how to make your own oc

Post on 07-Jan-2016






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All about character design tips given by various Deviant Artists.


How To Make Your Own OCYou may have wondered how people come up with Original Characters with a functioning personality in the past. You may have also left your mouth agape when you saw someone have their Original Character react negatively to a spider at one moment, then hug their spider anthro friend in the next. Well, it's really a simple process that requires one thing so rarely used these days; thought. I'm expecting you have a general idea of your character at this point and are seeking to deepen or improve their personality now. If so, you can skip a few steps.

Step one: Build a base for your character.

All things are built on a strong foundation.Find the center of your character's mind, their motivation in life, and their drive to keep breathing (if that is indeed what they do; not all characters are human).Something simple like "Survival," will more than suffice, as an existence like this will lead to self-conflict of yearning for a higher existence, and thus, to a deepened personality!A few other things you can use, albeit generic, are; Revenge, Fear, Adventure, Pleasure, Greed, Envy, God, Servitude, and the like.Also, imagine how your character's race will affect the potency of this drive. Humans are dependent upon a drive for purpose and a desire to live, an alien race may not be like this.Another important factor to consider is events and people which might have a heavy influence upon your character's self-decided purpose after it is set in stone. You may want to consider slowly but surely changing your character's drive as your story continues, should you so choose. This will surely lead to a more interesting read. (Added by DragonofAether)

Step two: Build upon your base.

Set up their life.Decide what family they had, if any. The sizes of family can vary from limitless energy beings, to entire colonies, or a simple American family of four.Give them a place to live, or a lack thereof, and make them a living thing. Your choices aretrulybeyond your comprehension. Take the size of the universe, of all existence, and multiply that by all the time that has come, is, and will be. That islessthan the amount of choices you have!

Step three: Add some furnishings.

What can truly change your character is the little things.What's their gender?Their race? (

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