how to set reasonable expectations for your personal injury settlement

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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How to Set Reasonable

Expectations for Your Personal

Injury Settlement

Have you sustained

injuries from an accident

or workplace injury?

The most important part of pursuing a claim is working with a lawyer who can help you set the

“right” expectations for your settlement.

Hurt.Lawyer’s network of

experienced attorneys know

how to help clients get


Click here to find the right attorney to represent your case

You need someone who will help shepherd your case the whole way.

Expectations can make or break your

entire case.

When initiating your claims for injury settlement, your goals should

be reasonable and attainable.

An experienced attorney will help determine which

factors apply to your claim and which will not help your case.

Find an experienced attorney

7 examples of factors that should

be considered when setting

expectations for your case…

1. Level of Accident: Assess with all honesty if you need to file a

case to cover injuries incurred.

2. Level of Accident: Did the accident cause loss of income

or ability to perform your work?

3. Insurance companies: What insurance companies

and claims adjustor(s) are you dealing with?

4. Medical Care:How much was incurred

in medical expenses?

5. Documentation:The strength of your

case largely depends on supporting

documentation that you can provide.

6. Know the other parties involved:

Does the other party have insurance, or a

large corporation that deals with claims

regularly? Is the party motivated to settle, or do they seem like they

want to draw things out with a lengthy legal


7. Your level of legal representation:Do you have an experienced attorney

who has successfully represented similar client cases?

Contact today to find an attorney who is ready to help! (Click here)

Don’t be taken in by the late-night commercials from attorneys who promise you millions of

dollars just for picking up the phone and calling.

Don’t lower your odds of winning a settlement.

Prepare well and set reasonable expectations to increase your likelihood of a successful outcome.

Don’t let inexperience keep you from a potential settlement. Contact Hurt.Lawyer today to find the

best lawyer for your case. can help you find an experienced, professional personal injury attorney.

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