how to survive the recession

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Once upon a time

Brilliant Leaders

Fast Growth

Cutting edge methodologies

Projects and Programmes delivering ‘on time and to budget’…..

Organisations were not worried

A return on investment was being seen

Benefits were being realised

Senior Managers were happy with business cases showing £££ and solutions making customers happy

And the workplace came upon challenging economic times

Until the recession hit the UK market

The Leaders became anxious

Budgets disappointed

Profits plummeted

Projects fell hopelessly behind schedule

The Finance Director was not confident where the organisations money was being spent

Stress skyrocketed

Morale Plunged

Fingers were being pointed at middle managers for weak business cases

Discontentment ruled the day

Fear flooded the workplace

The Leaders searched

Desperate for anything to stem the bleeding

Finally, a strong VOICE rang out,

“Clearly you were looking for answers

But had you asked the right questions?”

“Are you asking questions?”

“And are you really listening?”

“What are you hearing?”

“do you have the right people in the right jobs?”

“are you willing to change the way you do things?”

“why is ‘change’ failing?”

“do you know about all your projects/programmes?”

“what benefits are we actually realising?”

“Have you asked your people,

- one on one?

- for their views and ideas?”

“Have you created an environment that promotes a comprehensive focus on achieving strategic objectives and top performance?”

The Leaders listened to THE VOICE

And something magical happened

They tackled the hard issues……

Starting with their own team of leaders…… senior managers

They matched strengths to work

Opened their minds, got them to accept accountability

They sat down with their people ……

asked questions

analysed all their projects and programmes

…….and made the first step

…….. they discovered Benefit Realisation Management

Key values were re-discovered

And resurrected

Employees flourished

the company recovered

Consolidation, optimisation and maximisation of resources, finances, benefits …………..all aligned to strategy …….. It was happening

benefits were realised….. efficiency savings made……. costs reduced….. processes leaner……performance improved…….ROI achieved

and once again became the perfect workplace

profited happily ever after

It reached new heights never before envisaged

All because they listened to…….


…………listen to THE VOICE of The Change Emporium (TCE)

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