hr manual - aphusys

Post on 01-Apr-2022






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India’s First HR Company Listed on NSE - Emerge

HR Manual


Table of Contents

GETTING STARTED ....................................................................................... 7

I. OVERVIEW OF MODULES: - ................................................................. 7

II. FIRST TIME ACCESS TO APHUSYS: - .................................................... 7

III. LOGIN SCREEN: - ................................................................................ 8

IV. DASHBOARD: - ..................................................................................... 10

V. SEARCH BAR OF APHUSYS: - ................................................................. 11

1. SETTINGS: .............................................................................................. 12

END TO END APHUSYS PROCESS FLOW: ..................................................... 13

ACTION: ..................................................................................................... 13

PROCESS FLOW TO CREATE NEW USER/EMPLOYEE: ................................... 19

2.MASTER CONFIGURATION: ...................................................................... 25

ACTION: ..................................................................................................... 25

3. EMPLOYEE DATA: ................................................................................... 28

ACTION: ..................................................................................................... 28

3.1 MY DATA: ............................................................................................. 28

3.2 EMPLOYEE DATA: ................................................................................. 28

3.3 ONBOARDING: ...................................................................................... 34

3.4 EMPLOYEE CONFIGURATION: .............................................................. 36

3.5 LETTER GENERATION: .......................................................................... 40

3.6 PERSONAL DETAILS UPDATE AND APPROVAL: ..................................... 40

3.7 RESIGNATION: ..................................................................................... 41

3.8 RESIGNATION APPROVAL: ................................................................... 42

3.9 HELPDESK: ........................................................................................... 43

3.10 EXIT PROCESS: ................................................................................... 45

REPORT: ..................................................................................................... 46

3.11 CURRENT MONTH EXITS: .................................................................... 46

3.12 RECENT JOINEES: ............................................................................... 46

3.13 PROBATION LIST: .............................................................................. 46

3.14 EMPLOYEE DETAILS:........................................................................... 46

3.15 RESIGNING EMPLOYEES: .................................................................... 47

3.16 COMPANY POLICY: ............................................................................. 47

CONFIGURATION: ...................................................................................... 48

3.17 EMPLOYEE CONFIGURATION TYPES: .................................................. 48

3.18 CHECKLIST: ........................................................................................ 48


3.19 LETTER TEMPLATES: ........................................................................... 49

3.20 SEPERATION QUESTIONS: .................................................................. 50

3.21 LETTER FIELDS: .................................................................................. 50

4.ATTENDANCE AND LEAVE ........................................................................ 51

ACTION: ..................................................................................................... 51

4.1 PUNCH IN AND OUT .............................................................................. 51

4.2 LEAVE REQUEST: .................................................................................. 53

4.3 LEAVES APPROVAL: .............................................................................. 56

4.4 ALTER ALLOCATION: ........................................................................... 56

4.5 ATTENDANCE REGULARIZATION: ........................................................ 57

4.6 BULK ATTENDANCE REGULARIZATION: ................................................ 58

REPORT: ..................................................................................................... 59

4.7 LEAVE BALANCE: .................................................................................. 59

4.8 LEAVE SUMMARY: ................................................................................. 60

4.9 ATTENDANCE ANALYSIS: ...................................................................... 61

4.10 LEAVE ANALYSIS: ............................................................................... 61

4.11 LEAVES TAKEN: .................................................................................. 61

4.12 EMPLOYEES ON LEAVE: ....................................................................... 62

4.13 HOLIDAYS: ......................................................................................... 62

CONFIGURATION: ...................................................................................... 63

4.14 LEAVE RULES: ..................................................................................... 63

4.15 LEAVE STRUCTURES: .......................................................................... 66

5. PAYROLL ................................................................................................ 67

ACTION: ..................................................................................................... 67

5.1 GENERATE PAYROLL: ............................................................................ 67

5.2 PAYSLIP ............................................................................................... 69

5.3 PAYSLIPS ARCHIVE: ............................................................................. 71

5.4 INVESTMENT DECLARATION: ............................................................... 72

5.5 FIXED INPUT: ....................................................................................... 73

5.6 VARIABLE INPUT: ................................................................................. 75

5.7 SALARY REVISION: .............................................................................. 77

5.8 UPLOAD FORM 16S: .............................................................................. 77

5.9 ENABLE IT DECLARATION: ................................................................... 78

REPORT: ..................................................................................................... 79

5.10 PAYSHEET .......................................................................................... 79

5.11 YTD SALARY COMPONENT: ................................................................. 80


5.12 PAYROLL SUMMARY DETAILS: ............................................................ 81

5.13 BANK ADVICE: .................................................................................... 82

5.14 YTD EMPLOYEE SALARIES: ................................................................. 83

5.15 STATUTORY REPORTS: ....................................................................... 83

5.16 SALARY ANALYSIS REPORT: ............................................................... 84

5.17 SALARY RECONCILIATION REPORTS: ................................................. 84

5.18 PAY-SLIP COMPONENT REPORTS: ...................................................... 84

5.19 CHALLANS: ......................................................................................... 85

5.20 ETDS: ................................................................................................. 85

5.21 PAYSLIP ANALYSIS: ........................................................................... 85

CONFIGURATION: ...................................................................................... 86

5.22 SALARY COMPONENTS: ...................................................................... 86

5.23 SALARY STRUCTURES: ........................................................................ 88

5.24 SALARY STRUCTURE ALLOCATION: .................................................... 89

5.25 PREVIOUS INCOME: ........................................................................... 90

5.26 TAX SLABS: ........................................................................................ 91

5.27 TAX DEDUCTION TYPE ........................................................................ 91

5.28 TAX COMPONENT ................................................................................ 92

5.29 PAYMENT TYPES: ................................................................................ 92

5.30 PAYMENT MODES: .............................................................................. 92

6. CLAIMS................................................................................................... 92

ACTION: ..................................................................................................... 92

6.1 EXPENSES & REIMBURSEMENTS: .......................................................... 92

6.2 LOANS & ADVANCES: ............................................................................ 94

6.3 LOANS APPROVAL: ............................................................................... 95

6.4 EXPENSE ITEMS: .................................................................................. 95

7. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT ................................................................ 96

ACTION: ..................................................................................................... 96

7.1 ASSESSMENT PERIOD:.......................................................................... 96

7.2 EMPLOYEE ASSESSMENT: ..................................................................... 97

7.3 MANAGER REVIEW: .............................................................................. 98

7.4 NEXT LEVEL REVIEW: ........................................................................... 98

REPORT: ..................................................................................................... 98

7.5 ALL EMPLOYEE REVIEW: ....................................................................... 98

7.6 ALL MANAGER REVIEW:........................................................................ 99

7.7 APPRAISAL ANALYSIS: ......................................................................... 99


CONFIGURATION: ...................................................................................... 99

7.8 GOALS: ................................................................................................. 99

7.9 PROJECT GOALS: .................................................................................. 99

7.10 PROJECT GOAL PLAN: ........................................................................ 99

7.11 GOAL PLAN: ...................................................................................... 100

7.12 RATINGS SCALE: .............................................................................. 101

7.13 PMS NOTIFICATIONS ....................................................................... 101

8. TRAINING ............................................................................................ 102

ACTION: ................................................................................................... 102

8.1 TRAINING SCHEDULE: ........................................................................ 102

8.2 TRAINING COURSES: .......................................................................... 103

8.3 TRAINING NOMINATIONS: ................................................................. 103

8.4 TRAINING REGISTRATIONS: .............................................................. 104

9. COMMUNICATION: ............................................................................... 105

ACTION: ................................................................................................... 105

9.1 INBOX: ............................................................................................... 105

9.2 TO ME: ................................................................................................ 106

9.3 TO-DO: ............................................................................................... 106

9.4 ARCHIVE: ........................................................................................... 106

9.5 MY CALENDAR: ................................................................................... 107

9.6 JOIN A GROUP .................................................................................... 108

10. PROJECTS AND TIMESHEETS: ............................................................. 110

ACTION: ................................................................................................... 110

10.1 TIMESHEETS: .................................................................................... 110

10.2 RESOURCE PLANNER: ....................................................................... 111

10.3 PROJECT: .......................................................................................... 114

10.4PROJECT TASKS: ............................................................................... 119

10.5 TIMESHEETS APPROVAL: .................................................................. 120

REPORT: ................................................................................................... 120

10.6 TASKS ANALYSIS: ............................................................................ 120

11.RECRUITMENT: .................................................................................... 121

ACTION: ................................................................................................... 121

11.1 JOB POSITIONS: ............................................................................... 121

11.2 PUBLISH JOBS: ................................................................................. 122

11.3 SYNCHRONIZATION (SYNC APPLICANTS): ....................................... 123

11.4 APPLICANT MANAGEMENT: .............................................................. 123


REPORTS: ................................................................................................. 125

11.5 RECRUITMENT ANALYSIS: ................................................................ 125

11.6 RECRUITMENT STATUS: .................................................................... 125

11.7 JOB POSITION STATUS: ................................................................... 125

11.8 CLIENT STATUS REPORT: ................................................................. 125

11.9 JOB CLOSURE STATUS: ..................................................................... 125

11.10 RECRUITMENT PRODUCTIVITY: ...................................................... 125

11.11 TODAY AND UPCOMING INTERVIEWS: ........................................... 125

CONFIGURATION: .................................................................................... 126

11.12 INTERVIEW ROUNDS: ..................................................................... 126

11.13 APPLICANT RATINGS: .................................................................... 126

11.14 INTERVIEW RESULT: ...................................................................... 126

11.15 RESUME STATUS: ............................................................................ 126

11.16 RESUME SOURCE: ........................................................................... 126

APHUSYS MOBILE APPLICATION .............................................................. 127


Getting Started

To start using the application, Organization need to be registered with the ApHusys.

Based on the package opted by the organization the modules do vary, and the settings

will be configured based on their company policies & general information in the instance.

I. Overview of Modules: -

You will be able to access the modules like Employee Data, Attendance & Leave ,

Payroll, Claims, Communication, Projects & Timesheets, Performance Management,

Training and Recruitment.

Based upon the subscription, the following modules would be seen in their privileged


1. Employee Data

2. Attendance & Leave

3. Payroll

4. Claims

5. Communication

6. Projects & Timesheets

7. Performance Manageent

8. Training

9. Recruitment

II. First time Access to ApHusys: -

a) Any individual will be able to use ApHusys by entering the company specific URL

followed by “”. By entering the instance name user will be able to

view their company specific instance along with their company logo.

b) You need to use the latest version browser (Safari, Chrome, Firefox etc.,) to get

all the elements.

c) You need to enable the pop ups in the browser get download/ view all the reports

from the system, as seen in the below screen.


III. Login screen: -

You will be able to see the login screen after entering the company specific URL. Enter

the Username, Password and Click on to Sign in.

You will be able to see the login screen after entering the company specific instance

name. He/she will be able to login with the login credentials which were shared by your

HR representative as shown in the above screen shot.

Reset Password: -

You can Reset the Password in two ways

a. Reset Password link on login screen

b. Change Password option after logging into instance.


a. Reset Password link from login screen

You will be able to reset the password using the reset password option from the login

screen. You will get the link to your email id which is provided while configuring the

employee record in the instance. As seen in the below screen shot, after entering the

Email id/Login id you will get an email reset link to your respective registered mail login


b. Sign Out and Change Password option after logging in the


As shown in above screen shot. After logging In, you can change the password at any

time using “Change Password” option which can be accessible by clicking on the name of

the user from the top right corner.


You can successfully get out of the application using the Sign out option, which is

available below the Change Password option and can be accessible by clicking on the

name of the user from the top right corner as shown in the above screen.

IV. Dashboard: -

You will be able to see your own dashboard after successful login as seen in the below

screen, where you can add new applets to dashboard and can also change the layout of

the dashboard.

By default, every user will be able to see the “Your feed, Calendar, Alerts &

Notifications”. In your feed, you will be able to see all the messages which are

sent/received by fellow users.

Calendar will display all the events which are planned in the organizer and can be

accessible from the dashboard to view the events or edit the event.

Notification will display all the Upcoming, Birthdays & Upcoming Anniversaries within the



My Tasks will make the user to see the all his/her created tasks. Team tasks can make

the user to verify his/her team tasks. Upon the click on the New task the tab will allow to

create the new task.

Alerts like Paid expense, refused expenses, approved loans/ loans, Approved leave/

leaves & Refused leave/ leaves.

V. Search Bar of ApHusys: -

You can either use the Path to navigate to the required screen throughout the application

or you can just type the name of screen in the Search Bar of ApHusys and select the

screen name displayed in list displayed.


VI. Advanced Search: -

Advanced Search option is available throughout the application in all the required

screens, it is placed on the top right corner of the screen. This option enables user to

search for the field level data

Click on the down arrow in Advanced Search bar

1. Settings:


End to End ApHusys Process Flow:


1.1 Company:

a. General Information

Path: Settings -> Action -> Company -> General Information -> Create.

In this tab General information, basic company details such as company logo, company

name, tagline, company address, bank accounts, and company website details are


In this tab General information, basic company details such as company logo, company

name, tagline, company address, bank accounts, and company website details are



After logging with the HR Admin credentials, the following are the details that can be


• Company Address

• Company Tagline

• Website

• Phone

• Fax

• Email

• VAT Registration No. (If applicable to respective country)

• Bank Account Details

• Company PF Number (Applicable to India only)

• Company ESIC Number (Applicable to India only)

• PAN Number (Applicable to India only)

• TAN number (Applicable to India only)

• Bank Account Details

Logo Details: Logos of different sizes can be incorporated in the instance for different

uses. Need to provide the logos in the following formats and sizes to reflect in respective


• Login page (.jpg) the best fit should be 250x150 pixels.

• Reports (.jpg) the best fit should be 150x150 pixels.

• Company Logo (.jpg) the best fit should be 230x58 pixels.

b. Configuration

Path: Settings -> Action -> Company -> Configuration

All the Company specific settings across the functional modules must be provided here.

Accounting: Based on the subscription respective country master settings & few features

will enable in the instance.


Master Settings:

Display Fields: The master fields to be displayed in the Employee Data such as Vertical,

Grades, Bands, etc. can be selected by clicking on the respective check boxes.

Probation Duration: Depending on the probation period provided here, the Probation

Start Date and End date of an Employee will be saved where Start Date would be Joining

Date and End Date would be the end of the duration as shown in the below screen shot.

Attendance settings:

The following details across the organization can be modified here.

Week Start day


Allowed IPs: For Punch In / Punch Out, Using IP addresses restriction is possible here so

that the Employee will be able to mark their Attendance punch in & out only through the

provided IP address.

Allow Attendance imort through API:


A Hradmin can disable the communication module by unchecking the communication

field in the company settings.

Chat With Restriction: By default this field will be unchecked, if Hradmin want to

restrict the chat option for the users can enable the chat option and select the

employees from the dropdown to restrict. These employees can chat with all the

employees in the instance. Remaining employees can only chat with their Reporting

Managers and employees who are having chat option.

Leave Settings:

The following details can be verified and modified (if necessary) here.


Leave Year: Start month & End Month and Start day & End day.

Approver Comments: To Enable / Disable the Approver comments in Leave Requests.

Payroll Settings:

This section has the payroll company level settings which includes: Pay Start day, Pay

End Day, include weekends, Attendance Paid Days, Default Salary Structure etc.

Display Payslip Information:

The details that should be displayed on payslip like personal information, earnings,

Leaves, deductions, tax, bank information can be provided here. Apart from that, the

following details can be configured:

1. Logo Position on the Pay slip.


2. Employee master details to be displayed such as their Department, Designation,

Role etc.

3. Inclusion of Entitled values (Earned) in Pay Slip or Pay Sheet.

4. Display of Pay slip amount format in words.

c. Recruitment

Path: Settings -> Action -> Company -> Recruitment Configuration.

In this section HR Admin can have all the information related to recruitment activities in

the organization, the document describes the configuration and operations aspects.

The configuration section provides the feasibility to configure the recruitment stages,

interview stages etc., and the path will guide you to access the module.

Recruitment features are being configured like, total number of stages to be added for

each job post/ resume portals/ job sites like Naukri, based on the subscription opted by

the organization.

The validity/ total number of postings & remaining number of postings left out based on

the subscription can also been seen from this configuration option. HR Admin can post

subscribe for additional postings at any point of time.

d. Report Configuration


Path: Settings -> Action -> Company -> Report Configuration.

For each employee, HR Admin must create one User record and one Employee Data

record and link both records (as mentioned this manual in section 3.1 Employee Data).

The User creation is to provide login credentials and access to the employee and

Employee Data is to enter the employee complete details like personal, job and bank

details etc.

1.2 Users :

Process Flow to create new user/employee:

In Users screen HR Admin can create user, login credentials and provide access to the



Note: First create the Users for the employee, then create the Employee Data

and link the user to employee data (in Employee Data screen -> Related User

(by selecting created user for the employee).

Path: Settings -> Action -> Users -> Create

Name: Provide the Employee Full Name.

Login ID: The login ID can be user specific like employee name or code etc.,

Email: All the notifications / alerts would be received on the email id provided here.

Active: Makes the user active in the instance.

Sign in Allowed: Will restrict the user not to login in in the instance.


Note: The Name, Login ID and the Email must be unique.

To import the Users in bulk,

Download the Users template for importing data in bulk from ApHusys.

Path to download Users template: select “List View” in the Users screen, click on

Import option -> click on “Download Import Guide link” to download the User template.

Follow the instructions on the import Template and fill in the details.

Save the file in .csv format.

In the Users -> Import -> Choose the import file. Ensure all the column names are

reflecting after choosing the file.

Click on Validate. In case of any duplications, wrong emails or file format errors, it’ll

display the error message. Make the changes in the import file accordingly and choose

the file again.

Once the validation is completed, click on import. Verify the imported data.

a. Access Rights

Path: Settings -> Action -> Users -> Access Rights ->Human Resources


Each User can be given additional privileges for the respective functional operations.

The following are roles:

Attendance, Contact creation, Employee, HR Employee: By default, all the

employees will have these two privileges.

Reporting Manager: User will get their subordinate requests for Approval.

Manager: User will have all the privileges of a HR Admin.

Data Coordinator: User will have entire privilege in Employee Data Management, Data

restrictions applies based on the department or location once assigned.

Resigning Employee: Upon enabling this option the respective user can able to see

resignation in their login.

User for whom the Exit process is to be initiated.

Attendance Coordinator: User will have the complete access to Attendance

Management module, data restrictions applies based on the department or location once


Leave Coordinator: User will have complete privilege in Leave Management, data

restrictions applies based on the department or location once assigned.

Accounts: User will have access to approve/ decline payments for Claims &

Reimbursement management and loans & advances features, data restrictions applies

based on the department or location once assigned.

Payroll Manager: User will have the complete privilege in Payroll Management, data

restrictions applies based on the department or location once assigned.


Recruiter: User will have the Job position creation & managing the Applicants privilege.

Lead Recruiter: User will have the Recruiter privilege and additional privilege to

manage the Job position & Applicant of the respective Recruiters as well.

Recruitment Manager: User will have the complete privilege in Recruitment

Management along with the reports.

Company Setup: User will be able to access the company details settings and module

wise core settings

Training Coordinator: User will have complete privilege to the Training module. data

restrictions applies based on the department or location once assigned.

India Masters: User will have complete privilege to access only Indian specific records.

UAE Masters: User will have complete privilege to access only UAE specific records.

Change Password option: After saving the user record Hr can easily change the

password from the user screen itself.Click on the change password option which is

highlighted in green color.

1.3 Email Templates:

Path: Settings -> Action ->Email Templates.


Choose any record from the list by module wise and select the Email Configuration


Select the Enable Emails option to set the email in action.

Select the employees from Cc Employees then automatically the email address gets

displayed in Cc attribute if work email is given in employee data.

Reply – To is optional to add any email id where the users might respond to a specific

email alert.

Author Signature – Enable while sending the group mails when signature has to be


By Unchecking Enable Emails option the user will not be able to send emails alerts.

Advanced Settings:

Select the outgoing mail server which will be configured by the ApHusys team.

Choose to Auto deletion of mail depending on the operations.

Select Notify E-mails “Before” or “After” or “On Action”, if selected before or after enter

the notify time as “Days” or “Hours” and save the record.

Note: Do not edit any content in the From and To (Emails) option fields while performing

operation in E-Mail templates.


2.Master Configuration:


Path: Master Configuration -> Action.

In the Master configuration, the fields that can be created are:Departments, Locations,

Regions, Qualification, Skills, Zones, Verticals, Divisions, Centers, Functions, Bands,

Grades, Rolemaps, Roles, Levels, Designations, Competency, State, Country.

In the respective Master field, click on Create -> Provide the details -> Save.

Ensure not to create duplicate field names.


Each of these fields can be imported in bulk as well.

In the list view, we can find the option import beside the create option.

Once after the click we can find the option, download the importing guide. Follow the

instructions on the import Template and fill in the details.

Save the file in .csv format


In the respective master field -> Import, choose the import file. Ensure all the column

names are reflecting after choosing the file.

Click on Validate. In case of any duplications or file format errors, it’ll display the error

message. Make the changes in the import file accordingly and choose the file again.

Once the validation is completed, click on import. Verify the imported data.

The process to the bulk import is same for all master configuration fields like locations/

designation/ Levels/ Bands etc.


3. Employee Data:


3.1 My Data:

Path: Employee Data -> Action -> My Data.

All the information provided in employee data related to Employees can be accessed

using my data option i.e if you are using hradmin login then, the information related to

hradmin can be visible here.

3.2 Employee Data:

Path: Employee Data -> Action -> Employee Data -> Create.

All the information related to an Employee are created and captured here.

The fields which are in blue color are mandatory fields to be provided:

Country: Select the country from the list (Mandatory while creation of employees,

country specific options appears based on selection of the country).

Employee Code: Employee code/ id can be alphanumeric. It must be unique and do not

overwrite the employee code once it is created. Otherwise system will shows the wrong

results in major operations.

Employee Name: (Name, Middle Name, Last Name).

Gender (Male / Female): Providing the gender is a mandate.


Related User: The User name which was created in user option of the respective

Employee must be selected from the dropdown list and it is a mandate.

Work Mobile: We can provide the work mobile numbers of the user.

Work Email: It must be unique and same as the Email provided in the User details.

Designation, Department: Select the respective Department and Designation from the

dropdown list populated in the Master configuration.

Reporting Manager: Only after creating the Employee record of the Reporting

Manager, it can be selected from the dropdown list.

Join Date: Providing the Join date is a mandate.

Employee Photo: Need to upload in employee data to reflect across the instance.

Apart from these, additional information can be created in the following sections:


Basic Info

Job Details (Join Date, Band, Grade, Level, Role, Rolemap, etc.,), Location Details

(State, Country, Work Location).

Personal Info

Personal Status (Marital status, if married No. of children, Date of Marriage).

Birth Info (Date of Birth, Select date, Place of Birth, Actual Date of Birth).

Contact Info.

Identity Details (Social Security Number/ Emirates ID etc. (Applicable only to UAE)).

Passport & Visa Details.

Health Info & Contact Details.


Accounts Info

Salary Info (Pay Zone/ Payment Mode/ Bank Routing Code etc.,).

Statutory Info (WPS ID no./ Pension & Labor card number/ PF Details/ EPF/ ESI etc.).

Similarly, the following details of the employees can be captured & maintained in the

instance for our future reference.

Status, Achievements, Educational Qualifications, Experience, Documents

(Document Type, Number, Expiry), Skills, Probation (Probation Start Date, End



To import Employee Data bulk:

Bulk import option can be viewed only in the list view.

Follow the instructions on the import Template and fill in the details.

In the Employee Data(List View) -> Import. Ensure all the column names are

selected in the application automatically after choosing the file, in case of columns not

selected automatically, then select the respective field and enter the column name and

select the field.

Make sure the file which is being used is saved with yyyy-mm-dd format for all the date

values & for number values the decimal values to be “0”. For Employee name need to

remove the special characters in the data before uploading, save the file in .csv file


Click on Validate. In case of any incorrect date formats, number formats or file format

errors, it’ll display the error message with the line number, make the changes in the

import file accordingly and import/selct the file again.

By clicking on “x” (cross mark/cancel) displayed in selected column, you can exclude

that column from the importing file.

Once the validation is completed, click on import. Verify the imported data.


Note: You cannot assign the reporting managers without creating employee data, need

to consider external ID (Which can be downloaded using import-compatible-export

option after creating employee data).

The external IDs are being created in the back end for the system reference once after

you create the employee record. It is advisable to extract External ID’s from Employee


To bulk import the partial information in the Employee Data, follow the steps


Step 1: Exporting the External ID and the fields:

Select the required records in Employee data which you are trying to do partial import by

clicking on the check box on the top left. Ensure to keep the no. of records to display per

page as unlimited (double click on the count mentioned on the right).

After selecting, click on More -> Export.


In the Export box, select the Import-Compatible Export as the filter.

For example, if we are trying to import the reporting manager for the employees let’s

have a look how we can do it.

1. Employee Code

2. Reporting Manager

Keep the export file type as CSV itself.

Automatically by exporting employee code the external ID gets downloaded

After selecting the required fields, you can also Save the list with the option on top.

Click on Export & open the file

Step 2:Partial Import the required information:


The first column in the exported sheet would be the External ID, which is the reference

id for importing the employee specific information.

Delete the Employee Code column.Enter the Reporting Manager name in second

column(parent_id/id) seen in the screenshot above, fill the required details in the rest of

the columns.

Click on Validate, to view and rectify errors(if any) and click on Import, once successfully


3.3 Onboarding:

Path: Employee Data -> Action -> Onboarding -> Create.

Employee can also be created using Onboarding process by stage wise. All the

information related to an Employee on pre-boarding & on-boarding checklist can be

created and captured here.


Started Stage: Click on create and enter the name/ country and task assigned to (by

default it will be login user can also assign the task to other employees.

Pre-Boarding Checklist: Click on Editand change the stage from started to pre-


Select the name of the checklist from the list or create and edit the checklist. Enter the

department/ status & notes if applicable. You can add or remove the existing check lists.

Employee Creation:Click on Edit and change the stage from pre-boarding to employee


Here we can create the employee with basic details and later we edit the additional

details from employee data.

It is not mandatory, even we can skip this stage.

Enter the reporting manager/ designation/ employee code/ department & join date.

“Create Employee” will create the employee in the employee data once the details are


On-Boarding: Once the employee gets created you can add the On-Boarding checklist

by changing the stage from employee creation to On-Boarding.

Using the sub tabs, you can access the On-Boarding checklist and add or delete

checklist. Select department/ status & enter Notes if any.


Completed: Once the On-Boarding process gets completed you can change the stage to

completed and the employee will be listed here. Using personal details update option you

can gather the rest of the information of employee by providing login credentials to the

employee & update them.

3.4 Employee Configuration:

Path: Employee Data -> Action -> Employee Configuration -> Click open the

respective Employee record -> Edit

Once the Employee data is created, an employee configuration record of the respective

employee would be generated.

The following details should be added to the record:

Leave Structure: Assigning the Leave Structure (Assuming Leave has been configured).

Do not enter Next Application date manually. Once the leave structure is created and

assigned to respective employees, click on Allocate Leaves and then Next application

date will be automatically reflects in the employee configuration record.

Salary Structure: Assigning the Salary Structure with its start date (Assuming Payroll

has been configured).

If the employee salary structure changes Based on new salary structure start date, end

date will be populated for the old salary structure.

Working Schedule: General (which will be default and can be configured or create a

new schedule).


To bulk import the partial information in the Employee Configuration, follow the steps


Step 1 : Exporting the External ID and the fields:

Select the required records in Employee Configuration by clicking on the check box on

the top left. Ensure to keep the no. of records to display per page as unlimited (double

click on the count mentioned on the left).

After selecting, click on More -> Export.

In the Export box, select the Import-Compatible Export as the filter.

For example, if we are trying to import the working schedule and leave structure for the

employees let’s have a look how we can do it.

1. Working Schedule: Selecting the working schedule is a mandate.

2. Leave Structure (Assuming the Leave has been configured).

Keep the export file type as CSV itself.

After selecting the required fields, you can also Save the list with the option on top

Click on Export to File.

Step 2 : Importing the details:


The first column in the exported sheet would be the External ID, which is the reference

id for importing the employee specific operational information.

Fill the required details in the rest of the columns.

Click on Validate. In case of any duplications, wrong date or file formats, it’ll display the

error message. Make the changes in the import file accordingly and choose the file


Once the validation is completed, click on import. Verify the imported data.


1. To assign the leave structure for the first time using bulk upload you need to

have external id in the first column and leave structure in the second column.


While changing of leave structure from existing structure, you need to remove

existing next application date and allocate leaves from leave structure.

2. To assign the Salary structure in bulk for the employees, need to assign the

details from Salary Structure Allocation option in the master configuration

module assuming (Assuming Payroll has been configured). Follow the steps


a) The first column in the exported sheet would be the Employee code, which is

the reference for the employees to assign the employee salary structure.

b) The second column would be the Salary Structure & third column would be Start


c) Keep the export file type as CSV itself & while uploading the structures gets


Do’s: -

Employee configuration just need to provide the salary/ leave structure& Working

Schedule information.

• Should provide start date in the salary information.

• While assigning salary information individually, the operational data reference

should search by employee code and select the option.

Note: Based on new salary structure start date, end date will be populated for the old

salary structure.


Don’t: -

• Do not create records in employee configuration.

• Do not provide end date in salary information if every month there is a same

salary structure.

3.5 Letter Generation:

Path: Employee Data -> Action -> Letter Generation

Hradmin can generate different types of letters (Offer Letter/ Appoitnment/ Experience/

Relieving letters ) by using this screen and can generate the letters by using Excel File/

Selected Employees option.

Excel file: hradmin can generate the letters for the employees whose data is not

avaialble in the instance by using letter fields.


• Letter Templates must be configured to generate the letters.

• All the fields given in Excel file should exactly match (case-sensitive) with the

fields in your .docx (Document) file.

3.6 Personal Details Update and Approval:


Path: Employee Data -> Action -> Personal Details Approval -> Click open then


Employee can request for modification in any of their Personal information such as their

Contact Details, Educational Qualifications, Experience, Documents and Skills through

Personal Details Update.

Click on Update details to Approve the request and to reflect the modified information in

the Employee Data.

Do’s: -

• Always create a new record whenever there is a change in personal details.

• Always make sure that to add new records without deletion of old records.

Don’t: -

You will find existing data, if you alter any changes it will get reflected in employee data

once it is approved.

3.7 Resignation:

Path: Employee Data -> Action -> Resignation.

Once the Employee is given Resigning Employee privilege from users, the employee

can create a request for resignation by providing the reason and comments for



3.8 Resignation Approval:

Path: Employee Data -> Action -> Resignation Approval.

Reporting manager will be able to view all the requests of the employees who are under

him/her from resignation approval option. By default, from hr admin login all the

requests are visible from here.

Approve Resignation: Click on Approve Resignation if it is approved. Once it is

approved a record gets created in Exist Process option.


Reject Resignation: Click on Reject Resignation if it is not approved.

You can also check the status of the resignation request from the top right corner

If the employee doesn’t have any reporting manager from the hradmin you can perform

the operations like approving and rejecting of resignation, From Exit process you can

relieve the employee.

3.9 Helpdesk:

Path: Employee Data -> Action -> Helpdesk.

Helpdesk serves as an internal helpdesk where employees can raise tickets on their

queries by choosing the topic and priority and HR will be able to address them.

Click on Create for new ticket or choose a ticket from the list to assign or address any



Click on Edit and select the Assignee from the list to address the query and click on

Assign. Once assigned the user will be able to answer the query.

The assignee can answer the query in the text box or else they can send a message at

the bottom.

Feedback will send back to HR seeking for clarifications & Complete will end the query.

The user will be able to close the ticket once it is complete stage, they can reopen the

ticket by clicking on Re-Open option. re-open option will again start the process from



3.10 Exit Process:

Path: Employee Data -> Action-> Exit Process -> click on Edit/ Create.

All the details related to exit process like Full & Final Settlement, separation process etc.,

can be provided here.

Click on Edit and fill the details like Resignation Date/ Knowledge Transfer To/

Resignation Accepted Date/ Resignation Date & Last Working Date.

Using No Due Checklist like Documents submission etc., provided can be maintained.

Separation Interview can also be taken by adding the questions, by default there will

be few set of question which can be configured and ask the employee to answer them.

Using FNF (full and final settlement) you can have the access to the status of the

resignation stage.

“Relieve Employee” will make as relieved employee, from this stage you can send

relieving & experienced letters directly through email.

Note: Make sure that the respective employee KT activity help desk ticket are in closed

state before relieving or without KT Helpdesk option also hradmin can relieve the

employee through the Exit Process.



3.11 Current Month Exits:

Path: Employee Data -> Reports -> Current Month Exits.

All the employees who have been exited in the current month gets listed in the option.

All the employees of current month who are not associated with the organization

anymore will be listed in current month exit option.

3.12 Recent joinees:

Path: Employee Data -> Report -> Recent Joinees.

All the employees who have been recently joined the organization gets listed here.

All the employees list who have recently joined in last one month with the organization

will be listed in recent joinees.

3.13 Probation List:

Path: Employee Data -> Report -> Probation list.

Complete stack of employees who are in probation period gets listed based on the

duration configured in the company settings.

All the employees who are under probation period gets listed in probation list. Using

advanced search option, we can get the analysis report by department wise etc.

3.14 Employee Details:

Path: Employee Data -> Report -> Employee Details.

Analysis details related to employee like number of persons by designation or

department etc., can be viewd and downloaded from the employee detailed report.

All the details related to employee by location/ department etc. can be accessed from

employee details option.

From the advanced search we can get the analysis reports by designation/ department/

location. Using data visualization options like tabular or line or bar chart or pie chart you

can view the data.


Using export data, you will be able to download the report.

3.15 Resigning employees:

Path: Employee Data ->Report ->Resigning employees.

All the list of resigned employees can be seen here and can extract the reportby using

the export option.

3.16 Company Policy:

Path: Employee Data -> Report -> Company policy -> Create.

All the Policy documents related to company which are sharable to employee can be

maintained using Company policy option.


Enter the Policy name & effective date from, Using Policy Document option, you can

upload multiple or more documents related to the policy.


3.17 Employee configuration types:

Path: Employee Data -> Configuration -> Employee configuration types.

We can define the configuration type of the employees here.

3.18 Checklist:

Path: Employee Data -> Configuration ->Checklist.

All the on boarding and pre boardaing checklist can be defined here by selecting the



3.19 Letter Templates:

Path: Employee Data -> Configuration -> Letter Templates

Hr Admin can create the multiple letter templates (Offer Letter/ Appoitnment/

Experience/ Relieving letters )here and upon clicking on Generate Excel Sample excel

one file will be generated with the reference to letter fields used in the letter template.

By using this file hradmin can generate the employees whose data is not available in the




The Documents to be uploaded must be in a .docx format (Word File)

3.20 Seperation Questions:

Path: Employee Data -> Configuration -> Seperation questions.

All the seperation questions can be defined here. Can define the multiple choice,

descriptive and yes or no questions.

3.21 Letter Fields:

Path: Employee Data -> Configuration -> Letter Fields

The letter fields codes can be used for creatinig the different types of letter templates

(Offer Letter/ Appoitnment/ Experience/ Relieving letters). Letter field codes should be

used as ex: <<employee-name>>


4.Attendance and Leave


4.1 Punch In and Out

Path: Attendance & Leave -> Action -> Punch In & Out.

The Attendance records of all the Employees (either through web, Mobile App or

Biometric integration) can be verified here. The icon turns into green color if it is signed

in and to blue while signing out.


Employees would be marking their Attendance through Punch In / Punch Out toggle on

the Top right corner.

Click on the Downward arrow on the Search Tab on the top right to add Filters / Group

By option to view the record as required.

In case the Employee fails to Punch In/ Punch out, click on Create and provide the

Employee attendance details (If your company allows to do).

Apart from the Punch In / Punch Out Date, Time and other details, when an Employee

marks an Attendance through Mobile App, the geographical details (Longitude &

Latitude) along with the Location link would be captured.

To import the Attendance records in bulk,

Follow the instructions on the import Template shared and fill in the details with

employee code/ date/ Action (Sign In or Out).

Save the file in .csv format.

In Punch In & Out -> Import -> Choose the import file. Ensure all the column names are

reflecting after choosing the file.


Click on Validate. In case of any duplications, wrong date or file formats, it’ll display the

error message. Make the changes in the import file accordingly and choose the file


Once the validation is completed, click on import. Verify the imported data.

4.2 Leave Request:

Path: Attendance & Leave -> Action -> Leave Request -> Click on respective

Date on the Leave Calendar.

To apply for a leave, follow the path below.


Leave Name: Select the leave name. The leave balance displayed in the brackets can

be checked before applying.

Provide the Description and reason below (if required).

Start Date & End Date: Verify the dates selected.

To apply half day, choose the End Date ends in First Half (if the Start date is First half)

or Second Half (if the Start date is Second half). The Duration below would reflect


Save: It’ll only save the request as a draft.


Click on Submit to Manager for Approval.

Note: Upon saving the record will be in drafted stage so you can change the course of

leave duration at any point of time. Later you can send the request to manager for


To request/apply a leave on behalf of an Employee:

Select the Employee name in Apply Leave for.

Select the leave name, after selecting the particular leave name it will displays the

current balance of that leave rule. After that enter the description and reason (if


Click on Submit to Manager for Approval.

In absence of the Reporting Manager, the request can be directly Approved by the

hradmin after submitting.


To view leaves of all the Employee, remove My Request filter on the Leave calendar in

the search tab (top right).

4.3 Leaves Approval:

All the Leave requests made can be checked through the path below.

Path: Attendance & Leave -> Action -> Leaves Approval.

Click open the request to Approve / Refuse / Approve Withdrawal / Refuse Withdrawal

4.4 Alter Allocation:


Path: Attendance & Leave -> Action -> Alter allocation.

All the credited leave balances of the Employees can be verified through Alter Allocation.

For additional leave balance to be credited for any employee using alter allocation you

can allocate using Create option. You can also alter allocated leave balance at any point

of time.

1. Enter the Description for reference.

2. Select the respective employee from the drop down list or search for that


3. Select Leave Name from the drop down list.

4. Enter the duration.

5. Enter the Application Reason.

Note: In case of changes in the leave balance of an Employee, it can be modified

through Alter Allocation.

4.5 Attendance Regularization:

Path: Attendance & Leave -> Action -> Attendance Regularization -> Create

To provide the Attendance details (like marking the LOP days) of the employees, follow

the path below:

1. Select the Employee Name

2. Choose the Attendance Type from the list


3. Enter the Date From and Date To.

In case the Attendance type as Leave (Absent/ LOP only/ First half Absent / Second half


Note: Ensure to keep ‘Considered on payslip’ unchecked. Only after the Payroll is

processed and confirmed, it will be automatically marked as Considered.

4.6 Bulk Attendance Regularization:

Path: Attendance & Leave -> Action -> Bulk Attendance Regularization ->


By using this option HR Admin can import the attendance in bulk by marking LOP days,

Over Time Hours, Double Duty, Holidays worked for the Employees.

To import the Attendance records in bulk follow the instructions on the import Template

shared and fill in the details with Employee, Employee Code, Month, Year, LOP Days,

Over Time hours, Double duty, Holiday Worked and Save the file in .csv format.

In Bulk Attendance Regularization-> Import -> Choose the import file. Ensure all the

column names are reflecting after choosing the file. Click on Validate. In case of any

duplications, wrong date or file formats, it’ll display the error message. Make the

changes in the import file accordingly and choose the file again. Once the validation is

completed, click on import. Verify the imported data.



4.7 Leave Balance:

Path: Attendance & Leave -> Report -> Leave Balance.


1. All the Employee leave balances based on each leave rule can be visible here

2. Leave balance details like Opening balance (current year allocated balance)/

accrued (balance which is added each month)/ availed (current year total balance

consumed)/ Elapsed (total balance which has been expired)/ carry forward (total

number of leaves which are fowarded from previous year) & net balance (total

balance after the expiry/ carry forwared/ availed/ accrued) leaves.

3. If the employee exits in middle of the leave year, still, his/her leave balance will

displays in that current leave year.

Using Advanced search, we can filter the options and view the data accordingly and

extract the reports to excel sheet.

The data can be viewed in Pie/ bar/ graph & tabular views.

4.8 Leave Summary:

Path: Attendance & Leave -> Action -> Leaves Summary.

Leave summary will display all allocated leaves (accrued / credited) and all availed


By default, leave type wise filter would be selected.

Click on the Advance Search (downward arrow on the search tab) and add the Filters /

Group by option as per your requirement.


Leave can be approved either through Leave Approvals or in Leave Requests by

removing ‘My Request’ filter in the Search tab.

Leave Balance, Leave Summary of all the Employees can be verified.

HR will have an option to Apply for a Leave on behalf of the Employee as well.

In case of changes in the leave balance of an Employee, it can be modified through Alter


4.9 Attendance Analysis:

Path: Attendance & Leave -> Report -> Attendance Analysis

1. Consolidated attendance details related to employee can be downloaded from the

Attendance analysis option which relates to total number of scheduled hours and

hours spent.

2. Attendance details by total number of worked hours & scheduled hours of

employees for current month can be accessed from the attendance analysis


3. From the advanced search we can get the analysis reports by monthly/

department/ location. Using data visualization options like tabular or line or bar

chart or pie chart you can view the data.

4. Using export data, you will be able to download the report in Excel sheet.

4.10 Leave Analysis:

Path: Attendance & Leave -> Report -> Leave Analysis.

1. Leave analysis details related to all the employes leave can be viewed and

downlaoded with the desired options.

2. Using data visualization options like tabular or line chart or bar chart or pie chart,

you can get the leave analysis reports employee/ month/ year/ Start & End Date/

Approved by etc.,

3. You can view the leave details by department/ employee name/ employee code

wise/ last updation date/ action date/ approved date etc.,

4. You will be able to download the report(Excel) with desired field options which

can be selected from the table view.

4.11 Leaves Taken:


Path: Attendance & Leave -> Report -> Leaves Taken.

1. Complete list of approved leaves taken by each employee can be downloaded

from the Leaves taken option.

2. Choose the Start & End date, select the employees from the list using Add an


3. You will get all the leaves taken by the employee.

4. Using Leaves taken you can get the leaves report by weekly/Monthly/Quarterly &

Yearly of any employee and all the employees (Based on the selection of the


4.12 Employees on Leave:

Path: Attendance & Leave -> Report -> Employees on Leave.

Complete list of employees who are on current day leave can be accessed from this


You can have the complete list of employees who are on leave on the same day.

4.13 Holidays:

Path: Attendance & Leave -> Report -> Holidays -> Create.

Feasibility to add holiday list of current & previous years to reflect across all the

employees in the organization.


1. Enter name of the Holiday list & choose the location from the list (Locations can

be created from the Master settings).

2. All the Employees data must configured with location details in their employee


3. Enter the year of the holiday list & click on “add an item” to add the holidays

along with dates.

4. Enter the Holiday Name, choose the date and type of the holiday (General/


5. For creation of other record click on Save & new or Save & Close.

Note: While creating holidays you need to configure the type of holiday as “General”.


4.14 Leave Rules:

Path: Attendance & Leave -> Configuration -> Leave Rules.

To define the Leave rules, follow the path below.

Click open each leave to verify the rules defined as per your policy.

To add a new Leave, click on Create.

The following are the sections in which these rules can be defined:


Leave Name & Leave Code: Ensure to provide unique Name and Code for each Leave.

Is Prorata: Check the box if the leave balance needs to be assigned on prorata basis.

No. of Days: Providing the No. of days here to assign a consolidated leave balance.

Country: Select the country from the list.

Basic Rules:

Round of Balance option provides the feasibility to select the lower, higher & closer of


Leave Expiry & Has expiry limit option provides the feasibility for leave expiry after

the specific number of days if provided.

Count Weekends option to enable the calculation of leaves on weekdays.

Count Notified Holidays option to enable the calculation of leaves even on holidays


Show in Ess option will enable to display the leave rule in the leave request.

Allow when no balances will provide the feasibility to take the leave even there is zero


Show in Payslip option enables to display the leave rule in payslips.

Consider in Payroll option enables to calculate the leave while processing payroll.


Allocate Leaves for Extra Worked Days option will enable & provides the feasibility to

choose the leave rule and allocate the leave balance from other leave rule which was

selected (mostly used for comensentary leave rule types).

Carry forward rules provides the feasibility to choose the minimum, maximum & next

carry forward date along with service year options.

Advance Rules:

Encashment Rules:

Encashment rules such as max and min days for encashment and other options for

enhancement can be enabled here.

Availing Rules:

• Applicable only after joining option enables the user to apply leave after


• Allow Before/After Notified Holidays option enables to use the leave

before/after the holidays declared in the system.

• Allow Half Day option provides the feasibility to use the leave rule for half day.

• Limit of times since joining provides the feasibility to restrict number of times

the user can use the leave

• Allow Before/After weekends provides the feasibility to take leaves on

weekends too.

• Min days & Max days in an application option enables the use to restrict to

take minimum and maximum number of days while using the leave rule.


• Max times in a month option enables the user to restrict the total number of

times in a month the user can use the leave rule.

• Max days in a month provides the feasibility to use the total number of days in

month while using the leave rule.

• Allow deduction from other leave type option provides the feasibility to

deduct from other leave rules and restrict max and min leave days to deduct from

the leave rule.

Accrual Rules:

Accrue slab (Monthly/ Quarterly/ 15 days) provides the breakup for each month/

quarterly/ 15 days number of leaves to be added for the leave rule.

Accrue day (First of the month/ Last of the month/ any other day).

Note: Select the Leave Rule as either No of Days or Accrual Rules but do not fill the

data in both fields.

4.15 Leave Structures:

Path: Attendance & Leave ->Configuration-> Leave Structures.

After configuring the Leave Rules, as per your company leave policies, create the Leave



Name/ Country&Reference: Provide the structure name and a reference.

Click Add an item to select the required leave rules ->Save.

5. Payroll

In this section you can have all the information related to payroll in an organization, the

document describes the configuration and operations aspects. The configuration section

provides the feasibility to configure the payroll components based on the organization

payroll policy and the path will guide you to access the various options. For exlusive

payroll informaiton you can also refer to Payroll process flow document which is available

in the training material link.


5.1 Generate Payroll:

Path: Payroll -> Action -> Generate Payroll -> Click on Create and respective

month record.


Month Name: Select the Month name/ Period (numeric value for the specific month) &

Country. Click on save to save the month record and click on Add Employees.

Select the country from the list to run the payroll, click on “Add an item” to add

individual employees for Processing of Payroll and select the employees from the list and

click on select.


To run the payroll for a set of employees using categories option, you can payroll by

department/ designation/ location/ payzone/ employment type etc.

Pay slips will be generated by clicking on the Process Payroll after selecting the

employees from the list (If the configuration of formulas is in right manner if not system

will throw back an alert or error).

Freeze: Will send the Payslip to the employees, they can access them from their logins

Note: Make sure to check the values before freezing

UnFreeze: Will get back all the payslips to draft stage.

Create Advice: After Freezing the pay slips, you will be able to create bank advice. All

the bank advices can be accessed from the “Bank Advice” option from the reports.

E-mail payslip: Will send payslips to respective employees by E-Mail to respective email

id’s which are configured in the instance(Employee data and user screens).

Note: Before processing the payroll for any respective month please verify the stepper

view menu items (Joiners/exits, Pay Revision, Fixed Input, Variable Input, Leaves,

Attendance, Payroll Processing,Payslips).

Summary: Summary gives the information on the Total Employee Count (employees

selected for the respective month payroll), Employees with no salary structure,

Employees those who are not having the Payslips, Payslips generated from Generate

Payroll menu.

5.2 Payslip

Path: Payroll -> Action -> Payslip -> Click on respective pay slip record


Payslip: All the pay slips which are generated from the generate payroll can be

accessed from this section.

Print option will download the pay slip whereas Print preview option will display actual

pay slip.

Create option will generate individual payslip by selecting the name of the employee &

pay month & year if his configuration is properly set.

If there are any loans which are currently being running out then the amount can be

displayed from payslip option. can also check the details like salary structure/ gross

salary / total deduction etc., of the specific month.

Note: You need to enable pop-ups from your browser to view the preview of payslip.


Detailed salary components can be viewed with the salary breakup using the “Salary


Each Salary component by catogery/ total amount and yearly estimation can be

displayed here.

Total Number of Days worked can also be used to viewed with in the payslip option.

All the tax information of induvidual month can be viewed from Tax related option.

Complete Tax related details like deduction type/ allowances/ taxable income etc., can

be downlaoded using the Tax Statement option in payslip. If there are any deviations

from auto calculation of TDS then by using Manually Override TDS option the values can

be modified.

5.3 Payslips Archive:

Path: Payroll -> Action -> Pay slip Archive -> Click on create.

The payslips of the employees which were previously not generated in the system can be

maintained using the payslip archieve option.


Pay slip Archive: Select Employee name, month & year.

Pay slip option provides the feasibility to attach the respective user specific files or


Save: It’ll save the record.

5.4 Investment Declaration:

Path: Payroll -> Action -> Investment Declaration -> Click on create.

Select the employee name, financial year and the old tax regime or the new Tax regime

and click on the Freeze Tax Regime and save the declaration.


Based on the Tax Regime selection the Tax name reflects in the Employee configuration

screen and the payroll.

Declarations: All the Tax declaration types gets displayed based on the financial year

Investment Declaration: “Add an item” will let you choose the tax deduction type,

amount, attachment (proofs) & notes. Can declare the multiple deduction types.

Previous Income: Details like Name, Address, PAN no, TAN number, date & total salary

can be declared for Tax statement. Can declare the multiple deduction types.

Other Income: Details related to other income can be declared by providing the basic

details like name and amount of the income.

Loans: Loan details can also be declared by entering the basic details like name, PAN

no, Interest etc.,

Rent Paid: Rent details paid for the month with amount and attachments related to the

rent can be declared from the investment declaration.

Save: It’ll save the record.

Tax information: Complete tax details in accordance with the salary breakup and tax

deduction breakup can be access in this section.

5.5 Fixed Input:

Path: Payroll -> Action -> Fixed Input -> Click on create.

To create salary records for fixed pay components, follow the path below.


Fixed Inputs: All the amounts which are related to the specific components with “fixed

pay” should be provided here.

To create Fixed Input record manually, click on Create button, select Employee

Reference,Salary Rule, Salary Rule Input, enter Description, enter Amount, and select

Start Date, click on Save to save the record.

NOTE: In fixed inputs only the fixed independent component assigned to salary structure

which is assigned to the employee will be displayed in the salary rule field

End Date will make sure that the amount is being considered till specific date. (If the end

date is blank then the system will consider the amount for preceding month).

Using Filters & Group by options from the advanced search we can differentiate the

salary components with employees which were created earlier.

To import Fixed Input in bulk:

The file to import must be in .csv format and the sheet columns must be as follows:

Employee Reference/Employee code, second column Salary Rule, third column as

Salary Rule Input, fourth column as Amount and fifth column as Start Date (in

format yyyy-mm-dd).

In the Fixed Input(List view)-> Import -> Choose the import file. Ensure all the

column names are selected in the application automatically after choosing the file,

in case of columns not selected automatically, then select the respective field and enter

the column name and select the field.

Follow the instructions on the import Template and fill in the details.

Note:Save the file in .csv format.


Click on Validate. In case of any duplications, wrong emails or file format errors, system

will display the error message. Make the changes in the import file accordingly and

choose the file again.

Once the validation is completed, click on import. Verify the imported data.

Note: We can also skip the create/import from here by using salary revision, upon the

required action in salary revision the records get saved & view it from salary updation.

5.6 Variable Input:

Path: Payroll -> Action -> Variable Input -> Click on create.

To create salary records for variable pay components, follow the path below.


Variable Input: All the amounts which are related to the specific components with

“variable pay” should be provided here.

To create Variable Input record manually, click on Create button,select the Employee

Reference, Salary Rule Input, enterAmount,and enter Description, click on Save button

to save the record.

NOTE: In Variable input only the Variable independent component assigned to salary

structure which is assigned to the employee will be displayed in the salary rule field

Using Filters & Group by options from the advanced search we can differentiate the

salary components with employees which were created earlier.

To import Variable Input in bulk:

The file to import must be in .csv format and the sheet columns must be as

follows:Employee Reference/Employee Code, second column Salary Rule Input,

third column as Amount, fourth column as Date (in format: yyyy-mm-dd) and fifth

column as Description.

Fill the Variable Input template in mentioned format save the file in .csv


In the Variable Input:List View-> Import -> Choose the import file. Ensure all the

column names are selected in the application automatically after choosing the file, in

case of columns not selected automatically, then select the respective field and enter the

column name and select the field.


Click on Validate. In case of any duplications, wrong emails or file format errors, system

will display the error message. Make the changes in the import file accordingly and

choose the file again.

Once the validation is completed, click on import. Verify the imported data.

5.7 Salary Revision:

Path: Payroll -> Action -> Salary Revision -> Click on create.

To create salary revision, follow the path below.

Salary Revision: Change in salary amounts can provided in salary revision.

Effective Date: Choose the effective date for change in new salary amount.

Select the employee from the list and the components gets displayed based on the


All the new figures (amounts) should be entered in the new value column in their

respective salary components. All the existing values can be visible in the current value


Save: It’ll save the record.

Apply Revision: it’ll submit the new value will be effective, i.e the existing records in

salary updation gets end date and new records gets created without end date.

5.8 Upload Form 16s:


Path: Payroll -> Action -> Upload Form 16s -> Click on create.

Upload Form 16s: Upload the form 16 template which is zip file add all form16 pdfs to

a folder called Form16 and then compress to Zip file and Upload it. Folder name which

consists of all the files must be save as

Select the Financial year and whether the Form 16s to be circulated to employees or not.

“Circulate Form 16s” will send the form 16 for the respective employees.

Save: It’ll save the record.

5.9 Enable IT Declaration:

Path: Payroll -> Action -> Enable IT Declarations -> Select the record.


Enabling the eligibility to provide IT Declarations to the employees. By selecting the

individual employees from the eligible employee’s option.

Select the check box in Investment Declaration to enable the declaration feature.

Employees can be selected using the “Eligible employees” option, the selection can be an

individual employee or can be multiple employees. upon click on add, the system by

default give/show the list of employees whose declarations are already enabled

Clicking on Update Eligibility list will update the list.

Save: It’ll save the record.


5.10 Paysheet

Path: Payroll -> Report -> Pay sheet.

Paysheet can be downloaded once the payroll has been processed in the instance. You

can download the desired report using the respective options.


Enter the Country, Month & Year to download the pay sheet of all the employees for a

specific month.

You can also use the additional filtering options like Department, Designation, location,

level, vertical & cost center to extract with specific fields.

You can also use the “Personal Information details to display on pay sheet” to include

additional fields like join date, work location etc., in the pay sheet. You will get a

printable web report which you can download it in an excel sheet.

5.11 YTD Salary Component:

Path: Payroll -> Report -> YTD Salary Component.

YTD salary component provides the feasibility to download the report related to each

salary component by induvidual or group of employees once the payroll has been



Select the Start and end Date (Monthly/ Quarterly/ Yearly) and choose the salary

component type and salary component from the options.

Select the list of employees or employee by clicking on “Add an item”.

The report gets downloaded in a pdf format.

5.12 Payroll Summary Details:

Path: Payroll -> Report -> Payroll Summary Details.

Payroll Summary Details provides the feasibility to download the report related to the

information like Employees Without salary structure, Employees without Payslips, Total

Payslips, Total Employee count once the payroll has been processed in the instance for

the respective months.


5.13 Bank Advice:

Path: Payroll -> Report -> Bank Advice.

Bank related reports provides the feasibility to download bank advice once the payroll

has been processed in the instance for the respective months.

All the advices created in generate payroll gets listed in the bank advice. All advise will

be listed by monthly wise in the bank advice option.

Using print option, you can print the advice also view the advice and download in excel


You can also set bank advice by specific bank or IFSC code or Payment mode or Location

or Payment type and get the desired report.

You can confirm the sheet to freeze with the values and maintain the records. Using

cancel advice, you can discard the advice.


5.14 YTD Employee Salaries:

Path: Payroll -> Report -> YTD Employee Salaries.

YTD employee salaries provides the feasibility to download the report related to each

employee’s salaries with respect to aggregate months once the payroll has been


Select the Start and end Date (Monthly/ Quarterly/ Yearly) and select an employee or

multiple employees using “Add an item”.

You will be able to download the detailed information of salary given to the employee by

component wise and the time frame wise.

5.15 Statutory Reports:

Path: Payroll -> Report -> Statutory Reports -> Create.

All the reports which are related to payroll statutory compliances ie. PF Monthly report/

ESI Monthly report / WPS report etc., can be downloaded from this option.

You can download ESI Monthly Report/ PF Monthly Report/ PF 12A Report / Income Tax

Monthly Statement/PTax Monthly Report (state wise & consolidated)/ Salary

Reconciliation Report.

All the reports can be downloaded by monthly/ yearly & quarterly.

WPS Report (Applicable to UAE only):

Select the report as WPS Monthly Report and select the period like month & year.


Upon clicking on Download SIF file, the file gets generated and upon clicking on the file it

gets downloaded.

Can also have a print preview after generation of sif file and can download in excel

format. PDF format of the file can also be downloaded from print option.

5.16 Salary Analysis Report:

Path: Payroll -> Report -> Salary Analysis Report.

Salary Analysis details related to all the employees by each component with consolidated

amounts can be downloaded.

Salary Analysis report of all the employees can be extracted here.

Can get/export the data in Bar diagram or Pie chart. By using the advance search, we

can categorize and export the data to excel sheet.

5.17 Salary Reconciliation Reports:

Path: Payroll -> Report -> Statutory Reconciliation Reports.

Reconcilation reports pertaining to last montha nd current month can be downloade once

the payroll has been processed in the instance.

Select the current month and previous month in the specific fields.

Click on Print to get the report and you can also export it in excel sheet.

You can Department/ Designation/ Location/ Level wise employee salary reconciliation


5.18 Pay-slip Component Reports:

Path: Payroll -> Report -> Pay slip Component Reports.

All the payslip details related to employee can be downloaded from the pay-slip

compoent reports options, the desired reportrs can be downaloded with respect to

induvidual salary component or entire details.

Select the Start and end Date (Monthly/ Quarterly/ Yearly) and choose the salary

component type and salary component from the options.

Select the list of employees or employee by clicking on “Add an item”.

Report gets downloaded in the excel sheet.


5.19 Challans:

Path: Payroll -> Report -> Challans -> Select TDS / ESI / EPF.

Statuory Challan details like TDS/ ESI/ EPF can be maintained in the instance using

challans options.

Select respective options such as TDS or ESI or EPF

Fill the required details in the respective attributes and upload the challans.

Details may vary based on the selection of the challan type.

From challans we can maintain the TDS/ ESI/ EPF challans and generate ETDS based on

the challans.

5.20 ETDS:

Path: Payroll -> Report -> ETDS -> click on Create.

Taxation details realted to ETDS can be manintained and generating the txt file can be

downlaoded using ETDS option.

Enter the name, BSR Code of the bank & select the financial year and deposited date.

Select the employee and Quarter like Q1 or Q2 or Q3 or Q4.

Select Challan deposited for previous quarter if there any previous record details. If

it is selected, then enter the Previous Challans Token Number.

Select the previous quarter challans to be included (This might be useful if Q2 or Q3 or

Q4 ETDS calculation).

After entering the details and save the record, click on Generate .txt for Validation to

generate txt file.

After entering details and generating txt file, you can download the file from Download

Txt attribute and upload it in NSDL site.

5.21 Payslip Analysis:

Path: Payroll -> Report -> Payslip Analysis.

Payslip analysis option consists of complete details related to each component by each

employee with values.


Select any of the employee to get the complete salary detail breakup by component


Using Advanced search, you can get the analysis reports by category/ structure/

component wise.


5.22 Salary Components:

Path: Payroll -> Action -> Configuration -> Salary Components.

To define the Salary Components, follow the path below.

Click open each Salary component to verify the rules defined as per your policy.

To add a new Salary Components, click on Create.

The following are the sections in which these rules can be defined:

Salary Components Name & Salary components Code: Ensure to provide unique

Name and Code for each Salary Component.

Salary Component Categories: Ensure to select the actual category like allowance/

deductions/ Only for calculations where the components belong to while creating or

editing the salary components.


Display Pay slip: Check the box if the Salary components needs to be displayed on pay

slip/ appears on pay sheet.

Country: Select the country that the salary component belongs to.

Basic Rules

Main configuration settings such as Conditions or a definite range, Computation details

like amount type (Formula based/ percentage basis/ fixed amount), Round off option to

nearest amount.

If the calculation is formula based in computation details, here are the sample formulas.

a. To consider the component as input: inputs.CODE.amount

Hint: The CODE in the formula must be same with the CODE as seen in the screenshot

i.e if you are providing GROSS in CODE, then you need to enter GROSS in the place of

CODE in formula.

b. Calculation based on total number of working days: (inputs.CODE.amount/



Note: The above formulas cannot be changed, and it is system inbuilt formulas



To Provide the pay type of component whether if it is a fixed pay or variable pay can

be chosen from the Inputs tab.

Salary Types:

Paid to employee option is default and not of calculation purpose.

Is this one time? Option enables the user to declare the amount only one time in the

current month for variable components.

Is this a CTC component will identify the component as CTC component.

Is this an encashment component will declare the component as leave encashment

and calculation will be done in payroll accordingly.

5.23 Salary Structures:

Path: Payroll -> Configuration -> Salary Structures.


After configuring the Salary Rules, as per the company policy, create the Salary


• Name & Reference: Provide the structure name and a reference name.

• Click Add an item to select the required salary component ->Save.

Hint: If there is any dependency-based calculation of salary components then the parent

component should be above to the child component. You can rearrange the sequence by

dragging the components above and below.

5.24 Salary Structure allocation:

Path: Payroll -> Configuration -> Salary Structure allocation.

After configuring the Salary structures, where we have an option of allocating the salary

structures to the employees from here. Upon create will get an option of adding the



5.25 Previous Income:

Path: Payroll -> Configuration ->Previous Income.

By clicking on “Create”, here we can define the Employee’s total income, Basic,HRA, PF,

Perquistie, Professional tax Annual, TDS, Created on, Employee previous income



5.26 Tax slabs:

Path: Payroll -> Configuration ->Tax slabs.

Can check the tax slabs of the all the states here.

5.27 Tax deduction type

Path: Payroll -> Configuration ->Tax deduction type.

Here can define all the tax deduction type components along with the sections.


5.28 Tax component

Path: Payroll -> Configuration ->Tax component.

Can check all the defined tax components here.

5.29 Payment types:

Path: Payroll -> Configuration ->Payment types.

Can define the payment types like bonus, incentive etc.

5.30 Payment modes:

Path: Payroll -> Configuration ->Payment modes.

Can define the payment mode for the employees here like cheque, cash, online etc.

6. Claims


6.1 Expenses & Reimbursements:


Path: Claims -> Action -> Expenses & Reimbursements -> Click on Create/

select a record.

From HRadmin login, HR can either approve/ pay or create the record on behalf of the

employee and submit to the manager.

After reporting manager approves HR can view the request and include in payroll.

Provide the Description, select employee name, date.

Select the approver to be either HR Manager/ Reporting Manger i.e to send the request

to the reporting manager or HR administrator.

Submitted On, Approver date, approved by, Paid date & Paid by gets automatically

displayed once the operations are being carried out.

Expense Lines: “Add an item” will create an expense record to enter the expense item

with unit price.

Save: It’ll save the record.

Using Attachments option on the top of the screen, you can upload the expense

attachments to the request.

Click on Submit to Manager/ HR Manager for Approval.

Once it is approved by the respective manager the request gets to accounts manager.

The request will be in Paid mode once the account manager pays it.


Note: To change the status of any expense record from “waiting payment” to “Paid”

state the approver need to have the access of accounts in user screen.

6.2 Loans & Advances:

Path: Claims -> Action -> Loan and Advances -> Click on Create.

• Select employee from the employee attribute also send to either HR or Reporting


• Details like number of installments and loan/ advice amount.

• Upon approval of respective manager, feasibility to provide the EMI amount,

number of installments, loan interest & date of the loan.

• The status can be seen from the status tab in each stage, approver date &

approved by.

• Once the respective manager approved the request will reflect in payroll.

(respective month installment will deduct from payroll directly).

Calculation of EMI is possible from the loan & advances, it will display the EMI amount

once they click on calulate EMI option. All the amounts which are related to EMI breakup

will be generated once the number of installments and interest rate (applicable for

Loans) is provided.


Once after EMI Calculation the respective installment details will be appeared at bottom

that can be altered as required.

6.3 Loans Approval:

Path: Claims -> Action -> Loans Approval-> Click on create.

All the requested employee loans are seen here along with the loan/advance name,

employee name, type, loan/advance amount, status.

Upon clicking each record, we can approve /refuse the record.

Once approved the EMI calculation/ breakup can be viewed by the reporting manager

once the instest rate & total number of installments are provided.The status can be seen

from the status tab in each stage.

6.4 Expense Items:

Path: Claims -> Action -> Expense Items -> Click on Create.


Enter/ Select the Item name, description, Item type, suggested price, related to payroll

Select the salary rule input from the list, the salary rule input appears based on the

configuration of the salary components.

Save: It’ll save the record.

7. Performance Management

In this section you can have all the information related to employee performance in the

organization, the document describes the configuration and operations aspects. The

configuration section provides the feasibility to configure the performance appraisal

settings based on the organization policies and the path will guide you to access various



7.1 Assessment Period:

Path: Performance Management-> Assessment Period -> Click on Create.

Enter Description, period & level of assessment. Select the Feedback & Assessment by

(Designation/ Department/ Employee/ Everyone/ Role & Level).

Select the Assessment period, Level of assessment & Next Level Review By.

Enable the Project Goals (Goals which are created in Project Goal Plan) or Appraisal

Goals (Goals which are created in Goal Plan) or Rolemaps KRA’s (Goals which are


defined in Rolemaps) to reflect the goals. You can choose the goals from multiple


Can add few questions to the assessment and choose the type of questions in the

assessment period.

After entering & filling the details, “Create Employee Feedback forms” will send the

assessments to employees. Employees can assess their assessment from Employee

Assessment option.

Note: - If there is already an assessment period set to an employee & new assessment

period has been created then assessment forms override with new dates.

7.2 Employee Assessment:

Path: Performance Management-> Action -> Employee Assessment.

Employee can view the assessments by stage wise like with manager or with Employee

or with HR.

Employee will provide his rating or comments in the Self rating tab.

Any Self-Assessment or recommendations can be given from “Employee Self-Assessment

tab” by the employee.


7.3 Manager Review:

Path: Performance Management-> Action -> Manager Review

You can view all the managers assessments, which the comments made by the manager

for their employees.

You will be able to check the Goal Count of the employee & rating summary of the


Details related to any recommendations and trainings which are needed to the

employees can also be accessed and plan accordingly.

7.4 Next Level Review:

Path: Performance Management-> Action -> Next Level Review.

Next Level Review can be given by the Reporting Managers head or by HR. They can

provide their comments based on the assessment.

Next Level review can provide their comments once the privilege is being provided

through assessment period.


7.5 All Employee Review:


Path: Performance Management-> Report -> All Employee Review.

You can view all the employee reviews, where the comments are made by the


7.6 All Manager Review:

Path: Performance Management-> Report -> All Manager Review.

You can view all the managers reviews, where the comments are made by the manager

for their employees.

You will be able to check the Goal Count of the employee & rating summary of the


7.7 Appraisal analysis:

Path: Performance Management-> Report -> All Appraisal analysis.

Can extract the appraisal analysis of all the employees by adding the filters. Can have

the bar graph, pie diagram and line graph for the required output.


7.8 Goals:

Path: Performance Management-> Configuration -> Goals.

All the Goals which are assigned / created in the instance get stacked here in Goals


7.9 Project Goals:

Path: Performance Management-> Configuration -> Project Goals.

All the Goals which are assigned/ created in the Project Goal Plan gets listed in Project


7.10 Project Goal Plan:

Path: Performance Management -> Configuration -> Project Goal Plan -> click

on Create.


Enter the name of the project name & duration of the project period.

Click on “Add an item” for defining goals and enter the weightage of the goal.

Select the employee from the drop-down list.

Click on save record to fix the goal to the specific employee.

7.11 Goal Plan:

Path: Performance Management -> Configuration -> Goal Plan -> click on


Enter the name of the project name & duration of the project period.


Select the list of employees to assign the goals from the "Assessment Criteria".

Employees can be selected by either Employees or by work levels or by department.

Select the goals tab for creation of goals.

Create/ Update Goals will fix or update the goals to the employees.

7.12 Ratings Scale:

Path: Performance Management -> Configuration -> Ratings Scale -> click on


Enter the rating (actual rating given by the employee) & score of the rating.

You can create n number of rating scale; these rating scale will appear while performing

the assessment.

7.13 PMS Notifications

Path: Performance Management -> Configuration -> PMS Notifications

HR can set the notification schedule with criteria of Stage of employee assessment form,

Start Date, End Date, Notification Start Date and Frequency of notifications to be sent.


8. Training

In this section you can have all the information related to employee trainings in the

organization, the document describes the configuration and operations aspects. The

configuration section provides the feasibility to configure the training courses,

registrations etc., based on the organization policies and the path will guide you to

access various options.


8.1 Training Schedule:

Path: Training -> Action -> Training Schedule -> click on Create/ Edit.

Enter the Training schedule name/ courses/ Instructor name/ Start & End Date/ Location

& Responsible user.

Can enter the registration details like number of reserved seats & maximum seats

available. You can also provide the description of the training schedule.

Enter the Event type/ email/ phone number/ no of participants & select the employee.

Current registrations, available seats & number of participants gets displayed based on

the employee registrations.


After entering the details, you can “Confirm the Event” or “Cancel the event”.

All the list of registrations can be viewed from the top right corner & can also view the

status of the event. HR can also confirm the participation of the event on behalf of the

employee for the event.

8.2 Training Courses:

Path: Training -> Action -> Training Courses -> Click on create.

All the training courses can be defined & maintained here for the whole organization.

All the training sessions which are ongoing in the organization can be listed here and

every employee can view the training courses across the organization.

Training details such as name of the training, Duration of the training course, Faculty

name, Objective & reference materials. Can also upload all kinds of attachments using

attachments option.

8.3 Training Nominations:

Path: Training -> Action -> Training Nominations -> Click on create/ edit.


Enter the Training name & select the training course from the list, all the training

courses which are created in training courses are listed here.

Select the employee by selecting the Add and item.

Even you can define the reason for nominating the employees for the training.

8.4 Training Registrations:

Path: Training -> Action -> Training Registrations -> Click on create/ edit.

All the employee Training registrations who were involved in all the training schedules in

the training module can be view from Training registrations.


You can also view the members who were attended the training like confirmed/Un

confirmed/ Attended and Feedback.

9. Communication:


Path: Communication -> Action

Employee will be able to communicate using the Messaging module, you will be able to

view the complete communicating details performed with in the organization with you.

You will also be able to view any news or articles published by your HR administrator.

You can also create groups and add people for group communication. Employee can also

mark events using the organizer and plan accordingly.

9.1 Inbox:

Path: - Messaging ->Action-> Inbox

You will be able to see all the communications which were sent by you and others. You

can wish to send reply directly to any post using the reply option. You can like or unlike

the message, mark as To-Do list for saving it later & done option to list in Archive

section. As seen in the below screenshot.

You can also follow fellow members from inbox to get the any updates whenever they

post. You can also search any post using the advanced search option on the top right


corner as seen in the screen shot. You can also join groups from the Suggested Groups

on the left to join any group within the organization.

9.2 To Me:

Path: - Messaging ->Action -> To Me

You will be able to view your personal messages listed inTo: Me section. You can find all

the messages which are sent by fellow employees or who are following you and you can

also reply from this section. You can like or unlike the message & mark as To-Do list for

saving it later. You can also join groups from the Suggested Groups on the left to join

any group within the organization as seen in the below screen.

9.3 To-do:

Path: - Messaging ->Action-> To-do

You will be able to view all your marked To-do list in the inbox or any message in the

feed. You will also be able to reply them. You can like or unlike the message & unmark

from To-Do list for deleting the message. You can also join groups from the suggested

groups on the left to join any group within the organization.

9.4 Archive:

Path: - Messaging ->Action -> Archive

You will be able to see the messages are in archive from the inbox or in To: Me section.

You can also move any messages listed in archive to Inbox again. As seen in the below



9.5 My Calendar:

Path: - Messaging -> Organizer -> My calendar

You will be able arrange all your scheduling from the organizer section where you can

plan your works accordingly. All the planned events can be also visible from the

dashboard in the calendar section. You can find all your earlier events from the list view

or form or Gantt view but with Gantt view you will be able to view in graphical

representation. You can also use the advanced search for a specific record from the

filters on the top right corner. The following screenshot will display the calendar screen.


You can also choose to have reminders, attendees, start and end date of the session also

you can choose to mark the event location wise. You can also choose to have the privacy

settings like public, private or public for employees while creating the event.

9.6 Join a group

Path: - Communication -> Action -> Join a group -> whole company

You can have all the communication done by the all the employees in the organization

using the whole company option. By default, every employee who was created in the

employee record can access this group. You can also perform the operation like reply,

like or unlike, mark as To-do list, archive, & move to inbox for the messages. As seen in

the below screenshot.


You can also search for any specific message using the advanced search on the top right

corner and follow any groups which are listed on the left panel.

You can have a group communication in ApHusys from the Join a group section, by

default all the groups which are existed in the organization will be displayed in this

section. You can create groups and add fellow employees or follow an existing group and

have a group communication with them.

You can also have the privacy settings or authorized group name and can also restrict

who can post like everyone or authenticated partners or followers only. As seen in the

above screen.


10. Projects and Timesheets:


10.1 Timesheets:

Path: Projects and Timesheets -> Action->Timesheets

The purpose of Timesheet is only to Save, and Submit the Tasks completed.

Provide the Timesheet Period, depending on the submission requirement (weekly /


Click on ‘Save’. All the Tasks & Work summaries falling in that period would be displayed

(along with number of hours worked automatically)

Note: Please ensure to fill the work summaries properly to reflect the no. of hours

correctly in the Timesheets.


10.2 Resource planner:

Path: - Projects and Timesheets-> Action ->Resource planner

Provide the following details:

• Plan Name

• Month

• Year

• Create Plan for (Either for All the Employee or for Specific group of Employee)


If the Plan is created for Set of Employees, you’ll get the following options to select:


After providing the details, click on Create Resource Plan which will display the list of

Employees along with their total Working hours available for that Month.

Allocate Resources: In order to reflect the Allocation details after a Project is created,

click on Allocate Resources which will calculate the Employee working hours and the

available hours

Modify Resources: To make changes in the existing Resource Plan, click on Modify


More: Click on this option to Delete or Duplicate the planner for the next month.


10.3 Project:

Path: Projects and Timesheets -> Action-> Create Provide the following details:

Project Manager can create the project, define the project tasks, assign them to the

employees and keep a track till the completion of the project.

Project Creation:

Customer: Provide the client / customer of the respective Project

Project Type: This is created only by the Project Admin.

As a Project Manager, select the type of the project from the predefined fields

Project Code


Start Date & End Date

Team: Click on ‘Add an item’ to select the Team members of the Project. Also, before

selecting, you can check the available working hours of an Employee.


Other Info: The privacy settings of the Project can be chosen here.

Project Stages: The stages for the Project must be added here in the required


Note: Once the Project is saved, the stages cannot be changed / deleted. Only the User

with Project Admin privilege will be able to edit the Stages


Resource Allocation After the Project Admin creates a Resource Planner for the

respective month, the Project Manager must allocate the number of hours to work on the

specific Project for each Team Member in Resource Allocation Data

The following details must be provided for each Resource Allocation:

Project Member

Start Date & End Date specific to the Resource assigned

Frequency (Daily or Weekly)

Number of Hours


Tasks allocation:

To create a Task and assign it to the Team Member, click on ‘Add an item’ and fill the

following details:

Task Name, assigned to, Reviewer, Start Date & Due Date of the Task, Task Category (if

any), Description of the Task, Extra Info (Priority, Sequence of the Task), and Comments

(if any) Task Creation.

The Assigned team member can fill the worked details in the Work Summary

Work Summary: To fill the work details, click on Add an item

• Time Spent (hh:mm format) – Provide the time spent of each sub-task


• Date – Select the sub-task date specify the time by moving the toggle in Hour &


10.4Project tasks:

Path: Projects and Timesheets -> Action->Project tasks

The Task thus created can be checked and managed through the Project Task. To check

the status of the Task assigned across multiple Projects.


The Stages of each Task can be changed by dragging the Task box.

These Tasks can be viewed as per your requirement by choosing the Filters or Group By


10.5 Timesheets Approval:

Path: Projects and Timesheets -> Action->Timesheets Approval

The Reporting Manager can validate and Approve / Refuse the Timesheet through the

below path: HRIS module -> Timesheets & Projects -> Timesheets Approval.

The Attendance (i.e. worked hours through Punch In & Out) is captured here as a

reference to check the difference between the assigned hours and actual worked hours

of a User. To view the attendance falling in the Timesheet Period defined, click on the

Attendance tab

Note: The Attendance record here is only for viewing purpose. It is recommended not to

delete or add any record here.


10.6 Tasks Analysis:

Path: Projects and Timesheets ->Report->Tasks analysis

Can extract the analysis of tasks by using the required filters.




11.1 Job Positions:

Recruitment -> Action -> Job Position

Enter the Position Name, Department, Company Name, Company Location, Recruiter

(who is handling the job position recruitment), Role (Job Role), Client Name (For which

client the job position is being created), Client email id, No. of Positions, Positions Filled,

Positions joined, Project (For which project job position is being created), SPOC (Single

point of contact), Select the Category, Skills Required, IT/ NON IT (Job Position type),

Employee Type, Job Type, Requisition Date, Requisition Date, Requisition End Date,

Salary, Experience, Work Timing, Lead Time, Service Charges, Service Fee, Job

Description, Skills Sets, Responsibilities, Recruitment Stages, Comments.


11.2 Publish Jobs:

Recruitment -> Action -> Job Position -> Publish Jobs

After creating the Job Position, publish the created job position in job portals (like Naukri

by clicking on “Publish Jobs” button in Job Position screen. In order to do post jobs

directly from ApHusys to job portal, the integration of ApHusys with job portal is


The posted jobs will be displayed, and applicant can apply to the jobs from the portal

looks like as shown in the below screenshot.


11.3 Synchronization (Sync Applicants):

Recruitment -> Action -> Job Position -> Sync Applicants

After publishing the jobs by click on the “Sync Applicants” button in Job Position screen,

HR can view and access the number of applicants, documents of applicants who have

applied to the published job position on job portal like Naukri.

11.4 Applicant Management:

Recruitment -> Action ->Applicant Management

In the applicant management screen, if ApHusys is integrated with job portal like Naukri,

the HR can see all the applicants' records for the respective job position and documents

can be viewed/downloaded.


The applicant details can be entered manually in Applicant Management screen, if

ApHusys not integrated with the job portal.

In Interview Tracker, HR can select the different interview status:

Interview scheduled, Interview rejected, No show interview, Interview on Hold, Interview

selected, Shortlisted from the predefined list displayed.


Interview Tracker: Enter stage name, interview round, interview type (Internal/

External), interview on, Status, Recommendation, comments.

Interview rejected, No show interview: Give the application summary.

Interview selected or Shortlisted: If the candidate is selected, the Offer tracker tab will

be enabled. In that tab select the offer status.

Offer Tracker: HR can select refused/dropped out negotiations fail, offer rejected, drop

out from predefined list.

HR can select Offer Status: Offered, offer accepted, joined etc. from the predefined list

and can enter the joining details.



11.5 Recruitment Analysis:

Recruitment ->Report ->Recruitment Analysis

This report displays the Recruitment stages (Offered, Accepted, Refused, etc.) with the


11.6 Recruitment status:

Recruitment ->Report ->Recruitment status

In this report the recruitment status with the client name, recruiter name and the job

positions status (Joined, Accepted, Rejected, Dropped out, etc.) count can be viewed.

11.7 Job position status:

Recruitment -> Report ->Job position status

HR can view the job status (Open/ Closed) of the job position for all the clients with

different type of views like Table, Bar chart, pie chart, and line chart.

11.8 Client status report:

Recruitment ->Report ->Client status report

HR can view the report with the client names and status.

11.9 Job closure status:

Recruitment ->Report ->Job closure status

HR can view the Number of job positions hired by the clients, can view the job position

closed date, join date, position name and client name with different of views like Table,

Bar chart, pie chart, and line chart.

11.10 Recruitment productivity:

Recruitment ->Report ->Recruitment productivity

HR can view the report stages conducted by the recruiter with job category, job position

name, application status, candidates name with different of views like Table, Bar chart,

pie chart, and line chart.

11.11 Today and upcoming interviews:


Recruitment ->Report -> Today and upcoming interviews

HR can check the scheduled interviews for today and upcoming interviews.


11.12 Interview Rounds:

Recruitment -> Configuration -> Interview Rounds

In interview rounds, there can be any number of interview rounds created based on the


11.13 Applicant Ratings:

Recruitment -> Configuration -> Applicant Ratings

In Applicant ratings, an HR User can create the ratings (Excellent 9-10, Good 7-8,

Acceptable 5-6, Not acceptable > less than 5) with name and rate in numbers (5, 6, 7,

8, 9, 10) as per requirement.

11.14 Interview Result:

Recruitment -> Configuration -> Interview Result

The interview results like (Shortlisted, Selected, Rejected) can be created.

11.15 Resume Status:

Recruitment -> Configuration -> Resume Status

In this menu different resume status (Submitted, screening) can be created.

11.16 Resume Source:

Recruitment -> Configuration ->Resume Source

The Resume Sources like Portals (Naukri, Monster etc.), Reference, Walkins, Campus

Drive, Advertisement can be created from this menu.


ApHusys Mobile Application

Employees can log onto the application from their mobiles by installing the ApHusys

Mobile Application from the Android Play Store.

Steps to access the Mobile app:

1. Search for 'ApHusys Mobile' in the Play Store

2. Download the mobile app from the Play Store


3. Enter your login credentials:

You'll need to use the same Username and Password you use to login through the web

application. Instance name would be the first part of your web URL. For example, if your

URL is then the instance name would be 'abc'.

Note: Always the instance name should be in lower case

4. Key Features:


Talk to Oma. Oma can perform a whole bunch of different tasks. So, you can just ask

your question or say your command using the voice search option as well.

Below are a few of the basic commands you can use to get started:

Dashboard: Quick access to the required modules.

Leave: User can apply for leave; check you balance and the summary of all your leaves.

Pay slips: User can check your pay slips for each month

Helpdesk: User can raise a ticket through this regarding any issue

Expenses: User can request for a reimbursement.

5. My Profile: Basic view of employee’s profile.


6. Inbox: Employee can view the updates in the Company and can make a quick

message and post it.

Communicate: Instant chat option, by clicking on the chat (highlighted) on top right

side of the application.


7. Punch In & Punch Out: User can Punch in and Punch Out.

8.Holiday List: Employee can view the Holiday list.


9.Payslips: Employee can view the Payslips.

10.Helpdesk: Employee can create a ticket from the Helpdesk.


11.Expenses: Employee can create expense request from the expenses.

12.Leaves: Employee can view the status of the applied leaves and can create a leave



13.My Leave Balance: Employee can view the leave balance.

14. IT form16: Employee can view the Form16.


If the employee is also a Reporting Manager, then they can select on toggle button on

the left side of the application to access/view the Reporting Manager’s Dashboard and

other features.

15.Expenses: Reporting Manager can view the expense requests of their direct reports.


16.Expense Details: Reporting Manager can view the expense request details of their

direct reports.

17.Leave Approvals: Reporting Manager can check the status of the direct report’s

leave requests and can Approve/Refuse the Leave Requests.


18.Leaves Details: Reporting Manager can view the applied leaves details of the direct


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