eat their meals earlier and therefore separately and this means there is yet more

opportunity to pick or snack.

Far too many mothers dip into their children's food after they come home from school

when they are hungry after a busy day but it is still too early for their own evening meal.

Family budget can also be a factor as kids are expensive. Many women feel that they

can only afford lower cost, more fattening foods, which is in fact a myth and one which I

will dispel with this particular plan.

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Even when your kids become teenagers and share mealtimes with you their

corresponding enormous teenage appetites, especially for boys, mean that they

demand even larger platefuls of calorific food which is just the kind of thing you want to

cut back on.

Finally, the kids leave home and all too often it's at this point that far too many women

hear their husbands tell them: ‘You're too fat. Why don't you do something about it?’

There is one simple solution to all of this and that is to follow the Whole Family Plan and

its family friendly recipes so that you can reach and maintain a healthy weight along

with every other member of your family.

Top Tips

Here are my top tips for losing weight when you have a family:

Learn to put yourself first again. This doesn't mean you have to become selfish but it

does mean that you need to think about your own needs more when shopping for and

preparing food. When shopping, make sure you include plenty of healthy foods you like

and that will help you stick to your plan.

If you have children who are still young, this is an excellent opportunity to get them

eating healthily too. While you should not give young children a very low-fat diet,

neither should you give them lots of sweets, candy, salty and fatty snacks or sugary

drinks. Young children should be given whole milk and white bread at least

occasionally for its calcium content and, if they are underweight, they should be given

more energy dense foods such as carbohydrates, cheese and even French fries on


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If your children have a packed lunch at school then this is your chance to give them all

those calories and nutrients they need while avoiding the calories yourself. Unless your

child is overweight or obese, there's no harm in giving him or her plenty of sandwiches,

milk, cake or muffins and even a little chocolate. Nuts and seeds are excellent for

children over the age of five who do not have any allergies to them, and if you add in a

piece of fruit, you have a good, balanced meal.

All children, including teenagers, will also benefit from a snack when they come in from

school or college unless they have a weight problem. A good mid-afternoon snack,

especially for teens, will mean that they will be satisfied with a less calorific meal when

you all eat together. Make sure you have a healthy snack for yourself to hand if you are

preparing an earlier meal for younger children, such as fruit or crudités and a low-fat


If older children and/or your partner will be eating the same meal as you in the evening,

this is not a problem on this plan. You can all eat the same thing but you can simply

give them bigger portions and perhaps add extra carbohydrates such as bread,

potatoes, pasta, rice, etc. They can also add a little butter to their vegetables or baked

potato and they can have a dessert such as fruit and cream or yoghurt.

Never say that you're on a slimming diet, but rather that you're going to begin to eat

more healthily. Both men and children hate the idea of slimming and slimming foods

and in this they have a good point. There is absolutely no need to consider yourself to

be slimming but rather to be boosting your health and, in the process, making yourself

feel and look better.

Make sure that you plan ahead as this is absolutely vital to the success of this plan. If

you spend a little time each week planning your menus, you will save a great deal more

time when shopping or in the kitchen. It will also mean that you do not buy high calorie

snacks and nibble those on impulse because you can't find anything else to eat. Write

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out shopping lists and try to avoid shopping with your kids who will inevitably try to

persuade you to buy things that have no place in your new, healthy regime.

Always be aware of what you're eating and why. Try to give your body only what it

needs and, again, think of your own needs rather than anybody else's. There will come

a point when you find that you can stop yourself from eating to excess or even at all

unless you are genuinely hungry and therefore need the food. Always remember that

weight gain is rarely caused just by what you eat at your main meals, but rather by what

you eat in between and when away from home - in other words snacks.

Put strategies in place to prevent other members of your family sabotaging your

plan. You need to stop them from taking your private food or drinks. A good way to do

this is to keep a sealed container in the fridge with your name on it for items you might

need for your breakfast or lunch, e.g. fruit, low-fat cheese, soups, yoghurts and so on.

Of course there are always special occasions when you want to produce a more

elaborate meal. That's absolutely fine and you can happily include that within your

regime knowing that it will not throw you off course. If your partner or kids want to cook

you a meal then suggest they choose something that fits with your plan, either by

showing them the relevant recipes or investing in healthy cookbooks and letting them


If budget is a consideration, keep in mind that healthy food is not actually more

expensive. If you buy in season salads, fruit and vegetables as well as meat and fish,

then you will find that you are not spending more than you usually do. If you also

include a good few carbohydrates such as bread, potatoes, pasta and rice, you will not

only have staples that the entire family loves but you will also find that these are

extremely good value.

There are a few more expensive items within this plan but there is absolutely no need to

choose them if you don't want to or if they don't fit within your budget. Remember that if

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you're cutting down on fattening foods such as cookies, cakes, candy and desserts, you

will have more money to spare for the extra fruit and vegetables that you will be buying.

Unlimited Foods

The following foods are unlimited on this plan:

Drinks: water, mineral water, herbal teas, green tea, tea and coffee with milk from your

daily allowance (no sugar), lemon juice, no calorie soft drinks

Foods: salad and leafy greens, cucumbers, onions, leafy green vegetables, carrots

Herbs, sauces and spices: fresh or dried herbs and spices, lemon juice, tomato purée

or paste, low-fat stock (cubes or powder), vinegar, light soy sauce, oil-free French

dressing and other low calorie salad dressings

Daily milk allowance: you have a daily milk allowance of 8 ½ fluid oz/250 ml skim milk

for use in tea or coffee or on its own as a drink. If you do not take milk then replace this

with one 4 oz/125 ml pot of natural low-fat yoghurt. Milk for breakfast cereals is in

addition to this allowance.

Fruit: one portion of fruit in this plan means one medium piece of fruit other than a

banana (which should be small) or two small fruits such as plums or Satsumas, or a

medium bowl of small berry fruits such as strawberries, or a small handful of grapes, or

a medium bowl of fresh fruit salad.

Bread: one slice of bread in this plan means one slice from a large, medium cut loaf

with a little low-fat spread. This can be toasted if preferred.

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Daily Meals Choose one from each section.


One slice bread, 2 teaspoons low sugar jelly or jam, one large banana, one small glass

fresh fruit juice

One English muffin spread with low-fat spread and 2 teaspoons low sugar jelly or jam,

one portion fruit

One twin pot bio yoghurt, one slice toast with 2 teaspoons low sugar jelly or jam, one

small fruit

One medium boiled or poached egg, one slice bread, one glass fresh fruit juice

One medium bowl low-fat natural bio yoghurt, a handful muesli, one portion fruit, one

spoonful sesame seeds

Small bowl cornflakes or bran flakes with 4 oz/125 ml low-fat natural yoghurt, one

chopped apple and 1 teaspoon sesame seeds, one glass fresh fruit juice

One medium bowl porridge made with water, skim milk to cover, 1 teaspoon honey,

slice of toast


Any take-out sandwich, 300 cal or less, one portion fruit

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One small cooked chicken breast with one large mixed salad and 4 tablespoons cooked

rice or pasta, mixed with oil free French dressing and chopped dried apricots, one fruit

fromage frais

One carton fresh soup, one small whole-wheat roll or one slice bread

One McDonald’s hamburger (no cheese), one McDonald’s pure fruit juice

One small low-fat, stone baked vegetable pizza, green salad

One take out pasta or rice salad, 300 cal or less, one glass fresh fruit juice

Sandwich made with two slices bread filled with 3.5 oz/100 g tuna in brine or water,

drained, one tablespoon low-fat mayonnaise, salad, one portion fruit

Evening meals:

Four cod fillet fish fingers, grilled or baked, 3 tablespoons mashed potato, 4 tablespoons

peas, one portion fruit

Two egg omelette cooked in a non-stick pan sprayed with oil, filled with mushrooms or

grilled red peppers, 3.5 oz/100 g oven fries, peas or salad

One small lean steak, 2 tablespoons new potatoes, 4 tablespoons sweetcorn or green

beans, one portion fruit

4.5 oz/125 g portion roast lamb or pork, two roast potatoes, one spoonful mint or

applesauce, unlimited leafy green vegetables, 2 tablespoons thin gravy

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One medium chicken breast, grilled or baked, skin removed, 3 tablespoons new

potatoes, 4 tablespoons sweetcorn or peas, one large banana

One medium baked potato filled with one small can baked beans, top with 2

tablespoons half fat hard cheese, grated, salad

Two large, low-fat sausages, grilled, 3 tablespoons mashed potato, unlimited leafy

green vegetables or 4 tablespoons baked beans, one portion fruit

Snacks and treats:

One medium glass of wine or one ½ pint/275 ml bottle cider or beer

Two dark rye crisp breads spread with one tablespoon peanut butter

One small bag reduced fat potato chips

One pack chocolate chip Weight Watchers cookies

One apple and raisin chewy bar

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The Fast & Healthy Way Plan

So you have a lifestyle that means you have little time to cook or shop for food? Or you

simply like fast food and don't want to be deprived of it?

The good news is that it is possible to lose weight and have a far healthier diet while

including those convenience foods that you love, and without spending hours and hours

in the kitchen. Just to convince you, here is a list of quick and easy foods you can

happily include in a fast, but healthy diet:



Unsweetened breakfast cereals


Soup in cartons or cans





Strawberries and other berry fruits

Dried fruit



French fries


Chinese food

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There are all kinds of other foods which you probably don't consider as fast food right

now, but which fit in very well with a busy lifestyle while having fantastic health benefits.

These include:






People who prefer fast food tend to snack or eat little and often. Sometimes they even

feel guilty about it. In actual fact, eating little and often is healthier than having just one

or sometimes three large meals because our digestive systems cope better and our

metabolism is actually raised when we eat like this.

Snacking in itself is not a sin, but you need, of course, to watch the type of snacks that

you are eating. Chocolate bars and chips are just two examples of unhealthy snack

items that can be replaced by foods that are healthier and, in fact, tastier.

My top tip for those people who want to stick to the fast food lifestyle but make it

healthier is to plan ahead. Taking just 10 minutes to plan your shopping and diet for the

week will save you an awful lot more time than simply shopping and eating on impulse.

Stocking up your store cupboard with handy items such as pasta, rice, canned pulses,

tomato purée and paste, as well as spices, soy sauce and so on, will mean that you can

easily and quickly make a meal in minutes when you add in some simple, fresh

ingredients. Planning to buy those fresh ingredients in one visit to the shops means that

you have everything organised on a week to week basis.

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The Fast & Healthy Way Plan is designed to fit around your lifestyle. Each day of the

week you choose:

One breakfast (which you can pack and eat on the hoof if you prefer)

One lunch which can be eaten at home, as a packed lunch or as a takeout option

One evening meal which can be a commercial ready meal but try to limit these to once

or twice a week and ensure they total 450 calories or less

A fruit snack - each day choose one portion of any kind of fruit or, alternatively, a small

glass of chilled fresh fruit juice instead

Milk - each day you have 8 ½ oz/250 ml skim milk to use in tea or coffee or to drink on

its own. If you do not drink milk then substitute with 4 oz/125 ml low-fat natural bio

yoghurt instead to ensure you take in enough calcium. Milk for breakfast cereal is on top

of this allowance.


Each day choose 150 cal worth of snacks from the following list, mixing and matching

as you like:

25 cal or less

Three dried apricots

Two fresh carrots

One dark rye crisp bread

One amoretti cookie

Two tablespoons cold baked beans

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50 cal or less

One slice French toast with honey

One peach, pear or orange

One crisp roll with one teaspoon peanut butter

One cheese string

One individual light Babybel cheese

100 cal or less

Two cookie pack Weight Watchers cookies

One Shape twin pot yoghurt

One apple and raisin cereal bar

One Haagen-Dazs frozen yoghurt bar

One small packet reduced fat potato chips

One 0.8 oz/23 g pack Butterkist popcorn

Daily Meals Choose one from each section.


One diet fruit yoghurt, one apple, one slice whole meal, brown or white bread spread

with a little low-fat spread and low sugar jelly or savory spread

One individual bio pot yoghurt, any variety, one large banana

One medium bowl bran flakes or cornflakes, 4 oz/125 ml skimmed milk, one piece fruit

One individual sachet or box of muesli with milk from allowance, fruit

6 tablespoons baked beans on one slice toast with the little low-fat spread

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8 oz/225 ml low-fat natural bio yoghurt, one small sliced banana, 1 teaspoon honey

Half a can whole-wheat spaghetti in tomato sauce on one slice of toast spread with a

little low-fat spread


One regular McDonald’s hamburger (no cheese), one McDonald’s pure orange juice

Any supermarket sandwich that is 300 cal or less, fruit

One pitta bread filled with one can tuna in brine or spring water mixed with low fat

mayonnaise or tomato sauce, chopped salad

Any supermarket take-out salad bowl that is 300 cal or less, one slice melon

One can chicken with pasta and vegetable soup, one whole-wheat roll with a little low-

fat spread, fruit

One portion takeout or supermarket pasta salad with mushrooms or vegetables, 400 cal

or less

One take out baked potato filled with baked beans or low-fat cheese, fruit

Evening Meals

Chicken tacos made with one chicken breast stir-fried in Old El Paso mild or hot sauce,

two taco shells filled with lettuce, tomato, onion, topped with 1 tablespoon guacamole or

1 tablespoon Greek yoghurt.

One shrimp or chicken chop suey (individual portion) from Chinese takeout

One medium salmon steak, grilled or dry fried, handful boiled new potatoes, 4

tablespoons peas or petit pois, 1 tablespoon hollandaise sauce or light mayonnaise

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One Weight Watchers Beef Lasagna, mixed salad

One individual or half of a two portion Margarita pizza

One individual frozen cod fillet in bread crumbs, grilled, one 3.5 oz/100 g pack micro

fries heated in a microwave or individual portion of fries baked in oven, 3 tablespoons

peas or petit pois

Two egg omelet cooked in nonstick pan with a little oil spray and filled with 2

tablespoons chopped ham or grated half fat cheese, one individual pack micro fries or

individual portion of fries, salad

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Sugar Junkie Plan

So you want to lose weight but the problem is that you can’t live without chocolate,

candy or your regular cookies and desserts. Most diets or slimming plans don’t allow

those foods and so you don’t even try to lose weight.

Here’s the good news: sugary, sweet foods are healthy in moderation. According to the

experts, up to 10% of our daily calories can come from sugars. On a weight loss plan

like this, that means you can have 130 calories’ worth or up to 1.2 oz/35 g of sugar a


Unfortunately, sweet foods are also frequently high in fat and it is that fat content which

gives nutritionists cause for concern, especially as it is often saturated fat which is

linked with heart disease.

A reasonable target for your daily fat intake is 30% of the total calories you consume.

On a healthy eating plan such as this that means 390 cal worth of fat and around 1.5

oz/43 g.

In this plan you’re given a weekly allowance of 1400 cal or an average of 200 cal per

day for sweet or fatty foods. You will see that you can have up to 4 sweet snacks per

day on this plan and this is because the rest of your daily diet is low in fat and sugar.

This means that eating your treat foods is fine so long as you stick to the rest of your

balanced diet and keep to these four easy steps to tame that sweet tooth:

1. Keep up your blood sugar

Low blood sugar, and its side-effects, can make you feel weak and tired which will have

you reaching for those high fat and sugar snacks. To prevent this happening you need

to eat little and often which is why this plan gives you three meals and one healthy

snack a day as well as your sweet treats.

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Ideally you should aim to eat breakfast between 8 and 9 a.m., lunch between 12 and 1

p.m. have your healthy snack at around 4 to 4:30 p.m. and your evening meal between

7 and 8 p.m. If there are particular danger times of day when you may be tempted to eat

more than adjust those times accordingly.

In between meals you can snack on any of the unlimited items listed and you also have

your daily sweet treats. It is very important that you do not eat high sugar sweet treats

on an empty stomach or when you haven’t eaten for a while. Try to eat them with a

meal or snack or soon after a meal or snack. That way you will not eat more than you

planned and you won’t exceed your weekly allowance.

The meals and snacks within this plan are high in foods which take a long time to be

absorbed into the bloodstream and therefore keep you feeling full for longer and those

blood sugar levels even.

It is important that you eat everything you’re allowed on the plan so that you achieve a

balanced diet and help to diminish those sugar cravings. If you do get a craving for

something sweet do not snack on a high calorie candy bar outside your weekly

allowance but have an extra healthy snack such as an apple, an orange or some dried


2. Stay positive

It’s important to approach this eating plan with a positive and healthy attitude and to

understand that you really are not going to die if you eat less candy or sweet treats than

normal. That healthy attitude includes paying more attention to what you put in your

mouth and body, as well as noticing likely times and situations when you would indulge

in something sweet so you can put an alternative strategy in place.

It’s a good idea to think up at least 10 alternative strategies now to indulging in sweet

foods when you’re bored or need comfort or whatever your particular trigger might be.

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These should be easy, instant and inexpensive things such as phoning a friend, going

for a walk, taking a bath, doing some gardening, watching a favorite movie and so on.

It’s important to plan your shopping and only buy the items you need for your meals and

your sweet treats. If you have a family and they, too, are sugar junkies then there is no

harm in them cutting down as well. If they really insist on their own extra sweet treats

tell them to buy and eat them outside the home.

3. Ditch the guilt

It’s important that you learn to enjoy every last mouthful of food and you can’t do that if

you feel guilty about what you are eating. Never forget that on this plan your sweet

treats are allowed and even included within your diet and you are to enjoy them every

bit as much as you would if they were forbidden.

You could even plan each day when you’re going to have your sweet treats, and look

forward to them, while telling yourself that you deserve them. This is especially

important if you have been living with a binge/starve pattern which means you start a

strict diet or even fast and find after a few days that you give up and binge on all your

favorite foods again. You then feel guilty, starve yourself again, give up and binge again

and so on.

By thinking of your sweet treats as something to enjoy you will be able to retrain

yourself to think of any treat as simply part of your regular diet. This turns them into a

food that is no more or less important to you than vegetables, meat, bread or milk but

simply a part of a healthy, varied eating plan. When you get to that stage you are in

control of your sweet tooth rather than the other way around.

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4. Get a life

That’s not meant to be insulting but simply to teach you that you can have a happy life

without sweet foods or by including them in moderation. I have created this plan

because I would far rather you lose weight and still indulge in your sugary treats than

remain overweight and not try at all because you cannot live without them.

Many people have found, by following this plan, that they actually crave sweet foods

less and less. This is partly because they are eating a more balanced, healthy and

varied diet. If you keep a food diary alongside this diet and notice what is happening

day-to-day when you are on it, you will also soon realize that sweet treats have been

taking the place of other things such as exercise, activity, fun, friends, or even just time

to be yourself.

They may even have been replacing taking action to sort out problems such as

relationship difficulties, stress or lack of confidence. It is all too common to turn to sweet

foods when life throws up a problem but this is, in fact, the last thing you need to do.

Follow this plan and you will find some healthier alternatives.

Unlimited Foods

Every day on this plan you can have the following items in addition to what is already


Drinks: water, mineral water, tea or coffee (black or with milk from your daily allowance

and, if you are using sugar, as part of your daily treat), herbal teas, unsweetened fruit

teas, low-calorie squashes. If you absolutely have to drink diet fizzy drinks then do so in


Foods: salad vegetables, leafy green vegetables.

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Sauces and spices: fresh or dried herbs and spices, lemon juice, lime juice, light soy

sauce, miso, tomato purée or paste, vinegar, oil free dressings.

Milk allowance: You have a daily allowance of 8 ½ oz/250 ml of skim milk or 6 ½

oz/200 ml of 1% fat milk to add to tea or coffee or to drink on its own. You can substitute

soy or nut milk if required. If you do not drink milk, have one small pot of natural low-fat

yoghurt instead for the calcium content. Milk for your breakfast cereal is in addition to

this allowance.

Sweet treats

Each week you have your allowance of 1400 cal allotted to your sweet treats. Ideally

you should spread this out over the week as 200 cal a day. Here is a list of suggested

sweet snacks that you can enjoy along with their calorific value so you can easily see

how you want to use them within your allowance:

50 cal or less

Three rounded teaspoons of sugar to use in tea or coffee

One crisp bread spread with 2 teaspoons of chocolate spread (any variety)

One instant low-fat hot chocolate (any variety)

One small packet sugar free Jell-O/jelly

One Yoplait Frube or own brand equivalent

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100 cal or less

One 2 pack Weight Watchers cookies, any variety

One small Kit Kat bar

One crumpet or muffin spread with low sugar jam or jelly

One small pot low-fat custard

One small pot low-calorie chocolate mousse

One Haagen-Dazs frozen yoghurt bar, any flavor

One small ice pop/lolly

150 cal or less

One small cupcake with a moderate amount of frosting

One small pot creamed rice or custard (full fat)

One small bar Cadbury’s Turkish delight

One multigrain or fruit bar

One cake bar

One almond slice

One large or two small cookies

200 cal or less

One small chocolate bar (two squares across)

One Aero bar

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One Crunchie bar

One Cadbury’s crème egg

One Wispa bar

One Milky bar

One Choc Ice

One small ice cream cone

One individual Weight Watchers cheese cake

Daily Meals Choose one from each section.


1 oz/25 g corn flakes with 4 oz/125 ml skim milk and 1 ½ oz/40 g of dried apricots or

cranberries, chopped in

One slice bread or toast spread with low sugar jelly, one diet fruit yoghurt, one nectarine

or Satsuma

1 oz/25 g wholegrain cereal with a 4 oz/125 mil skim milk and one medium banana

One large banana and one 8 oz/200 g pot low-calorie banana, vanilla or natural yoghurt

One multigrain breakfast bar, one low-fat fromage frais

1 ½ oz/40 g no added sugar or salt muesli with 3 ½ oz/100 ml of skim milk and a pear or


2 to 3 large tomatoes halved and grilled or dry-fried in a non-stick frying pan with oil

spray, served on two slices of toast with half a level tablespoon grated Parmesan

cheese sprinkled on top

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Sandwich made with two slices of brown, white or wholemeal bread spread with 1 ½

oz/40 g low-fat soft cheese and unlimited salad, one apple

One bowl minestrone or country vegetable soup, one slice bread, one kiwi fruit or


8 oz/200 g baked beans on one slice of toast, one orange or two Satsumas

One small whole meal roll spread with low-fat mayonnaise or spread, filled with two

slices cooked chicken breast (no skin), unlimited salad, one medium slice of melon

One large pitta bread filled with 3 oz/50 g of hummus and unlimited chopped salad

items to include cucumber, peppers, onion, celery and tomato according to taste as well

as lettuce, one apple

One small can tuna in water or brine, drained and mixed with 3 oz/50 g canned drained

butter beans, one large sliced tomato, three chopped spring onions, oil free dressing,

served with one slice of bread

Rice salad made with 6 tablespoons cooked rice, 3 oz/50 g chopped cooked chicken

breast, half a chopped apple, three chopped dried apricots, unlimited chopped

cucumber, tomato, celery, spring onions, and peppers, tossed in oil free dressing, one

medium banana

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Evening meals

3 ½ oz/100 g salmon fillet or steak cooked without fat and served with 4 oz/125 g new

boiled potatoes, medium portion green beans and broccoli, one apple

One medium baked potato served with 4 tablespoons baked beans and 1 ½ oz/25 g of

low-fat, grated mozzarella cheese, salad

Omelet made with two medium eggs cooked in a nonstick pan sprayed with oil and filled

with chopped mushrooms, one small wholemeal roll, salad, one 8 oz/200 g pot low-fat

fruit yoghurt

One medium baked potato, one medium chicken breast baked in foil with lemon juice

herbs and seasonings, 3 tablespoons sweet corn, unlimited leafy green salad

3 oz/50 g (dry weight) pasta, cooked and topped with 4 tablespoons ready-made Italian

tomato sauce and 1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese, large side salad, one apple

One Weight Watchers 14 oz/400 g Tagliatelle Carbonara, large mixed salad

One medium turkey fillet, sliced and stir-fried with thinly sliced fresh vegetables in 1

tablespoon oil, 1 tablespoon light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon hoisin sauce and chicken

stock added as necessary, served with 3 tablespoons cooked rice

Healthy Snacks

One large banana

One large apple

4 oz/125 g pot bio yoghurt, low-fat, any flavor

½ oz/15 g shelled sunflower seeds

1 tablespoon hummus on one crisp bread

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1 ½ oz/40 g Tzatziki served with crudités

One mini pitta filled with salad items and oil free dressing or balsamic vinegar

Five dried apricots and one apple

One low-fat fromage frais, one Satsuma

One small apple, one orange

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The E Factor

In order to help lose those pounds and keep them off, you are going to need to take

more exercise. Most of us seem to find any excuse not to exercise but the truth is that

this is vital for your long-term health as well as your appearance and self-esteem.

Exercise burns up calories and if you are going to lose 10lbs in a month then at least 2 -

3lbs of that should be due to weight lost through increased activity rather than simply

eating less.

Exercise also improves your appearance by toning up any flabby bits while at the same

time improving your energy levels, mood, brainpower, concentration and posture. In

addition, it has an anti-ageing effect by improving the condition of your eyes, hair and


All of us can find time to exercise if we really want to and you need to include both

aerobic exercise to get your heart and lungs fit and burn calories as well as

strengthening, toning and stretching exercises to improve your flexibility, posture and


To burn off 2 - 3 pounds in a month through exercise, in addition to the weight you lose

through eating less, you need to burn off ½ to ¾ of a pound a week. This means

burning off around 1700 - 1900 extra calories per week which is, on average, an extra

250 cal a day.

Below is a list of different ways to burn up your daily 250 cal and you will need to mix

and match these every day in order to get both aerobic and stretching/toning exercise.

You need at least three blocks of aerobic exercise every week, spaced out evenly,

fitting in additional activity in between.

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The following activities are for people who are already reasonably fit:

Running for around 22 minutes

Cycling at racing speed for around 22 minutes

Squash for around 18 minutes

Swimming front crawl for around 28 minutes

Hill climbing for around 30 minutes

Jogging for around 32 minutes

Cross-country skiing for around 32 minutes

Kickboxing for around 35 minutes

Cycling fast for around 38 minutes

Football for around 38 minutes

Rugby for around 40 minutes

Rollerblading for around 50 minutes

The following activities are suitable for most people:

Stair climbing or stair machine for around 25 minutes

Circuit training for around 30 minutes

Swimming breaststroke for around 32 minutes

Walking uphill for around 33 minutes

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Fast walking for around 40 minutes

Aerobics class for around 40 minutes

Table tennis for around 55 minutes

Slow cycling for around 60 minutes

Good stretching and toning exercises include yoga, Pilates, ballet, as well as

specialized stretch and tone classes.

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