how wifi has changed our life

Post on 19-Feb-2017






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How wifi has changed our life?

Submitted by: Aqsa Attiq

How Wifi has changed our life?

Life before internet

• Apples were something that grew on a tree. Amazon was a river in South America. And a tablet was the pill form of an Advil or Tylenol.

• “Chatting” was something you did with a friend over coffee.

• To communicate with friends and family who lived far away, you hand wrote letters and mailed them at the post office.


• To make a phone call, you used a landline phone. You know, the kind that was attached to the wall of your kitchen and used metal wire lines for transmission. If you were out of the house, you had to find a payphone.

• Libraries were filled with books and encyclopedias that you’d have to read when you were writing a research paper. No “Googling” or searching the Web for answers.


• Buying music meant going to the record store and buying a record, CD or cassette tape and playing it on your record player, Walkman or Boom Box. Going to the record store to pick out a new album was a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon with friends.

• You used paper maps to navigate your way on the roads. No GPS back then.


• Parents couldn’t track their kids with “Find My Phone” or other GPS cell phone-tracking apps.

• If you wanted to talk to many friends at the same time, you had to be in the same room with them. No instant messaging back then.

How wifi has changed the concept of life?

How much we depend on computers and internet?

Positive Impact of wifi on our life

• Wifi has made things quicker and easier, which is what our society craves.

• We can communicate more efficiently from almost everywhere.

• Wifi is convenient to use and users can use it from nearly any convenient location.

• Users can also access internet even outside their normal environment. Most food chains offer their customers wifi on a little or no cost at all.

• Users connected to a wireless network can maintain a nearly constant affiliation with their desired network. This means that students can be more productive as they can do their work from any convenient location.

• Expanding wifi network is easy as it does not require additional cost of installing cables. A wifi connection can serve more people at one time.

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Negative impact of wifi on our life

• People who use excessive internet have no social communication.

• People have started relying more on internet to search for content than search books or go to a library.

• Families are becoming distant as everyone is either on their mobiles or laptops or tablets.

• Children have access to internet and they can access all kinds of materials on internet and because of this ethical and moral values are diminishing in our society.

• Children now prefer to play games on their phones and laptops instead of going outside to play because of this many health issues are rising in children.

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