how to write a successful business plan

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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How to Write A Successful

Business Plan

If you are planning to start a business, you will need to put together a business plan. Even established businesses do well to update their business plans from year to year. A well thought out business plan serves as a road map that points your business in the direction it should be going.

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How do you go about writing a good business plan? While there are no strict rules, there are helpful guidelines you can follow. Doing so will ensure the plan you put together is professional and effective.

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For example, business plans provided to banks, investors or government agencies must be more detail oriented and focus largely on income and spending. However, a business plan put together for a board of directors will be more focused on goals and how to achieve them.

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Perhaps the most important section is the Executive Summary, which is usually read by potential investors. Since this is a summary it should be brief, usually no more than two pages.

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A section on Business Operations might include information about the facilities and equipment that will be needed. Also, if work is to be outsourced this should be explained in the Operations section.

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There should be a section about The Management Team and Key Employees. Interested parties want to know the background of the key players and why their personal histories are suited to the new start up venture.

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A section on Market Research is always a good idea. Investors and management want to know how well you have researched your potential customers and how you will reach them. This section may also include information on competitors.

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A good business plan will always include a Financial Plan. This should include a complete financial statement, comprised of a balance sheet and a profit and loss statement. It should also include cash flow projections, break-even analysis and other pertinent financial reports.

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While a business plan sounds formal and stuffy, it will be much better received if it is written in a simple style that is easy to read. Do this by breaking your report down into small sections. Keep the paragraphs to two or three sentences each and don't use five or six words where one or two words will do.

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Endless statistics and legal jargon will numb your readers. This can result in important information in your report being skipped over because the reader is bored. The more interesting you can make your report, the better it will be received.

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