how to succeed at a hackathon - emerge americas

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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How to Succeed at a Hackathon

Lead InstructorIronhack

Nizar Khalife

Please interrupt me with questions!

by Milky - Digital innovationfrom the Noun Project

Let’s talk about the eMerge’s second annual hackathon.

You will have 24 hours to work on a project.

We are looking for innovative and impactful

tech solutions.

Solutions that make use of the one of three Facebook products.

Solutions that make use of the one of three

Facebook products.

Facebook’s new Messenger Platform:

Facebook’s Open Source project


The hacking startson the morning of

Saturday, May 2nd.

It will take place at the Miami Dade College’s

Idea Center in Downtown.

There are also eventson the evening ofFriday, May 1st.

Friday events start at6:00 p.m.

Saturday registration starts at 8:00 a.m.

Sunday presentations start at 11:00 a.m.


The Ironhack teamhas a lot of collective

hackathon experience.

I want to share my experiences with you.

So you can get the most out of this hackathon.

Recommended preparation.

Before the Hackathon

Before > During > After

For me it starts with an idea.

Created by Sven Gabrielfrom the Noun Project

A cool idea will motivate you and your team!

You will have fun with something you are passionate about.

Even though you are super tired after 20 hours of coding.

Created by Jamie Dickinsonfrom the Noun Project

So spend some time thinking about your idea.

Think about how your idea can fit the theme.

Think about how you might use Facebook’s React,

Messenger or Login

The keynote speaker on the Friday before the

event will have more to add about using them.

Your team is also very important.

by factor[e] design initiativefrom the Noun Project

If you don’t have a team you can pick one up.

At talks like this or at the events on the Friday

before the hackathon.

Your team can have up to 5 members.

It’s way more fun to go with friends though!

Your team can even support a non-developer.

A good designer or copy person can make a big impact on your project.

I like to use hackathons as opportunities to learn something.

Created by Luboš Volkovfrom the Noun Project

Use the hackathon as an excuse to experiment

with a new framework.

Learn a new language, platform or tool.

Try a novel design technique.

If you are dealing with something new,I highly recommend you do your homework.

Created by Eugen Belyakofffrom the Noun Project

Research and practice any new technology.

Read the documentation for the Facebook APIs you’re planning to use.

Watch some tutorial videos.

Refresh your memory if you haven’t used

something in a while.

It’s also a good idea to do some planning.

Created by Garrett Knollfrom the Noun Project

Figure out the features ahead of time.

Start making wireframes.

You could even setteam priorities.

Make as many decisions as you can beforehand.

Because you probably don’t make your best decisions at 4:00 a.m.

Created by Jamie Dickinsonfrom the Noun Project

The final stage of preparation is your gear.

Created by SPJDRfrom the Noun Project

Obviously, bring your computer.

Bring multi-plugs(just in case).

You will be therefor a long while.

So do not forget your charger.

Consider bring an extra monitor.

Or whatever other accessory you need for an

optimal workflow.

Don’t forget about your comfort.

Created by Jackie Imiriefrom the Noun Project

Bring a sweater or light jacket in case it gets cold.

Consider bringing a pillow and a blanket for power


Bring whatever else you need to be comfy and

stay alert.

Toothbrush, PJs, facewash, a change of

clothes, whatever!

Things to keep in mind on the big day.

During the Hackathon

Before > During > After

You’ve done all your homework, now it’s time to produce.

Created by Emily Ilesfrom the Noun Project

But the hackathondoesn’t start immediately.

Take that time to get to know your community.

Always be courteous and welcoming to everyone.

When the clock starts it’s time to focus.

Created by Castor & Polluxfrom the Noun Project

In the beginning everything might go


But at some point you might get stuck.

Created by Carlos Orrego Benítezfrom the Noun Project

If you do, ask your teammates for help.

We will also have mentors floating around to help

you out.

I’ve found that competitors are also

willing to help.

Don’t be afraid to take a break.

Created by Claire Jonesfrom the Noun Project

24 hours is a long time to be coding.

And sometimes a bit of rest is all you need to

solve a problem.

Take a power nap or two.

Created by Hadi Davodpourfrom the Noun Project

Make sure to have a teammate wake you up so

you don’t oversleep.

Don’t forget to grab enough food and beverages.

Created by Claire Jonesfrom the Noun Project

We’ll make sure that we won’t run out.Don’t be shy.

As a team, you should invest some time on your presentation.

Created by Mike Rowefrom the Noun Project

Figure out beforehand who will present.

Have at least two people work together on what you are going to say.

Judges will be expecting a working demo.

Decide what would be best to show off.

Focus on what sets your project apart.

Be concise. You only have 3 minutes to present.

You’ve passed the ordeal. Now what?

After the Hackathon

Before > During > After

Pat yourselves on the back. You did great!

Created by Elizabeth Smithfrom the Noun Project

Take a breather.You earned it.

Keep practicing the presentation if you have

the energy.

Blow minds with your demo.

Created by iconsmind.comfrom the Noun Project

Win cool prizes!

Created by Pablo Rozenbergfrom the Noun Project

We’ll have $50,000 in cash and prizes.

Including two scholarships to Ironhack!

All participants of the hackathon will also get a ticket to the conference.

tl;drHave fun!

Ultimately you are doing this because you enjoy it.

So don’t forget to enjoy it!

Would anyone like to ask some questions?

by Milky - Digital innovationfrom the Noun Project

Before we go, I’d like to tell you a bit more about Ironhack,

We offer coding bootcamps.

Our courses are 8 weeks long and intensive.

There are three cities that we call home: Madrid, Barcelona and Miami.

We teach anyone from beginners to developers looking to up their skills.

There are two tracks to choose from:Web and iOS.

Our Web development course covers Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS and


Our iOS development course covers Xcode,

Objective-C, Cocoa Touch and a bit of Swift.

You can find us at our home on the Web:

If you’d like to get involved, we’d love

to talk to you!


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