how to register in ifc exam - exam registration...

Post on 19-Apr-2018






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How to register In IFC Exam

Please follow the steps below to register your candidate(s)

Step 1: Go to IOB online registration website –

Then click “Register”. Or type your user name and password if you already have one.

Step 2: after you logged in, click on IFC button (If you don’t have it, Send request email to


Step 3: To register your candidate click on (Register for a new exam)

Step 4: Type the participant ID then the participant information will be added automatically. If you

didn’t add this participant before click on , add his/her information then type his/her

participant ID again.

Step 5: choose the Exam id, test center and the exam date then click on Available Times.

Step 6: All the available sessions for this date will be shown.

P.S: If there are no sessions on the chosen date, you can click on flexible dates to show all the

nearest sessions to your chosen dates.

Step 7: Click on to register in chosen session.

Step 8: Confirmation message with all details will shown. Click ok to complete the registration.

Finally, if you want to check all the registered participants’ schedule, click on Participants

Registered list.

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