hr audit report of heg limited

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  • 7/25/2019 HR Audit Report of HEG Limited



    Project Report on

    H.R. Audit of a Manufacturing Company

    With Special Reference to

    H.R Audit of H.E.G. Ltd.


    2014 - 2016

    Submitted To:

    Prof. Mar am Tari!

    Su mitted !y"

    !a#mah An#ari $ %&

    'oya !angli(ala $ )*

    Report #u mitted in partial fulfillment of the re+uirement# of the #u ject ,HR Audit- a# a part of the M.M.S. curriculum


  • 7/25/2019 HR Audit Report of HEG Limited


    E"e#uti$e Summar

    Many operation# in the manufacturing and #er ice indu#trie# in recent year# re+uirecompetiti e HR practice#. So thi# report #tre##e# on HR planning and audit practice#. HR

    planning i# all a out good #trategic management/ good u#ine## management and particularly

    good people management. 0t i# important to put thought and careful planning into your human re#ource practice#. 1he purpo#e of the HR Audit i# to conduct a more in$depthanaly#i# of the HR function to identify area# of #trength and (ea2ne## and (hereimpro ement# may e needed. Conducting an audit in ol e# a re ie( of current practice#3

    policie#3 and procedure#3 and may include enchmar2ing again#t organi4ation# of #imilar #i4eand5or indu#try.

    1hi# report aim# to figure out the practice#3 employee perception and mea#ure# adopted yHEG limited for Human re#ource planning and audit. HEG Limited i# mo ing to(ard# amore #ophi#ticated human re#ource planning proce##.6ue#tionnaire method i# u#ed to chec2 the authenticity of data gi en y the re#pondent#.

    7inding# #ugge#t# that it i# difficult to a##e## accurate HR planning and adopting accurateaudit practice# ecau#e practice# it#elf doe# not produce right or (rong an#(er#3 ut it

    produce# a #erie# of alternati e# from (hich the right cour#e of action can e cho#en.

    1he o jecti e of the audit (a# to determine if HEG Limited ha# an effecti e managementcontrol frame(or2 in place for de eloping and implementing integrated human re#ource#

    plan# (ith the aim of achie ing operational o jecti e# and #trategic outcome#. Sufficient andappropriate procedure# (ere performed and e idence gathered to #upport the auditconclu#ion.


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    1he (ord ,audit- come# from the Latin er audire3 (hich mean#3 to li#ten. Li#tening implie#an attempt to 2no( the #tate of the affair# a# they e8i#t and a# they are e8pected5 promi#ed to

    e8i#t. Auditing a# a formal proce## i# rooted in thi# feature of li#tening. Con#e+uently3 it i# adiagno#tic tool to gauge not only the current #tatu# of thing# ut al#o the gap# et(een thecurrent #tatu# and the de#ired #tatu# in the area that i# eing audited.

    Auditing ha# een a routine e8erci#e in the area of finance3 e#pecially ecau#e it i# a #tatutoryo ligation. Ho(e er3 in ca#e of Human Re#ource3 there i# no legal inding to adopt auditing.Some of the companie# ne erthele## prefer to ha e Human Re#ource audit#.

    Li2e any audit3 the Human Re#ource Audit i# al#o a #y#tematic formal proce##3 (hich i#de#igned to e8amine the #trategie#3 policie#3 procedure#3 documentation3 #tructure3 #y#tem#and practice# (ith re#pect to the organi4ation9# human re#ource management. 0t

    #y#tematically and #cientifically a##e##e# the #trength#3 limitation#3 and de elopmental need#of the e8i#ting human re#ource# from the larger point of ie( of enhancing organi#ational


    1he human re#ource audit i# a#ed on the premi#e that human re#ource proce##e# are dynamicand mu#t continually e redirected and re itali4ed to remain re#pon#i e to the e er changingneed#. Human Re#ource Audit# are not routine practice# aimed at pro lem #ol ing. 0n#tead of directly #ol ing pro lem#3 HR audit#3 li2e financial audit#3 help in pro iding in#ight# into

    po##i le cau#e# for current and future pro lem#.

    A% &R Audit i' (i)e a% a%%ua( *ea(t* #*e#)-u+, it +(a ' a $ita( ro(e i% i%'ti((i% a 'e%'eof #o%fide%#e i% t*e Ma%a eme%t a%d t*e &R fu%#tio%' of a% or a%i'atio%.

    0t i# mechani#m to re ie( the current HR policie#3 practice# and #y#tem# to en#ure that theyfulfil the rule# and regulation#. 1he audit al#o help# in identifying the area# of impro ementin the HR function. :o(aday#3 the audit i# done regularly in the organi4ation#.

    1he HR audit co er# ariou# function# of HR li2e Recruitment3 Compen#ation ; !enefit#3Performance e aluation3 1ermination Proce## and e8it inter ie(# etc.

    A properly conducted audit help# in the follo(ing

    1o recogni4e #trength#

    1o re eal pro lem area#

    Confirm# compliance (ith late#t regulation#

    En#ure# effecti e HR policie#

    !uild# confidence in HR function

    Human re#ource# are the people in an organi4ation3 #o a human re#ource# audit i# a loo2 attho#e people and the proce##e# that put them in place to ma2e #ure the #y#tem i# (or2ing


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    efficiently. An HR audit al#o goe# eyond loo2ing at the hiring proce## into area# li2eemployee retention3 udgeting3 training3 employee compen#ation3 management5employeerelation# and irtually any proce## or practice (ithin the company that affect# it# people.

    A periodic Human Re#ource audit can +ualify it# effecti ene## (ithin an organi4ation.

    Human Re#ource audit# may accompli#h a ariety of o jecti e#3 #uch a# en#uring legalcompliance/ helping maintain or impro e a competiti e ad antage/ e#ta li#hing efficientdocumentation and technology practice#/ and identifying #trength# and (ea2ne##e# intraining3 communication# and other employment practice#.

    Human Re#ource auditing i# #omething that many companie# do annually3 ju#t a# they audittheir financial information. 1hi# gi e# them an accounting of their (or2force and theefficiency (ith (hich the organi4ation a# an entity deal# (ith it# people3 from recruiting tofiring. Human Re#ource auditing can e li2ened to a per#on going to the doctor for a generalchec2$up to #tay (ell. 1he proce## allo(# a company to get a general idea of (here it #tand##o it can etter correct any potential pro lem# and plan for the future.

    When it come# to phy#ical health3 pre ention of pro lem# i# far etter than (aiting until a pro lem ari#e# and trying to cure it. 1he #ame hold# true for human re#ource# auditing.Pre enting pro lem# i# much ea#ier than trying to fi8 them after the fact. Good HumanRe#ource planning and auditing can help pre ent tho#e pro lem#3 and #a e companie# moneyand difficultie#.

    Human Re#ource Accounting enefit# the company a#certain ho( much 0n e#tment it ha#made on it# Employee# and ho( much return it can e8pect from thi# 0n e#tment.

    Human Re#ource Audit mean# the #y#tematic erification of jo analy#i# and de#ign3recruitment and #election3 orientation and placement3 training and de elopment3 performanceapprai#al and jo e aluation3 employee and e8ecuti e remuneration3 moti ation and morale3

    participati e management3 communication3 (elfare and #ocial #ecurity3 #afety and health3indu#trial relation#3 trade unioni#m3 and di#pute# and their re#olution. HR audit i# ery muchu#eful to achie e the organi4ational goal and al#o i# a ital tool (hich help# to a##e## theeffecti ene## of HR function# of an organi4ation.

    1he Ameri#a% A##ou%ti% A''o#iatio% ' Committee on Human Re#ource Accounting? ha# defined Human Re#ource Accounting a#

    ,the proce## of identifying and mea#uring data a out human re#ource# and communicatingthi# information to intere#ted partie#-.

    HRA3 thu#3 not only in ol e# mea#urement of all the co#t#5 in e#tment# a##ociated (ith therecruitment3 placement3 training and de elop ent of employee#3 ut al#o the +uantification of the economic alue of the people in an organi#ation.

    /(am*o(t 1 31 too ha# offered a #imilar definition for HRA. 1hey define HRA a# ,themea#urement and reporting of the co#t and alue of people in organi4ational re#ource#-.

    5*o '*ou(d #o%du#t t*e audit

    1he team that i# re#pon#i le for the audit #hould repre#ent a cro##$#ection of the


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    organi4ation9# #taff3 including line #taff3 middle and upper management3 and tho#ere#pon#i le for HR function#.

    7eed a%d Pur+o'e of &uma% Re'our#e Auditi%

    1he commonly under#tood audit# are the e#ta li#hed and regular accounting audit# carriedout in accordance (ith #pecific #tatutory regulation#. Ho(e er3 in the ca#e of human re#ourceaudit#3 there i# no legal o ligation3 ut enlightened management# ha e oluntarily acceptedit# u#efulne## depending upon the circum#tance#. 1he follo(ing circum#tance# may e citeda# e8ample#"

    7elt concern y top management3

    Compul#ion# of the e8ternal force# nece##itating a #ituational audit3

    !u#ine## changing #ignificantly influenced y international u#ine## deci#ion#affecting human re#ource management3 and

    An urge on the part of human re#ource management profe##ional# to(ard#ad ancement of the practice# and #y#tem#.

    0t i# nece##ary to ta2e a loo2 at the#e and other +ue#tion#. Human Re#ource audit i# highlyu#eful for the purpo#e

    @oe# the organi#ation regularly foreca#t the #upply of and demand for employee# inariou# categorie#

    @o jo analy#e# e8i#t for all po#ition# in the organi#ation

    Are all potential #ource# of recruitment identified and e aluated

    Are mea#ura le #election criteria de eloped and u#ed (hile filling up jo #

    @o effecti e training and de elopment programme# e8i#t

    0# there a performance e aluation #y#tem that help# a##e## pa#t and potential performance

    0# the remuneration programme de#igned to moti ate employee#

    0# the plant unioni#ed

    @oe# a grie ance procedure e8i#t

    @oe# the organi#ation ha e high +uality of (or2 life

    @oe# the HRM practice contri ute to organi#ational effecti ene##


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    @oe# the management undere#timate the capacity of HRM to contri ute toorgani4ational effecti ene##

    A++roa#*e' to &uma% Re'our#e' Audit

    1he follo(ing approache# are adopted for purpo#e of e aluation"

    1. Com+arati$e a++roa#*:

    0n thi#3 the auditor# identify Competitor Company a# the model. 1he re#ult# of theirorgani4ation are compared (ith that Company5 indu#try.

    2. 8ut'ide aut*orit a++roa#* :

    0n thi#3 the auditor# u#e #tandard# #et y an out#ide con#ultant a# enchmar2 forcompari#on of o(n re#ult#.

    9. Stati'ti#a( a++roa#* :

    0n thi#3 Stati#tical mea#ure# are performance i# de eloped con#idering the company9#e8i#ting information.

    4. Com+(ia%#e a++roa#* :

    0n thi#3 auditor# re ie( pa#t action# to calculate (hether tho#e acti itie# comply (ithlegal re+uirement# and indu#try policie# and procedure#.

    . Ma%a eme%t b ob;e#ti$e' M

  • 7/25/2019 HR Audit Report of HEG Limited


    . 1o e aluate the e8tent to (hich line manager# ha e implemented the policie# and programme# initiated y top management and the HR department.

    >. 1o re ie( the HR #y#tem in compari#on (ith other organi4ation# and modify them to meetthe challenge# of human re#ource management.

    %. 1o locate the gap#3 lap#e#3 #hortcoming# in the implementation of the policie#3 procedure#3 practice#3 directi e# of the HR department and to 2no( the area# (here non implementationand5or (rong implementation ha# hindered the planned programme# and acti itie#.

    ). 1o e aluate the effecti ene## of ariou# HR policie# and practice#

    D. 1o e aluate the HR #taff

    =. 1o #ee2 an#(er# to #uch +ue#tion# a# ,(hat happened - ,Why it happened - or ,(hy it didnot happen - (hile implementing policie#3 practice# and directi e# in managing humanre#ource#.

    S#o+e of &R Audit

    Generally3 no one can mea#ure the attitude of human eing. Hr audit mu#t co er theacti itie# of the department and e8tend eyond ecau#e employee#9 pro lem# are notconfined to the HR department alone. So it i# ery much road in nature. 0t #hould e aluatethe per#onnel function3 the u#e of it# procedure# y the manager# and the impact of the#eacti itie# on the employee#. 0t co er# the follo(ing HR area#"

    1. Audit of all the HR function.2. Audit of managerial compliance of per#onnel policie#3 procedure# and legal

    pro i#ion#.9. Audit of corporate #trategy regarding HR planning3 #taffing3 0R#3 remuneration and

    other HR acti itie#.4. Audit of the HR climate on employee moti ation3 morale and jo #ati#faction.

    Audit of &R fu%#tio%: 1hi# in ol e# audit of all HR acti itie#. 7or each acti ity3 auditor mu#t

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    j. 1he HR department doe# not handle #taff$(elfare canteen#3 or payroll#management.

    2. HR department ha# 2no(ledge of eha ioral #cience# and indu#trial p#ychology.l. 1he Hr department get# feed ac2 on it# performance from other employee#.m. HR practice# are audited3 their co#t# computed and then effecti ene## e aluated.

    *. Audit of ma%a eria( #om+(ia%#e: 1hi# in ol e# audit of managerial compliance of per#onnel policie#3 procedure# and legal pro i#ion#. Ho( (ell re the#e complied (ith#hould e unco ered y the audit #o that correcti e action can e ta2en.

    . Audit of &R #(imate: 1he Hr climate ha# an impact on employee moti ation3 moraleand jo #ati#faction. 1he +uality can e mea#ured y e8amining employee turno er3a #enteei#m3 #afety record# and attitude #ur ey#.

    a. Em+(o ee tur%o$er: 0t refer# to the proce## of employee# lea ing an organi4ation.Higher turno er in ol e# high co#t of recruitment3 #election3 training3 etc. High turno er may al#o lead to di#ruption of production3 pro lem# in +uality control3 etc. Re#ignation3retirement3 death and tran#fer# are una oida le la our turno er. 1he #pecific action# that(ill reduce employee turno er are etter hiring practice#3 orientation and training3(or2ing condition3 etter remuneration and gro(th opportunitie#.

    . Ab'e%teei'm: 0t refer# to the failure on the part of the employee# to report to (or2. 0nother (ord#3 unauthori4ed a #ence continue# a #enteei#m. A #enteei#m co#t# money tothe organi4ation3 e#ide# reflecting employee di##ati#faction. na oida le a #enteei#mhappen# (hen employee or hi# family mem er i# #ic2 (herea# a oida le occur# ecau#eof night #hift#3 inde tedne##3 lac2 of jo #ecurity3 unfriendly #uper i#ion3 etc. Manager#

    #hould ta2e #tep# to remo e the cau#e#. 1hey #hould ma2e the (or2 en ironment #uch


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    that employee# feel that it ma2e# #en#e to (or2 in the firm rather than #itting at home and(a#ting time.

    c. A##ide%t': rgani4ation maintain# record# related to the accident#. rgani#ation mu#tha e a #afety plan3 implement it and e aluate it# effecti ene##.

    d. Attitude 'ur$e ': Attitude #ur ey# are the mo#t po(erful indicator# of theorgani4ational climate. 0t determine# an employee9# feeling# to(ard# the organi#ation3

    peer group3 colleague#3 #uper i#or#3 etc. 1he #ur ey# may e conducted y face$to$faceinter ie(# ut are u#ually conducted through +ue#tionnaire#.

    >. Audit of #or+orate 'trate : Hr profe##ional# do not #et corporate #trategy ut they#trongly determine it# #ucce##. Corporate #trategy help# the organi4ation gain

    competiti e ad antage. !y SW 1 analy#i#3 top management de i#e# the (ay# of gainingand ad antage. Whether the company #tre##e# #uperior mar2eting channel#3 #er ice3inno ation3 or #ome other approach3 HRM i# affected.


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    Com+a% Profi(e = &E> ?td.

    HEG Limited (a# e#ta li#hed in technical and financial colla oration (ith Societe @e#Electrode# Et Refractaire# Sa oie

  • 7/25/2019 HR Audit Report of HEG Limited


    1echni+ue#. 1hi# ha# ena led the Company to attain international #tandard# in manufacturing e#ide# enhancing producti ity. Moreo er3 the Company in ite# glo al con#ultant# from timeto time to #ee2 a##i#tance in it# effort# to continuou#ly impro e proce##e#.

    Performa%#e Metri#' a%d Remu%eratio%

    1he Company manage# a highly$moti ated and capa le team of employee#. !e#ide#3 thenature of the u#ine## re+uire# that in$hou#e competence and e8perti#e e con#er ed andde eloped. A# a manife#tation of that concept3 HEG ha# outlined a performance management#y#tem (ith the !alanced Score Card a# the core. 1hi# #ee2# to not only moti ate employee#

    ut al#o attract fre#h talent into the fold.

    Com+ete%# Su'tai%me%tPre#ent$day e#t practice# re+uire that #ucce##ion planning not e re#tricted to #enior management ut al#o encompa## 2ey po#ition# acro## rele ant jo categorie#. HEG a# a trulyglo al and modern organi4ation elie e# in preparing tomorro(I# leader# today. 1o that end3the Company ha# put in place an effecti e proce## to #u#tain a talent pool that can #eamle##lyhandle organi4ational change at all time#.

    I%du'tria( Re(atio%'HEG ha# con#i#tently cho#en to engage it# union# and la our force (hile initiating major change# that directly affect them. 7urthermore3 employee# are empo(ered to ring to the forei##ue# rele ant to them from time to time. 1he manner of engagement et(een themanagement and it# (or2force o er the year# ha# led to the creation of mutual under#tandingand tru#t et(een the t(o.


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    Re'ear#* Met*odo(o1he re#earch #tudy i# a de#cripti e #tudy. 6ue#tionnaire i# de#igned to collect the data from

    ariou# employee# and a fe( official# from HR department of HEG limited.

    8b;e#ti$e' of &R Audit at &E> ?imited

    1he o jecti e of the audit (a# to determine if HEG Limited ha# an effecti e managementcontrol frame(or2 in place for de eloping and implementing integrated human re#ource#

    plan# (ith the aim of achie ing operational o jecti e# and #trategic outcome#.

    8b;e#ti$e' of t*e 'tud

    1o analy#e the practice# u#ed y HEG for HR Planning and Audit. 1o #tudy the employee#9 perception a out the HR Planning and audit at HEG. 1o identify the mea#ure# adopted y HEG for HR planning and Audit.

    Sam+(i% +(a% Sample nit" Employee# and a fe( official# from HR department of HEG limited Sample Si4e" %K employee#

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    A%a( 'i' a%d I%ter+retatio%

    @ue'tio%%aire for &R offi#ia(' a%d +er#e%ta e of Re'+o%'e'.

    *. HEG properly (or2# out on HR Planning to achie e target#

    I%ter+retatio% " When it i# a#2ed to the HEG official# that HEG properly (or2# outon HR Planning3 then majority of >K and )K u#er# (ere #trongly agree and agreere#pecti ely (hile only K (ere di#agree and none i# #trongly di#agree.

    . HEG i# doing appropriate planning ; Audit for HR re+uirement#

    I%ter+retatio% " n a#2ing to the official# of HEG that planning ; Audit i#appropriate in HEG for HR re+uirement#3 then group of >K and %K (ere #tronglyagree and agree re#pecti ely and only K and *K (ere di#agree and #tronglydi#agree in that order.

    >. HR pro ide# an ade+uate pool of employee# after HR Planning in HEG

    I%ter+retatio% " When it i# a#2ed to the official# that HR pro ide# an ade+uate pool of employee# after HR Planning3 then %K (ere #trongly agree and K (ere agreeand >K and *K (ere di#agree and #trongly di#agree re#pecti ely.

    %. HR Planning in HEG i# according to the #2ill#3 2no(ledge and education of e8i#tingemployee#


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    I%ter+retatio% " When it i# a#2ed to the HEG official# that planning i# done accordingto the #2ill#3 2no(ledge and education3 then majority of DK and *K u#er# (ere#trongly agree and agree re#pecti ely (hile only >K (ere di#agree and none i##trongly di#agree re#pecti ely.

    ). HEG ha# career planning3 1raining and apprai#al #y#tem to identify indi idual #2ill#3intere#t# and need#3 and (hich contri ute# in producti ity and5or de elopmentala##i#tance

    I%ter+retatio% " n a#2ing to the official# of HEG that HEG properly identifie#indi idual need#3 then group of >K and )K (ere #trongly agree and agreere#pecti ely and only *K and *K (ere di#agree and #trongly di#agree in thatorder.

    D. HEG ha# formal HR 7iling #y#tem

    I%ter+retatio% " When it i# a#2ed to the official# that HEG ha# formal HR 7iling#y#tem3 then %K (ere #trongly agree and )K (ere agree and none i# di#agree andonly *K (ere #trongly di#agree re#pecti ely.

    =. HR audit gi e a #en#e of confidence in the human re#ource department that it i# (ellmanaged and prepared to meet potential challenge# and opportunitie#


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    I%ter+retatio% " When it i# a#2ed to the official# that HR audit gi e a #en#e of confidence to meet potential challenge# and opportunitie# 3 then >K (ere #tronglyagree and %K (ere agree and #aid that they are #ati#fied and K and *K (eredi#agree and #trongly di#agree re#pecti ely.

    J. Contract #taff i# con#idered in HR audit proce## (ith permanent employee# y HEG

    I%ter+retatio% " When it i# a#2ed to the HEG official# that Contract #taff i# con#ideredin HR audit proce## (ith permanent employee#3 then majority of K and >K u#er#(ere #trongly agree and agree re#pecti ely (hile only >K and K (ere di#agreeand #trongly di#agree re#pecti ely.

    &. HEG maintain# the record# of Lea e3 #2ill#3 employee performance3 training ;e8perience of the employee

    I%ter+retatio% " When it i# a#2ed to the official# that HEG maintain# the record# of nece##arie#3 then %K (ere #trongly agree and )K (ere agree and #aid that they are#ati#fied and *K (ere di#agree and none i# #trongly di#agree re#pecti ely.

    *K. HEG con#ider# Lea e# and ertime of the employee# in HR audit Proce##

    I%ter+retatio% " When it i# a#2ed to the official# that they con#ider# Lea e# andertime of the employee# in HR audit Proce##3 then %K (ere #trongly agree and

    DK (ere agree and none i# di#agree and #trongly di#agree re#pecti ely

    **. o analy#i# accurately identifie# the 2ey o jecti e# and re#pon#i ilitie# of the



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    I%ter+retatio% " n a#2ing to the official# that o analy#i# accurately identifie#re#pon#i ilitie# of the po#ition then ma## of >K (ere #trongly agree and a# a groupof %K (ere agree and K re#pondent# (ere di#agree and only *K (ere #tronglydi#agree a out it.

    * . HR Climate3 o Sati#faction3 (or2ing condition#3 employee #alarie# and moti ationalle el of employee# are con#idered in HR audit proce## y HEG.

    I%ter+retatio% " n a#2ing to the official# of HEG that climate3 Salary3 #ati#faction3(or2ing condition# are con#idered in HR audit proce## then only K (ere #tronglyagree and a# a group of DK (ere agree and *K re#pondent# (ere di#agree andagain *K (ere #trongly di#agree a out it.


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    @ue'tio%%aire for em+(o ee' a%d t*e +er#e%ta e' of Re'+o%'e'

    *. Are the HR practice# con#i#tent (ith the organi4ationI# mi##ion

    I%ter+retatio% " n a#2ing to the re#pondent# that HR practice# are #teady (ith theorgani4ationI# mi##ion3 and %= of them (ere #trongly agree and agree in thatorder and only & (ere di#agree and K (ere #trongly di#agree (ith the#tatement.

    . HEG i# ha ing #ufficient current employee#

    I%ter+retatio% " When it (a# a#2ed to the employee# HEG i# ha ing #ufficientemployee#3 then only *% (ere #trongly agree and >& (ere agree While the

    majority of >& and *D (ere di#agree and #trongly di#agree re#pecti ely.

    >. Current employee# are o erloaded in HEG

    I%ter+retatio% " n a#2ing to the re#pondent# that Current employee# are o erloadedin HEG3 only *> and of them (ere #trongly agree and agree in that order andma## of %* (ere di#agree and % (ere #trongly di#agree (ith the #tatement.

    %. Wor2 uniformly di#tri uted among the employee# ecau#e of e8i#ting HR PlanningProce##


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    I%ter+retatio% " When it (a# a#2ed to the employee# that Wor2 i# uniformlydi#tri uted among the employee#3 then only K& (ere #trongly agree and * (ereagree While the majority of %% and D (ere di#agree and #trongly di#agreere#pecti ely.

    ). HEG ha# comprehen#i e jo $de#cription# for all the po#ition#

    I%ter+retatio% " When it (a# a#2ed to the employee# that HEG ha# comprehen#i e

    jo $de#cription#3 then & (ere #trongly agree and >= (ere agree While only K and *% (ere di#agree and #trongly di#agree re#pecti ely.

    D. HR Planning ; Audit in the organi4ation help# to analy#e effecti e utili4ation ofhuman re#ource#

    I%ter+retatio% " n a#2ing to the re#pondent# that HR Planning ; Audit help# toanaly#e effecti e utili4ation of human re#ource#3 *) and %J of them (ere#trongly agree and agree in that order and ) (ere di#agree and * (ere #tronglydi#agree (ith the #tatement.

    =. Rate ho( (ell HR find# good candidate# from non$traditional #ource# (hennece##ary

    I%ter+retatio% " n a#2ing re#pondent# to rate ho( (ell HR find# good candidate#from non$traditional #ource#3 only > #aid poor and %= of them #aid ade+uateand * #aid ery good (hile K& #aid e8cellent.

    J. Rate the performance of HR department in HR Audit ; Planning Proce##


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  • 7/25/2019 HR Audit Report of HEG Limited


    /i%di% '

    erall the employee# are +uite #ati#fied (ith HR practice# and ie( the HEG a# a good place to (or2. Mo#t of the employee# of HEG elong# to different age group# and are#pending di##imilar #er ice period (ith the organi4ation. 1he management of HEG3 !hopal

    ha# defined the HR planning proce## and #y#tem (ithin the organi4ation. !ut #ome official#(ere not #ure a out it. HR planning ; audit i# a regular proce## in HEG (hich i# conducted y the human re#ource# department after a regular or defined time #pan.Mo#t of the official# (ere ha ing a different ie( regarding the tran#parency in the proce## of HR Planning. 0n #ome ca#e# it i# found that employer# are not ma2ing #ufficient in e#tmentin auditing the implementation of policie#. Some(here employer# do not ade+uately andtran#parently communicate recruitment proce##.Manpo(er in #uch area# (here there are high le el# of demand i# partially pro ided. HR audit help# in increa#ing +uality and producti ity of the (or2. 0t i# found that mo#t of theemployee# agree that they are phy#ically #tre##ed in their jo . And #ome of the Employee##trongly agree that they are mentally pre##uri4ed in their jo . Majority of the employee# agree

    that their #uperior# are more helpful and cooperati e (hich may e one of the rea#on# for good HR planning.0t i# found that employee# are more committed to(ard# their jo to get higher re(ard andappreciation. 1hi# attitude to(ard# their jo # i# a #ign of good jo de#cription. Mo#t of theemployee# agree that (or2 allotment i# #ome(hat partial. Employee# ha e mutualcooperation and #hare their e8perience# to help the other employee that i# a #ym ol of goodHR planning. Mo#t of the employee# e#pecially ground le el employee# are not happy (ith

    phy#ical (or2ing condition#. Salary and Lea e are t(o mo#t ital factor# that moti ateemployee#.Mo#t of the official# (ere in the fa our that they con#ider all the factor# that facilitate theaudit proce##. Mo#t of the official# (ere in the fa our that they maintain the record of theemployee#. o @e#cription i# clearly defined to the employee#3 #o that they can perform their

    jo (ithout any hurdle. Some employee# #aid that promotion# are not #trictly a#ed on performance3 #ome(here #eniority i# con#idered for it. More than DK employee# are#ati#fied (ith the performance of HR department at HEG and remaining i# (aiting for thechange in #ome policie# for effecti e HR planning and audit.

    Su e'tio%' Changing culture re+uire# leader# to under#tand the learning proce## dynamic# and

    ho( the learning and unlearning of a##umption# and elief# can e manipulated tomodify human need# and eha ior.

    Effecti e HR audit re+uire# e+ual #tandard# again#t (hich procedure# andimplementation of policie# are a##e##ed. 0n the a #ence of e+ual #tandard#3 policie#are a##e##ed (ith #u jecti ity3 (hich may de#troy the proce## of audit.

    ne training program #hould not e de#igned to #er e a numerou# of purpo#e# ecau#e it may e unclear and difficult ; re#ult# into failure. 1he #olution i# to#eparate training and a##e##ment program #hould e de#igned for de elopment of employee#.

    HR planning #hould e jo $related. o de#cription #hould e gi en to the employee#. !ring them into the line of organi4ationI# goal# (ith the jo o jecti e# #o that e ery

    employee9# (or2 lead to the organi4ational goal.


  • 7/25/2019 HR Audit Report of HEG Limited


    Since the goal of HR planning #y#tem i# to achie e the organi4ational goal. Hencethere i# immen#e need to coach the employee efore and after appointment regularly.Pro ide the re#ource# re+uired y them to get to the managementI# e8pectation#.

    @eli er training and de elopment for ne( and e8perienced employee# that enhance#critical competencie# and eha iour#.

    Create career de elopment #y#tem# that identify3 prepare3 and promote employee#(ho#e e8perience and #2ill# match the demand# of higher$le el po#ition#.

    @e#ign the #y#tem (hich i# free from ia#ne## and fa ouriti#m ecau#e it di#courage#the employee (hen it come# to appointment of employee# in a long run ca#e.

    Re ie( the #y#tem# that #upport the on$going relation#hip (ith the employee. 1hi#include# loo2ing at the performance management #y#tem3 a##e##ing the #tate of your compen#ation #tructure#3 training and de elopment3 plu# loo2ing ho( you handleemployee grie ance# or complaint#.

    Company #hould a##e## ho( (ell do you inform and educate your employee# on your policie#3 procedure#3 and practice#.

    0mproper information #hould not e retained in primary per#onnel file#. HEG #hould re ie( it# e8i#ting human re#ource policie# to en#ure completene## and

    rele ance to the department9# current conte8t/ en#ure (ide#pread communication andunder#tanding of human re#ource policie#/ regularly monitor compliance to humanre#ource policie#/ and update human re#ource# policie# on an ongoing a#i#.

    When management e#ta li#he# target# in their human re#ource plan3 management#hould en#ure that #trategie# are e#ta li#hed to achie e tho#e target#.

    Suita le policie# and procedure# to #upport the de elopment and management of human re#ource# are e#ta li#hed3 maintained3 and communicated.

    HEG #hould con#ider de eloping a multi$year integrated u#ine## and human re#ource

    plan for the department that i# adju#ted annually to reflect the prioritie# of the currentyear.

    HEG mu#t con#ider all the a aila le option# for #trategically promoting jo opening#and encouraging #uita le candidate# to apply.

    @etermine the gap et(een (here your organi4ation (ant# to e in the future and(here you are no(. 1he gap analy#i# include# identifying the num er of #taff and the#2ill# and a ilitie# re+uired in the future in compari#on to the current #ituation.

    HR Planning and audit o jecti e# can e achie ed #ucce##fully (hen there i# a lin2 or alignment et(een organi4ational and unit o jecti e# #o to a oid the conflict et(eenteam and organi4ationI# o jecti e#.


  • 7/25/2019 HR Audit Report of HEG Limited



    E#ta li#hing a HR Planning frame(or2 and audit practice# i# a major achie ement3 thatena le# an organi4ation to en#ure ho( e#t to u#e it# human re#ource# to achie e output# andoutcome#. Employee play# crucial role in the #ucce## of u#ine## organi4ation3 it i# importantthat organi4ation #hould put con#ideration and careful planning into human re#ource

    practice#.0t i# imperati e that your Human re#ource practice# #hould corre#pond (ith your u#ine##

    plan#. Human re#ource planning i# an ongoing proce##. rgani4ation mu#t continuallymonitor and foreca#t per#onnel need# and concern#. Human re#ource planning i# #omethingthat you can learn and impro e on through e8perience and effort. Similarly a HumanRe#ource# Audit i# a comprehen#i e method

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    Rating Scale @e#criptionSA Strongly AgreeA Agree@ @i#agreeS@ Strongly @i#agree

    P Poor A Ade+uateFG Fery GoodE E8cellent

    Serial :um er

    6ue#tionnairefor HR official#

    Rating Scale

    SA A @ S@*. HEG properly (or2# out on HR Planning to achie e target#

    . HEG i# doing appropriate planning ; Audit for HRre+uirement#

    >. HR pro ide# an ade+uate pool of employee# after HRPlanning in HEG

    %. HR Planning in HEG i# according to the #2ill#3 2no(ledgeand education of e8i#ting employee#

    ). HEG ha# career planning3 1raining and apprai#al #y#tem to

    identify indi idual #2ill#3 intere#t# and need#3 and (hichcontri ute# in producti ity and5or de elopmental a##i#tance

    D. HEG ha# formal HR 7iling #y#tem=. HR audit gi e a #en#e of confidence in the human re#ource

    department that it i# (ell managed and prepared to meet potential challenge# and opportunitie#

    J. Contract #taff i# con#idered in HR audit proce## (ith permanent employee# y HEG

    &. HEG maintain# the record# of Lea e3 #2ill#3 employee performance3 training ; e8perience of the employee

    *K. HEG con#ider# Lea e# and ertime of the employee# inHR audit Proce##

    **. o analy#i# accurately identifie# the 2ey o jecti e# andre#pon#i ilitie# of the po#ition

    * . HR Climate3 o Sati#faction3 (or2ing condition#3 employee#alarie# and moti ational le el of employee# are con#ideredin HR audit proce## y HEG.


  • 7/25/2019 HR Audit Report of HEG Limited


    Serial :um er

    6ue#tionnaire for employee# Rating Scale

    SA A @ S@*. Are the HR practice# con#i#tent (ith the organi4ationI#

    mi##ion. HEG i# ha ing #ufficient current employee#

    >. Current employee# are o erloaded in HEG%. Wor2 uniformly di#tri uted among the employee# ecau#e of

    e8i#ting HR Planning Proce##). HEG ha# comprehen#i e jo $de#cription# for all the

    po#ition#D. HR Planning ; Audit in the organi4ation help# to analy#e

    effecti e utili4ation of human re#ource#Rating Scale

    P A FG E=. Rate ho( (ell HR find# good candidate# from non$

    traditional #ource# (hen nece##aryJ. Rate the performance of HR department in HR Audit ;

    Planning Proce##

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