how to turn leadership functions into skills

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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How to Turn Leadership Functions into SkillsDiscussant: Juvelito Ferrer ChicoLyceum Northwestern UniversityInstitute of Graduate and Professionals

Different Levels of Leadership

Team Leadership

Operational Leadership

Strategic Leadership

Leadership Functions

1. Defining the Task•Clear•Concrete•Time-Limited•Realistic•Challenging•Capable of Evaluation

2. Planning

3. Briefing Briefing is the function of communicating objectives and plans to the team. It usually involves standing or sitting it in front of the team and briefing them in a face to face way.

4. Controlling Controlling is the function of

ensuring that all the energy of the team, and the resources at its disposal, are turning wheels and making things happen. Sometimes teams are like inefficient old steam engines, with much of their energies escaping like hissing steam into space and doing nothing to move the iron monster forward.

5. EvaluatingIt is the act of considering or

examining something in order to judge its value, quality, importance or condition.

One of the function of a good leader is to evaluate the team because this is the principal way to develop the team. No team is perfect many are good; a few are very good and still are excellent

Hallmarks of Excellent, High Performance Team

•Clear realistic objectives•Shared sense of purpose•Best use of resources•Atmosphere of openness•Handles failure•Ride out the storm

6. Motivating “If communication is sister to leadership,

then motivation is its brother.”

Motivation comes from the Latin Verb for “to move”

Variety of ways to move People1. can threaten with punishment of one

form or another.2. induce them with financial rewards.

•One of the things that leaders are supposed to do is to motivate people by a combination of rewards and sanctions.

•More recent thought suggest that we motivate ourselves to a large extent by responding to inner needs.

Key Principles for Motivating Others•Be motivated yourself.•Select people who are highly motivated.•Set realistic and challenging targets.•Remember that progress motivates.•Provide fair rewards.•Give recognition.

7. Organizing Organizing is the function of

arranging or forming into a coherent whole. It can mean systematic planning as well.

3 Aspects to Consider in Organizing•System

It refers to processes – orderly or structured ways of doing things – as social structure.

•AdministrationIt involves paper works and its primarily concerned with day-to-day running of things.

• Time ManagementLeaders need time to think, time for people-costumers as well as team members and time to grow business.

8. Providing an ExampleLeadership is example. Certainly it is

impossible to think of leadership without example. It takes many shapes and forms, but it has to be there.

A Short Course on LeadershipThe six most important words…‘I admit I made a mistake.’

The five most important words…‘I am proud of you.’

The four most important words…‘What is your opinion?’

The three most important words…‘If you please.’

The two most important words…‘Thank you.’

The one most important word…‘We.’

And the last, least important word..‘I.’

Checklist to Test if you set Good Example

•Do you ask others to do what you would be unwilling to do yourself?

•Do people comment on the good example you set in your work?

•Does your (bad) example conflict with what all are trying to do?

•Can you quote when you last deliberately set out to give a lead by example?

•Can you think of ways you could lead by example?

•Do you mention the importance of example to team leaders who report to you?

Thank You!

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