how to prevent termite damage in your new home

Post on 29-Jun-2015






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Most people work and plan for years before finally being able to build a new home. When you take all this into consideration, you absolutely do not want termites to move in and damage your pride and joy. Since it is much easier to prevent a termite infestation than to eliminate the pests once they have settled in, using an effective termite barrier is very important.


How to Prevent Termite Damage in Your New Home

Most people work and plan for years before finally being able to build a new home. When you take all this into consideration, you absolutely do not want termites to move in and damage your pride and joy. Since it is much easier to prevent a termite using an effective termite barrier is very important.

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Subterranean termites are the type of termite most likely to be found in the soil around your home, and while they live and colonize in the soil, they prefer to be close to the foundation of your home so they can feed on it when they emerge.

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The two most commonly used kinds of termite barriers are chemical and physical. The chemical barrier consists of treating the soil surrounding the home with a chemical that kills the pests and prevents them from producing future generations.

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Some people prefer a physical barrier rather than use a chemical treatment. If that is the case, a fine steel mesh barrier is placed on the surface of the ground between the wooden foundation of the home and the soil around the home.

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Concrete or masonry foundations also provide a substantial physical barrier between the foundation and ground surface. Although these materials will prevent most termites from accessing the wood in the home.

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Since termites avoid light whenever possible, it can be very difficult to detect their presence until they have done considerable damage to your home. If you have found evidence of termites living in your home.

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Whether the soil around your home has been chemically treated, or if you choose to install physical barriers, it is recommended that you have your basement and foundation inspected annually to ensure there is no evidence of termite damage.

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