how we increased online sales by 44% in just 2 weeks! (and only tweaked 1 page)

Post on 19-Aug-2015






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TRANSCRIPT // 360-747-7401

How We Increased Online Sales by 44% in Just 2 Weeks

(and Only Tweaked 1 Page!)

What if you were just one small tweak away from doubling sales?

Increasing website traffic by 50%?

Cutting your customer’s checkout time in half?


OR // 360-747-7401

Much like El Dorado, the Holy Grail, and your missing sock, that little tweak exists– it’s just difficult to find. // 360-747-7401

Because of this, there are thousands of lonely websites left crying themselves to sleep because their busy owners have little time to test and refine their effectiveness. // 360-747-7401

Their design is outdated, their buttons are hidden, and their sales path is muddied with too many steps.

*Insert pouty face here*

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What these websites need (on top of a solid hug) is


Optimization is the process of testing and refining your website to get maximum conversions. // 360-747-7401

Often times, this takes the form of testing headings, imagery, button placement, and page layout, among others. // 360-747-7401

It removes friction in the buying process and makes it easy for passive visitors to become active customers.

? !

Sounds pretty fantastic, right? We think so, too. // 360-747-7401

In fact, we recently optimized one of our client’s websites, and by tweaking one page... // 360-747-7401

We increased their online sales by 44% in just two weeks.

(I know, I know . . . we were pretty impressed with ourselves, too.)

Here’s how we did it . . . // 360-747-7401

Once upon a time, we got a call from Holz Racing. While they’d been around since 1995, sold awesome products, and had a legion of loyal customers, online sales were low. // 360-747-7401

We took a peek at their website and quickly discovered the problem: their website was too darn confusing. Unfortunately, HOLZ didn’t agree, so we set out to prove them wrong.

#OhItsOn #BattleRoyale

Optimization Step 1: Establish a Goal

In Holz’s case, this was easy: boost online sales.

Optimization Step 2: Brainstorm Test Ideas // 360-747-7401

We went through the website and mapped out 25 key things we could easily update and test. These included:

MessagingButton placementColor schemes

Photos and imagesPage layoutCalls to action

Here’s an example of a test idea: // 360-747-7401

Update the homepage design to focus on the most popular products and not on the image gallery and/or industry news.

Optimization Step 3: Craft Your Hypothesis

We then took this idea and fleshed it

out into a longer hypothesis:

Users visiting the website are looking for racing products. By showcasing the most popular products, they’re more likely to find something they’re interested in. This will also remove at least one step in the buying process by allowing customers to quickly identify a potential product and move into the checkout phase. Combined, this will drive more customers to buy and increase the conversion rate.


We’re here to help! Contact us and we’ll track down those hidden obstacles you never knew were there–

and turn them into money-making powerhouses.


Optimization Step 4: Rank Your Ideas // 360-747-7401

We reviewed our test list and ranked each idea based on how much of an impact we expected it to have. // 360-747-7401

For Holz, we decided our first test would focus on button color and placement.

This may sound simple enough, but button color was a major piece of the puzzle and you’ll see why. // 360-747-7401

Here was our test idea:

Update the product detail page, so that it drives more attention to the ‘Add to Cart’ button. // 360-747-7401

And here was our hypothesis:

If we updated the product detail page to provide a clearer focus on the ‘Add to Cart’ button, it will decrease friction and reduce the amount of time customers spend thinking about buying the product. This will lead to an increase in how fast a customer adds an item to their cart and what percentage of visitors complete checkout.

Optimization Step 5: Test

Now that we had a plan, our design team went to work. We created an updated design, then tested it against the baseline (we did this using Optimizely). // 360-747-7401

We split traffic down the middle, so 50% of visitors saw the original and the other 50% saw our test version. We ran the test for 14 days with a 92% confidence level.

A/B TEST // 360-747-7401

During the testing period, we tracked two main goals:

1. Add to carts: the number of people who added products to their cart

2. Purchases: the number of people who made a purchase.

Here’s what the page looked like before . . .

And here’s the page after . . . ooh la la!

Here’s what we did. . . // 360-747-7401

Increased the size of the product image, so customers could better see what they were getting

Made the “Add to Cart” button larger and changed the color; the new contrast color and button size helped it pop off the page // 360-747-7401

Moved the product price directly below the button–this forced users to look past the button to find the price

Moved the product description down the page, removing it as a distraction; this also created negative space around the button which helped establish it as a focal point

Optimization Step 6: Analyze the Results // 360-747-7401

From this one test, we saw incredible results:

1. The number of visitors who added a product to their cart increased 60%

2. Total purchases increased by 44%

Optimization Step 7: Implement // 360-747-7401

A 44% increase in sales is huge for any business. The icing on the cake? It only took us 14 days!

With such awesome results, the next step was obvious: implement our design changes across the entire site.

Optimization Step 8: Repeat // 360-747-7401

The work is never done! Since we saw such awesome results from our first test, who’s to say what other awesome, magical, life-changing things could happen from even more tests? // 360-747-7401

The bottom line: there’s always a way to make your website better. So find the pain points, opportunities, and obstacles across your website and start testing.

Let’s Review // 360-747-7401

What we love most about conversion rate optimization and split testing is you get clear, measurable results. // 360-747-7401

No more second-guessing yourself or your website: you can clearly see what’s working and what’s not.

? // 360-747-7401

Here are the steps you should take to optimize your website:

1. Establish a goal2. Brainstorm test ideas3. Craft hypotheses4. Rank your ideas

5. Test6. Analyze the results7. Implement8. Repeat // 360-747-7401

Is your website...




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