how to overcome act and sat test anxiety

Post on 09-Feb-2017






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How to Overcome ACT and SAT Test Anxiety

The ACT and SAT testsAre difficult tests.

There is no doubt about it.

“Because these tests are designed to predict how well students will

do in college, mountains of pressure are associated with the

ACT and SAT.

Even extremely bright students

Are often frozen in fear when facing theses giants.

Test anxietyIs a very real struggle for many students.

At Oxford TutoringWe believe in not only preparing students with content and strategy, but also in helping

them overcome their fear by giving them confidence to tackle the ACT and SAT.

Here are some recommended steps to overcome ACT and SAT test anxiety.

Here are some recommended steps to overcome ACT and SAT test anxiety.


Breathing is something weDo without thinking.

It may seem simple.

That’s not the type of breathing we are referring to.

We are talking about deep breathing.

““The parasympathetic nervous system is what control our fight

or flight response. Deep breathing triggers our

parasympathetic nervous system, neutralizes stress and

elicits a calming feeling.”Denise Scarbro

The technique we recommend is something we call the 5-2-5


Breathe in deeply through your nose for five seconds.


Hold your breath for two seconds.


Then, exhale through your mouth for five seconds.

At the startof your SAT or ACT test

When you arefeeling overwhelmed

While you arepracticing

Use the 5-2-5



Another basic, but often overlook concept is

These tests are both almost 4 hours long.

It is difficult for your brain to focus for that length of time.

“Just like in a basketball game, coaches cannot expect players to be able to run for more than an

hour without preparing them for it. So players practice to build up

their stamina.

It is the same for the ACT and SAT. You can do it you just need to practice.

Take practice tests

That way you get used to taking the four hour test.

Get private tutoring

ACT and SAT private tutoring can help give you the strategies to practice well.

Sign up for a course

Our ACT and SAT courses holistically prepare students to practice with confidence.

Practice In a setting similar to the ACT and SAT tests.

PracticeTiming yourself to get used to the pace.

PracticeStrategies you’ve learned through tutoring.


Ahead of time.


Nothing will cause panic quite like feeling unprepared.

If you have not put the time and effort into getting ready for the test, then fear is a completely expected


“Practice, but make sure to give yourself enough time so that the practice will be a benefit to you.

Practicing the night before

Is not going to give you the confidence you need to take the test.

PrepareThat way you can walk into the room on test day and know exactly what type of animal

you are facing and how to take it down.

Give yourself some grace

You are doing college -levelwork.

This is a hard test.

Most high school do not have the time to prepare you

With the type of knowledge you will need to have to take the ACT and the SAT.

“Do yourself a favor, don’t expect perfection right off the bat. The

ACT and the SAT are like a marathon, not a sprint.


A lot of time


It takes

Show yourself some grace.

You will not get there overnight, but if you understand that it will take time and are willing to put in the hours, you will get there.

Take the test with confidence!

You’ve prepared

You’vePut in the time

You’ve practiced

You even have your Breathing technique.

“Now take the test with confidence! You have got this.

You are ready. Believe that. We are rooting for you!


Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free:▪ Presentation template by SlidesCarnival▪ Photographs by Unsplash


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