how to work_in_difficult_times_-_recorded

Post on 13-Aug-2015






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  1. 1. Pete Gowers/Mark Wilson How to work in difficult Times - The art of Control Accept the things I cannot change Have Courage to change the things I can Have the Wisdom to know the difference Th
  2. 2. How to work in difficult times? 1. Frustrated/Annoyed at things happening to you 2. Overwhelmed - Too much work to do 3. Other people 4. Feeling pressure, stress, anxiety? Th
  3. 3. 1. Frustrated/Annoyed at things happening to you Th
  4. 4. 1. BUSINESS 2. TECH/SCIENCE 3. PSYCHOLOGY 4. PHILOSOPHY Quote Quiz The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny. T
  5. 5. 3. PSYCHOLOGY The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny. Albert Ellis T
  6. 6. Things that have an impact on you / your day Other people Your boss The past Your immediate reactions What you do / Your actions Ford strategies Your workload How you feel Th
  7. 7. Locus of Control Th Things you cannot influence Things you can influence But not control Things you can control Other people Your immediate reactions The past What happens when your well-being depends on controlling something you can only Influence at best? Fords Strategies Your boss Your Workload? What you do? How you feel
  8. 8. 2. Overwhelmed - Too much work to do Th
  9. 9. 1. BUSINESS 2. TECH/SCIENCE 3. PSYCHOLOGY 4. PHILOSOPHY Quote Quiz When you die, your inbox wont be empty T
  10. 10. 1. BUSINESS When you die, your inbox wont be empty T
  11. 11. Techniques that can help (with too much work) Task Lists Manage your boss Deal with procrastination Simple Time management Th
  12. 12. Task Lists If you have too much to do, then pretending youll do it doesnt help anyone, especially you. If you dont know how much you have to do or what your priorities are then you are stuffed. A task list can be anything, outlook tasks, paper, excel, word or even an email What it cant be is your inbox, thats impossible to prioritise. Remember workload is infinite. In the end all you can do is your hours, work hard and prioritise. Th
  13. 13. Managing upwards: Help your Boss to Help you You may want your boss to fix workload for you, but only one person really knows what you have to you. Then you need to have 1x1s to agree what youre doing and what youre not doing. If you produce a task list and discuss with your boss the priorities and agree what you cant do. If you are in conflict with your boss, then thats trouble. if you ever dont agree with your boss, there are 2 options. Th You If things are high pressure then they can be shorter and more frequent, even daily stand ups if needed. Then they can own the things you cant do. Convince them of your way. Do it their way.
  14. 14. Procrastination A Definition Are you busy, but maybe not on the right stuff? Look at yesterday did you do the highest value stuff? Do you struggle to start because youre overwhelmed? Putting off something that it is in your interests to do, at a time when it is in your best interests to do it. (Windy Dryden) We might also add, for the sake of something that is less in our interests. Th
  15. 15. 1. BUSINESS 2. TECH/SCIENCE 3. PSYCHOLOGY 4. PHILOSOPHY Quote Quiz the beginning in every task is the chief thing T
  16. 16. the beginning in every task is the chief thing Plato 4. PHILOSOPHY T
  17. 17. Work out why and then go for it Th Cause Action Guilt or shame that you havent done the task already The task is something you resent, maybe you do other things to prove your autonomy in the world You can be overwhelmed by everything you have to do and put off everything as a result You can be afraid of the task, that it will be unpleasant, not being able to do it or not able to do it to a standard youd like Accept where you are today and plan for the future Maybe your activities are not in your interests and you may choose to change them You could just need a list so you can focus on just one thing for now Choose to accept the fear as natural and do it anyway, accept you can tolerate unpleasantness
  18. 18. Simple Time management YOUR DAY Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Meeting 3 Meeting 4 Meeting 5 Meeting 6 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Th
  19. 19. 3. Other People Th
  20. 20. 1. BUSINESS 2. TECH/SCIENCE 3. PSYCHOLOGY 4. PHILOSOPHY Quote Quiz Insanity, doing the same thing again and expecting a different result. T
  21. 21. 2. TECH/SCIENCE Insanity, doing the same thing again and expecting a different result. Albert Einstein T
  22. 22. Working with others Do you want people to like and value you? Does what youre doing now get you all the recognition and appreciation you want? Remember Einstein Insanity, doing the same thing again and expecting a different result. Th
  23. 23. Remember - Locus of Control Th Things you cannot influence Things you can influence But not control Things you can control Other people Your boss What you do?
  24. 24. Compliments People like genuine compliments, think of the impact it has on you. If you want more: Look for ways to genuinely compliment others. Did you do that with co-workers/subordinates today? How about with your boss? Th
  25. 25. Focus on whats been achieved Task lists are essential, but they are list of thing you havent yet done. Do you celebrate success? Recognise yourself as well as others or itll be a long year until you look back. Have a whats better list or do 3 blessings, what went well and why. Th
  26. 26. Three Good Things Th
  27. 27. Managing Conflict Everyone clashes with other people Priorities, ways of working, communication style, or just disagreements Find the common ground People are different, individual this is a good thing Truth : No one comes to work to intentionally do a bad job Align on how you do work, guidelines and establish working norms Th
  28. 28. 4. Feeling pressure, stress, anxiety? Th
  29. 29. 1. BUSINESS 2. TECH/SCIENCE 3. PSYCHOLOGY 4. PHILOSOPHY Quote Quiz When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. T
  30. 30. 1. BUSINESS When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. T
  31. 31. Feeling rubbish? Are you ruminating? Did it go home with you? What do you feel rubbish about? If you dont know try brainstorming possible reasons In and out of work Then try scoring them. Once you have an idea you can: Problem solve do something different. Get Help, brainstorm sources, you have the answers for you. Distraction Cognitively Reappraise Th
  32. 32. Scoring what may be happening Boss didnt like report My partner was grumpy this morning I dont have an up to date task list Someone cut me up on the road this morning I havent had a holiday in a while I didnt sleep well last night I feel isolated in my job right now 8 4 6 5 4 7 9 Th
  33. 33. Accepting the worst Do you think youll be fired? Will you be physically hurt? Will you be bullied? Is the worst case is some people with be disappointed and upset with you. Realise that you can accept that scenario and the fear goes, then you can focus on delivery and even doing so happily. Th
  34. 34. ABCD Video
  35. 35. 1. BUSINESS 2. TECH/SCIENCE 3. PSYCHOLOGY 4. PHILOSOPHY Quote Quiz People think focus means saying yes to the thing you've got to focus on. But that's not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are T
  36. 36. 2. TECH/SCIENCE Steve Jobs People think focus means saying yes to the thing you've got to focus on. But that's not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are T
  37. 37. Any Questions Th
  38. 38. References/More reading How To Win Friends And Influence People, Dale Carnegie. Vermilion; New edition edition (6 April 2006) ISBN-13: 978-0091906818 Ten Steps to Positive Living By Windy Dryden (Jun , 2003), SHELDON PRESS Three Blessings - Humourous ABCD ref Windy Dryden Overcoming Procrastination, A. Ellis , W. Knaus, Penguin; Reissue edition (Oct 1983), ISBN-13: 978-0451159311 Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life, Martin E. P Seligman, Vintage Books USA; Reprint edition (14 Mar 2006) , ISBN-13: 978-1400078394 Summary of Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, and its all small stuff by Richard Carlson, Ph.D. Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway: How to Turn Your Fear and Indecision into Confidence and Action, Susan Jeffers, Vermilion (4 Jan 2007) ISBN-13: 978-0091907075 Th

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