how to write a case

Post on 04-Apr-2018






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  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case


    We are here for collaborative


    Case Writing

    The art of developing and

    writing professional case

    studies in the perspective ofacademic research


    Dr. Veena Tewari Nandi

  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case


    Contemporary about..

    Practice & Outreach are actually CONSULTANCY

    (Clues for Case writing)

  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case


    Industry-Academia Interactions: All cases developmentrequires a close interaction of the Faculty with theproposed case company. These interactions start with thedesire to help each other and gain from each others'expertise. The industry gains by the study and plausible

    consulting that the faculty provides and the academia gainsby getting not only a case to study in the class, but also anopportunity to suggest improvement in the case company.Most of the interactions result in comprehending andappreciating importance of the issues that each thoughtwere inexistent.

    Library cases help to bring out cases that could not be

    done on field for physical inability to get to the companyand its operations. Moreover, usually cases on industry oreconomy warrant a library case approach over a field caseapproach.

    Perception about the practice and theory of industry, firm,and individual as seen in reality, is exemplified by the case

    itself. This leads to a convergence of knowledge, skill andpractice, essential in the field of business management.Further, an interaction of faculty and industry makes ourstudents prepare for the work and perform in the industry,better.

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    Decide to publish.

  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case


    CSR: Similar or Different For Different People

    Comments: The case has not been accepted for your developing a full case for

    presentation at the International Conference on Business Cases(ICBC2010), in the

    following respects:

    1. There is no business case at all. It is more a small lecture on CSR meant forstudents.

    Please prepare afresh and it should be business case like you have done in the past. Iknow you can do it.

  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case


    Balakrishnan (2010) What is the starting point of a good case study?

    Though intuitively I would say the teaching objective, realistically it is with a good access to a

    story. When you find one interesting case, it is important to bag it by getting permission. Since

    these cases need approval they sometimes start out one way and end another. There is nothing

    wrong in that. The most important point is collecting as accurate a picture of the setting of the

    story which is always the backbone of the decision problem. Another important aspect to explore

    is whether the teaching objectives may spillover to multiple disciplines. Do look at all angles as

    this makes your cases more interesting and widens the reach.

  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case


    StructuringA case can either be researched base or canportrait real life events. It is a description of aparticular situation facing by an organization andthe people within the organization. Cases should

    ideally have a decision focus. A good case placesthe reader in a position of having to considervarious alternatives and make a decision.

    A teaching note relates the situation described inthe case to the theoretical constructs in a givenfield of study. A teaching note indicates the goals

    and objectives of the case, the courses in whichthe case can be used, suggestions about usingthe case in a classroom situation and alternative


    As for a structuring a case, it is recommended topresent the case like a story, which has aninteresting beginning, suitable background, amiddle and a conclusion.

  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case


    Ideal steps for publishing..

    Teaching Note:

    * A case must have a teaching note (instructors manual) It

    should begin with the case title.

    The teaching note should include;

    a) Case synopsis (abstract of the case)

    b) Courses and levels for which the case is intended

    c) Teaching objectives (list 2-5)

    d) Theory application. Include linkages to relevanttheory in the field, which should be elaborated in thediscussion question section.

    Research methods:

    * Data sources (e.g., field interviews, observations,personal experience, secondary publications,government data synthesized from the authorsexperience. )

    * Extent of any disguise.

  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case


    Ideal steps for publishing..(Cont)

    * Suggested teaching approaches

    * Discussion questions and

    answers to those questions.

    * References

    * Exhibits (e.g., financial analysis,

    summary of theory application)

    * Epilogue (if appropriate)

  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case


    Teaching Notes

    This is the most important part of a successful case. It will ensure that your case isused the right way in class and that all supporting resources are easily available for the

    students/teachers. This section is easily 2-6 pages long. It can have competitive

    information, reading recommendations (theories, journal articles, web articles, news

    paper articles) and organizational material.

  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case


    Ideal steps for publishing..cont. Abstract, case and teaching note (instructors manual)

    should be submitted as separate documents. Do notplace an abstract at the beginning of the case.

    The case should have a footnote at the bottom of thefirst page as under;__________________________________________________________ This case was prepared by (names ofthe author(s) and university affiliations) and is intendedto be used for class discussion rather than to illustrateeither effective or ineffective handling of the situation.

    Case can be typed in single or double line spaced.

    Leave sufficient margin (1.0 minimum) on the left sideof the odd pages and right side of even numberedpages.

    Author(s) are not identified in except on the cover pagefor the case and the teaching note

    Ensure that the pages are numbered

    Number the exhibits in the order they are introducedin the case

    Short exhibits and tables can be placed as in-text tables

  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case


    Identify the

    Objective, Method

    and Facts..Determine the main

    objective of the case study.

    You may be writing a case study to

    fulfill an academic requirement or to

    help solve problems in real-lifesituations (professional obligation!!!!)

    An academic assignment typically

    will come with a specific objectiveand instructions, whereas a

    professional assignment might

    require you to define the objective.

  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case


    Students all over the world hate to read especially as today time is short. So if the

    objective is to grab their attention, encourage participation and actually stimulate

    active thinking rather than a more passive approach - you should make your caseinteresting and relatively short (2-6 pages). You may have an additional 3-4 pages of

    resources in the teaching notes. This allows the teacher (who is NOT you and may not

    have as much information about your case) to facilitate the class to a more fruitful

    discussion and optimize the teaching objective.

  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case


    How????????????? Select the best approach.

    Choose an analytical approachto increase awareness.

    In the preliminary stages of solving management problems,an analytical case study mightbest meet the goal of alertingupper management to corefacts and issues. An analytical

    case study primarily focuses onwhat has occurred and why.

    Select a problem-solvingapproach to pinpoint and solve

    major issues.If the goal is to make solutionrecommendations, write aproblem-solving case studythat clearly outlines problemsand solutions.

  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case


    Be smart.

    Conduct research for your

    case study:Examine the facts, dynamics,

    communications and all

    relevant aspects of the

    particular situation. Research

    might involve interviewing

    people in an organization,

    reviewing written documentsor looking up relevant


  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case


    Is it important to mention the person and the decision role?

    Yes it is important to mention the person and the decision role. This is because this information

    gives the student an idea of the role they must take. Decision problems escalate with levels,responsibilities increase and so does the strategic time frame. To make the right decision, a

    student must not only know the role they must play, but the decision outcome expected, the

    resources available (money, manpower etc) and the context. You can disguise the company and

    the role title but there must be enough similarity with the situation so that the case can help the

    student understand the complexities of each choice and the outcomes; both in achieving the

    stated objectives and any other sub-objectives that may exist in the system.

  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case



    Reading Notes:

    Ellile Export (pvt) ltd. mainly deals with garment manufacturing specialized in gents wearing. They are based at Noida, UP andhave a show room and material collection and dispatch centre in Karol Bagh, New Delhi . It started its business in 1996 with just

    15 employees and they now have 159 employees working in full time basis. Their business model is B-2-B and also engaged in

    trading activity. They take order of garments like t-shirts, shirts, trousers etc. They mainly target those organizations that has

    minimum of 200 employees. It is basically done having seen the requirements in terms of uniforms, special occasion wearing, and

    gifts to the employees or delegates. They also has license of manufacturing specific brands products for them.

    Amresh Kumar after trying his hands in several areas finally found his place in terms of Ellile Export. With his employees and their

    performance he was quite happy. His client coordinator Mr. Saroj Kumar is an efficient person and has never disappointed him in

    terms of performance and trust. He has been with him since the inception. At any point of time, whenever Mr. Amresh finds anyproblem solved to be difficult he call on Saroj and finds out a route.

    What is happening in his business for the last 4-5 years is quite satisfactory and he is happy with the performance. He has been

    witnessing a growth of 20% over the last 4 years which is above the industry level. But what he discovers in his factory wastage

    house made him bit tensed. Every day he takes a round of his factory and he discovers that as his production level is increasing

    day by day the bins of waste material is gradually increasing. From his experience he finds the period of October to March is a pick

    season, the production level goes up significantly in this season. Outsourcing has always been a major strategy of their production

    schedule. But in house production gives them significant cost effectiveness. Amresh comes to his cabin and thinks over the waste.

    He calculates out that a near about Rs-400000/month has been drain out in terms of waste material.

    Amresh perhaps did not get what he expected from his factory supervisor. He really took the matter very seriously which fueled

    his head-ache. As usual he called on Mr. Saroj.

  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case


    Set the Scope for


    Explain the aim of the case study in the opening

    paragraph. The goal may be to understand the

    challenges of an organization or to solve

    interdepartmental conflicts.

    Provide an industry or company overview.

    Certain facts or challenges may be common in

    the particular industry. For example, software

    bugs may be a common problem in the

    technology industry, requiring extensive product

    testing and quality control teams. Explain

    relevant factors to readers.

    Outline relevant theories and knowledge. Case

    studies for academic programs typically require

    reference to theories and information presented

    in class. Refer to these theories and explain theirrelevance to solving the real-life issues in the

    case. For example, a theory may be that training

    employees in too large a group leads to less

    individualized attention and inadequate skills


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    Focus on Issues and

    Solutions.Identify all relevant issues. If manyissues exist, focus on the mostimportant ones. Some issues may becaused by underlying problems. Forexample, conflicts between teammembers may be due to unclearworkplace policies or employeeresponsibilities.

    Recommend solutions: List the most

    effective solutions first and explainhow they will solve core issues.

    Address the challenges that mightaccompany suggested solutions. For

    example, cross-cultural conflicts inan organization might requireadditional training for managers,which may require funds or anextensive search for topic experts.

  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case


    Provide a Clear

    Conclusion..Write a conclusion

    that summarizes

    the main issuesand solutions:Emphasize the most effective


    Include a reference

    to relevant


    theories:Explain in a few sentences

    how these theories support

    your conclusions.

  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case


    Alternative Solution for Conclusion writing

    Remove any unnecessary words orrepetition

    Break long statements into smallerchunks of information

    Ensure each statement has thesame verbal form as the previousone (where possible)

    Group similar ideas together

    (clearer for the reader)

    Make word choice as informativeand as concise as possible

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  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case


    Perish!!!!!!!!!!!!! (DYE GRADUALLY..)

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  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case


  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case


    How to build the content?????????

    Describe the industry of operation and especially highlight the unique quirks or issues that

    make the market challenging.

    Describe the country of origin and focal market of operation.

    Describe the organization, its history, its vision, is structure (large, small, diversified, SME,

    adaptable?) and its culture.

    Describe your focus product and help the student understand its potential and its realistic

    performance in the market place vis a vis competitors. How is this product objective fit withinthe organization objective.

    What is the time-line for the objective? Why the urgency? What could be the possible

    consequences for not achieving your objective?

  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case


    CSR: Driver for Internal Branding

    Dr. Veena Tewari Nandi


    This case will be highlighting the practical issues of maintain and implementing the human resource policies at a work place. This particular

    issue becomes more acute, if the work place is having employees from different nationalities. We have seen so many times that Human

    Resource Policy Manual is generally maintained by all good organizations but when it is being needed by a particular employee for reference,

    he/she has to really put efforts to get the same. Finally it gets available at some dust filled rack of the library or reading room. This case will

    bring out an issue of skill based expectations at the work place from the employees working at the same level but of different nationalities.

    How the perception will get changed for the top level management for two different people. This particular issue is being taken care as a CSR

    perspective in the case. Now a days numbers of drivers are pushing CSR to the top of the corporate agenda. Increasing stakeholder demands

    and expectations mean that companies can no longer ignore working with environmental, social and ethical issues as a part of their core

    strategy. And that will be done if the organizations will take care of all the employees in the same way.

    Key Words: Dilemma, Responsibility, Theories, Unethical, Whistle blowing

    Teaching Notes:This particular case should be incorporated in the teaching pedagogy for the final year MBA, students. This case can be taken up in the class,

    in Strategic HRM, Entrepreneurship, CSR and Ethics, Organizational Behavior and Human resource modules.

    The teaching objectives depending on the modules are:

    1) Selection, Recruitment and compensation

    2) Organizational culture and its effect on employees performance

    3) What is organizational Ethics?

    The related theoretical concepts will be how HR functions add value to the organizations in the long term, Organizational culture and ethics in

    the organization. In what way and up to what extent the case will add value towards an effective teaching pedagogy, will depend on the

    tutors own experience and creativity.

    The case is a real life situation which happened in one of the business college, which is based out of the India. The names of the people in

    person are not being mentioned to keep the sanctity of the place and the profession.

    The source of information for the case is all primary; the situations at some places have been modified to give the structured outlook to

    the case.

    Dr. Veena Tewari Nandi, Majan College, University College, Ruwi, Muscat. The case is written for class room discussion only.
  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case


    Case Study on Customized ERP Implementation: Need of an Hour


    This case will be highlighting the practical issues faced by the company (Name of the Company is being protected to avoid further

    complications, otherwise all the situations are fully true to our level best), when going for an ERP implementation. Apart from the Major issue

    of cost effectiveness the company faces the resistance from the existing employees, existing processes and overall environment. The case willdiscuss about actual situation under which the person responsible for the implementation studied the actual need of the company to have

    the technological up gradation but with the minimum cost attached. Here after the whole project, he chose to implement the ERP but with

    the customized version. The main problems to be taken care by the ERP were time taken to complete a particular task, inventory control

    issues and some other inbuilt problems in the normal functioning of company. Few results were shown in the form of successful

    implementation of JIT (Just in Time) and smooth flow of formal communication across all the departments.

    Teaching Notes:

    The mentioned case can be taken by the mentor in the subjects like ERP, Technology Management. Management Information System, HumanResource (Change Management).

    The main issues covered under the case would be problems faced during ERP implementation and its effectiveness. According to the mentors

    choice the questions can be raised from organizational culture, Management of Technology in small enterprises, change management,

    Information system handling.

    Questions to be discussed:

    What are the benefits of customized ERP package in this particular Company and what will be your suggestions for the company you are

    working for?

    Suggest the steps to reduce the resistance from the employee while implementing ERP in this particular organization.

    Discuss the benefits of customize ERP with respect to Procurement and JIT process and explain how it has reduced the lead time and


    Key Words:

    ERP, Failure resource planning, software implementation, JIT.

  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case



    Sample 1


    3.1.1 Create different levels of data clerks

    Creating different levels of data clerks would result in a work

    environment where the staff would be willing to work harder

    in order to receive more interesting work tasks. Consequently,

    it would limit undisciplined work behavior. It would provide

    better efficiency and create fewer errors because in order to

    graduate to the next level, the employees would need toperform their tasks correctly. It would also identify where the

    errors are occurring. The clerks on the highest level would be

    capable of relieving the firm secretaries during their holidays.

  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case


    Sample 2 (bullet point style)


    creates a challenging work environment

    limits undisciplined work behavior

    identifies where errors are occurring stimulates staff to work harder to receive more interesting tasks

    stimulates staff to perform better to graduate to the next level

    creates staff able to relieve the (firm's) secretaries during their


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  • 7/29/2019 how to write a case


    The rough format is as follows:

    1) Who is the teaching case for: Students of which classes, disciplines and what is the level of

    expertise with this area? Is there any prior preparation students must do before they come to class?

    2) What are the teaching objectives? Which theories and concepts can be reinforced, what skills can

    be learnt?

    3) What are possible issues the teacher or students can bring out in the discussion and how can

    these be handled?

    4) Are the resources documented easily accessible?

    5) Is there a teaching plan how will you begin the discussion, how do you lead the students and

    what is the outcome. In some cases a Board Plan (to jot down key points is also recommended).

    6) What is the time needed to facilitate this discussion?

    7) A few discussion questions maybe given and these can also help in class discussions. Do you

    recommend group study or individual study? Should it be a discussion, debate, role play, etc? Why?

    8) Last but not least how do you think students can be evaluated?

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