how to sstop being an internet marketing perpetual student

Post on 15-Feb-2017






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How to Stop Being an Internet Marketing Perpetual Student

Perpetual students are always studying.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with that – there’s always more to learn.

But too often it’s an excuse to not do something with your internet marketing because you don’t know everything there is to know.

How to Stop Being an Internet Marketing Perpetual Student

The truth is, you’ll never know everything.

Internet marketing is a vast subject.

And it’s always changing – often quite fast, which means a lot of the things you might learn are out of date or soon to be out of date.

How to Stop Being an Internet Marketing Perpetual Student

So how can you keep as up to date as possible whilst making progress with your own internet marketing business?

Is it really possible to get out of perpetual student mode and start making your business pay?

I think the answer is yes – but you need to focus.

How to Stop Being an Internet Marketing Perpetual Student

And – even more importantly – you need to actually start.

So many people use learning about internet marketing as an excuse not to do anything yet because they don’t know everything involved.

But the fastest way to learn is almost always to do something.

How to Stop Being an Internet Marketing Perpetual Student

As a child, you learned how to ride a bike by doing it.

Not by watching lots of TV about how to ride a bike or by reading books.

Neither of those would have prepared you for the wobbles and all the different things you needed to do at (seemingly) the same time.

How to Stop Being an Internet Marketing Perpetual Student

Now, even if you’ve not done it for years, riding a bike is simple.

And often that’s also the case with internet marketing.

Often, simpler is better.

Less moving parts, less to focus on, less to go wrong.

How to Stop Being an Internet Marketing Perpetual Student

Sales letters often make it seem to be the opposite.

After all, they’re trying to sell you their secret sauce to making money on the internet.

All backed up with very precise figures:

The money they made, down to the last cent (although they’re often quite coy about whether that was before or after expenses)

How to Stop Being an Internet Marketing Perpetual Student

The precise range of everything from searches to keyword density that is the magic figure that almost guarantees profits.

Of course, the sales page is riddled with weasel words and “these aren’t typical results” phrases.

But you ignore those and buy the product anyway.

How to Stop Being an Internet Marketing Perpetual Student

You maybe read or watch some of the product.

Then it gets filed in the “that was interesting, I must try it some day” box in your mind.

You’ve ticked off another thing on your never ending perpetual student “to do” list.

But it never gets to-done.

How to Stop Being an Internet Marketing Perpetual Student

The best way to get out of that mode is to start.


Not later today.

Not tomorrow morning.

Not next week.

Now, this instant.

How to Stop Being an Internet Marketing Perpetual Student

You’ll almost certainly have a voice in the back of your head saying you can’t do that.

You’ve got lots of other things you need to do first.

But those are just excuses.

How to Stop Being an Internet Marketing Perpetual Student

The truth is, if you’ve got time to start reading or watching that new product or reading or watching the sales letter for yet another “everything explained, final piece of the jigsaw” product that doesn’t do that.

Everything else is just an excuse.

Maybe it’s because it’s “too technical”

How to Stop Being an Internet Marketing Perpetual Student

The technical side is often an excuse.

But not in the real world – you’ve almost certainly got no idea how your phone or your car or even your electricity or water supply work.

But that doesn’t stop you using them.

How to Stop Being an Internet Marketing Perpetual Student

Anything you don’t know or don’t understand, find out.

Or pay someone on a site like Fiverr to do for you.

I do that all the time – I get someone there to find suitable domain names for me, I get other people to design simple graphics, others to transcribe videos, others to fix things I probably could fix but not for the price of a cup of coffee.

How to Stop Being an Internet Marketing Perpetual Student

In reality, the most value you can add in internet marketing isn’t the techie stuff.

There are plenty of geeks who delight in doing that, fast and cheap.

It’s their hobby (partly because they find computers easier to relate to than humans but we won’t go there) and they’re often very good at it.

How to Stop Being an Internet Marketing Perpetual Student

Your internet marketing focus should be on creating content that helps people.

There’s a thing called “reciprocity” that means people feel obliged to help you if you’ve done something for them.

At the risk of sending you back into perpetual student mode, there’s a lot more about that in Robert Cialdini’s book Influence.

How to Stop Being an Internet Marketing Perpetual Student

But start by starting.

Get a domain – one that’s good enough, even if it’s not perfect.

Host it somewhere reasonably reliable.

Install WordPress or pay someone to click the handful of buttons on your control panel to do it for you.

How to Stop Being an Internet Marketing Perpetual Student

Then start creating content and pressing the publish button.

It’s only by creating content – whether that’s written, audio, visual, software or anything else – that you’ll find out the truth for you.

Everyone is slightly different – times of publishing content, word count, grammar, keyword density, competition for the precise keywords you’re targeting and more.

There’s even thought to be a randomness factor built in to the search engine algorithms.

How to Stop Being an Internet Marketing Perpetual Student

But regardless of whether or not that’s true, there are so many other factors involved that no two experiments can be truly identical.

But you’ll learn as you move from being a perpetual student to someone who actually follows through more often with their internet marketing.

How to Stop Being an Internet Marketing Perpetual Student

You don’t have to go cold turkey on learning.

Just allocate some time for it and some different time for implementing what you’ve learned.

It can be fun.

But you’ll only find out if you do it.

How to Stop Being an Internet Marketing Perpetual Student

And at the risk of keeping you learning, click this link and join my email list.

I send a variety of messages but in among them I do my best to keep you on track with actually doing your internet marketing.

So click this link and join me.

Then put what you learn into practice.

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