how to participate - microsoft · 2016-12-17 · to participate in the 21st century editor's...

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To participate in the 21st Century Editor's Competition, you must download this

OneNote and complete the "Lesson plans", "Reflections" and "Student products"


Then export the OneNote as a file and submit it as a lesson plan on The Microsoft

Educator Network. Name format should be "Your Name: 21st Century Editor


You must submit your lesson plan no later than December 1st 2016 (Central

European Time).

Lesson plan can be in your own language or English.

Student production examples must be published in Office Mix. You may use category

"Limited" under "Permissions & Sharing", however, "Public" is preferred.

Invitation21st Cent...

How to participate26. september 2016 10:46

Instruction Sivu 1

Winning criteria for the 21st Century Editor's Competion fall in two overall dimensions

that for each project will be evaluated as a whole. OneNote Class Notebook and Office

Mix are minimum digital tool requirements for the 21st Century Editor's Competition.

Dimensions are;

1) Digital teaching methodology introducing 21st Century Skills

2) Basic values in journalism developing news literacy

All projects will be evaluated on the ability to include core skills from both dimensions.

Water is the overall theme for all projects . The theme must be explored by paths as laid

out in UNESCO's sustainable development goals.

Dimension 1: Digital teaching methodology introducing 21st Century Skills

Real world problem solving•


ICT for learning•

Knowledge construction•

The project shall support the student's ability to collaborate and perform on the following


Dimension 2: Basic values in journalism developing news literacy

Research and develop ideas for news and background stories on authentic problems

and potentials under the theme "Water"

Gather, analyse and refine information from all relevant sources •

Independently and without bias point out unique angles and perspectives for news


Use multi media to adress specific audience(s) chosen•

Manage work flow collectively with ICT to support the entire learning proces •

The project shall support the student's ability to collaborate and perform on the following


Theme: Water

Water for drinking and cooking•

Water for recreational purposes•

Water in industry and farming•

Water as living environment for animals and plants•

Water as metaphores and myths in arts and litterature

The project must support student learning under the overall headline "Water"

Winning criteria26. september 2016 11:03

Instruction Sivu 2

Water as metaphores and myths in arts and litterature•


Instruction Sivu 3

Definitions on how 21st Century Learning Design is interpreted by the judges:

1.a - Planning and design of learning environment

Examples of planning must demonstrate creativity and innovative teaching practices.

Learning activities must provide students the opportunity to acquire self-regulatory skills.

Keywords are: To what extent does the planning for learning facilitate the development

of different dimensions of 21st century skills e.g. knowledge building, use of ICT for

learning, problem-solving and innovation, self-regulation, collaboration and skilled


1.b - Project presentation – evidence of learning

Examples of products and outcomes created by learners throughout the project must

illustrate clear evidence of the learning process engaged in by learners including ground

breaking use of ICT.

1.c - Extended learning beyond the classroom

Examples of the learning experience must show that learning is not bound by classroom

walls, time-frame of conventional lessons, subject parameters, etc. Students must

engage in problem solving using authentic data or situations from the real world.

1.d - ICT for Learning

Examples of students’ use of ICT – whether or not the use of ICT helps students construct

knowledge or extend learning beyond the classroom, and whether or not students could

construct the same knowledge or extend learning beyond the classroom in similar ways

without using ICT.

Must show to what extent students use ICT in ways that support knowledge

construction, collaboration, or learning beyond the classroom. Important to prove the

use of ICT to enable new knowledge construction or extend learning beyond the

classroom opportunities that would not have been possible without it. The use of digital

tools ought to be imaginative and ground-breaking ways to support learning processes.

Learning design objectives26. september 2016 11:06

Instruction Sivu 4

The best 3 educator projects described in OneNote Lesson Plans using Office Mix to

create multi-media student journalism will win their school a seat at the Microsoft

Global Educator Exchange in March 2017.

Prize26. september 2016 12:38

Instruction Sivu 5

Present an overview of the project. I.e. use a chart or draw

Students familiarize themselves the world's freshwater resources-

Students familiarize themselves how fresh water is divided unequal-

Make student aware of importanse of saving water-

Make them think ways how they can save water in everyday level-

Maybe make them change they use of water-

Project goals:

Familiarize students to journalism: how to make clear news, how to

spread the news, how to be critical


Collaboration: ability to work with everyone (not with the best friend)-

Overview26. september 2016 11:08

Lesson plans Sivu 6

Briefly describe how you organized the learning environment to simulate a news room in

your class. Illustrations are welcome.

After two videos we mad mind map about the things the students remembered or thought that are important.

The news groups began studing the websites and collect more information

about water waist and how to save it.

The groups collected their thougths and photos/ pictures to Class Onenote and wrote their scripts for the Office Mix.

They had the website links where to find information.

Some examples of grops work

Organisation26. september 2016 11:15

Lesson plans Sivu 7

After the process we made conclusions and summary about what we had

made and learned.

Students spread the word by giving handouts to public.

Lesson plans Sivu 8

Briefly describe the lessons you completed in your class.


As the motivation we watched two video links and one poster of how much water is needed making some things.

After that we made mind map based on what we saw and what we think about these issues.

As homework students got a handout. The task was to observe how water is consumed at home, at parent's workplaces,

nearby trade school etc. Time for this was about two weeks. Vedenkäyttö

Lesson (After two weeks)2.

We made 2 to 4 persons groups and students showed/ told about their results and findings.

They grouped the findings to Onenotes collaboration space, what same/ what different they had discovered.

After that we all together looked the results and discussed about use of water and what kind of advices we could give to

save the water and decited our target audience, which was nearby block of flats, trade school (we took our presentations

there in front of audience).

In the end of the second lesson the groups started to

make plans what kind of news they would make (Office Mix or newsletter with Sway or poster with Word)-What is the issue they want to orient/ search more information/ make instructions-Teacher recommended the best way, taking into concideration student's skills and abilities handle ICT

The groups agreed/chared who is

a) writer (writes the script), b) "photographer" (searches cc photos or take photos) and c) "editor" (is responsible of

recording with Mix)

3.-6. Lessons

The groups continued. They read/ got weblink list/ searched information (=links to websites at Onenote page and

books that were at the classroom). The students shared work that everybody in the group had different webside or

source to study. After reading they discussed together ja made some notes toClass Onenote, collaboration space.

After that they started to make the "news" and calculations how much water is used in one average family, building etc

and how they could save it. The group made shared file on Power Point (or Word or Sway)

The point of the work was to find out sollutions to the problems (= how people can minimize or at least reduce water


They all together planed what to write to the scrip (beginning, descriping water waisting, how much and in the end

some problem solving, tips how to minimize water use), what's the perspective, what kind of photos they need etc.

Then the groups began working with shared Power Point.

Everybody had their own slide they worked on and that way everybody could see where the group was goining and

what needed to be done.

When the scrips were almoust ready groups gave feedback at least to one group how they would improve it or what

they might want to hear more. The groups read the feedback and took them under consideration and made some


The groups finalized their scripts and recorded their Mixes, finalized Word newsletters or posters.

The groups put the Mix links to Onenotes collaboration space and also files of Words.

7.-8. Lessons

The works were presented to the hole class. We put Mix links under QR code and printed papers. Then students took

to the papers to the notice boards (trade school and blog flats)

9.-10. Lesson

Here are the websides copied to Word.




Lessons26. september 2016 11:14

Lesson plans Sivu 9

Briefly explain your thoughts about methodology dimension 1:

Digital teaching methodology introducing 21st Century Skills

The project shall support the student's ability to collaborate and perform on the

following skills:

Real world problem solving•


ICT for learning•

Knowledge construction•

For further information on 21st Century Skills, see: 21Century Learning Design

Before the start of the project we discussed how students see water consumption vs. savings and what

they know about it in advance.

We watched together a few videos and expanded our thoughts that way.

After this, the pupils got handout and carried out investigations at home or somewhere else, eg. Parent's

workplace, a nearby vocational school, etc.

The students wrote their findings to the handout, they interviewed adults and they took photos of the

water use positions with the phone (if possible). The photos were used for the benefit of working.

After the study period, the students were divided into groups and the groups discussed about the

findings and wrote them to Class Onenote's collaboration space.

Together, the students gathered the results of larger entities, which began to build their script.

Everybody in the group worked under same page at ClassOnenote page. (every group had its own).

Every group could see what the other were doing and give feedback to each other.

Students (groups) were allowed to choose their preferred way to present the news (Mix, Sway, Word,

PP...) Each group thought itself with its own level of output. The Office Mix was the most popular tool.

In groups everyone had special task: one was the editor, one was responsible for photos (editing and

searching) and one was responsible for technical issues. They negotiated about them themselves and

decided who is who.

After work we sat down once again and added ideas what we learned to the mindmap. The students

found out how much their had learned new things about saving water.

Dimension 1 - 21st26. september 2016 11:19

Reflections Sivu 10

Briefly explain your thoughts about methodology dimension 2:

Dimension 2: Basic values in journalism developing news literacy

The project shall support the student's ability to collaborate and perform on the

following skills:

Research and develop ideas for news and background stories on authentic

problems and potentials under the theme "Water"

Gather, analyse and refine information from all relevant sources •

Independently and without bias point out unique angles and perspectives for

news stories

Use multi media to adress specific audience(s) chosen•

Manage work flow collectively with ICT to support the entire learning process •

People waste water and not even realize it. We don't nesserasily realize how little

things can make a difference. Everybody says that "I alone can't impact to water use".

But they can!

My point of view was that if children realize meaning of little things, they can teach

parents at home and that way the influence spreads. They say: the world is a loan

from our children.

Considering the age of my students (10 years) I collected some sources for them to

the beginning (the Word attach) that it's easier to get started. Quit soon they found

sources of their own, discussed about them and make some conclusions.

In the groups students diveded the links so that everybody in the group had his/her

own source to study. They made notes to ClassOnenote to their own page to

collaboration space. Then they made some analyze and notes and discussed together.

My role in the classroom was to challenge the groups to find even better solutions

and resources.

Another my point was to make water use "visible" as numbers. I wanted them to

calculate water use in a bigger scale. For example how much they use water if they

take a long shower. After that they thought what could be done to reduce water use

and how much and then made new calculations.

Students worked in shared Power Point and Onenote. In ClassOnenote they made

scripts and gave feedback to another groups. In shared Power Point every group

member had his/her own slide to edit. The work proceeded smoothly.

Dimension 2 - journalism26. september 2016 11:22

Reflections Sivu 11

member had his/her own slide to edit. The work proceeded smoothly.

After finishing PowerPoints, we put them under QR-codes and made handouts to

give to trade school and notice boards. Homes got their owns too.

Reflections Sivu 12

Briefly explain your thoughts about "Water" as a theme:

The project must support student learning under the overall headline "Water"

Water for drinking and cooking•

Water for recreational purposes•

Water in industry and farming•

Water as living environment for animals and plants•

Water as metaphores and myths in arts and litterature•


Save Water

-Do little Things Matter?

We western people have enough water. We Finns get fresh and clean water from faucet. The water is

taken for granted. People waste it and not even realize it.

The purpose of the project was make students notice every day situations where they can save water.

I wanted that they realize that water is needed everywhere and everything consists water and it has

been needed to make all the things around us. And from this point it's nessessary to save water even

it's renewable natural recourse.

The students began to realize that even water is renewable natural resource it needs to be save.

While we discussed about the theme we end up talking about sustainable development and natural

resources. We talked why to planet earth needs to be protect and use natural resources wisely so that

next generations too can live on this planet.

By counting examles of situations where we can save water, my students began to realize that

everybody of us can help the earth to "live" longer.

Theme - Water26. september 2016 11:23

Reflections Sivu 13

Choose three student products published in Office Mix. Insert the links with a brief description stating

why these are good examples and how they illustrate the learning process the students went through

in the news room.

Fill in this chart (* = compulsory fields):


Teacher's name* Piia Martikainen

School's name* Torknmäki school

City*, State, Country* Kokkola, (Keski-Pohjanmaa), Finland

Contact information (E-mail)*

Age group * 10 years old (4th grade)

Total lesson amount spent on the project * 10 lessons

ICT used besides Office Mix and Class


Word, Sway



Title and description 1* *Insert deep link from

Title and description 2* *Insert deep link from

Title and description 3* *Insert deep link from

1*) This group showed problemsolving in real life because they had problems recoding audio while they interviewed. Instead adding audio to the mix, they spoke the interview as report. The group made good field survey, studied resources and made good conclusions.

2*) This Mix tells well calculated facts about waisting water and how with a little thing water can be saved. The group worked well together and everybody had clear thought about their goal.

3*) The group made a little detail that made the Mix a live. They also added good calculation about waisting and saving water. They had good conversations during working.

News stories26. september 2016 11:23

Students products Sivu 14

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