how to write a pain letter ebook october 2013

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How to Write a Pain Letter eBook October 2013


  • How to Write a Pain Letter by Liz Ryan Copyright Human Workplace 2013



    How to Write a Pain Letter

    A Human Workplace E-Book by

    Liz Ryan

    CEO & Founder

    Human Workplace

  • How to Write a Pain Letter by Liz Ryan Copyright Human Workplace 2013



    What is a Pain Letter?

    A Pain Letter is a letter that a job-seeker sends to a

    hiring manager to start a conversation with the hiring

    manager about employment. A Pain Letter is a snail

    mail letter that goes directly to the person youd be

    working for if you got the job your prospective

    manager, that is - at his or her desk.

    Your Pain Letter takes the place of a traditional cover

    letter, in the sense that you send the Pain Letter with

    (and stapled to) a resume. But thats pretty much where

    the similarity between a Pain Letter and a cover letter


    A Pain Letter is Different from a Traditional Cover Letter

    Your Pain Letter doesnt talk about your skills and competencies, and it certainly doesnt talk

    about a job ad that you may have seen posted somewhere. If the hiring manager youre sending

    your Pain Letter to has a job ad posted somewhere, the last thing you want to mention it.

    A Pain Letter isnt trying to get a hiring managed focused on an open job requisition that he or

    she is trying to fill. That job opening, if there is one, is probably stuck in the Black Hole recruiting

    pipeline somewhere. With a Pain Letter you are not trying to get the hiring manager to think

    about the stack of vaguely dissatisfying candidate resumes sitting in HR, but to think about the

    pain that the lack of a talented person is causing your hiring manager right now, and that is

    quite likely affecting his or her sleep and health.

    When I say that the hiring manager may be very vaguely dissatisfied with the stack of resume

    he or has received, what do I mean? I mean that all the resumes look alike. The hiring manager

    cant tell one person from another! Thats because the way we write traditional resumes is

    broken, just like everything else weve been taught to do on a job search. Its all broken.

    Weve been taught to write resumes to make ourselves sound like battle drones, like identical

    pod people with Superior Communication Skills and Negotiation Skills and so on.

    Weve learned a weird, inhuman language that we only use on resumes and other official

    correspondence, and its time to toss that awful, zombietastic corporate speak language out the

    window. That is a big part of our mission at Human Workplace to bring a human voice to work

    and the job search process.

  • How to Write a Pain Letter by Liz Ryan Copyright Human Workplace 2013



    Who Do You Send Your Pain Letter To?

    You can send a Pain Letter to any hiring manager or decision-maker, whether he or she has a

    job opening posted or not. Pretty much every decision-maker has some kind of Business

    Pain. If you send a Pain Letter and the recipient doesnt

    have enough pain to be interested in talking with you, you

    wont hear from him or her.

    Thats okay! We dont need to hear back from everyone. At

    Human Workplace we say Only the people who get you,

    deserve you.

    We need to get over the last-millennium idea of putting our

    entire basket of self-esteem and identity into every job we

    apply for. Its a new millennium now. The state of being in

    career transition will become more and more familiar to

    every working person, and thats a good thing, because the muscles we need to write Pain

    Letters and send them out are muscles we all need to grow.

    We need to know what sort of Business Pain we solve in our work. We need to know what

    that Business Pain costs employers and organizations who might hire us to consult with them.

    We have to run our careers like businesses.

    Our careers are businesses! Our career is almost certainly the biggest financial deal (or series

    of deals) well manage in our lives. We need to get altitude perspective on our careers, and

    think strategically about our careers the way all prudent businesspeople think about their


    How Business Pain Translates to Job Ads

    When a hiring manager has a job to fill and gets a job requisition approved at work, he or she

    feels great for a little while, but that great feeling doesnt last. It is really, really hard to be a

    manager in any kind of organization. People think its easy and cushy, but in general its really

    hard work. As a manager you are constantly caught between your team members and the

    higher-ups in the company. Its a constant juggling act. There is a lot of stress.

    Let me add that any hiring manager who gets a new job opening approved these days has been

    lobbying for that new employee for months. What started as a small problem when the hiring

    manager first got the idea to hire someone new on the team has become a mountain of

    problems by the time the job is approved. It is critically important for the over-stressed manager

    to hire someone into that precious approved slot who will make a difference. The manager cant

    afford to hire just anyone. Hiring the wrong person would be a disaster.

  • How to Write a Pain Letter by Liz Ryan Copyright Human Workplace 2013



    There is a Talent Shortage

    When you go on a job interview, you often get the

    subtle or overt message Were being very choosy, in

    order to hire just the right person. Dont be fooled.

    There is a massive talent shortage going on.

    Employers talk about it incessantly. You can Google

    the term talent shortage if you find that hard to


    Why cant talent-starved employers and brilliant job-

    seekers find one another? Each group needs the

    other. The problem is the creaky, rusted, broken

    recruiting process that stands between them.

    Avoiding the Black Hole

    At Human Workplace we call the old-world recruiting system, the one that uses keyword-based

    resume sorting and terse auto-responders instead of human communication the Black Hole.

    The Black Hole drives talent away. Lots of people simply wont toss a resume into those things,

    and we dont blame them. The Black Hole is broken. Thats a shame for employers, their

    customers and their shareholders. Thats why we are designing the post-Black-Hole recruiting

    process together with our member employers. That set of practices is called Recruiting with a

    Human Voice.

    We can see that the left-brained, keyword-based recruiting mechanism, what we call the Black

    Hole, is irreparably trashed. It doesnt work in any way. It doesnt attract great candidates, it

    doesnt make it easy for HR people and hiring managers to meet great people, and it doesnt

    get jobs filled quickly. Every part of the machine is faulty the way we design jobs, the way we

    write job ads and job specs, the way we communicate with candidates and the way we interview


    We need to overhaul the whole engine, and that is what were doing at Human Workplace. But

    that doesnt help you right now. You cant wait until most organizations have moved into the

    Human Workplace recruiting standard. You need a job now. Thats what this E-Book is all


    Everything That Should be in the Job Ad, Isnt

    Hiring managers have large, festering business problems, or they wouldnt have gotten approval

    to hire a new person. When youre searching job ads on or and

    see a job ad that looks interesting, I want you to apply for the job I just dont want you to pitch

    your resume into the Black Hole portal that the job ad specifies.

  • How to Write a Pain Letter by Liz Ryan Copyright Human Workplace 2013



    You are going to apply for the job, but what youre going to do is avoid the front door, slip

    around to the side entrance and reach your hiring manager directly. Youre going to open up a

    conversation with your hiring manager, one that simply asks Do you by chance have the sort of

    Business Pain in your department that I solve?

    A Pain Letter Speaks to the Pain, Not the Job Ad

    When you write a Pain Letter, youre going to ignore the written job spec completely, apart

    from any background information on the organization and the industry that you might find in the

    ad and if you gain anything like that from the job ad, its for your use only. Youre not going to

    report or parrot back in your Pain Letter what you learned in the job ad. You arent going to

    respond point-by-point to the job ad in your Pain Letter. You arent even going to mention the

    job ad.

    Youre going to talk about something far more important than the job ad the Business Pain

    behind the job ad. You are going to address the business pain that got the hiring manager the

    privilege and anxiety that comes with the approval to hire a new person onto the team.

    The Business Pain your hiring manager is up against is what impelled him or her to go down

    the long hall and beg the Chief Financial Officer (or whoever holds the organizations purse

    strings) to shell out the money for a new hire. Those responsibly tight-fisted financial executives

    dont allow managers to hire new people because its fun. There has to be big-time Business

    Pain in order for any organization to make a new hire in a tough economy like this one.

    Thats where your Pain Letter comes in. Your letter doesnt trumpet your fabulousness.

    Instead, it starts out congratulating your target hiring manager and his or her organization. Then,

    it goes to a Pain Hypothesis where you say as a fellow businessperson and someone whos

    lived through many of the same movie scenes your hiring manager is dealing with right now, I

    know it isnt easy. I wouldnt be surprised to hear that youve got some issues getting your

    supplies to combine on-time delivery with the best price.

    You know or can extrapolate what the common Business Pain points are for the kinds of

    hiring managers whod be likely to hire you. Even high school kids can use variations on the

    Pain Letter theme in their job searches. We can teach kids to spot Business Pain just as

  • How to Write a Pain Letter by Liz Ryan Copyright Human Workplace 2013



    easily as any other grown-up-world strategy we might want to

    teach them. Its a lot easier to learn to write Pain Letters

    than to drive a car!

    We follow up our Pain Hypothesis in the Pain Letter with a

    Dragon-Slaying Story that shows the hiring manager you know

    his or her movie, because youve played in that movie before.

    Your Dragon-Slaying Story describes a time when you

    saved the day or helped a team do something cool that made

    a positive difference and not just any old accomplishment,

    but one that slayed the same dragon your hiring manager is

    likely to be facing now.

    If you dont like the idea of hurting dragons, even if they are mythical, you can call your story a

    Dragon-Taming Story instead of a Dragon-Slaying Story!

    A Pain Letter closes with a simple good-bye. Pain Letters are short letters. They fit easily on

    one page of white paper with tons of white space all around. We want to make it insanely easy

    for the hiring manager who opens our Pain Letter to read it, standing right there near his or her

    desk. We want the hiring manager to make a quick and intellectual-emotional decision I have to

    call this person. Thats it!

    Pain Letters in our experience hit their mark (resulting in a phone call or email back to you

    from the hiring manager) about twenty-five percent of the time. We dont collect any statistics at

    Human Workplace, because the last thing we want to do is talk anyone into using our

    approaches or working with us. In order to try our non-traditional approach to job search, a

    person has to be excited about the prospect of trying something new. We cant persuade

    anyone to step outside the invisible velvet ropes and we wouldnt want to try. Our approach,

    called the Whole Person Job Search, is based on trust, not fear.

    So we dont keep any statistics, but we always ask people who learn the Pain Letter

    methodology to tell us what percentage of their Pain Letters hit pay dirt, as it were. They tell

    us that when they send a Pain Letter with a Human-Voiced Resume directly to their hiring

    manager, they get a call back or an email (human) response about 25 percent of the time. That

    is not so great- it would be wonderful if the response rate were 75 percent but its light years

    ahead of the response rate from the dreaded Black Hole mechanism.

    Thats not the only reason to try a Pain Letter. The responses that come back from hiring

    managers and HR people when youve sent a Pain Letter are qualitatively different than the

    standard We like your resume and would like to usher you into the pipeline response you get

    when youre a candidate in the Black Hole. The difference is night and day.

  • How to Write a Pain Letter by Liz Ryan Copyright Human Workplace 2013



    In one case, youre going to go through a bunch of

    automated screening processes and waiting

    weeks between contacts from the recruiter. In the

    other case, your hiring manager is on the phone

    saying So, youve seen this issue where sales

    leads arent getting out to the regions, and the

    customers are waiting three months for a


    You get to say, Oh yes, Ive seen that a lot.

    (Dont solve the problem, though! Certainly not on

    the phone. Not even in a face-to-face interview.)

    The Four Parts of a Pain Letter

    A Pain Letter has four parts: the Hook, the Pain Hypothesis, one Dragon-Slaying Story and a

    Closing. You'll find the Hook on the company's own website and their site plus other research

    will help you arrive at the Pain Hypothesis.

    The Dragon-Slaying Story is one of the stories from your vast treasure trove of stories, and don't

    you dare try and tell me you don't have stories, because that's ridiculous. We just haven't been

    trained to think about our stories. We wrap up a Pain Letter with a short closing. A Pain

    Letter is short and packed with mojo. You don't have time to hang around and grovel. You've

    got places to be!

    The Hook

    The Hook in your Pain Letter is a friendly greeting

    that immediately tells the hiring manager "I'm out

    here in the ecosystem and I see what you guys are

    doing, and it's cool. Hats off to you." You pick a

    highlight or news item or feather in their cap from

    the past six months. It might be a green building award from the city of Dallas. It might be a Best

    New Product award or a story in the newspaper.

    Your hook doesn't have to have anything to do with the job you're interested in. You're just

    opening that aperture of interest by being awake and aware, something that (on paper at least)

    your typical Black Hole job-seeker typically is not.

    This is what talent-craving hiring managers yearn for: a person whose periscope is up, a person

    with pluck and a personality, oh, can it be? These poor hiring managers, they run a job ad and

    their mojo is through the roof because they've lined it all out on paper and so believe that the

    perfect candidate is going to sail through the door. And then they conduct six or seven

    interviews and their mojo plummets. They see how the job ad, the list of requirements and the

  • How to Write a Pain Letter by Liz Ryan Copyright Human Workplace 2013



    screening process conspire to keep out the sharp and inquisitive person the manager really

    needs. Your Pain Letter and Human-Voiced Resume arriving at that juncture, often four to six

    weeks after the job ad runs, has a wonderful chance of shifting the hiring manager's frame.

    There's a sample Pain Letter at the end of this E-Book.

    The Pain Hypothesis

    A Pain Letter is called a Pain Letter because you're talking about the Business Pain you

    imagine your hiring manager to be up against. How do you determine what that pain is? Start

    with the organization's mission. Think about and read up on its competitive landscape. Think

    about whether the organization is growing or shrinking, pushing ahead into new markets or

    retrenching. If you were the hiring manager most likely to hire a person like you, what pain

    would you be hiring that new person to solve?

    Is it the pain that results when sales leads don't get from a trade show floor to the field?

    Is it departing customers and sinking average selling prices?

    Is it donations drying up, as alums retire and downshift?

    Is it creaky call center infrastructure that is costing money and customer loyalty?

    Libraries have pain. Universities have it, and so do startups. They have growing pains! Growing

    pains are no joke. They can sink a business. No organization of any size doesn't have pain.

    There is no left-brain algorithm to help you see the movie your hiring manager is starring in.

    There are tons of resources to get you going, too many to list here. But the primary Pain-

    Spotting activity is to put yourself in your future boss's shoes and ask "What keeps a person like

    me up at night?"

    When you write your brief Pain Hypothesis, you're going to be collegial and professional but

    also conversational. The frame for a Pain Letter is almost the opposite of a grovelly, Please-

    Your-Majesty-Consider-Me cover letter. It's not surprising that we write awful, mud-crawling

    cover letters, because we've all been taught to do that. But why? Why does Godzilla require

    bowing and scraping? When we hire a plumber, we don't ask the plumber to tell us what his

    three greatest weaknesses are. The plumber says "Look, you got a sock down a drain, or


    So we postulate what might be causing pain for your hiring manager, like this:

    Given your new distribution deal with Wolfgang Pucks organization, Id have to imagine that

    your Marketing team is right up against the wall.

    Notice that we use a human voice in a Pain Letter! No Zombie boilerplate language for us!

  • How to Write a Pain Letter by Liz Ryan Copyright Human Workplace 2013



    The Dragon-Slaying Story

    Youre going to tell one quick story in your Pain Letter, right after the Pain Hypothesis. You

    will jump directly from the Pain Hypothesis to your quick story, called a Dragon-Slaying Story,

    without any paragraph break. A Dragon-Slaying Story shows the hiring manager that you

    understand the pain he or she is up against. Youve already played a part in the same movie

    your hiring manager is living through right now. Not only do you know the movie, but youve

    already slain (or tamed) the same dragon the hiring manager is facing right now.

    Theres a sample Dragon-Slaying Story on the next page.

    Sample Pain Hypothesis and Dragon-Slaying Story

    Given your new distribution deal with Wolfgang Pucks organization, Id have to imagine that

    your Marketing team is right up against the wall. When I was at Angry Chocolates just before

    the companys acquisition by Nestle, we were under the gun to launch our edible nail polish line

    at Chocoholic Expo 2009. We narrowly got it done and brought home the Best New Product

    award that year.

    Your Dragon-Slaying Story doesnt say Im smart, Im savvy, Im seasoned. Who cares what

    you think about yourself? We will play a little bit of the movie back, instead. Well tell a little story

    that lets your hiring manager know how you jump into action when you need to on the job.

  • How to Write a Pain Letter by Liz Ryan Copyright Human Workplace 2013




    A Pain Letter wraps up with a quick closing, like any of these three examples:

    If youve got time for a phone call to talk about

    growing pains and Marketing/Sales handoffs, let me


    If anything Ive mentioned resonates enough to

    warrant a phone call, lets talk when you have time.

    If any of these items on your radar screen, my

    contact information is on my resume (attached).

    You can see the common theme in these three

    closing statements. Each one says Im here, and you

    can talk to me for free, at least once. Its up to you,


    A Pain Letter is a new way to get a job by starting a conversation with the decision-maker (not

    an administrative person far removed from the pain thats keeping your hiring manager up at

    night) and keeping the conversation at a high level.

    People tell us that when they send off a Pain Letter and get an interview as a result, the

    interview never devolves to the insulting level of Whats your greatest weakness? and Where

    do you see yourself in five years? It stays at the high level of Whats in your way as a manager

    right now? The job interview becomes a consulting conversation, as it should have been all


  • How to Write a Pain Letter by Liz Ryan Copyright Human Workplace 2013



    Hiring managers have real problems that brilliant people like you

    can solve. You can reach hiring managers directly with your Pain

    Letters and Human-Voiced Resumes and skip the tedious

    Black Hole routine. You just have to shift out of the frame Oh,

    there are rules for job-seeking and I mustnt break them. You

    have to be willing to break some rules.

    This E-Book explains how the Pain Letter-writing process

    works. You may be good to go right now. You can write a Pain

    Letter this afternoon!

    We can help you learn how to write Pain Letters and Human-Voiced Resumes if you want

    more guidance than we can fit in this E-Book.

    We offer 12-week virtual coaching groups that teach people how to take control of their careers

    and step into the new-millennium talent market with confidence. On the next page are

    descriptions for two of the Human Workplace 12-week virtual coaching groups that you can join

    to gain new muscles and mojo in your career:

  • How to Write a Pain Letter by Liz Ryan Copyright Human Workplace 2013



    12-Week Virtual Coaching Groups from Human Workplace

    Crafting Compelling Pain Letters

    This course teaches you how to research and write Pain Letters

    and avoid the Black Hole. The standard (advanced) version of the

    course has 12 lessons of about 10-15 pages each. People say that

    the program is great, and/but intense. You will devote a couple of

    hours each week to the program, or more. The cost for the

    Advanced Edition of Crafting Compelling Pain Letters is $299.

    Our latest version of Crafting Compelling Pain Letters is the Quick Start edition of the course.

    This edition gives you 12 quick, two-to-five-page lessons and one exercise per week. The cost

    for the Quick Start edition of Crafting Compelling Pain Letters is $149.

    Put a Human Voice in Your Resume

    Put a Human Voice in Your Resume is our self-led resume-writing program. Its a 12-week

    virtual coaching group that gives you a new lesson every week to lead you through the process

    of constructing your own Human-Voiced Resume. We are working on the Quick Start edition

    for this program; it will be available in early 2014. The standard Advanced edition for Put a

    Human Voice in Your Resume costs $299.

    Lots more 12-week virtual coaching groups!

    Our fall-winter 2013-14 calendar of Human Workplace 12-week virtual coaching groups is

    included in this E-Book. Youll see it right after the sample Pain Letter on the next page.

    We also write Human-Voiced Resumes and Pain Letters for clients who dont want to write

    their own materials.

    Let us know how we can help you take control of your career and grow your new-millennium

    muscles and mojo! Reach our Operations Manager, Michael Wilcox, at

  • How to Write a Pain Letter by Liz Ryan Copyright Human Workplace 2013



    Sample Pain Letter

    Declan McManus

    V.P. Product Development

    Jazz Chocolate Company

    123 Park Lane

    Chicago, Illinois 60657

    Dear Declan,

    I was happy to find your blog post on the dramatic shift to strongly-flavored chocolates this

    weekend. Three years ago Id never heard of salted caramel and now its everywhere! Youve

    done a great job capturing the currents swirling in the marketplace, and its obvious in the

    marketing at Jazz Chocolates. Hats off to you and your team on continuing Jazzs growth even

    in a down economy.

    Reading about your expansion into South America, I couldnt help but wonder how your talented

    Marketing team is dealing with the massive increase in requests for their support. Id have to

    imagine that managing a new set of distributors in Spanish-speaking markets has got to be

    taxing your team to the brink. When I was at Angry Chocolates just before the companys

    acquisition by Nestle, we had a similar opportunity and challenge. We had to launch our Bite Me

    edible nail polish line in time for Chocoholic Expo 09 without ignoring our loyal retail customers.

    We narrowly got it done and won Best New Product that year.

    If Jazzs expansion and the South American marketing challenge warrant a phone call, my

    number is on my resume. Congratulations to you and your team on making a big splash in the

    premium chocolate arena and enjoy the rest of your week.


    Mike Myers

    Our 12-week virtual coaching group schedule follows on the next few


  • How to Write a Pain Letter by Liz Ryan Copyright Human Workplace 2013



    Human Workplace

    12-Week Virtual Coaching Group


    October 2013 April 2014

    NEW! Quick Start Edition of Crafting Compelling Pain Letters -- $149

    Please write to Michael Wilcox at for

    more information.

    12-week virtual coaching groups marked with an asterisk (*) are on open enrollment status. You dont have to wait to join those groups. You can join them now!

    October 26, 2013 *Crafting Compelling Pain Letters *Grow Your Thought Leadership Flame Jumpstart Your 2014 Plan

    November 23, 2013 Build Your Online Soapbox Recruiting with a Human Voice

    December 28, 2013 *Reinvention Roadmap LinkedIn for Beginners Science of Keyholes

    January 25, 2014 LinkedIn Expert Level Team Mojo *Put a Human Voice in Your Resume

    February 22, 2014 *Job Search after Fifty *Grow Your Thought Leadership Flame Everybody Sells

    March 22, 2014 *Crafting Compelling Pain Letters *Reinvention Roadmap Team Mojo

    April 26, 2014 STOP! Dont Send That Resume Build Your Online Soapbox Fearless HR

  • How to Write a Pain Letter by Liz Ryan Copyright Human Workplace 2013



    Human Workplace 12-week virtual coaching group

    Course Descriptions in alphabetical order by course name

    Breaking into the Hidden Job Market September 2013

    Learn how Mojofied Job Seekers are using the Human Workplace job-search approach to avoid the Black Hole and get jobs and consulting assignments that deserve them! Well be talking about direct outreach to employers, networking, and lots more.

    Build Your Online Soapbox November 2013 April 2014

    You need an online presence if youre working in the professional world. But how do you start? Join us to learn how to build your online presence, brand and thought leadership flame!

    Crafting Compelling Pain Letters October 2013, March 2014

    Learn how to research employers, find your hiring manager by name and write a pithy Pain Letter that links your next managers business pain with your expertise. Join us for this lively and mind-expanding program!

    Everybody Sells February 2014

    Everybody sells at some point we sell other people on our ideas, we sell ourselves as pain-solvers on a job search, and we all grow new-millennium muscles when we learn how to sell. Join us!

  • How to Write a Pain Letter by Liz Ryan Copyright Human Workplace 2013



    Fearless HR April 2014

    Fearless HR graduates teach and role model trust-based Human Workplace techniques that galvanize Team Mojo and your mission. Give your HR toolkit a boost and learn how to construct a Ministry of Culture in your own organization!

    Grow Your Thought Leadership Flame July 2013 October 2013 February 2014

    Our course for writers, bloggers, podcasters and public speakers is all about growing your voice, audience and platform. Over 12 weeks well zoom in on your thought leadership mission, audience, brand and strategy to grow your flame bigger and brighter!

    HR with a Human Voice September 2013

    HR with a Human Voice is our introductory Human Workplace course for HR people of all levels. Learn about Team Mojo and the HR role as Minister of Culture, communicating in a human voice and tons more. Join us!

    Job Search after Fifty August 2013 February 2014

    Job search after age fifty is no picnic. Learn a whole new way to job-hunt that emphasizes your talents and wisdom, and give up the please hire me mindset forever! Build your mojo with us!

  • How to Write a Pain Letter by Liz Ryan Copyright Human Workplace 2013



    Jumpstart Your 2014 Plan October 2013

    Thinking of making changes in 2014, starting a business or tackling a major life or professional goal? Better get your plan together! Join us to get your 2014 plans ready for launch!

    LinkedIn Expert Level January 2014

    Our advanced 12-week LinkedIn course focuses on using Search and reaching out via LinkedIn to people you dont already know. Well talk about Groups, Influencers, using Contacts and other advanced LinkedIn features!

    LinkedIn for Beginners December 2013

    Now is a great time to get started on LinkedIn, creating a powerful profile in your own voice and building a network and presence online. Join us for a step-by-step introduction to the worlds most powerful networking engine!

    Put a Human Voice in Your Resume September 2013 January 2014

    In this group youll write your own Human-Voiced Resume to bring your power and personality across on paper. This lively group will make you a branded, Mojofied Job Seeker with a Human-Voiced Resume that tells your story in your own voice!

  • How to Write a Pain Letter by Liz Ryan Copyright Human Workplace 2013



    Recruiting with a Human Voice November 2013

    Recruiting can be tough, but it gets more fun, easier AND dramatically more effective when we add a human voice and Human Workplace tools to the process! Learn how to snag rock stars and ninjas in this energizing program!

    Reinvention Roadmap August 2013 December 2013 March 2014

    This group for career-changers, people in reinvention and working (but wondering) folks helps you reclaim your history and zero in on the direction and brand for your next adventure. Get moving into your next career adventure!

    Science of Keyholes December 2013

    The Science of Keyholes course teaches job-seekers, salespeople, consultants and others how to use research, targeted outreach and networking to create new business relationships and grow them. A must for entrepreneurs and anyone tired of waiting for opportunities to find them!

    STOP! Dont Send That Resume March 2014

    STOP! Dont Send that Resume teaches job-seekers how to avoid the deadly Black Hole and reach hiring managers directly. Learn a dramatically new and empowering way to find a job that DESERVES YOU!

  • How to Write a Pain Letter by Liz Ryan Copyright Human Workplace 2013



    Teaching the Whole Person Job Search August 2013

    Learn to teach our Whole Person Job Search approach in this 12-week course! This coaching group is the first step in the Human Workplace Certification process. Join us and learn why job-seekers and employers love the Whole Person Job Search worldview!

    Team Mojo March 2014

    Team Mojo is our leadership development program for new and veteran managers of teams Come grow your mojo and muscles with us! A fun, inspirational course that will give you new tools for your leadership toolkit!

    How do Human Workplace 12-week virtual coaching groups work?

    Every Saturday for 12 weeks, youll receive a packet of lessons, exercises, E-Books and tools to

    move you along your path. We discuss what youre learning in our moderated online

    community, and keep the energy level high with podcasts and fun activities throughout each 12

    week program.

    PRICING: Each 12-week virtual coaching group registration costs US $299 except Reinvention

    Roadmap, which costs US $329. Our new Quick Start Edition of Crafting Compelling Pain

    Letters costs $149 and includes 12 shorter, easier and less time-consuming lessons.

  • How to Write a Pain Letter by Liz Ryan Copyright Human Workplace 2013



    Human Workplace 12-week virtual coaching group


    What is Human Workplace?

    Human Workplace is a publishing, coaching and consulting firm whose mission is to reinvent

    work for people. Our CEO and Founder, Liz Ryan, is the USAs most widely-read career and

    workplace thought leader and the architect of the Human Workplace worldview and


    How much does registration for a Human Workplace 12-week virtual coaching group cost?

    Registration for all of our 12-week coaching groups except Reinvention Roadmap and our new

    Quick Start edition of Crafting Compelling Pain Letters costs US $299 per person. Registration

    for Reinvention Roadmap costs US $329 per person. The Quick Start edition of Crafting

    Compelling Pain Letters costs US $149.

    I get busy at certain times of year. Is there a problem if I start a 12-week virtual coaching

    group and fall behind in the work?

    Thats no problem. Each of our 12-week virtual coaching groups is self-paced. You can complete

    the lessons in as rapid or leisurely a pace as you like.

    Can I share the materials from my 12-week coaching group with my book club friends?

    The coursework and other materials in each Human Workplace 12-week coaching group are

    proprietary content that is not for transmission or duplication. (In other words, no. ) You can

    take a 12-week virtual coaching group together with your book club write to Michael Wilcox

    at to learn about our group registration programs.

    Do you offer a discount when several people from one organization take a 12-week virtual

    coaching group together?

    Yes, we do! Please contact Michael at to learn more about


  • How to Write a Pain Letter by Liz Ryan Copyright Human Workplace 2013



    How do group members communicate with one another and Human Workplace staff during a

    12-week program?

    Our coaching group members use the Human Workplace LinkedIn group to ask questions and

    get answers from Human Workplace coaches during each 12-week program.

    Some of the badges on the previous page dont have corresponding 12-week coaching groups

    on the schedule. Do you offer more courses than the ones shown on this course catalog?

    At Human Workplace we have over 100 courses and coaching groups for job-seekers, career-

    changers, career counselors and coaches, leaders, working people, entrepreneurs and

    instructors. All of our courses are available at a premium level as instructor-led programs.

    Please contact our Operations Manager, Michael Wilcox, at to

    learn about bringing Human Workplace curriculum into your workplace, agency or institution.

    Contact us! HUMAN WORKPLACE

    we are reinventing work for


    Michael Wilcox

    Operations Manager

    (303) 440-0408

    FOLLOW US on Twitter:


    LIKE US on Facebook:


    Register for our 12-week virtual coaching groups at this link:

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