
Post on 16-Aug-2015






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Hello everyone, welcome to the

Business Education Centre

Show Picture Slide 4Eddie

Where we teach retailers how to increase their


• Reduce their shrinkage level

• And increase their profit margin

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In this webinar, Romeo is going to show you how to increase your

conversion rate for shoppers who enter your store.

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Romeo Richards is the author of 23 books including bestselling books:

How to increase retail sales

Store design blueprint

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Visual merchandise display

And how to increase profit in retail.

He is also the creator of eleven home study courses including:

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How to increase retail sales home study course

• Retail Store Design Blueprint home study course

• Visual merchandising display home study course

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How to influence shoppers buying behavior home study course

And Shoplifting Retail Loss Prevention home study course

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Romeo has been associated with the retail industry for a number of years

both as an employee and as a consultant and trainer

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He worked with Tesco, Marks & Spencer and Brantano

He has consulted and trained a number of big retailers in the UK, US

and the Middle East

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Romeo is the guy big retail consulting firms sneak in through the backdoor in the middle of the night when they want to resuscitate dying


Ladies and gentlemen Romeo Richards

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Hello everyone

In this webinar, I am going to show you the formula successful

retailers use to influence their shoppers buying behaviour and increase their sales and profit.

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In my previous webinar, entitled ‘how to increase retail sales’ I

focused on strategies for attracting customers to a retail store.

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I said that in order to increase store sales, you need three things:

Good store design

Attractive visual merchandising display

And an effective loss prevention strategy.

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Many of you might be wondering the relationship between loss prevention

and increasing sales.

Loss prevention in this sense has to do with the availability of stock.

Show Picture Slide 19You cannot increase sales if shoppers

come into your store, stock are unavailable.

To increase your store sales, you need to get them into the store in

the first instant.

When they are inside the store, the second step is persuading them to


How to increase retail sales:

Store design

Visual merchandise display

Loss prevention

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In this webinar, my focus is going to be on getting them to buy when they

are in your store.

Why is it important that you learn how to persuade your customers to

buy when they are in your store?

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It is important you acquire this skill because this is the most difficult aspect of the retail sales circles.

Conversion is the most difficult aspect of a retail customer journey.

And this is where most retailers drop the ball.

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The reason most retailers drop the ball at this point is they do not give the conversion process the level of

attention it needs.

I have mentioned availability of stock briefly.

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The availability of stock is conversion in its most simplistic form.

When someone come into your store and they do not find what they are

looking for, you have lost that sale….ie, you have not converted


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However, conversion in its entirety has to do with:

• Your store design

• Your visual merchandising display

• Your customer service

• Your price

Conversion is possible with:

Good store design

Attractive visual

merchandising display

Exceptional customer service

Value driven

price point

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I will like to say two things of the bat:

Firstly, many retailers make the fatal mistake of underestimating the

difficulty of the conversion process.

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If there is a single lesson you take away from this webinar after I have

said this if you like you can leave the webinar and it will still be worth your time of registering and attending let

it be this:

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Never, never underestimate the difficulties of getting anyone to put

their hands into their wallet and give you their money.

That is a very difficult thing to achieve.

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Do not misunderstand this statement as meaning that people do not like

buying or paying for things.

No far from that.

People do like to buy.

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The problem is, people like to buy but they do not like to be sold.

So where the brilliance is, is selling to people without them feeling that

you are selling to them.

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Striking that middle ground is where the genius is and it is not easy to


I am sure you have all experienced the situation where someone enters

your store and you say can I help you and the response is: no thanks I am

just browsing.

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Your store is not like television or something, so why do they go there

to browse?

No they are not just browsing, the natural human response to anything that smells like sales is to run away

from it.

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In their minds, if they accepted your offer, you might end up selling them something they had no intention of


The second lesson I need you to come away from this webinar is, no

one come into your store to buy your crappy made in china merchandise.

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If you think that someone left their home, in some cases drove into the

town centre, pay for parking and entre your store simply to buy your crappy made in china stuff, you are

smoking something.

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Don’t you forget that there is Amazon, there is eBay, there are lots of ways they would have gotten that

stuff without the inconvenient of leaving their home.

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The only reason they chose your store over the other thousands of ways they would have gotten the same stuff is for the experience.

What customers buy from you is not your merchandise, but the experience of buying the


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This is the reason someone goes to Harrods and spend £500 for

something they could buy at Tesco for £50.

What they pay for when they cough out £500 for something they could

buy for £50 is:

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The beautiful store design

The attractive visual merchandising display

The exceptional customer service

Customers buy experience

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So the question that may be going through your mind now is, how do you create the type of experience that will get shoppers flocking into

your store?

You do that by:

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• Creating a beautiful store design

• An attractive visual merchandising display

• And exceptional customer service

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So how can you achieve the above three:

• Creating a beautiful store design

• An attractive visual merchandising display

• And exceptional customer service

How to increase retail sales:

Store design

Visual merchandise display

Exceptional customer service

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To achieve that, you need to first answer the questions:

• Who do we want to attract

• What are we going to sell to them?

• How are we going to sell it to them?

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Who do we want to attract

Author Marcus Buckingham in his book the one thing you need to know

said when he interviewed sir Terry Leahy the man who transformed

Tesco into a global brand, he asked him, how did he do it.

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He said when he went took over Tesco, the first thing he did was ask

the question: who do we serve?

When he answered the question who Tesco served, he went about creating

a business model that appealed to those people.

Show Picture Slide 51One of the things he did was to increase the numbers of checkout

counters in Tesco stores.

He understood at the time, Tesco customer base was the guy who

went to work without lunch, during his lunch break, he want to run into

the supermarket and pick up his lunch.

Show Picture Slide 51What he did not appreciate was

queuing at a supermarket checkout for half his lunch break.

This is a very interesting insight because we see that time and time

again with successful retailers.

Show Picture Slide 51When Next profit surpassed that of

Marks & Spencer for the first time in its 32 years history.

Every retail analyst agreed that the key to Next success was its

understanding of its target market better than any other retailer in the


Show Picture Slide 51So understanding who you are going

to sell to is a very important first step in the process of influencing

customer buying behaviour.

What are we going to sell to them?

Who are you selling to?

Show Picture Slide 62The next step in the process is what

are we going to sell to them?

I said before that people don’t buy your crappy made in china stuff, they

buy the experience of buying the stuff.

Show Picture Slide 62What experience can you create in your store to get them to want to buy when they are in the store?

A research was done with shoppers to thousands of retail stores in the


Show Picture Slide 62What the researchers discovered was, shoppers only saw 25% of

merchandise in retail stores.

Let’s me say that again.

Shoppers said when they entered a retail store, they only saw 25% of the

products on display.

Show Picture Slide 62Just imagine what will happen to your sales if instead of shoppers

seeing only 25% of the merchandise you have on display, they instead saw 75% of those merchandise.

Imagine what difference that will make to your sales figures.

Show Picture Slide 62How do you get shopper to see 75%

instead of 25% of merchandise in your store?

You first design your store well and ensure your merchandise are well


Continuing with the subject of experience.

Show Picture Slide 62How many of you have had the

misfortune of going to electronic or computer stores and asking the sales assistant for help and it sounded like you were speaking Greek to them.

Show Picture Slide 62British electronic retailer Richer

Sounds has the highest sales per sq than any other retailer in the world.

And they have held that distinction for the past 25 years.

Remember, they sell electronics, which is what many retailers struggle

to sell.

Show Picture Slide 62Why is Richer Sound so successful, well by some coincidence they have

also won Which British consumer watchdog award for having the most knowledgeable staff in the industry.

Show Picture Slide 62Do you see the connection, they

have the highest sale per sq, at the same time, they have the most

knowledgeable staff in the industry.

Show Picture Slide 62When customer pay Richer Sound for their over priced electronics, they are

not paying for the crappy made in china staff, they pay for their

knowledgeable staff…experience.

Starbucks sells a place to relax

Show Picture Slide 70Exceptional customer service

Imagine a lady entering La Sanza or Victoria Secret, instead of the staff

asking the stupid question can I help you?

Show Picture Slide 70They instead asked her if she needed a lingerie for a special occasion and

they proceed to give her info of lingerie that fit her best.

Show Picture Slide 70Imagine the difference it will make to La Senza or Victoria Secret’s sales.

This is what happens in luxury retail store which is the reason recession or not, their sales are constantly up.

When you enter Harrods kids section, they have play consultants.

Show Picture Slide 70His or her job is just to play with kids.

When kids enter the section, they throw ball at them, the kids throw the ball back, they throw it again,

before you know it the kid is enjoying the game with the play consultant.

Show Picture Slide 70Do you think when that kid is leaving they want to leave without that ball?

Hell no.

They want to take that ball with them to continue the playing either with their siblings or their parent, either

will do.

Show Picture Slide 70The point is by engaging the kids,

Harrods get them emotionally invested in the store.

That is exceptional customer service. I can go on and on about retailers who have achieve phenomenon success because of exceptional

customer service.

Show Picture Slide 70Zappos is one retailer that come to


You cannot imagine how fanatical Amazon is about customer service

until you become a vendor on Amazon.

It’s because of the exceptional customer service that retailers like

Amazon are eating the lunch of many other retailers.

Show Picture Slide 75So what have we learnt?

We have learnt that your conversion process is the most difficult aspect of

your customer journey

People like to buy but do not like to be sold

Show Picture Slide 75We have also learnt that shoppers do not come into your store to buy your merchandise but the experience of

buying the merchandise.

People pay 500 in Harrods for something they could buy at Tesco for 50 because of the experience

Show Picture Slide 75To create the Harrods like experience

in your store, you need a beautiful store, attractive visual

merchandising display and exceptional customer service.

Show Picture Slide 75In order to create a beautiful store

design, attractive visual merchandising display and

exceptional customer service, you need to answer three questions:

Who are we selling to

What are we selling to them

How are we going to sell to them

Review & Workshop

Show Picture Slide 85You might be thinking to yourself that you are not a big retailer.

So far I have mentioned the names of big retailers. So you might be

wondering how can small to medium size retailers like many of you on the call here today implement the ideas I

have spoken about?

Show Picture Slide 85The answer to that question is in a home study course I created call: How to influence shoppers buying


This is a cutting edge program that answers all of the questions I have

been posing in this webinar.

Show Picture Slide 85Identifying your target market, is not an easy thing if you do not have the skills and the technical know how.

When you identify them, how are you going to sell to them?

Show Picture Slide 85Are you going to sell your crappy

made in china stuff or are you going to sell the them experience?

These are few of the things you will learn when you own the how to

influence shoppers buying behaviour.

Show Picture Slide 85You will learn;

How to identify your target

How to craft a complying marketing message

Show Picture Slide 85How to communicate that message to them through your store design and visual merchandising display

So you can:

Show Picture Slide 85• Attract truckload of new customers to

your store

• Retain them for long in the store

• Persuade them to buy

• And trigger automatic repeat purchase…

Show Picture Slide 85So you can increase your store sales

which will result in increased profitability for you.

Providing you the resources to enjoy the freedom for which you started your


Show Picture Slide 85You will no longer need to worry about

money to buy stock and

you will not have to work ten fifteen hours a day seven days a week and still not be

able to afford a holiday.

Show Picture Slide 88It is broken into three modules…

In module one, I walk you step by step through the process of identifying:

Show Picture Slide 88• Your target market…who you are going

to sell to

Module One

Show Picture Slide 90Your marketing message: what you are going to sell to them…i.e how do you

communicate with them

Module Two

Show Picture Slide 92And your marketing media: how you are

going to sell it to them…how are you going to create the experience for them

Module Three

Show Picture Slide 108Most retail training programs charge

hundreds of pounds to teach you theories that have no practical application in the

real world of retailing.

Show Picture Slide 108Worse of all many retail training programs are taught by either professors who have never

once in their lives stood behind a store counter or people who themselves failed at


How can someone who failed at something show you how to succeed in it?

Show Picture Slide 108This is not because they are bad trainers

who want to deceive you…

it is simply because they do not know the fundamentals of increasing retail sales.

Show Picture Slide 108This is the first time in retailing history that a retail training is constructed to

show you how to identify:

Show Picture Slide 108Your Target market: Who you are going to sell to

Your marketing message: What you are going to sell to them

Your marketing media: how you are going to sell it to them

Because not a lot of retail trainers know anything about sales and marketing

Show Picture Slide 108You cannot increase sale if you do not

know who you are going to sell to

neither can you increase sales without knowing what you are going to sell to them or how you are going to sell it to


Show Picture Slide 108Shoppers these days buy for different

reason than they use to buy years ago.

Except you know those reasons, you will not be able to get them into your store

You will learn those reasons from the how to influence shoppers behaviour home

study course.

Show Picture Slide 108The how to influence shoppers buying

behaviour home study course was designed for retailer like you who cannot afford to spend

thousands of pounds to hire experts.

Imagine how much it would cost you if you had to hire a retail consultant, a marketing expert, a visual merchandiser and a store


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With the how to influence shoppers buying behaviour home study course,

you will have in your hands a marketing expert, a visual

merchandiser, a store design and retail consultant all in one.

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If you were to hire all four of those professionals which is what you will

need to increase your sales and profit, you will shed out a minimum of ten

thousand pounds or even more depending on the size of your store.

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But don’t worry, you are not going to be paying ten thousand pounds for the

how to increase retail sales home study course…

you are not even going to be paying five or even a thousand pounds.

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As a special offer to you for attending this webinar, you can order it today for

only £127 or $197 for both the electronic and the physical copy

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The course contain 3 DVD, 3 audio CD or MP3 and a workbook.

You can own the electronic copy on its own right this very moment for only

£67 or $107

Show Picture Slide 108Compare this investment to:

£10, 528 for Open University retail training

£2000 for four days Oxford University retail management training

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And an average of £600 for various retail trainings with not a single one as in-depth as the how

to increase retails sales home study course

Click on the link and take advantage of this limited offer


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I am going to give you an unnecessary guarantee which I know you will not

need since I am confident of the enormous value you will derive from

the course.

Show Picture Slide 112If for any reason in the first twelve months

of purchase you feel you have not gain valuable information that result in

increased sales and profit for your store

just request a refund and we will process your refund no question asked.

Show Picture Slide 112Let me repeat my guarantee to you again

You have full twelve months to decide…

any time within the first twelve months of purchase you can request a refund.


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If that’s not enough for getting you to buy today, I also want to

give you my book entitled how to make profit in retail for free.

In the book you will learn:

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Store design blueprint: How to design a beautiful but profitable


Visual merchandise display: how to create an attractive visual

merchandise display

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How to increase retail profit with effective loss prevention


Show Picture Slide 119You will also get a 45 minute free

Skype consultation with me personally not any of my staff.

During the consultation your will be free to ask me any question relating to

your store.

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This offer is only valid till our series of webinars are over.

So take advantage of it now because when the webinar is over,

it will return to the full price of £667 or $1026

Get free Sky Consultation

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Re-cap offer

So here is what you are going to get today:

Our how to influence shoppers buying behaviour home study course

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The home study course will show you how to:

• Attract customers to your store

• Retain them for long in the store

• Persuade them to buy

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• And trigger automatic repeat purchase…

So you can increase your store sales and profit and gain the freedom for

which you open your store.

Show Picture Slide 125

You can own it today both electronic and physical copies for a webinar

attendant discount of £127 or $197

Or you can own the electronic copy which you can have access to

immediately when you click the link now for only £67 0r $107

Show Picture Slide 125

The package contains three DVDs, three audio CDs and a workbook.

You will be entitled to the online version as well.

Show Picture Slide 129

When you order today I will give you my book entitled how to make profit in

retail for free.

In the book you will learn:

Store design blueprint: How to design a beautiful but profitable store

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Visual merchandise display: how to create an attractive visual

merchandise display

How to increase retail profit with effective loss prevention strategies

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you will also receive a 45 minutes free Skype consultation directly with me

not any of my staff.

Show Picture Slide 133If for any reason for the next twelve months you think you have not gain

valuable information that will help you increase your store sales and profit just

request a refund and we will process your refund no question asked.

Show Picture Slide 133Yes you heard me right..

You have full twelve months to decide.

If at any time within the first twelve months of purchase your cat jump out of

the window or your dog refused to eat and…

Show Picture Slide 133You decided to request refund because of

that, we will process your refund no question ask


Show Picture Slide 137

This offer is only valid till our webinar sequence of webinars are over. So take advantage of it now because when the webinars are over, that link will no longer be live. When you click on it, it will

take you to the full price

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So go ahead and own your home study course now by clicking on

the link below you can see in your box!

So you can start attracting truckload of new customers to

your store.

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Thanks for taking the time to listen to me, I hope to this webinar has been useful to you and I hope

to be of service to you in the future.

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